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Friday, January 31, 2020

CNN is Angry That White People Are Trying to Stop the Coronavirus Spreading

According to CNN, the real concern about the coronavirus is not the potential for a global pandemic, it’s the fact there are too many white people trying to stop it.

That was the message sent by an article posted on the news network’s website entitled ‘Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration’s lack of diversity’.

The two images illustrating the article showed Barack Obama’s circle of advisers during the 2017 Ebola outbreak and President Trump’s advisers during a recent meeting about the coronavirus outbreak. In the photograph showing Trump’s advisers, most of them are, God forbid, white men.

“Who are these experts?” whined CNN’s Brandon Tensley. “They’re largely the same sorts of white men (and a couple women on the sidelines) who’ve dominated the Trump administration from the very beginning.”

Tensley called the image, “a statement that’s as predictable as it is infuriating: President Donald Trump’s administration lacks diversity.”

He concludes by complaining about how “Trump values the opinions of: mostly white men who are mirror images of the President himself.”

Apparently, wanting to not appear racist is more important than stopping a rapidly spreading global pandemic which has now reached at least 23 countries.

This is yet another example of how “diversity” just means ‘less white people’. At its heart is the flagrantly racist premise that people should not be judged on the content of their character but on the color of their skin and that people with...

The Joe Biden Effect....

..The Creepy Joe Effect...

Top 8 Reasons Trump Already Won Impeachment

Whether the senators put the trial out of its misery this week or drag it on for months, the outcome is a foregone conclusion. Here are the eight big reasons Trump won impeachment.

President Donald Trump will not be removed from office following his impeachment by the House of Representatives and a trial in the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has reportedly told colleagues they have the votes to finish things this week.

Whether the senators put the trial out of its misery this week or drag it on for months, the outcome is a foregone conclusion. Here are the eight big reasons why Trump won impeachment.

1. Trump Didn’t Commit An Impeachable Offense

It’s an obvious point, but the most important point.

Impeaching President Trump has been the stated goal of the Resistance since his inauguration. The main effort toward impeachment was through the investigation of a false and dangerous theory of treasonous collusion with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

Even with a limitless special counsel appointed to achieve that end, the Russia collusion hoax ended with not a single American found to have colluded with Russia, not to mention anyone close to Trump, or Trump himself. A mini-effort to get impeachment going — on the special counsel’s murky near-findings that Trump had objected too strenuously to being falsely accused of treason — also fell apart.

Other impeachment efforts for, among other things, mean tweets, went nowhere. With time running out, the Resistance cobbled together what was always a weak theory regarding a phone call with the Ukrainian president.

At first the alleged crime was supposed to be a campaign finance violation, then bribery, then extortion. It ended with two articles of impeachment, neither ofor an actual crime, and one a more or less laughable claim that the president can’t use courts to defend his rights.

The other was a complicated argument regarding abuse of power that required not just hiding all exonerating evidence but the worst possible construction on what remained. It was such a weak argument that not a single Republican in the House fell for it and three Democrats declined to go along with their own party.

The range of opinion outside the Resistance about the phone call between world leaders ranges from it being, in Trump’s words, “perfect” to merely good or fine to not good. Resistance members tried to put forth the claim that the call was none of these things but impeachably bad. Even with the help of a compliant media, there is simply not enough consensus around this extreme viewpoint to justify even censure, much less bipartisan agreement toward impeachment, much less a removal from office.

Trump’s avoidance of a crime or any real break with public trust is the single biggest factor in his acquittal.

2. Terrible Decision-Making By House Democrats

With a histrionic media and political base spending the last few years demanding impeachment, House Democrats surely had hoped that President Trump would do something justifying an impeachment inquiry. They undoubtedly were not pleased when the best they had to work with was Trump asking for help investigating Ukraine’s known 2016 election meddling or investigation into Biden family corruption in Ukraine.

So they started with a weak hand. But they failed to follow a good process. They didn’t have the House authorize an impeachment inquiry until late in the process. This decision made it unlikely that the many early subpoenas they sought would be deemed valid by a court of law if contested.

They refused to have courts validate their subpoenas, refused to let the GOP call their own witnesses, and suppressed information that was not helpful to their impeachment cause. Of the 78 days of the impeachment proceedings, they denied the president any right to counsel or due process for 71 days of them.

In general, the procedure was rushed and information that could have helped them seem more credible was never sought or acquired.

3. Democrats Failed to Get a Single Republican on Board Their Impeachment Scheme

It is nothing short of amazing that not a single Republican member of Congress joined with Democrats in their impeachment effort. There are plenty of Republican members who either dislike or even loathe the president. But even they didn’t find the impeachment to be credible.

The Resistance was also failed by its NeverTrump wing. That wing had pushed Justin Amash to dramatically leave the Republican Party earlier last year. He published his op-ed as to why and promptly lost any sway with anyone other than...

Riddle Me This Utah....

Telecom CEO & Pioneer Blasts FBI, DOJ, NSA — ‘They’re the Largest Organized Crime Family in America’

There is something very poetic about the truth, mostly because in today’s media it is so hard to find — but that is not the case here, where a Telecom legend and pioneer just blasted the Justice Department and its Deep-State co-conspirators, offering us all an alarming glimpse of the truth.

In a rare interview, Telecom legend Joseph P. Nacchio reflected on his controversial tenure as chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Qwest Communications International on the latest episode of the Thomas Paine Podcast. And it is an explosive, shocking interview about how the FEDs conspire to tap your phone calls, internet — legally or not — and destroy anyone who gets in the way. You won’t find raw Intel in the mainstream media or cable TV.

Nacchio referred to the Justice Department as the “largest organized crime family in America” and offered other astoninshing insights, especially on mass and wayward government surveillance of telecommunications:
“I have no respect, no respect for our system of government and laws. I think the elite — whether it’s the rich political Elite — or whether it’s a governmental Elite (the Deep State), that are always there irrespective of the president — and the politicians and the swamp so to speak — I think it’s totally corrupt.

You have universal surveillance, you have this overcriminalization of America where everybody’s breaking the law every day and the government can get information on anybody. Okay, and when they decide you’re a problem, you’re cooked — that to me would make George Orwell turn over in his grave; It would make Stalin and Hitler envious they were...

Michael Bloomberg Will Run $10 Million Gun Control Ad During Super Bowl

During the Super Bowl this Sunday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg will run a $10 million gun control ad.

Bloomberg Ad Will Feature Mother Who Lost Her Son to Gun Violence

The ad will reportedly feature Calandrian Simpson Kemp, the mother of the late 20-year-old George Kemp Jr., who will talk about her son being killed with a firearm in 2013.

On Thursday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe showed a “first look” at Bloomberg’s gun control ad. The spot starts with Simpson Kemp saying, “George started playing football when he was four years old. He would wake up every Saturday, ready for the game. That became our life. He had aspirations about going to the NFL.”

“On a Friday morning, George was shot, George didn’t survive,” she says.

The Houston Chronicle reported that on September 27, 2013 Kemp was shot just around midnight after allegedly pulling into a Richmond, Texas, neighborhood, calling an individual on his cell phone, and challenging him to...

TORCHING EVIDENCE China is cremating bodies in secret to hide true extent of death toll, says new report

CHINA is cremating bodies in secret, suggesting the official coronavirus death toll is "way too low", a disturbing new report claims.

The official death toll from coronavirus in China has skyrocketed to 170, with 7,711 cases now reported — an increase of 38 deaths and 1,737 cases in just 24 hours.

7A new report claims China is cremating bodies in secret to hide the true extent of the coronavirus death tollCredit: Wuhan central hospital/weibo

7Chinese-language news outlet Initium believes patients who died from the virus were not added to the official recordCredit: Instagram

But now doubts have been raised about the official death toll.

In a bold claim, Chinese-language news outlet Initium believe that Chinese authorities have been cremating bodies in secret.


This week, they interviewed people working at local cremation centres in Wuhan — where the virus originated from — who said bodies were being sent directly from hospitals without being properly identified and added to the official record.

“There are reasons to remain sceptical about what China has been sharing with the world," said DW News East Asia correspondent William Yang.

"Because while they have been more transparent about certain things related to the virus, they continue to be sketchy and unreliable in other aspects."

Their investigation comes after coronavirus cases jumped to 5,974 on Wednesday — a 30 per cent increase in infections in a day — surpassing the 5,327 people diagnosed with SARS.

Mr Yang added how the current death toll of 170 is "way too low" for what it should be, adding how the cremation claim "makes sense".

He continued: "Credible Chinese media outlet Initium interviewed people working at local cremation centres, confirming that many dead bodies were sent directly from the hospitals to the cremation centres without properly identifying these patients.

"This means there are patients who died from the virus, but were not added to the official record."

There are reasons to remain sceptical about what China has been sharing with the world
William Yang

Just last week, The Guardian reported how Chinese hospitals were not testing patients for the virus, and at least one family was pressured into a cremation.

Two doctors reportedly told the family that the patient had likely contracted coronavirus, but provided no documentation.

There are also damning stories from Wuhan of medics failing to test patients who were clearly showing signs of the illness.

Kyle Hui told the New York Times that despite his stepmother having the correct symptoms ⁠— including a cough and a fever ⁠— doctors wearing hazmat suits refused to test her for the virus.

Subsequently, she died on January 15 with Mr Hui arguing how her death certificate says "severe pneumonia" rather than coronavirus.

And while she has not been recorded as one of the official victims of the bug, he claims how doctors told him to cremate his stepmother's body because they suspected she had the disease...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #185

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #883

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, January 30, 2020

MINISTRY OF TRUTH: Elizabeth Warren Wants to Criminalize Online Speech Under the Banner of “Disinformation”

2020 Democrat hopeful Elizabeth Warren released a plan on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 to fight “disinformation” and hold tech companies liable for their actions.

She cited the 2016 election, when disinformation campaigns allegedly took place on social media, as the main reason behind revealing this plan. “Disinformation and online foreign interference erode our democracy, and Donald Trump has invited both,” Warren tweeted on Wednesday. “Anyone who seeks to challenge and defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election must be fully prepared to take this on – and I’ve got a plan to do it.”

Warren’s proposal on fighting disinformation consists of holding big tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google responsible for disseminating misinformation with the aim of suppressing voter turnout.

“I will push for new laws that impose tough civil and criminal penalties for knowingly disseminating this kind of information, which has the explicit purpose of undermining the...