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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Democrats, Communists And Fascists All Love Tax Slaves...

It's A Trap!

In Times Of Trouble, Find Yourself A Dog-Faced Pony Soldier!

You Can Always Reminisce About The Good Times When The Money Spigot Flowed In Ukraine...

“Not Terribly Encouraging”: Mitt Romney Hints He Might Oppose Fed Nominee Judy Shelton In Latest Attack On Trump

Is this the beginning of the second round of Republican resistance to President Trump’s slate of nominees for the Fed board of governors? Or just the latest example of Mitt Romney trying to sabotage Trump out of spite?

Or maybe he simply hates low interest rates?

Whatever the reason, the freshman senator from Utah is reportedly ‘undecided’ on whether he’ll back one of Trump’s two latest nominees for the two empty seats on the board of governors.

ROMNEY undecided on controversial Fed nominee Judy Shelton, colleague @NOgnanovich scoops. Calls her record, which includes calling for return to gold standard, "not terribly encouraging"
109 people are talking about this

Judy Shelton, known for her opposition to the Fed and support for the gold standard, has repeatedly spoken out against the Fed’s loose monetary policy. But like Stephen Moore before her, she has changed tack more recently to support President Trump’s agenda for the “non-partisan” and “apolitical” Fed.

Last year, we reminded readers about this in a post about gold’s reaction to the news of Shelton’s nomination that on April 21, Shelton published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal entitled...

If Hollywood Made A Film Called "Sodom and Gomorrah" No One Would Have To Act...

More Leftist Lunacy From The Lying Loons Of The Left Coast...

With All The Rape And Pedophilia In Hollywood...

5 Times Obama Protected His Allies from Justice and Democrats Turned a Blind Eye

If you listen to Hillary Clinton and the Democrat aligned mainstream media, you will believe that “the rule of law and our democracy are in crisis” because the Justice Department retracted and rewrote Roger Stone’s excessive sentencing recommendation memo.

Once again, I find myself astonished by the short memories and sheer hypocrisy of Democrats.

Under Obama and his two radical attorneys general, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, Obama’s allies were protected from justice in various ways by his administration and Democrats and the media simply didn’t care.

But before we get into that, it’s worth mentioning that the prosecution of Stone and, quite frankly, the sentencing, was excessive.

Per PJ Media: The prosecutors, many of whom were part of the Russian collusion hoax investigation team of Mueller, literally ordered a pre-dawn raid on Stone’s home in Florida, complete with a CNN detail ready to cover the event for the country to watch as it unfolded.

The recommendations for sentencing were completely absurd. Violent criminals, including rapists, get less time than what they were recommending for Stone.

In due time, I am sure that will become clear, but, once again, I feel compelled to bring to light that the Democrats’ outrage over this is just the latest example of their hypocrisy because for eight years under Barack Obama we saw actual corrupt manipulation of the justice system in favor of Barack Obama’s allies.

Under Obama and his radical attorneys general, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, the Justice Department became a hotbed of political favoritism, pretty much from day one.

I have picked five examples of Obama’s allies being protected from justice in various ways by his administration that Democrats didn’t give a hoot about… and when you read them, you’ll understand why.

5. The New Black Panther Party

You may remember images and video from Election Day 2008, with members of the New Black Panther Party standing outside a Philadelphia polling place wearing military garb making racial remarks and discouraging people from voting. A voter intimidation case against the New Black Panthers began weeks before Obama took office. It was an open-and-shut case, and the New Black Panthers didn’t even show up in court to defend themselves, assuring the government’s victory in the case. Then in May 2009, the case was inexplicably dropped by Attorney General Eric Holder.

By the summer of 2010
, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights declared there was evidence of “possible unequal administration of justice” by the Justice Department in the New Black Panther Party case. It was quite clear that under Obama and Holder, civil rights cases against minorities discriminating against whites were being systematically ignored. Holder still denied there was a racial motivation during a House Appropriations Subcommittee hearing in March 2011, justifying the decision not to prosecute the NBPP by bizarrely citing the roadblocks African Americans endured when trying to vote in the South during the era of Jim Crow laws.
4. Attorney General Eric Holder

Attorney General Eric Holder took part in a scandalous, incompetent gun-running project known as “Fast and Furious” from 2009 to 2011, and did everything in his power to protect his boss, Barack Obama, during that investigation. In return for his steadfast loyalty, Obama protected Holder, who was aggressively stonewalling the House Oversight and Government Affairs Committee investigation into Fast and Furious. Obama’s asserting of executive privilege was not only to protect himself but also to protect Holder ahead of the Oversight Committee’s vote to declare Holder in contempt of Congress for withholding documents from the committee. Ultimately it didn’t save Holder from being held in contempt of Congress by a bipartisan vote.
3. Senator Robert Menendez

In 2012, just days before the November election, ICE agents were ready to arrest an illegal immigrant and registered sex offender, but were ordered by the Department of Homeland Security to wait until after the election. Why? The suspect was a volunteer intern for Senator Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and there would be “significant interest” from Congress and news organizations about the arrest. Menendez was seen as vulnerable in the 2012 election, and the delay of the arrest saved him from a potentially politically damaging scandal on the eve of voting. All the while letting a sexual offender avoid justice for six weeks.
2. Sexual Predator Kevin Johnson

In 2009, Barack Obama illegally fired Gerald Walpin, the inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service. Walpin’s only crime was that he was investigating Obama’s friend and donor, Kevin Johnson. Johnson had misused federal grant money for AmeriCorps by funneling it to his personal nonprofit group, paying for political activity, and using it to pay hush money to underage girls he’d sexually...

8 Reasons You Should Vote Democrat:

If That Doesn't Convince You, You Can Always Party To The Fiscal Infernal!!

ht="500" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BPV6kpNnr3c" width="900">

UVA Leftist Complains About “Too Many White People” in Study Area

When dreams don't come true.

A video from the University of Virginia shows a black student stand up in front of a room full of other students and complain that there are “too many white people in here.”

The clip was posted by the Young America’s Foundation with the caption, “Leftists at the University of Virginia are dictating who is and who isn’t allowed in the new Multicultural Student Center.”

“Public service announcement, excuse me, if y’all didn’t know this is the MMC and frankly there are just too many white people in here, and this is a space for people of color,” she says.

“So just be cognizant of the space you’re taking up because it does make some of us POCs uncomfortable when we see too many white people in here,” adds the woman.

“It’s only been open for four days and frankly there’s the whole university for all of y’all to be at and there’s very few spaces for us, so keep that in mind.”

Apparently, racial segregation is now progressive.

The woman’s “announcement” differs to the wording on the actual UVA Multicultural Student Services website, which states that the facilities “are open to everyone, regardless of ...

The Melancholy And The Infinite Sadness Of Bernie Sanders....

...2 Best Songs On The Album...

SUSPICIOUS: Deep State DOJ and FBI Still Have Not Responded to GOP Senators or Filed Charges Against the Far Left Activists for Criminal Conduct During Kavanaugh Hearings

On October 8, 2019, Republican Senators Grassley, Graham, Lee, Cruz, Cornyn, Crapo, Tillis, Kennedy, and Blackburn ask the DOJ and FBI about the status of four criminal referrals made by the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the baseless claims made against Kavanaugh, The criminal referrals were made one year before their letter.

Via Mike Cernovich and Ryan Saavedra.

The GOP Senators asked the Barr DOJ and FBI Director Chris Wray where they were on the status of the criminal referrals against four individuals for making materially false statements and obstructing the Senate investigation into alleged misconduct by Brett Kavanaugh.

Here again are the four criminal referrals sent to the DOJ and FBI in October 2018 by Senate Republicans.
1. The first referral, dated September 29, 2018, relates to a false allegation made by an individual who told the Committee that he had direct knowledge that Judge Kavanaugh assaulted a close friend on a boat in the harbor at Newport, Rhode Island in 1985. 1 After the Committee extensively questioned Judge Kavanaugh about the allegation, the individual recanted and apologized on social media for making the false allegation.

2. The second referral, dated October 25, 2018, relates to false allegations made by Mr. Michael Avenatti and his client, Ms. Julie Swetnick.2 In a September 23, 2018, email to Committee staff, Mr. Avenatti stated that he and Ms. Swetnick were aware of evidence that during the 1980s, Judge Kavanaugh participated in the “targeting of women with alcohol/drugs in order to allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them.“3 Committee staff interviewed Judge Kavanaugh and ten other individuals in connection with these allegations, which were outlined in graphic detail in a sworn statement to the Committee purportedly written and signed by Ms. Swetnick.

3. The third referral, dated October 26, 2018, relates to evidence that Mr. Avenatti falsified a sworn statement to the Committee in order to provide support for Ms. Swetnick’s unfounded allegations.4 The sworn statement by an unknown declarant claimed that Judge Kavanaugh had spiked the punch at house parties with Quaaludes and/or grain alcohol in order to make “girls more likely to engage in sexual acts and less likely to say ‘No. “‘5 NBC News later reported on a series of contacts with the purported declarant, who stated that she had denied the key allegations in the declaration both before and after the statement was publicly released and that Mr. Avenatti had “twisted [her] words.”6

4. The fourth referral, dated November 2, 2018, relates to allegations made by...

Poor Joe Biden...

Biden Got Run Over By The Trump Train!

Virginia Lawmakers Vote to Allow Illegal Aliens to Obtain Driver’s Licenses

Virginia lawmakers passed legislation in both chambers of the state Legislature that would allow illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses, a consequence of the state Capitol’s newly minted Democratic majority.

Amid a rush before the end of the Virginia General Assembly’s “crossover” deadline Tuesday, lawmakers in both the state Senate and the House of Delegates passed separate bills allowing illegal immigrants to legally drive on the state’s roadways. HB 1211 and SB 34 both passed their respective chambers Tuesday, the last day legislation could cross over to the other chamber for consideration.

State senators passed SB 34 by a margin of 22-18. The Senate version, which Democratic state Sen. Scott Surovell introduced, permits illegal aliens living in the state to obtain a standard driver’s license, but with certain conditions. The undocumented applicants must prove they’ve filed an income tax return, and the cards would also include text stating that it’s not a valid form of ID for federal, voting, or public benefit purposes.

The House version, which Democratic Del. Kathy Tran introduced, passed by a margin of 57-42 and is largely similar to its Senate counterpart. The House bill, however, goes further by calling for the IDs to be conventional driver’s licenses.

The unprecedented votes make Virginia poised to become the next state to allow illegal aliens to apply for driver’s licenses—following in the footsteps of 14 other states. New York implemented a similar law in December 2019, and the governor of New Jersey signed into law a related bill that same...

Good Riddance to Mueller’s Monstrous Roger Stone Prosecutors

Recommending a seven- to nine-year prison term for a 67-year-old, non-violent first offender has finally revealed Robert Mueller’s prosecution team for the corrupt monsters they truly are.

Justice is supposed to be blind. That’s the cornerstone of our system. We don’t play favorites. We don’t persecute. We don’t judge people based on how much we like or dislike them, or how they vote. There are only three goals: 1) justice, 2) justice, 3) justice.
Regardless of your opinion of Stone, he was only found guilty of lying to Congress (which plenty of people have done without being prosecuted), interfering in the House investigation of the Russia Collusion Hoax, and tampering with a witness.

That “tampering with a witness” thing sounds pretty serious, but the “witness” in question, the person who was supposedly intimidated by Stone, talk radio host Randy Credico, is laughing the whole thing off. “I never in any way felt that Stone himself posed a direct physical threat to me or my dog,” he said.

Seven to nine years!

Seven to nine years for “obstructing” a witch hunt, for lying to Congress, something you never see prosecuted despite a multitude of transgressors, and for tampering with a witness who says he wasn’t really tampered with.

James Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence, lied under oath to Congress in front of the whole wide world. He was never prosecuted. He wasn’t even fired.

Hey, I’m no Roger Stone fan, and it actually sounds like he deserves some prison time, but there are murderers and rapists and child molesters who don’t serve seven to nine years.

This sentencing recommendation is not only outrageous, it’s a retaliatory and partisan abuse of power on behalf of four utterly corrupt and inhumane prosecutors.

Thank the Good Lord they have resigned.

Thank God they’re gone, because there are not many government positions that hold as much power as a prosecutor.

Prosecutors are handed an unbelievable amount of power, trust, and discretion — the power to destroy a reputation through suspicion, to bankrupt a person by way of an indictment, and strip them of their freedom and liberty through a...