90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Elmer Is Feeling So Fly Like We Got His Six...

You Turned Fudd Into A Dud...

It All Makes Sense Now...

How Do You Spell Collusion?

Seattle police union chief calls for 'leadership' after fatal shooting in CHOP zone

The head of Seattle's police union lamented the lack of "leadership" in the city Saturday after reports emerged that an early morning shooting in the so-called 'CHOP' left one person dead and another in critical condition.

According to The Seattle Times, police homicide and assault detectives are investigating the shooting, citing a post on the Seattle Police Department's blotter.

"On June 20th, at approximately 2:30 AM, East Precinct officers responded to a report of shots fired in Cal Anderson Park," a statement on the blotter said.

"This is inside the area referred to as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP). Officers attempted to locate a shooting victim but were met by a violent crowd that prevented officers safe access to the victims. Officers were later informed that the victims, both males, had been transported to Harborview Medical Center by CHOP medics.

"Officers responded to Harborview and were informed that one of the victims, a 19-year-old male, had died from injuries. The other victim, also a male, unknown age, remains in the hospital with life-threatening injuries."

In an interview on "Fox & Friends Weekend" with host Pete Hegseth Saturday, Seattle Police Officers Guild President Michael Solan remarked that it is "no longer the summer of love" like Democratic Mayor Jenny Durkan claimed, but the "summer of chaos."

"Early this morning, that violence was raw and real where one of our community members lost their life and police are still not allowed into that area and were prevented to providing that police service to the area to locate victims and/or render aid. [It’s] very troubling what’s...

They Will Try To Burn It All Down Either Way...

America Under Communism?

Free Speech is Under Full Assault

Increasingly, we see people holding unpopular views being attacked and refused a forum in which to speak. Through the threat of force and censorship to control people's speech, free speech is under full assault. History is replete with others using similar tactics. As in the times before the Nazi rise to power, the Soviet gulag era, and Mao's revolution, similar trends are prevalent today.

Freedom of speech is engaging in unrestricted speaking of one's mind without fear of retaliation or censorship. It is the freedom to use one's natural rights to engage in complex thought and speech. This is not a new concept. Freedom of speech has a history centuries old, long predating the founding of this country. Some want to control these natural abilities. This is where the dispute lies.

One does not have to look far to find multiple examples of the threat of violence and censorship. This ranges from online mobs to technology company and media censorship and peer attacks. Those with differing opinions are blackballed, blacklisted, attacked, and censored out of existence.

Take, for example, distinguished University of Chicago professor Harald Uhlig, attacked by his professional peers and online mob for writing that Black Lives Matters "just torpedoed itself, with its full-fledged support of #defundthepolice." And, "Time for sensible adults to enter back into the room and have serious, earnest, respectful conversations about it all... We need more police, we need to pay them more, we need to train them better."

The mode of operating is the same: disapprove the words someone uses, sensationalize the awfulness of it, then use every method of force available to attack them. As with Dr. Uhlig, threaten to take away their livelihood, discredit their work, and then, by proxy, incite mobs to physically attack them and their property. They are treated worse than the violent criminal who can at least work when released from prison. Even the radicals of the 60s had the decency to honor freedom of speech. One would think today's academics would be the champions of free speech, not adversarial critics.

Then there are the technology giants like Twitter, Facebook, Google, and others, pretending to have an open platform but leading the charge for censorship and tyranny against free speech. This is like selling a microphone, then taking it away when the buyer uses it to say something the seller does not like. Or like selling a pair of shoes but taking them off someone's feet when they do not like where they walk. These platforms are not free, people pay for them through advertisements and other fees. As allies of government, these companies enjoy special protections and regulations, platforms, privileges, benefits, and partnerships.

All enemies of free speech are similar; they control the free expression of speech, the words people choose, and change the meaning of words when it suits them. They attack those who disagree, take away their income, and do whatever harm they can get away with toward those who disagree. It is a violent philosophy.

Ethics are defined by the expediency of the situation. Therefore, they justify making up stories and twisting facts, refusing to let what is just and right get in the way of cramming their beliefs onto others and getting what they want. Sacrificing the value of a person for the promises of a self-serving ideology.

They are the masters of fear. Using out-of-control anger and sensationalized reactions, they bully anyone with...

Pathetic Pancake...

Welcome to America’s Cultural Revolution

We’re in the dawn of a high-tech, bloodless cultural revolution, one that relies on intimidation, public shaming, and economic ruin to dictate what words and ideas are permissible in the public square.

“Words are violence” has always been an illiberal notion meant to stifle speech and open discourse. Popularized by a generation of coddled and brittle college students, it now guides policy on editorial pages at newspapers such as The Philadelphia Inquirer, The New York Times, and most major news outlets.

The Times can claim that a harsh tone and a small factual error in Sen. Tom Cotton’s recent op-ed was the reason the entire paper had a meltdown, but the staffers who revolted initially claimed that Cotton’s argument for bringing the National Guard into cities put black lives in “danger.”

None of the Times’ editors, all of whom are apparently comfortable with running fabulist histories or odes to communist tyrannies, pushed back against the caustic notion that engaging in debate was an act of violence. They bowed to the internal mob and pleaded for forgiveness.

What editor at a major newspaper is going to stand up for ideals of open and free debate if doing so means putting “black lives in danger” and ends his career? Few, if any.

The Times has been cleansed of reactionary elements. The paper is in the hands of The People. Others will follow.

You may also have noticed another progressive slogan gaining popularity these days: “Silence is violence.” It’s no longer enough not to peddle wrongthink in the op-ed pages of the local paper, but now you must also actively champion woke progressive positions or you, too, are tacitly engaged in violence and racism.

This is a neat trick: To speak out in the wrong way is violence. Not to speak out is violence. Not to speak out in the way progressives dictate is violence. This is why your apolitical local lawn care company is sending out emails promising to dedicate themselves to Black Lives Matter. No one wants to be accused of harboring...

I'd Rather Die On My Feet...

VIDEO: Black Man is Set Free by Cops After Viciously Ambushing a White Man at Macy’s

The police set him free as they conduct their investigation.

In a taste of how the law functions in multicultural America, a black male thug was not taken under arrest by law enforcement after viciously assaulting a white man inside of a Macy’s in Flint Twp, Mich.

“Yes we are investigating and at this point, no one is in custody,” Flint Township Lt. Brad Wangler said to MLive.

Video of the assault can be seen here:

The black man was sent into a violent rage after allegedly hearing a racial slur. He apparently believes that the racial slur absolves him from committing the rampage, and the cops – terrified by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) mob – are apparently acquiescing.

Black activists on social media are applauding the violent thug’s cowardly ambush attack on the white person.

FT Quay wrote in a Facebook post: “This not the whole video but Me and bro in the mall n shit and he ask this man otp did this shirt look to little he told him yea and kept talking on the phone then mumbled talking bout sum “ no one just sum n***er” he thought we ain’t hear em because his mask was on #blackpower.”

“A man at a store in #Flint allegedly referred to a black man in the store as a ‘n***er’ while talking on the #phone,” wrote Tariq Nasheed in a Twitter post. “The black man overheard him, then things went left.”

Macy’s released a statement in which the department store chain stopped short of denouncing the violent display that occurred in their store.

“We are deeply saddened about the incident that took place on Monday at Macy’s Genesee Valley as the safety of Macy’s customers and colleagues is our top priority,” Andrea Schwartz, senior director of media relations for Macy’s, said.

“We take these situations very seriously and are working closely with local authorities on this investigation, deferring all comments about the case to them per policy,” she added.

Big League Politics has reported on the epidemic of black-on-white violence that is sweeping the nation as BLM agitates for racial supremacy:

Soros-Affiliated Anti-Deportation Group Part of ‘Defund Police’ Movement

An anti-deportation group affiliated with leftist billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations is one of the groups behind the “defund the police” movement taking place across America.

The Soros-affiliated group has been part of the “defund the police” movement as far back as early 2016 — long before the death of George Floyd that brought it to national attention. While many Americans see the current protests and riots as organic reactions to the death of Floyd, many organized groups are seizing on the momentum.

The Soros-affiliated group is called Organized Communities Against Deportation (OCAD). OCAD lists on its website the “Open Society Foundation” as a partner.

On February 16, 2016, OCAD hosted a protest in Chicago, Illinois, to defund the police according to an article posted on the website of #Not1More, another anti-deportation organization — itself an offshoot of the larger and more organized anti-deportation group National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON).

During that protest, activists sat on ladders in the middle of a street in front of a Regional Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office holding banners that said, “Dismantle ICE. Defund the police.” The activists consider ICE “the largest police force” in the country and were “joined by leaders from the movement for Black lives who say there is a connection between their efforts,” the article said.

Activists shout "Defund the police! Dismantle ICE" on intersection of Congress and Lasalle
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Other activist groups participating in the protest were Assata’s Daughters, Black Youth Project (BYP) 100, Fearless Leading by the Youth (FLY), Palestinian Youth in Action, Centro Autonomo, People’s Response Team, and the Chicago Religious Leadership Network (CRLN).

Assata’s Daughters said in a statement at the time, “Undocumented people in Chicago and nationally are living in fear daily of being taken from their homes and away from their families. We, as Black American community organizers, can relate to that fear. … Our struggles are distinct but connected. When enforcement is overfunded, that is money that is not being spent on services that actually keep us safe.”

An OCAD organizer and Policy Director for the #Not1More Campaign, Tania Unzueta, complained that Chicago spent “40% of its budget on police” and that the government should spend money on “developing and nurturing our communities not deporting and incarcerating them.”

“If these agencies have endless resources, they will find endless ways to target and harm our families. They need to be defunded and dismantled,” she said.

OCAD in recent days and weeks has been calling for its supporters to support the Black Lives Matter movement, posting on its Facebook page, “our liberation is dependent of...