90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Cynthia A Johnson of the Michigan House of Representatives has a message for TRUMP SUPPORTERS

Hi Mike Miles,
Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our violent criminal organizations policy. We've removed the following content from YouTube:
Video: Cynthia A Johnson of the Michigan House of Representatives has a message for TRUMP SUPPORTERS
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The YouTube Team

I Put It On Bitchute:

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Swalwell Is Always Speaking Out Of His Chinese Compromised Ass...

Chinese Official Talks About How Biden Is Their Man In Washington...

Girls With Guns

The Dishonesty Of The Call For "Unity"


It Burns Either Way Baby.

Government Intervention And Those Who Support It....


Pushing Back Against The False Narrative...

 And All They Have Done Is Put A Bigger Target On Police Officers...

Newsmax Ratings Surge, Surpass Fox For First Time

Before Nov. 3, neither OAN nor Newsmax could come anywhere close to matching, or surpassing, the ratings from America's reigning king of cable: Fox News, the conservative-leaning news and opinion network that helped cultivate the base of GOP voters which Trump rallied to victory in 2016, has finally lost its crown.

According to media reports, Newsmax beat Fox News among the coveted 25- to 54-year-old demographic for the first time ever on Monday evening. The ratings win comes amid a breakthrough in the Trump Administration's push to challenge the election results in the court of public opinion to try and "delegitimize" Biden's presidency (just like how many on the left refused to accept Donald Trump as their president 4 yeas ago).

The battle has at times impacted Fox's shares.

CNN's Brian Stelter, who clearly likes to think of himself on the de facto "reporter of record" when it comes to covering the American media industry (the eptiome of naval gazing, as far as we can tell), broke the news late Tuesday.

"Before the election, Newsmax was not regarded as a formidable competitor to Fox; it was mostly dismissed as one of a handful of wannabe challengers," CNN's Brian Stelter reports. "But President Trump's loss on Nov. 3 changed the cable TV calculus. Viewers who were frustrated when Fox admitted the truth of Trump's loss sought other options," and "Newsmax — and Kelly in particular — offered a safe space in which Biden was not called president-elect and Trump was not yet defeated."

Of course, many on the left are blaming Fox's "Fall From Grace'' on the fact that it "stood up to Trump" by calling the vote for Biden, even as supreme court challenges and other questions remian unresolved. Trump's most loyal followers are likewise repudiating Fox, and embracing Sinclair-owned Newsmax and OAN.

While this is only the first time any Newsmax programming blocks has topped Fox, we imagine it won't be the last, particularly as Newsmax copies more and more of what worked at Fox, while filtering out...

If They Dress The Part Do We Get To Shoot 'Em?


Pompeo: Thanks to Trump, Chinese Communist Party ‘Has Now Shown Itself’ and Is Exposed

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Breitbart News exclusively that President Donald Trump and his administration have successfully exposed the Chinese Communist Party as the most significant threat to the United States – something he hopes will last long into the future.

Thanks to the work of Trump and his administration, Pompeo said, combined with the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party and its influence operations across the country and around the world are well known and public. The CCP, the president’s top diplomat and former CIA director argued, was able to operate in the shadows with impunity for years—but now it can no longer hide its agenda and actions from the world.

“The CCP has now shown itself,” Pompeo said. “It frankly didn’t for a long time. We can now see it. Each time we push back, you can see it more clearly. Each time we talk about how this virus emanated from Wuhan, China, the Chinese try to tell a story that it came from Italy or it came from American soldiers. I think the story this week was it came from packaged food. This is false and disinformation. We are unraveling their narrative. We have taken this seriously because Xi Jinping is taking making China the Middle Kingdom—a global hegemony—seriously. So we have a responsibility to get this right.”

Pompeo is traveling to Georgia Tech on Wednesday to deliver a speech about Chinese influence operations on American college campuses and the threat they represent to the United States. Some on the left and in the establishment media have raised concerns that Pompeo appearing in Georgia—where there are two ongoing U.S. Senate runoffs that could determine majority control in the U.S. Senate—is a political trip disguised as official business. Upcoming on Jan. 5, both GOP Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) will face Democrats Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff respectively. Republicans will definitely have at least 50 U.S. Senate seats next year, and Democrats will definitely have at least 48. If the Democrats were to take these two seats, that would mean the Senate would deadlock in a 50-50 tie. In such a scenario, whoever the Vice President of the United States is would cut the ties. As it stands now, Democrat presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden leads in enough states that have certified their election results to win the White House next year, but President Trump is continuing with a challenge of the results. If that challenge is unsuccessful, Biden would become the president and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), would become the vice presiden, making her the tie-breaking vote in the Senate in such a scenario.

Asked about the Senate majority, and the White House next year, as it relates to China policy, Pompeo pointed to what he described as a growing bipartisan consensus on the threat of the Chinese Communist Party to the United States. He credited Trump for building that consensus and waking up both parties to...

I Do This For The People Who Do Not Work As Hard As Me....


I Want The Multiplier Account!