90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Report: Colt to Cease AR-15 Production for the Civilian Market

Colt Firearms has reportedly decided to cease AR-15 production for the civilian market.

This will mark the end to some of the most iconic AR-15s ever, as Colts were a go-to AR for consumers as America’s love for the modern sporting rifle emerged in the late 20th century.

Guns.com reports Colt senior VP Paul Spitale indicated the company is shifting away from ARs and toward the class 1911, Colt revolvers, and other guns Americans want for concealed carry. Spitale said:

We’re going to focus on the products that our consumers are asking for. We’ve expanded our 1911s and our revolver line, and that market has been very positive for us.

Shooting Illustrated quoted Spitale saying Colt’s decision to refocus production was based on “customer feedback.”

Spitale made clear Colt’s position on making rifles for civilians could be reversed in the future, if the market changes to support a higher production of...

It's OK To Pollute As Long As You Aren't America...

Or The Western World...
The Hypocrisy is Real...
The Agenda Is Real...

Germans Display ‘F*ck You Greta’ Bumper Stickers to Protest Being Lectured About Global Warming

ILHAN OMAR’S MINNESOTA: Roving Mobs Target Drunk People in Minneapolis for Vicious Gang Assaults

Minneapolis is getting enriched.

Minneapolis police are asking their City Council to fund 14 more officers to deal with a crime wave, as mobs of roving young men are regularly targeting drunk men for vicious gang beat-downs.

Law enforcement are requesting three more investigators, eight additional neighborhood outreach officers, and three more traffic enforcement personnel. Mayor Jacob Frey is standing with Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, arguing that more officers are necessary to deal with this growing problem.

Business owners have complained about the gang beat-downs, which may be racially motivated. One recent instance occurred at Target Field Plaza and happened in broad daylight. It involved a group of African-American men targeting a lone Caucasian individual, knocking him unconscious, stomping his body, throwing a potted plant on him, and then crushing him with a bicycle during a robbery.

The footage can be seen here:

Democrats Sue IRAN Over The Right To Use "Death To America!"

Desperate Dems turning to fatally flawed Warren

Okay, so Joe Biden is proving such an embarrassment that he can’t be trusted to remain plausibly coherent for the 14 long moths until the election. And Kamala Harris, the Great Intersectional Hope, is so transparently phony that voters are abandoning her. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is no longer the anti-Hillary alternative that he was in 2016, and his cranky persona is wearing thin.

So, what’s a member of the Democrats’ gentry – the educated professional classes – to do? Steven Hayward of Powerline, a very astute observer, thinks that Elizabeth Warren is the next candidate who will take the lead.

Pollster Mark Murray points out that only 9 percent of Democrats say their mind is made up; Warren has emerged as the leading second-choice candidate if Biden stumbles, and Warren’s supporters show the highest intensity/enthusiasm level, which is always something successful campaigns build on. You can almost sense the media starting to get behind her. Biden has the look of Bob Dole in 1996: an old party warhorse that Democrats might accept, but without great enthusiasm, as this chart shows:

She’s lefty like Bernie, but with an intellectual veneer that comes with having been a tenured professor at Harvard Law School. That she snagged that prestigious job by faking Native American heritage is her first fatal flaw. Blacks, who comprise a quarter of the Democrats’ vote in presidential elections, are simply not going to turn out for someone who appropriated victim status and the preferences that accompany it today. It’s not just an “uphill” struggle, as The Hill delicately puts it, it’s a futile struggle.

Black turnout either makes or breaks a Democrat running for president. This skinny, white, old lady is just not going to inspire a lot of African-Americans.

And now, seeking feminist credibility, she is turning on the male half of the population:

Miranda Device elaborates in The New York Post:
Elizabeth Warren made the political calculation this week that she doesn’t need men to win the presidency.

“We’re not here today because of famous arches or famous men,” she told a rally in Washington Square Park Monday night.

“In fact, we’re not here because of men at all,” she said, emphasizing the “m” word like an expletive.

Great. Then she won’t mind if men don’t vote for her, nor women who like men.

It’s a losing strategy, taken straight out of the playbook of Hillary Clinton, from whom, reportedly and inexplicably, Warren has been taking advice.
Millions of American women showed in 2016 that they weren’t prepared to vote for Clinton just because she had a second X chromosome. White, noncollege-educated women in particular voted almost 2-to-1 for Donald Trump in 2016.

Most likely, they didn’t approve of the denigration of their menfolk as “deplorables” abusing “white male privilege” when the truth is that...

That Moment You Realize All Language And Actions Are Weaponized By The Left...

It Only Matters When A Non-Leftist Does It...

Health fears prompt Swiss 5G revolt

Switzerland was among the first countries to begin deploying 5G, but health fears over radiation from the antennas that carry the next-generation mobile technology have sparked a nationwide revolt.

Demonstrators against the technology are due to fill the streets of Bern later this month, but already a number of cantons have been pressured to put planned constructions of 5G-compatible antennae on ice.

related: 5G Danger: Hundreds Of Respected Scientists Sound The Alarm About Health Effects As 5G Networks Go Up Nationwide

The technology has been swept up in the deepening trade war between China and the United States, which has tried to rein in Chinese giant Huawei -- the world's leader in superfast 5G equipment -- over fears it will allow Beijing to spy on communications from countries that use its products and services.

But far from the clash of the titans, a growing number of Swiss are voicing alarm at possible health effects from exposure to the electromagnetic rays radiating from the new antennae, and are threatening to put the issue to a referendum in the country famous for its direct democratic system.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

In February, Switzerland took a big step towards deployment when it attributed 5G frequencies to three major operators, Swisscom, Sunrise and Salt, allowing the country to rake in revenues of nearly 380 million Swiss francs ($384 million, 350 million euros).

High on their success, the operators raced to trumpet on television advertisements and billboards that the cutting-edge technology would be available this year in cities, in the countryside and even in mountainous regions.

By early July, 334 antennae stations for 5G were operational across the country, authorities told AFP.

- Referendum? -

But the rollout has run into some serious hurdles.

Several cantons including Geneva have buckled to pressure from online petitioners demanding a halt to construction of the 5G infrastructure.

But while no new antennae are being built in parts of the country, the operators are still converting existing 4G antennae for 5G use -- something they can do without authorisation.

National carrier Swisscom thus says it expects 90 percent of...

I Like My Guns Like The Left Likes Their Voters...


Poll: 3-in-4 Swing Voters Oppose Democrats’ Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Nearly three-in-four swing voters say they oppose giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens living in the United States, along with a majority of whites, black Americans, Hispanics, Republicans, and Democrats, a new poll finds.

The latest Harvard/Harris Poll reveals overwhelming opposition against state’s allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses, across racial, geographic, socioeconomic, and political divides. In fact, every demographic in the U.S. opposes driver’s licenses for illegal aliens by a majority except voters who identify as “liberal.”

Overall, 72 percent of all U.S. voters said they oppose allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses, including 74 percent of swing voters, 85 percent of GOP voters, and 73 percent of self-described “moderates.” Even Democrat voters, by a majority of almost 60 percent, said illegal aliens should not be allowed to obtain driver’s licenses.

About two-in-three black Americans said they oppose giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, as well as 76 percent of white Americans. Though supporting driver’s licenses for illegal aliens by a larger margin, the majority of Hispanic Americans, 57 percent, said they oppose such a policy.

The findings come as elected Democrats in various blue states have made giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens a fixture of their agenda.

Most recently, Democrats in New York state voted to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens despite a majority of New Yorkers opposing the policy. Experts have said that the law will soon allow illegal aliens to more easily vote in local and state elections.

Currently, the open borders lobby is pushing for similar legislation to be passed in Pennsylvania that would allow the state’s 170,000 illegal aliens to all eventually be eligible for driver’s licenses.

In California, where illegal aliens have been allowed to obtain driver’s licenses since 2015, voter fraud has become...

Second ‘Blackface’ Photo of Justin Trudeau Emerges

Double trouble.

A second ‘blackface’ photograph of Justin Trudeau has emerged showing the Canadian Prime Minister dressed as a black man during his performance of ‘Day-O’.

Trudeau was embroiled in controversy last night after a photo emerged of him dressed as an Arab for an ‘Arabian Nights’ theme party in 2001.

The Prime Minister was teaching at an elite private school when the photo was taken.

Trudeau was forced to admit that this was not the only time he had blacked up, referring to another incident during which he dressed up as a black man and sang the Banana Boat Song (Day-O) in a faux Jamaican accent.

That picture from Trudeau’s college days has now been leaked too.

“Sources have confirmed to me that this is THE picture of @JustinTrudeau in blackface from high school that he referenced in his press conference. From the year book at Brebeuf college,” tweeted journalist Evan Solomon.

Trudeau appears to have darkened his skin and is wearing a fake afro wig.
Exclusive. Sources have confirmed to me that this is THE picture of ⁦@JustinTrudeau⁩ in blackface from high school that he referenaced in his press conference. From the year book at Brebeuf college. He is singing Day Oh apparently.
View image on Twitter
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Trudeau’s apology included his assertion that, “I didn’t consider it racist at the time, but now we know better.”

This illustrates how the PM has become another victim of the ‘progressive’ retroactive purity test, the rules to which are updated daily with no one being able to keep up with them.

Identity politics eats its own again. Glorious....

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #52

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