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Friday, February 7, 2020

Romney Is A Big, Nasty.....

Anatomy Of Multiple Suicides....

Shadow Inc. Responsible For The Iowa Caucus Debacle - Funded By George Soros...

Superhero Takes Out Terrorist With Flying Leap!

More Great Gifs:

Bet You've Never Had A Day This Bad...

Pelosi Omits Christians as She Lists Religious Persecutions Around World

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi failed to mention Christians as she listed religious persecutions around the world Thursday.

The House speaker spoke Thursday morning in Washington, D.C., at the National Prayer Breakfast where she prayed for those who are persecuted because of their religion. She listed people of Buddhist, Muslim, and Jewish faiths before generalizing about other persecuted religions.

“Oh, Lord, we thank all gathered at this prayer breakfast for lifting our voices for the poor and the persecuted, the millions who are missing or murdered because of their faith,” Pelosi, who is a Catholic, prayed.

“Let us pray for the Panchen Lama and all the Tibetan Buddhists imprisoned in China or missing for following their faith,” she said. Pelosi also prayed for the “1 to 3 million Uighurs in China forced from their homes and incarcerated in camps” and for “Raif Badawi in Saudi Arabia and for all the writers and religious free thinkers imprisoned for speaking their minds.”

The House speaker also prayed for “priests, rabbis, pastors, and religious leaders around the world whose freedoms have been stolen because of what they believe,” for victims of anti-Semitism, and for the “countless Muslims and other religious minorities, often unseen and unnamed, who have been abducted, oppressed, and abused because of who they are and what they believe, their faith.”

Pelosi failed to specifically mention Christians during her prayer, though Christians are severely persecuted around the world for their beliefs.

Over 245 million Christians lived in places where they endured serious religious persecution between Nov. 1, 2017, and Oct. 31, 2018, according to Open Doors USA, an organization that aids persecuted Christians worldwide.

The organization also found that during this same time period, 4,305 Christians were killed for their faith, 1,847 churches and Christian buildings were attacked, and 3,150 believers were...

Columns Of Uniform Hate:

All Taking The Same Marching Orders Like Sheep. Sheep With The Potential Power To Take All Your Rights, Treasure And Self Defense Away.

A Stunning 400 Million People Are On Lockdown In China As Guangzhou Joins Quarantine

Larger than the entire population of the United States.

Guangzhou, the capital of China's southwestern Guangdong Province and the country's fifth largest city with nearly 15 million residents, has just joined the ranks of cities imposing a mandatory lockdown on all citizens, effectively trapping residents inside their homes, with only limited permission to venture into the outside world to buy essential supplies.

The decision means 3 provinces, 60 cities and 400 million people are now facing China's most-strict level of lockdown as Beijing struggles to contain the coronavirus outbreak as the virus has already spread to more than 2 dozen countries.

The Easiest And Happiest Puzzle In The Whole Wide World...

Politico: 'In Sweden, 77 Percent of New HIV Infections Come From Migrants'

Migrants are responsible for 77 percent of new HIV infections in Sweden, according to a new report from Politico Europe.

In Sweden, 77 percent of new HIV infections come from migrants, compared to just under 5 percent in Romania — learn about this disparity and more in POLITICO's Telescope series over the new AIDS epidemic https://politi.co/2S4t4sq 
190 people are talking about this

"Migrants represented 40 percent of new HIV infections detected in EU28 countries in 2017," Politico Europe reported Wednesday. "In Sweden, 77 percent of new infections came from migrants, compared to just under 5 percent in Romania."

Politico Europe reported that "sex between men remains the main mode of transmission of HIV in the EU, which makes men overall three times more likely to contract HIV than women."

"Half of new HIV diagnoses with a known mode of transmission in 2017 came from men who have sex with other men. Heterosexual sex accounts for...

FIRE SALE: Gold Impeachment Pen, CHEAP!!!

 It Clearly Is Defective, Ill-Conceived, And Created By Corrupt Kleptocrats.

Thanks Democrats: MS-13 murder witness found dead after his name given to gang members

A key witness in a murder involving MS-13 gang members was found dead in Long Island thanks to a new criminal justice reform law that requires prosecutors to share witnesses’ identities with defendants.

On Wednesday, Nassau County officials announced that 36-year-old witness Wilmer Maldonado Rodriguez was discovered bludgeoned to death behind an abandoned home in New Cassel on Sunday, New York Post reported.

Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said Rodriguez’s death was a result of the discovery laws progressive lawmakers passed in the New York State legislature, which went into effect on Jan. 1.

“The system failed, the system failed,” the commissioner said at a press conference. “This man is dead because we didn’t do enough … and this law is not helping us.”

Rodriguez was a key witness in an October 2018 attack in which nine MS-13 gang members allegedly stabbed Rodriguez several times and hit him over the head with a bat, officials said. He reportedly intervened when the MS-13 gang members threatened two boys, who they also beat.

By law, prosecutors were compelled to reveal Rodriguez’s identity to an arrested suspect’s defense team. That information, although unproven, made it’s way to other MS-13 gang members, who likely killed Rodriguez.

Notably, Ryder acknowledged there is no evidence that the lawyers handed Rodriguez’s name over to the defendants, who have been in jail since 2018.

“What we do know that right after [the information was shared] we started [seeing] that pattern of intimidation,” and ultimately Rodriguez’s death, Ryder said.

Rodriguez was attacked the day before he was killed, but was able to escape, Ryder said. Police believe he was killed by MS-13 associates of the gang members in jail.

According to Nassau County District Attorney Madeline Singas, before the law was enacted, Rodriguez’s identity was concealed through a court-issued protective order obtained by prosecutors in December 2018.

“This courageous man was prepared to testify against alleged assailants at an upcoming trial, but he was brutally beaten to death before he could,” Singas said in a statement reported by New York Times. “This case underscores the importance of safeguarding the identities of witnesses and victims of crime and our hearts are with Mr. Maldonado’s family and friends as we grieve his loss.”

Laura Curran, Nassau County Executive, added that the new discovery requirements posed a threat to victims and witnesses of crimes.

Mike Murphy, a spokesman for the State Senate’s Democratic majority which was in favor of the new law, defended it, saying Rodriguez’s death “has absolutely nothing to do with...

The UK’s Dumbest Terrorist Tests the Dumbest Justice System a Third Time

On a summer day in the UK, Mohiussunnath Chowdhury left his Luton home, took an anime sword that he had sharpened, typed “Windsor Castle” into his phone, and then followed the directions on the map.

“Tell everyone that I love them and that they should struggle against the enemies of Allah,” the aspiring Muslim terrorist had declared. “The Queen and her soldiers will all be in the hellfire.”

Instead of finding Queen Elizabeth II at the Windsor Castle, Mohiussunnath found that it was a pub offering “great real ales” and “fresh food”. The infidel phone had tried to divert the devout Muslim. Despite the Berkshire pub’s offerings of “grilled loin of pork” and Jägermeister, he didn’t attack it.

The Uber driver got back into his car, took along his anime sword, and this time made sure that the directions were pointing him to Buckingham Palace, not some sort of hellish booze palace. But the Queen wasn’t even there, the soldiers were on guard, and the police intercepted him outside the gates.

The only thing more incompetent than Mohiussunnath was the British justice system which couldn’t convict a terrorist if he were attacking Buckingham Palace

“It’s all a bit f____d up,” Mohiussunnath said, got out his anime sword, and shouted, “Allahu Akbar.”

The anime sword, unlike a real sword, had an enormous handle, which made it impractical to wield, and all too easy for the police to grab on to. The cops were able to wrestle it away from him even while he kept shouting, “Allahu Akbar”. Two cops suffered cuts before using tear gas to bring him to his knees.

Was it over? No, it was just getting started. The only thing more incompetent than Mohiussunnath was the British justice system which couldn’t convict a terrorist if he were attacking Buckingham Palace.


In March, Muslim terrorists had attacked the British Parliament. In May, the Manchester Arena had been bombed. In June, Islamic terrorists had attacked London Bridge. Mohiussunnath had done it in August. The pattern in 2017 was so obvious that it would take two juries to deliberately unsee it.

Sure, Mohiussunnath had used an ISIS avatar on his phone, sent ISIS material over the phone, especially about the Islamic terror group’s sex slaves, and had sent a farewell message telling his sister, “They are the enemies that Allah tells us to fight. Please make dua for me that Allah accepts my efforts.”

But, according to Mohiussunnath’s lawyer, he was just upset and had never wanted to harm the cops. Like nearly every other Islamic terrorist, he was just suffering from depression and feeling lonely.

Virtue of killing infidels

But the jury couldn’t reach a verdict. So a second terror trial was convened for the terrorist. A fellow inmate suggested that he pretend to be moderate and play the game by shaving off his beard.
In between trials, Mohiussunnath began drawing pictures of terrorist attacks in prison. One of the pictures showed Mo opening fire at a cop while shouting...