90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Kurdish militia trained Antifa fighters in Northern Syria

New details have emerged regarding Antifa’s ties to the Kurdish militia in Northern Syria. One America’s Jack Posobiec explains from Washington D.C.

PKK = Hard Core Communists.

When You Corner The RATS...

Put Them All In GITMO.

The Last Gasp of Red Hollywood - A Rant

Supporting The NBA Is Like Stabbing Yourself In the Throat...

6 facts about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China

Peter Schweizer, best-selling author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends” and Jacob McLeod, a senior researcher with the Government Accountability Institute, explain Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China when his father was vice president.

The furor over Trump’s call for Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden’s business has brought the spotlight back to the former second family’s international dealings.

While his Ukrainian business is currently receiving most of the attention, Hunter’s dealings in China deserve at least as much scrutiny.

Trained as a lawyer at Yale, Hunter had primarily worked as a lobbyist and consultant. His previous foray into financial services, Paradigm Global Advisors, was linked to Stanford Financial, a multibillion dollar Ponzi scheme.

In 2009, Hunter co-founded a new venture, Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont and Hunter were given extraordinary opportunities in China while his father was vice president. Here are some key facts:

1. Joe Biden met with Hunter’s Chinese partners days before they established a new investment firm.

In December 2013, Hunter landed in Beijing aboard Air Force Two, accompanying his father on an official visit to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter’s company, Rosemont Seneca, became a partner in a new investment company backed by the state-owned Bank of China.

Christening the new firm Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), the partners set out to raise $1 billion for the new fund.

Representatives of the Biden family have denied any connection between the vice president’s visit and Hunter’s business. However, a BHR representative told The New Yorker earlier this year that Hunter used the opportunity to introduce his father to Chinese private equity executive Jonathan Li, who became CEO of BHR after the deal’s conclusion.

2. BHR is a multibillion-dollar enterprise.

Exceeding their initial fundraising goal, the partners at BHR raised their target to $1.5 billion for the new fund. The company’s website now brags that it manages “over RMB 15 billion” in assets — the equivalent of about $2.1 billion in today’s dollars.

Under the terms of the deal, BHR, in which Hunter’s firm held an equity stake, would be a lead investor in the fund. Other investors include China Development Bank and China’s social security fund.Enlarge ImageJoe Biden waves as he walks off Air Force Two with his son Hunter and granddaughter Finnegan.Getty Images

3. Hunter and his partners had prominent roles within the company.

Despite his relative lack of private equity experience, Hunter landed a prominent role with the new company. Under the terms of the original deal, Rosemont Seneca, Hunter’s firm, shared a 30% stake in BHR with the Thornton Group, which was run by James Bulger, the son of longtime Massachusetts state Senate President Billy Bulger. Hunter and Bulger joined the board, along with Devon Archer, Hunter’s longtime business partner. Archer would also serve as vice chairman of the fund’s investment committee.

The value of these partnerships to BHR is clear. Its own website boasts: “BHR, with its unique mixed ownership, combines the resources and platforms of China’s largest financial institutions … and the networks and know-how of our U.S.-based investment fund and advisory firm shareholders.”

Hunter Biden claimed to the New Yorker that he and his partners have not seen any money from the BHR deal. But even if true, the potential payouts are...

Who Does The CIA And FBI Work For?

Rogue Agencies That Have Been Politicized And Have No Accountability.

10 Facts About America’s Worst Serial Killer Samuel Little

On October 7th 2019, the FBI confirmed that Samuel Little is the most prolific serial killer in U.S history. Investigators had verified 50 murders based on the serial killer’s confessions. Now aged 79-years-old, he was already serving three consecutive life sentences at California State Prison when he confessed to murdering 93 women across 19 states between 1970 and 2005.

Despite being relatively unknown to the public; his killing spree now ranks him above other notorious monsters such as Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Gary Ridgway as the worst serial killer in America.

10The Real Victim Count Is Still Unknown

Samuel Little managed to hunt down and kill 93 women then get away with it for close to four decades. Shockingly, the real victim count might be even higher than the current confirmed numbers as the FBI is still working on other murder cases they believe are also connected to the serial killer. Christie Palazzolo, a crime analyst with the FBI’s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, or ViCAP, is currently piecing together a timeline of his whereabouts along with cold cases around the same time and location. She said, “Even though he is already in prison, the FBI believes it is important to seek justice for each victim—to close every case possible.” As the crimes stretch across many states, the task has took years of hard work as in many cases they don’t have a body. The task has also been difficult as states such as Ohio had destroyed missing person reports made prior to 1990. Little said he found the city of Cleveland to be the easiest to get away with murder, confessing, “They didn’t give a f— if you killin’ over there.”[1] 

9He Thought Nobody Would Report The Missing Victims

Little managed to evade capture for so long as he selected only vulnerable victims he believed no one was accounting for—female sex workers and drug addicts. Many victims were unidentified and their deaths were not investigated by police. He would pick up his selected victim before driving them to a secluded area where they were beaten and strangled. Their bodies dumped in alleyways and behind dumpsters—wherever he chose to discard them. He chillingly explained in a confessional video interview, “They was broke and homeless and they walked right into my spider web.”In a separate interview with journalist Jillian Lauren for the New York Times, he told her, “I never killed no senators or governors or fancy New York journalists. Nothing like that. I killed you, it’d be all over the news the next day. I stayed in the ghettos.”[2]

8Former Competitive Boxer Turned Serial 

Born June 7th, 1940, in Reynolds, Georgia, Little said his mother was a “lady of the night” and investigators believe he was born in jail during one of his teenage mother’s arrests. He claimed she abandoned him on the side of a dirt road and was instead raised by his grandmother in Lorain, Ohio. In high school, he had problems with discipline and was held in an institution for juvenile offenders after breaking and entering into properties. He eventually dropped out of school and took up amateur boxing with dreams of becoming like his hero Sugar Ray Robinson. As a light-heavyweight prize fighter, he was known for his speed and earned the nicknames “Mad Daddy” and “Mad Machine”. Later in life he used these skills to get away with murder. When it came to his female victims, he would knock them out cold with one punch before strangling them—this often meant there was no “obvious signs” that a murder had taken place. The cause of death was often wrongly listed as overdoses or accidental.[3]

7A History Of Violence

Little had a history of violence dating back to 1956. The long list of criminal charges included shoplifting, fraud, breaking and entering, assault and false imprisonment. In 1984, he was arrested in San Diego for kidnapping, beating and strangling 22-year-old Laurie Barros—she was one of the lucky few survivors. A month later, a police officer found him in his car with an unconscious woman who had also been beaten and strangled. He served just two and a half years for both attempted murder charges and moved to Los Angeles following his release. In September 2012, he was arrested on a narcotics charge whilst at a homeless shelter in Kentucky and then extradited to California. When police collected his DNA, they matched him with three unsolved murders between 1987 and 1989. He claimed he was innocent but witnesses who had barely survived his attacks began to come forward to testify. In 2014, he was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole—that was just the beginning of what was about to unfold.[4]

6He Finally Confessed To A Texas Ranger

The FBI is well-trained in extracting a confession from cold-blooded killers but despite more than 700 hours spent interviewing Little, they never got him to admit to his crimes. Then along came Ranger James Holland who did the impossible and managed to coax Little into spilling all his secrets. For 48 straight days, the two men sat in a room together as Little confessed to 65 of his murders whilst they shared pizzas together. Due to these confessions, judges and prosecutors across multiple states have been able to close long-standing cold cases.Holland said Little was a calculated killer, he revealed, “He was so good at what he did. You know, ‘How did you get away with it, Sammy?’ Did the crime, left town. The first thing I picked up on is how wicked smart he was.” Adding, “Nothing he’s ever said has been proven to be wrong or false. We’ve been able to prove up almost everything he said.”[5] 

5He Targeted Mostly...

NBA Now Requiring All Players To Stand For Chinese National Anthem...

 At This Point, Might As Well...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #75

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #772

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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