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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Dead 84 Year Old Woman Converts To Democrat And Votes... Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel...


Whack A Mole...


Biden Won The Civil War Vet Vote....


Lawsuit: At least 21,000 dead people registered on Pennsylvania’s voter rolls

The lawsuit says that 92% of the deceased registrants have been dead for over a year

There are at least 21,000 dead people registered on the state of Pennsylvania's voter rolls, according to a lawsuit filed by a legal group.

A lawsuit filed on Thursday by the Public Interest Legal Foundation claims that there are tens of thousands of deceased registrants on voter rolls in Pennsylvania. The amended lawsuit filed against the Pennsylvania Department of State alleges that Pennsylvania failed to "reasonably maintain voter registration records under federal and state law" during the 2020 presidential election cycle.

The lawsuit alleges that a vast majority are from over a year ago. According to the lawsuit, 92% of the 21,000 deceased people on Pennsylvania's voter rolls died earlier than October 2019. Thousands of the alleged registered dead people reportedly died over five years ago.

"As of October 7, 2020, at least 9,212 registrants have been dead for at least five years, at least 1,990 registrants have been dead for at least ten years, and at least 197 registrants have been dead for at least twenty years … Pennsylvania still left the names of more than 21,000 dead individuals on the voter rolls less than a month before one of the most consequential general elections for...

Most Election Assists: China...


American Coup Victims Will Not Go Quietly

This was a Coup. It lacked, at least for the moment, the spilled blood often associated with a classic coup d’etat but make no mistake about it – this was a coup.

A record number of Americans fought an unusual number of hardships to make certain their voices were heard in the selection of our next president. And, given the stark difference in the candidates’ visions for America’s future and the growing national divide, that choice was surely not made lightly.

So, when we on the right observed one “irregularity” after another on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, what we needed were answers and transparency. What we got were evasions and coverups.

Keep in mind that we have endured over the past 4 years a seeming century’s worth of dishonesty, hoaxes, threats, wild conspiracy theories and widespread corruption from those on the left. Indeed, Liberals appear to have made sport of treating Donald Trump and his supporters much like a cat treats a litter-box. And we got the message: There is no limit to just how low they are willing to sink.

So running up to Election Day, we weren’t overly shocked to hear stories of “replaced” and supposedly destroyed misprinted ballots being accepted at Pittsburgh polling centers, effectively allowing 1 person 2 votes.

We remained calm but curious when Michigan joined other battleground states in halting their counts early Wednesday morning. We became concerned when we noticed hours later that, while Michigan’s Trump vote stayed exactly the same at 2,202,902, the Biden vote had somehow increased by 138,339. And, even though that result was statistically impossible, we didn’t really shift into full-blown-pissed-off until we saw a video of what appeared to be illegal ballots being wheeled into a Detroit Vote Count Center in the dead of night that very same morning.

So you can imagine the reaction when news of pollster Nate Silver’s twitter message hit just hours later, announcing: “Two more batches of Pennsylvania votes reported: 23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden.” Especially coming from a highly-regarded statistician who knew damned well that the words he typed were impossible, unless of course someone was cheating – big time.

What was going on here? Did they really believe us such fools? Were they so emboldened as to not care? Or are they intentionally goading us into action in an attempt to legitimize their lame assertion that it is “Right-Wing White Supremacists,” not the Woke Left-Wing Nutjobs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter responsible for the ongoing violence in our streets?

Hold that thought for just a moment.

And consider first a few more figures that simply don’t fly. For instance, does anyone really believe that more votes were cast for Sleepy Joe Biden than history-making Dem darling Barack Obama? Or that plus-40% Red Counties flipped to plus-40% Blue counties in a single cycle? Or that in key counties, the down-ticket candidates consistently received 20% less votes than Biden?

Isn’t it much more likely that overzealous Dems, having once again grossly underestimated Donald Trump, panicked and, in doing so, brought life to the...

Election Software Problems Only Go Against Trump?


Mick Mulvaney ‘absolutely’ expects Trump to be ‘leading GOP candidate’ in 2024

If the Great Heist of 2020 is successful, and the longer the counts drag out the better the odds are, imagine the reaction from the corrupt media cabal when Donald Trump is elected president once more in 2024.

A prospect that may very well happen, according to former acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.

Speculating on what would happen if Trump loses the election, Mulvaney talked about who the leading Republican candidate might be in 2024.

“Now, folks are starting to realize, ‘Wait a second, if Donald Trump loses he might be the guy,’ and I’m telling you absolutely,” he said, in a webinar hosted by the Institute for International and European Affairs.
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“I would absolutely expect the president to stay involved in politics and would absolutely put him on the shortlist of people who are likely to run in 2024,” he added. “He doesn’t like losing.”

Mulvaney described Trump as a “very high-energy 74-year-old,” adding he expects the president to be “further engaged in 2024 or 2028 if he were to lose this next election.”

He also noted that Trump would be younger than Biden currently is.

“Plus, don’t lose sight of the fact that he will be, I think, technically younger than Joe Biden is four years from now,” said the former director of...

The Litmus Test...

 Soon Be Be Law.

AOC and Dems Making Lists To Make Sure Trump Supporters Receive 'Accountability'

She has really flipped her lid this time. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, part of the charming “Squad” which now appears to be more like the mob is taking names and numbers.

In a tweet this afternoon AOC asked, “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

She went on to say “Lol at the “party of personal responsibility” being upset at the idea of being responsible for their behavior over last four years.”

While one might brush it off as nonsense I think she is projecting her innermost desires and apparently there are other prepared to jump right in with her.

Emily Abrams, a former staffer for Dem presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, took immediate action by launching the Trump Accountability Project. According to Abrams, the objective of the project is “to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for...


Truckin' got my chips cashed in. Keep truckin', 
like the do-dah man

Together, more or less in line, 
just keep truckin' on.

Arrows of neon and flashing marquees out on Main Street.
Chicago, New York, Detroit and it's all on the same street.
Your typical city involved in a typical daydream
Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings.

Morning Mistress