90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #31

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #728

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick of The Late Night

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Brutal Inca Elites Mounted Little Girls Skulls To Gain Power

The Inca Empire was the largest and most extensive ancient society that ever lived in the Americas, but a new report says the elites ruled with the constant threat of extreme violence.

In author Kim MacQuarrie’s book Los últimos días de los incas it is said “ Pizarro and his men had achieved a new milestone of violence in the New World with the killing of nearly seven thousand indigenous people in just a few hours”. Nevertheless, once you’ve read this article you might agree that long before the Spanish arrived, Inca rulers had become highly-experienced themselves, when it came to brutally murdering innocent and defenseless ‘Inca’ children.

Little Girls Heads Chosen As ‘Trophy Skulls’

At its peak the Inca Empire ranged from modern-day Colombia in the north all the way south to Chile, and the new study which was published by a team of researchers, from the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural in Chile, in Latin American Antiquity set out to answer ‘how’ exactly Inca rulers maintained control over such a vast territory. The ‘Late Horizon’ defines a period in Inca history between the years 1476 AD and 1534 AD and the new scientific paper presented evidence in this time frame of “new forms of ideological violence emerging at the fringes of the Inca Empire ”.

A Science Alert article discussing the new paper says anthropologists Francisco Garrido and Catalina Morales analyzed “four severed and fragmented skulls dated to the Late Horizon era”, that were found in 2003 buried without their bodies in a prehispanic village called Iglesia Colorada, the largest settlement in the Copiapó Valley, in northern Chile.

A fragmentary trophy skull with drilled hole modifications. (F. Garrido & C. Morales / Fair Use )

Citing the new study, Nature reports that “four female skulls were found, three of which were from young women and the other was from a child” and holes had been punched into the skulls. These puncture wounds indicated the skulls may had been strung together on a rope and they were ultimately “thrown onto a trash pile”.

The skulls had been modified in several other ways including “orifices in the cranium vault and defleshing marks in the mandible” and these specific wounds can be accounted for if the skulls had been ritually mounted on sharpened poles as trophy heads , projecting fear and...

Girls With Guns

Sometimes Daddy Takes Private Planes To....

Yo Mama So Dumb...

Chelsea Clinton And The Oval Orifice...

Being Clinton...

Keep America Great!

You Sacrifice To Put Your Child Through College And...

Illegal alien raped Maryland girl, 16, at knifepoint in her bedroom, police say

An illegal immigrant alien in Maryland is alleged to have crawled into the bed of a teenage girl while she was taking a nap and placed a knife against her throat before proceeding to rape her, according to authorities.

Federal officials have requested to keep the man in custody.

The Montgomery County Police Department said Nelson Saul Reyes-Medrano, 46, is charged with first-degree rape, sex abuse of a minor, and first-degree assault in connection with the late August 2018 attack.

A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman told Fox News that Reyes-Medrano was living in the U.S. illegally and the federal law enforcement agency has lodged a detainer against him.

Local police said the victim, who was 16 at the time, was taking a nap at the apartment where Reyes-Medrano also lived when she felt someone else get on the bed. She opened her eyes and saw the 46-year-old had positioned himself on top of her.

"Take your clothes off," Reyes-Medrano allegedly told the victim twice according to...

More Do As I Say, Not As I Do...


Months after the U.S. Sentencing Commission revealed most federal crimes are executed by Hispanics and involve immigrants and drugs, the Department of Justice (DOJ) reports that foreigners accounted for the vast majority of federal arrests last year. Furthermore, apprehensions in the five judicial districts along the Mexican border, home to a quarter of all drug cases in 2018, have nearly doubled in the last decade. It doesn’t end there; the number of Central Americans captured by federal authorities in the five border districts tripled in one year alone and has risen 30-fold in the last two decades. During the same period, the apprehension of Mexican citizens also increased significantly.

The disturbing figures were released this month by the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, the government agency responsible for collecting crime data. In a 25-page report the agency outlines a distressing trend of criminal activity involving foreign nationals, revealing that non-U.S. citizens accounted for 64% of all federal arrests in 2018. “From 1998 to 2018, the share of all federal arrests by country of citizenship rose from 28% to 40% for Mexican citizens, rose from 1% to 20% for citizens of Central American countries, and fell from 63% to 36% for U.S. citizens,” the DOJ report states. The document uses tables and graphs to show an alarming increase in immigration crimes, from 20,942 back in 1998 to 58,031 in 2017 and an astonishing jump to 108,667 by 2018, marking a breathtaking 418.9% increase in two decades.

The five judicial districts along the Mexican border—California, Arizona, New Mexico and western and southern Texas—have experienced an eye-popping 539.6% in immigration-related arrests in the last two decades. Thousands are of “unknown citizenship,” according to the federal statistics, which show a spike of 202 aliens from unknown countries to 6,657 in a few years. Besides immigration violations, drug offenses appear to be the most popular crimes committed by non-U.S. citizens, followed by fraud, alien smuggling and misuse of visas. The overwhelming majority of perpetrators are young men like the ones marching north in the Central American caravan. Judicial Watch traveled to the Guatemala-Honduras border last fall and reported that the caravan mostly included young men. Guatemalan authorities confirmed that human smugglers, violent gang members and other criminal elements are incorporated in the highly organized caravans and the federal statistics indicate it’s a problem that predates the latest convoy.

The updated figures from the DOJ come just a few months after a separate government reportdisclosed that most federal crimes are executed by Hispanics, involve immigrants and drugs. In that equally alarming document, the U.S. Sentencing Commission disclosed that nearly half of all...

Hello Bigots!

This Is Depraved Sickness If I Have Ever Seen It.

Unwilling To Date Because Of "Hate"? 

A "Straight Male" Is Attracted To Biological Females, Stable, Well-Adjusted Biological Females, Not Gay Men Who Are Unable To Accept They Are Gay.

No Means No. Stop The Twisted Propaganda.