90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Let The Chips Fall Where They May...

O’Reilly explains Black Lives Matter is the Black Panthers

As our media and politicians mainstream Black Lives Matter, know that they are a communist cop-hate group. Bill O’Reilly had it exactly right when he explained that on his podcast a billoreilly.com. They have the exact same goals and the media knows that. The politicians know that.


I See Y'all

Felon Charged with Murdering Retired Police Captain David Dorn in Riots

4,000 Miles Away: Europe Racked by Riots and Protests Over Death of American George Floyd

Cities across Europe have been ravaged by Black Lives Matter protests and riots, ostensibly in support of protests over the death of George Floyd, a citizen of the United States in the city of Minneapolis.

Activist groups across the European continent and in the United Kingdom have used the death of Mr Floyd to stage large scale protests in clear defiance of national lockdown regulations imposed on regular citizens during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

Leftist groups have taken the opportunity to link instances of police violence in the United States with the situation faced by illegal migrants in Europe. Yet the protests seem to have taken on a life of their own, divorced from the original pretext. As British journalist and author Douglas Murray told the UK’s Talk Radio on Monday:
“The protests now are completely divorced from the original issue. Almost everybody I can think of, I have heard from, is united in being horrified by the manner in which George Floyd was killed, by the policeman who detained him. But the death of one man in Minnesota at the hands of one policeman is not a reason for people to — in their thousands — to turn out in cities across the world, certainly across all of Europe… repeatedly day after day.”
Cities across Europe that have seen such protests include:
Hamburg (4,269 Miles From Minneapolis):

BERLIN, GERMANY – JUNE 06: People protest against racism and police brutality on June 06, 2020 in Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany. Over 10.000 people attended a demonstration in German capital.

On Saturday, an estimated 14,000 people gathered in the German city of Hamburg, with similar protests emerging in cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich. In Berlin, agitators threw stones and bottles at officers, resulting in the injury of a police officer and a press photographer, who suffered a blow to the head.

The Black Lives Matter protests in Hamburg saw 47 people arrested for breaching the peace and some for violating the Explosives Act.

The protestors shouted slogans such as “No to racism! Together we are strong”, while proclaiming their “solidarity” with the wider protest movement against racism, the black community, and migrant refugees in Germany, according to the German newspaper Die Welt.

The Hamburg police said that they were forced to use pepper spray against the “aggressive and disguised” mob during the BLM protest, saying: “with all understanding for emotions: attacks on police officers are...

He's A Loser!!


Martin Gugino, 75, was shoved while approaching riot police in Buffalo causing him to stumble backwards and hit his head, resulting in a melt-down of intense fury on social media. Far from being an innocent old man as being portrayed by some, it turns out that Gugino is a longtime hard left agitator.

At the time of this writing, it appears that Guginos Facebook and Twitter accounts have been deleted. The accounts, which were researched by RAIR Foundation USA, revealed a seasoned leftist activist who had a self-described “obsession” with Cuba. Gugino has ties to radical socialist Catholic Worker Movement, which is behind the “Witness Against Torture” program, formed in 2005 to “build awareness about torture and indefinite detention, focusing on Guantanamo prisoners.”

Before deleting his account, some screenshots were archived:

As Gugino approached one of the officers before he was shoved, he appeared to be waving his phone oddly around their badges. Vlad Tepes reports that this was a deliberate attempt to scan information, also highlighted by The Last Refuge.


It also has been revealed that Gugino was arguing with fellow protesters before the event.

If you are the gentleman from the video, this is EXACTLY what I said when I saw it. Pray all is well w you.
He was literally called out by peaceful protesters for being there yesterday. He’s a professional “protester” who does this to start nonsense. I wouldn’t side with him on this one.

According to Heavy, the video of Gugino being shoved was “viewed more than 58 million times”. Fellow socialist comrade Terrence Bisson vouched for Gugino.

From Heavy:

Buffalo’s mayor, Byron Brown, called Gugino an ‘agitator’ who was ‘trying to spark up the crowd of people,’ adding, ‘He was in the area after the curfew. One of the things that happened before was conflict among protesters and there was a danger of fights breaking out, and police felt it was important to clear that scene for the safety of protesters.’ There had been violence, looting and fires, and Brown alleged that Gugino was ‘a key and major instigator of people engaging in those activities.’

On June 3, before the incident in the video, Gugino wrote on Twitter, ‘The cops should not have clubs. And should not be in riot gear. The National Guard should arrest the police.’

Buffalo Police Officers Robert McCabe and Aaron Torgalski were suspended without pay, prompting 57 members of the Buffalo riot squad to resign in protest. The two officers were charged with...

The Hysterical Lunacy Of The "De-fund the Police" Movement...

Dear Democrats, Welcome To The Republican Party. It's About Time You Finally Realized Where The Left Was Going.

If You Want To Know What Disbanding The Police Looks Like, Look At Mexico

The rise of vigilante groups in Mexico offers a hint of what happens when institutions fail and civil society collapses. America should be paying attention.

One of the most visible and insistent demands of the Black Lives Matter movement is the abolition or disbandment of the police—or at the very least defunding them, which taken to the extreme would amount to the same thing. “Abolish the police” has become a rallying cry among protesters and a litmus test for elected officials seeking to ally with them.

What comes after the police have been abolished remains unclear. Protesters and politicians alike are hazy on details, preferring instead to talk about “reimagining public safety” and throwing around vague terms like “community policing.”

Of course, in concrete terms what would happen if a city actually disbanded its police department, as the Minneapolis City Council pledged to do over the weekend, is that the county sheriff’s office or the state police—or perhaps even federal law enforcement—would step into the vacuum and the city would have almost no say in how it was policed or what policies county and state law enforcement agencies adopted.

But let’s say these ultra-progressive municipal governments could get their wish and abolish the police in their cities entirely. What would happen? Inevitably, an armed group would emerge and impose a monopoly on the use of force.

If you want an idea of how that works, look to our southern neighbor, Mexico, where over the past decade endemically corrupt police departments in some areas have been supplanted by autodefensas, or local self-defense militias. But before you get too excited about the prospect of paramilitary autodefensas policing American cities, understand that in Mexico these groups are a mixed bag at best—and at worst they’re not much better than the corrupt local police and cartel gunmen they replaced. More importantly, their mere presence in Mexico was and is a disturbing sign of societal decay.

The Rise And Fall Of Mexico’s Autodefensas

To understand why, a bit of background is needed. The modern autodefensas movement in Mexico arose during some of the most violent years of Mexico’s ongoing drug war. In 2013, a doctor from the cartel-ravaged state of Michoacán, José Manuel Mireles Valverde, organized one of the first self-defense militias to fight against the...

Leftists Believe In Free Speech Only When You Agree With Them...

This Is Called Fascism.

NYT: Withdraw From Your Family Unless They Support Black Lives Matter

The New York Times ran a column over the weekend calling on so-called "white allies" to withdraw from their loved ones and relatives if they're not supporting Black Lives Matter organizations through "protest" or "financial contributions."

In a column by Chad Sanders titled, "I Don't Need 'Love' Texts From My White Friends," Sanders claimed he lives "constantly" with "the fear of death" as he could be killed at any time by racist white police and lamented how white liberals keep reaching out to him to show they care.

Sanders wrote:
As a black man, what I actually feel -- constantly -- is the fear of death; the fear that when I go for my morning stroll through Central Park or to 7-Eleven for an AriZona Iced Tea, I won't make it back home. I fear I won't get to celebrate my parents' 40th anniversary; I won't get to add money to my nephew's brokerage account on his third birthday; I won't get to take my partner out dancing in her favorite Bed-Stuy bars.

[...] When you text me and tell me you're "just thinking of me" because this fear is momentarily evident to you after seeing the atrocities depicted on CNN, you create work for me. You invite me to coddle you and respond to you and tell you that it's not your fault and that you are special. That attacks my dignity. That dehumanizes me.

Sanders said white allies should start giving cash payments to black politicians and anti-racism groups, send texts to their "relatives and loved ones telling them you will not be visiting them or answering phone calls until they take significant action in supporting black lives either through protest or financial contributions" and start using themselves as human shields for black protesters.

Sanders wrote that white allies must start offering:

George Floyd Protesters Asked About White Woman Killed by Somali Minneapolis Police Officer

Shocker: They don’t care.

During a protest over the death of George Floyd in Melbourne, protesters were asked about the death of Justine Damond, a white woman killed by a Somali Minneapolis Police Department officer, and not a single one of them cared.

40-year-old Justine Damond, an Australian-American woman, was fatally shot by Mohamed Noor, a Somali-American Minneapolis Police Department officer in July 2017.

Damond had called 911 to report the assault of a woman in an alley behind her house but was shot by Noor as she approached his police car despite being unarmed.

Suffice to say, the incident didn’t spark global protests against police brutality, presumably because the victim was white and the police officer wasn’t.

Avi Yemeni interviewed protesters at a Black Lives Matter march in Melbourne, Australia about whether they knew or cared about the death of Justine Damond.

Asked if Damond’s death was “just as bad” as George Floyd’s death, one black protester commented, “Not it’s not,” and immediately walked away.

Another woman said it was “shit” that people were saying “all lives matter” and when asked if all lives matter responded, “Not right now.”

When asked why there were no protests in Australia over Justine Damond, another woman remarked, “Well, I’d have to say that’s a bit of white supremacy.”

“Why is it white supremacy?” asked Yemini, to which the woman responded, “Well, because she’s white.”

Apparently, being murdered while white by a non-white person is racist.

When asked if he knew how many white Australians had died in police custody, one man told Yemini, “I don’t really care to be honest.”

Another group of protesters immediately left when Yemeni pointed out that more white people in America die at the hands of cops than...

Morning Mistress