90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

FOX Is OVER After This Disgusting Display Of BIAS! Chris Wallace Shows What We All Already Knew...

Girls With Guns



So The Story I Heard So Long Ago Was That The Original Title Was "In The Garden of Eden" But They Were So Wasted When Practicing, It Became "In A Gadda Da Vida" , They Liked It And Kept The Name....

Oh Ruby, Don't Take Our Votes To Town...


That Deaf Dumb And Blind Kid, Sure Plays A Mean Swamp Ball....


Cornell vaccine mandate only applies to white students

Police violence against blacks ‘may contribute to feelings of distrust or powerlessness’

One of the amazing things we learned in 2020 is that the novel coronavirus can’t infect people who attend Black Lives Matter protests. Science!

Apparently the seasonal influenza is even more considerate, at least at Cornell University.

The Ivy League school offers a race-based exemption from its new mandatory flu shot, requiring only white students to get immunized before returning to the area.

Cornell started requiring flu immunizations this academic year for all students “studying in Ithaca” – not just those attending classes in person – enforced through the Behavioral Compact.

It’s not to protect students from the flu, the FAQ reads, but so that “medical services and other support resources can be fully available to serve students who may be exposed to COVID-19” (an infection that threatens very few of them).

So-called black, indigenous and people of color are welcome to...

The Blue Bayou Is A Swamp Of Lies....


WATCH: Tucker exposes scrubbed video of Chinese professor saying they have people at top of America

Tucker Carlson exposed a video tonight that was scrubbed by the Chinese government of a professor admitting that they have people at the “top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence”:

In the video, a top economics professor discusses how China was able to easily settle disputes with prior administrations because they have people at the top of America, specifically on Wall Street. But when Trump came a long, all that...

What A Contemptible, Toxic Thing...


AOC, Omar, and Squad Want to Free 500,000 Fat Criminals

Socialists propose a bill to free fat criminals to save them from the virus.

Obese rapists, insane serial killers, and child molesters over 55 years old could be on the loose in your neighbrohood if the Squad’s latest social justice bill becomes law.

The bill to free all the fat criminals, sponsored by Rep. Tlaib, Rep. Lee, and Rep. Pressley, and co-sponsored by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Omar, and eight other Democrats, and endorsed by Black Lives Matter, calls for a mass jailbreak to protect criminals from the coronavirus.

The existing wave of coronavirus criminal releases already helped boost crime rates in major cities with double digit increases in homicides. Robberies have shot up like a rocket with criminals stealing cars and looting businesses while knowing they won’t be jailed.

But that’s not enough for the Squad. They want to free all the criminals. Especially the fat ones.

The Dismantle Mass Incarceration for Public Health Act, introduced by Rep Tlaib, would “require States and units of local government to certify a commitment to release certain individuals from jails and prisons” and their list includes anyone who’s over 55 years old, unhealthy, or obese.

Or as the bill puts it, has been “diagnosed with obesity”.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, anyone with a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0 qualifies as obese. That means a 5'6 rapist who weighs 187 pounds, a 5'8 mugger who clocks in at 200 pounds, or one of those fabled 6'0 and 225 pound gentle giants specializing in home invasions would all be considered obese and in need of immediate release.

The official obese ranking doesn’t actually mean fat. The criminals that Tlaib, AOC, Omar, Lee, and Pressley want to unleash on communities already swimming in a wave of horrifying crimes are above a recommended healthy height to weight ratio. But maybe a good exercise regimen of muggings, carjackings, and sexual assaults will get them back to...

"Fact" Checkers Have Completely Jumped the Shark....


Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes Maggot.

2 + 2 = 5

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel Said Her Adopted Son was ‘Devastated’ After Hearing ‘Merry Christmas’

This poor kid sounds mentally abused.

Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel recently posted a tweet indicating that her adopted son was so triggered after hearing “Merry Christmas,” he nearly broke out in tears.

“Let me begin by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Remember the word? Remember we started five years ago and I said “You’re going to be saying Christmas again,” and we say it proudly again although they’ll be trying to take that word again out of the vocabulary. We’re not going to let them do that,” she wrote in her first since-deleted tweet.

Nessel made it clear that President Trump’s support of Christmas has triggered her greatly, as this “empowered” LGBT leader is apparently so weak-minded that she is agitated by the smallest of microaggressions.

“I remember the first time I was at a store with my son and an employee said “Merry Christmas” to us. My son looked devastated as asked “Are we the only people who don’t celebrate Christmas?” I answered “No, and we are just as American as everyone else.” Glad @JoeBiden knows that,” Nessel wrote in a subsequent tweet.

After being humiliated over her initial tweets that were later deleted, she followed up with a defense of “Happy Holidays” on the basis that it honors the diversity that has become America’s de facto state religion as the nation disintegrates:

Big League Politics has reported on Nessel’s overreach in the aftermath of the dubious presidential election, in which she has run a terror campaign against whistleblowers and public officials in order to enforce the vote steal: