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Monday, November 2, 2020

Biden Inc. The Biden's Acquired Paradigm Hedge-fund To Help Foreigners with "Deep Pockets" Invest In Joe Biden And They Were Sued For Fraud By The Former Executives...

The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one.

In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present.

After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”

At the time, the senator was just months away from both assuming the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and launching his second presidential bid. According to the executive, James Biden made it clear he viewed the fund as a way to take money from rich foreigners who could not legally give money to his older brother or his campaign account. “We've got investors lined up in a line of 747s filled with cash ready to invest in this company,” the executive remembers James Biden saying.

At this, the executive recalled, Beau Biden, who was then running for attorney general of Delaware, turned bright red. He told his uncle, “This can never leave this room, and if you ever say it again, I will have nothing to do with this.”

A spokesman for James and Hunter Biden said no such episode ever occurred. Beau Biden died in 2015, at 46.

But the recollection of an effort to cash in on Joe’s political ties is consistent with other accounts provided by other former executives at the fund.

Three former Paradigm executives said James and Hunter Biden also sought to capitalize on Joe’s strong ties to labor unions in the hopes of landing investments from them; Charles Provini, who briefly served as Paradigm’s president, said both James and Hunter repeatedly cited Joe’s political ties when they recruited him to work for the fund. “I was told because of his relationships with the unions that they felt as though it would be favorably looked upon to invest in the fund as long as it was a good fund,” Provini recalled.

Documents submitted as part of a legal dispute over Paradigm’s acquisition show James Biden planned to solicit investments for it from union pension funds. A spokesman for James and Hunter said they did not end up marketing the fund to...

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Honor Blackman
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

When You Don't Vote, You Let The Mob Make Your Decisions For You...

Their Interests Are Not Ours.


The Target On You Is Growing, Your Shield Is Your Vote....

 Go Vote Tomorrow!

Biden’s Biggest Fundraisers are Tied to Islamic Terrorists

Joe Biden had spent the entire election hiding the names of his bundlers, the big money fundraisers who fueled his campaign, until releasing them right before Election Day.

What did he have to hide?

The list of bundlers who managed to raise at least $100,000 for Biden includes some of the usual Democrat politicians and big party donors, along with some other names.

Like that of Jamal Abdi.

Abdi is the executive director of NIAC Action and the former policy director of the National Iranian American Council, often referred to as the Iran Lobby.

NIAC Action is the lobbying arm of NIAC and despite claiming to represent the Persian diaspora in America, Iranian-Americans have accused it of echoing the talking points of Iran’s regime. Members of the democratic opposition to the Islamist regime have even helped spread the #niaclobbies4mullahs hashtag across Twitter which was tweeted as much as 300,000 times.

“The NIAC pretends to support the interests of Iranians who reside in the US but, in practice, it aims to protect the interests of the Islamic Republic,” Shervan Fashandi, a member of the opposition to the regime, has said.

Earlier this year, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Tom Cotton had sent a letter to the Justice Department urging an investigation of NIAC and NIAC Action for violating FARA by lobbying for a foreign country without officially registering as foreign agents. The letter noted that "NIAC's relationship with the Iranian regime and its role amplifying regime propaganda in the United States have been the subject of discussion in Washington D.C. for years."

Iran is an Islamic terror state responsible for the murder of Americans around the world.

Joe Biden is no stranger to the Iran Lobby. He had celebrated the Islamic takeover of Iran. During the Iran Hostage Crisis, opposed the rescue of American hostages, and called for an end to pro-democracy broadcasts into Iran and for admitting the terror state into the WTO.

Early in the century, he had also raised sizable amounts of money and headlined an event for the American Iranian Council whose founder had run for the presidency of...

This Biden Supporter Graphically Illustrates The Consequences Of Not Voting...

Make Your Plans Today, For Voting Tomorrow.

Nothing Is More Important.


Joe Biden: Trashing Fossil Fuel in the US While His Family Seeks to Make Money From It in Ukraine and China

There are many allegations now in the public square about the Biden family’s alleged conflicts of interest. In fact, the liberal-leaning press have been reporting on it it for quite some time in stories often centered on Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

Last year, Politico wrote “Biden, Inc.: How 'Middle Class' Joe's family cashed in.” In New Yorker, it was: “Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?” And The Intercept wrote: “Joe Biden’s Family Has Been Cashing in on His Career for Decades.”

Undisputed is the fact that Hunter and other members of the Biden family have been involved in numerous complex, and sometimes controversial, multi-national, multi-million dollar deals involving Ukraine, Russia, China, Luxembourg, and the UK. Numerous observers have stated they believe the Bidens’ main qualification to conduct such business is simply that they are connected to a powerful political figure who has influence over policies and practices that can impact the businesses: Joe Biden.

Now, new documentation of the allegations have come with a flurry of 11th hour releases and allegations by a former Biden family business partner, and a computer shop owner who got a look into Hunter Biden’s computer.

Tony Bobulinski, a Democrat and business associate, claims he met with Joe Biden personally as Hunter and James sought to convince Bobulinski to lead a giant business venture with a communist Chinese energy company. He claims Joe Biden was to secretly receive a 10% equity in the company, money allegedly to be laundered through Hunter. And, Bobulinski alleges, the Biden’s lucrative entanglements with the Chinese have made Joe Biden hopelessly compromised by a foreign government.

Tangled up in the whole mess are even larger issues. There’s big tech censorship after Twitter censored a New York Post story on the topic. There’s media bias after some in the press announced a black out on the story and refused to cover it. There’s ongoing mistrust in the FBI when it was learned the agency has had the allegedly incendiary Hunter Biden computer material since last December but not publicly acted on anything in it, and kept it secret from relevant Congressional committees that asked about it. Interestingly, the Justice Department and FBI— agencies that have proven rife with anti-Trump leaks— were able to keep uncharacteristically mum when it came to a scandal and allegations about a figure on the other side of...

We Have The Passion, We Have The Momentum, EVERYBODY Needs To Get Out And Vote, If We All Vote We All Win!


WATCH: Antifa rioter tells police officers 'I hope all of your children get raped and killed'

An Antifa demonstrator in New York City was caught on camera on Sunday yelling at an NYPD officer "I hope all of your children get raped and killed."
The pinked-haired protesters comments drew gasps from other protesters who appeared to be upset by the vitriol of the woman's statement. One person in the crowd can be heard repeatedly shouting "hey" after she made the comment, while another appeared to cover her mouth in disbelief.

"You're a f*cking disgrace to society," the pink-haired protester continued before the video cut off. She appeared to be walking away from the scene as the footage ends.

Violent protests have once again erupted in many of America's major cities, including New York City, following the shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. by police in Philadelphia. Wallace was caught on video waving a knife and approaching police officers before the 27-year-old was shot dead.

Since then, New York City has experienced rioting as looters attacked businesses and caused property damage in Brooklyn, FOX News reports. Police cruisers have also been reported to have sustained damage, garbage cans have been set on fire, and a number of officers were injured as a rioter attempted to drive a sedan through a group of...

Will You Be Part Of The Great Red Wave?


AP 'Explains' How France 'Incites' Islamic Terrorism with 'Brutal' Colonialism, Secularism

On Thursday, an Islamist killed three people, nearly decapitating one at the Basilica of Notre Dame in Nice, France, while yelling "Allahu Akbar!" Two weeks ago, a teacher was nearly beheaded after he showed controversial cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in his class. The Associated Press decided this was a time to ask why France was causing this! Their original "AP Explains" article was headlined “Why does France incite anger in the Muslim world?" Yes, "incite." Then they softened it to "Why France sparks so much anger in the Muslim world."

AP's Halloween tweet with the "incite" phrasing was deleted:

AP correspondent Angela Charlton's scolding tone remained:
Many countries, especially in the democratic West, champion freedom of expression and allow publications that lampoon Islam’s prophet. So why is France singled out for protests and calls for boycotts across the Muslim world, and so often the target of deadly violence from the extremist margins?

Its brutal colonial past, staunch secular policies and tough-talking president who is seen as insensitive toward the Muslim faith all play a role.
AP tried another tweet, though, to play down the "France incites" tone...even if it still carries the curious tone of "freedom of expression is dangerous."

AP blamed French imperialism, and not immigration. That would sound too Trumpy.

France has the largest population of Muslims in Western Europe, more than 5 million in a nation of 67 million, a legacy of its colonial domination of large swaths of Africa and the Middle East.

But the country’s efforts to integrate Muslim immigrants have faltered. The official French doctrine of colorblindness is intended to ignore ethnic and religious backgrounds and to have all French citizens seen as equally French. In reality, the ideal often fuels discrimination against those who look, dress or pray differently from the historically Catholic majority, instead of preventing it.
"Historically Catholic" is kinda funny, since Charlton acknowledges that France established secularism in 1905, and "Crucifixes were at one point torn from classroom walls in France amid painful public debate."

A century later, polls suggest France is among the least-religious countries in the world, with a minority attending services regularly. Secularism is broadly supported by those on both left and right.
As the number of Muslim in France grew, the state imposed secular rules on their practices. A 2004 banning Muslim headscarves and other ostentatious religious symbols in schools remains divisive, if not shocking to many outside France. A 2011 law banning face veils made Muslims feel stigmatized anew.

AP blamed French president Emmanuel Macron for being too bold in opposing violent extremists. Notice how Muslim radicals are merely "seen as" undermining religious freedom. Charlton even cited Turkey's president Erdogan, who has squashed religious freedom for the Christians in...

When You Don't Vote, You Are Voting For This "New Normal"