90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, January 25, 2020

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #179

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #877

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, January 24, 2020

Girls With Guns

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Oh Hells Yes.

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The Unconstitutional Impeachment of President Trump

Neither of the impeachment charges against President Donald Trump is indictable. As such, neither is impeachable. The Constitution compels the Senate tp acquit President Trump as a matter of law.

There are three critical reasons for the principle that impeachable offenses be indictable offenses

First, the plain text of the Constitution requires it; second, the protection of the people’s right to select the president cannot make the president serve at the pleasure of Congress; and third, the due process rights of the president prevent nebulous, vague undefined “offenses” being the basis of punitive impeachment.

Indeed, this argument is far from new: the only Supreme Court Justices ever to argue on the Senate floor on impeachment agreed; the only active Judges to ever argue on the Senate floor on impeachment agreed; and Founding Fathers who debated impeachment on the Senate floor back to 1805 agreed.

The Text of the Constitution Limits Impeachable Offenses to Indictable Offenses

The Constitution only authorizes impeachment for three reasons: treason, bribery, and “other High Crimes and Misdemeanors” akin to treason or bribery. As the current impeachment charges do not even allege treason, bribery or comparable “other high crimes,” this impeachment of President Trump offends the Constitution.

This understanding of the Constitution is not new.

As Alan Dershowitz recently noted, past former Supreme Court Justices made the same argument on the Senate floor in past impeachments.

As you can read in the journals of past infamous impeachment trials, Founding Fathers, respected jurists, and legal scholars each argued near the very founding of our country: “[n}othing is impeachable that is not also indictable.” (Source: Hinds’ Precedents, Volume 3, Chapter 72, “The Impeachment and Trial of Samuel Chase,” published by the U.S. Government Publishing Office, found at this site: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-HPREC-HINDS-V3/html/GPO-HPREC-HINDS-V3-21.htm)

Equally, as Dershowitz commented, former Justice Benjamin R. Curtis concurred in the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson. (The opening argument of former Supreme Court Justice Curtis can be...

Who Is Teaching Our University Students?


Marxists Are Teaching Our Children To Hate America, Hate The Constitution, Hate Americans And Hate Us, Their Parents.

Read Their Curriculum, Make It Public.

Al Qaeda Terrorists With Fake Colombian Passports Arrested in Dallas

The individuals will be charged with membership in a terrorist organization.

Three Syrian nationals were arrested on Thursday in Dallas, Texas for their membership in the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, according to reporting from Colombian news outlet RCN.

It appears that Al Raefee, Tuameh Tuameh, and Al Harari Al Harari infiltrated the United States with their use of fake Colombian passports. The Syrian nationals first arose on the radar of American authorities when they applied for travel visas from Colombia, as their suspicious documents gave them away.

The report indicates that American authorities detected a fraud when the fake passports’ birth dates failed to match up with the identification numbers used by the Colombian government.

The Colombian news report doesn’t specify how the al-Qaeda linked Syrians entered federal custody. Their Colombian documentation does appear to indicate that they entered Colombia from Venezuela, an unstable socialist nation with some tenuous connections to Middle Eastern criminal groups and malignant actors.

It’s also entirely unclear how the American government deduced that the three strangely-named individuals were Syrian nationals or connected to al Qaeda.

CNN International’s Luis Carlos Velez obtained imagery of their fake passports.

Three members obtained Colombian passports to enter the US. The American Embassy identified them when they applied for US visas. They entered Colombia through La Guajira and allegedly came from Venezuela
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It’s unclear what the al-Qaeda linked men planned on doing when arriving in the United States. Criminal elements and illegal immigrants have sought to use bogus...