90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, December 23, 2019

Attorney General Barr Blasts Soros For Stoking Hatred Of Police

"They have started to win in a number of cities and they have, in my view, not given the proper support to the police."

That is the warning that Attorney General William Barr has for Americans, as he told Fox News' Martha MacCallum in a recent interview that liberal billionaire George Soros has been bankrolling radical prosecutor candidates in cities across the country.

"There's this recent development [where] George Soros has been coming in, in largely Democratic primaries where there has not been much voter turnout and putting in a lot of money to elect people who are not very supportive of law enforcement and don't view the office as bringing to trial and prosecuting criminals but pursuing other social agendas," Barr told Martha MacCallum.

Specifically, Barr warned that if the trend continues, it will lead to more violent crime, ading that the process of electing these prosecutors will likely cause law enforcement officers to consider whether the leadership in their municipality "has their back."

"They can either stop policing or they can move to a jurisdiction more hospitable," he said.

"We could find ourselves in a position that communities that are not supporting the police may not get the police protection they need.

The Washington Post recently reported that while two Virginia prosecutorial candidates - funded by Soros' Justice and Public Safety PAC - have never prosecuted a case in a state court, they beat candidates with more than...

A Tale Of Two POTUS


BEAVERTON, OR (KPTV) – Beaverton police have identified a 72-year-old woman stabbed and killed during a robbery at a Wells Fargo in Beaverton.

Officers have also identified three people hurt during Salvador Martinez-Romero’s alleged crime spree Wednesday morning, which spanned from Beaverton into Tigard and included two carjackings, according to law enforcement.

Janet Risch, of Beaverton, died Wednesday at the bank in the Murrayhill Marketplace off Southwest Teal Boulevard. Risch was a customer at the bank, police confirm.

Risch’s daughter, Debra Thompson, 52, also of Beaverton, was critically injured during the robbery, according to police.

Ian Day, 26, was hurt when Martinez-Romero, 20, stole his car from the parking lot of the Planet Fitness, which is located in the same shopping center, police said.

Martinez-Romero drove Day’s car south into Tigard, later stealing another vehicle near Southwest Walnut Street, according to police. The owner of that vehicle, Martha Bashir, 50, was transported to an area hospital and later released. Day was also hospitalized and released.

Martinez-Romero drove Bashir’s vehicle to the 11700 block of Highway 99 in Tigard, where he tried to run from officers on foot, according to law enforcement. He was unsuccessful and now faces charges including murder, attempted murder, and two counts of first-degree robbery.

Thompson remains in critical but stable condition at an area hospital, according to police. The Washington County Major Crimes Team was on scene for...

Commie Pope Angers People with Latest Push for More Globalism

The pope is at it again.

Pope Francis seems to believe he’s a politician first and a pope second, as I see it.

He thinks he’s some kind of progressive revolutionary — and is always eager to push the Left’s agenda, whether it’s climate change, open borders (while he lives behind a wall), or accepting refugees into Europe.

The pope cares about spreading globalism — an ideology that has hurt more people than help.

Now, the pope is saying that the key to building a “peaceful world” is globalism and multiculturalism.

The pope is calling for “one single humanity.”

In my view, he’s an elite globalist who is being used as a puppet to push the progressive agenda and destroy the traditions of the Catholic Church.

Here’s how Breitbart shared the latest news on this:
Pope Francis reiterated his belief [on] Friday that a multilateral and globalist approach to geopolitics is the key to world peace.

“Trust in dialogue between people and between nations, in multilateralism, in the role of international organizations, in diplomacy as an instrument for comprehension and understanding, is indispensable for building a peaceful world,” the pontiff said in a video-message recorded in the company of António Guterres, secretary general of the United Nations.

The back-to-back messages underscored the deep agreement between the two leaders regarding the importance of streamlining migration, combatting climate change, and eliminating nuclear weapons.

“It is necessary to recognize ourselves as members of a single humanity and take care of our earth that, generation after generation, has been entrusted to us by God in custody so that we cultivate it and leave it in inheritance to our children,” Francis said. “The commitment to reduce contaminating emissions and for an integral ecology is urgent and necessary: ​​let us do something before it is too late.”

As on other occasions, the pope pointed to young environmentalists such as Greta Thunberg as leaders who will show the world the way.

“Let us listen to the voice of so many young people who help us become aware of what is happening in the world today,” Francis said, “and who ask us to be sowers of...

The Best Part Of Waking Up?

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #146

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #844

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Girls With Guns

When the Left Wing Radical Is Suddenly Too Right Wing...

England Ran A Left Wing Radical Too, He Lost Epically...
Margaret Thatcher Gave Us Reagan....
4 More Years Baby!

The Story Of The Snake and The Foolish Frogs :

Once a snake who had grown weak with old age came across a pond where many frogs lived with their king, queen and little prince. The snake had not eaten for many days. He tried to catch some of the frogs, but was too weak to catch any of them. “I will have to think of some solution or I will soon die," the snake thought.

Just then he saw the frog prince and his friends. They were busy in their game and did not notice the snake. When they came very close, one of them saw the snake and jumped up, “Oh, a snake," he shouted in fear. All of them ran for their lives. But when the snake did not move, the frog prince went up to it. The snake still did not move. “Let me see if he is dead?" said the frog prince and knocked on the snake’s head and jumped away quickly.

The snake slowly opened its eyes and said, “Do not worry. I will not get angry no matter what you do."

The frogs were very surprised. “I once bit a sage’s son," explained the snake. “The sage got angry and cursed me that I would carry frogs on my back for the rest of my life."

Hearing this, the frog prince jumped up with joy. “Then I will ride on your back," he said. So the frog prince jumped on top of the snake and commanded, “Take me to my parents."

The king and the queen were amazed at the sight. “Father, look, I am riding a snake," shouted the prince. “Let us also ride the snake," the queen urged the frog king. So they all sat on the snake.

“You are moving very slowly," complained the prince. “What can I do," answered the snake sadly. “I have not eaten for several days."

“Why have you not eaten? The royal mount should be fast and strong," said the king.

“I can eat only with your permission," answered the snake.

“Your subjects are my food."

“How can I permit you to eat us?" asked the king.

“Not the royal frogs," explained the snake. “I cannot permit you to eat my subjects," said the frog king.

The prince was upset and cried. “Father, please permit him. I don’t want to loose him."

Even the queen spoke up. “Do permit the snake. How many frogs can he eat anyway? We have many subjects."

At last the king had to grant permission. The snake began to eat many frogs every day. Soon he was very strong and healthy. Now, he moved very quickly. The prince was thrilled to ride a snake that moved so fast.

One day the snake went to the frog king. “I am hungry O king. There are no more frogs left in the pond. So now I am going to cat you all."

And the wicked snake pounced on all the three royal frogs and ate them up.

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