90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hot Pick of The Late Night

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why is teen climate activist off limits, but innocent Covington kids fair game?

While conservatives have some points of contention with Swedish teen Greta Thunberg’s rabid climate change activism, leftists are accusing them of outright attacking the child activist.
Attacking CHILDREN (because make no mistake, a 16 year old is a child) for any reason, especially political, is a gross look for anyone. If you can’t make your point w/o attacking a child, keep your mouth shut.

See Hannah Griffin's other Tweets
Caring about things is whack

So is using a child with aspergers to try to propel an agenda of outrage culture

So are cons attacking children

See bad takes by ric™️'s other Tweets

Right. My point. Sarcasm is not an attack. Oh wait. For liberals it is. As well as the truth.
He is blatantly making fun of a child. He holds the highest office in the US and this is how he spends his time? Making fun of children on Twitter?

See Scarrkayy's other Tweets
But several right-leaning pundits have noticed that there is a glaring discrepancy between how Thunberg is being treated by conservatives, and how Nick Sandmann was treated after the media picked up on edited footage of the Covington Catholic School students just standing there.

The same people who say we can’t criticize 16-year old ANTIFA climate activist Greta Von Thunburg

...Spent months shamelessly attacking the Covington Catholic High School kids—just because they supported our president


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The Covington boys did nothing more than stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and look what the left did to them

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Girls With Guns

Another Untouchable Religion Has Been Borne....

I Blaspheme This False Religion.


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Black teacher who objected to ‘white privilege’ training wins $525,000 settlement after retaliation from school

Aaron Benner, a black teacher from St. Paul, Minnesota, won a large settlement with the St. Paul School District last week over retaliation he faced for speaking out against the district’s race-based student discipline policies.

The St. Paul School Board approved a $525,000 payout last Tuesday to settle a federal lawsuit Brenner filed in 2017 alleging the district forced him out of his teaching position with numerous bogus personnel investigations in the 2014-15 school year, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports.

Benner argued the investigations came in retaliation for complaints to the school board about race-based student discipline policies implemented by then Superintendent Valeria Silva and promoted by President Obama. The discipline policies aimed to reduce suspensions of black students by lowering the expectations for behavior and increasing the threshold for suspensions, something Benner repeatedly, publicly argued was against the best interests of black students.

The “restorative justice” approach to student discipline was accompanied by “white privilege” teacher training sessions that cost the district taxpayers more than $3 million. Those sessions focused on the “white privilege” theory that the public education system is hopelessly stacked against black students, who shouldn’t be held accountable for poor academics or bad behavior.

In St. Paul and hundreds of schools across the country, the “white privilege” training sessions were conducted by Pacific Educational Group, also known as PEG.

“PEG was hired by SPPS in 2010 to help close the achievement gap. PEG makes no secret that its prescription for closing the gap is based on the Critical Race Theory. This theory argues that racism is so ingrained in the American way of life – its economy, schools, and government – that things must be made unequal in order to compensate for...

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