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Monday, December 21, 2020

Taxed In Absentia?


The Dystopia Intensifies...


Live Salem Oregon - Something Is Going Down At The State House...


And Then... The Panda Is In The Henhouse...

Doctor Who Warned Americans Not to Travel For Thanksgiving Traveled For Thanksgiving

Do as we say, not as we do.

White House coronavirus response Dr. Deborah Birx traveled to meet family during Thanksgiving after warning Americans to avoid doing the same in yet another example of rampant COVID hypocrisy.

According to an Associated Press report, Birx traveled to her vacation home on Fenwick Island in Delaware the day after Thanksgiving to gather with her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.

Birx claimed the family members were all part of her “immediate household,” but all of those family members do not live in the same home.

The doctor had previously urged Americans to “take it upon yourself to be restrictive” when it came to Thanksgiving travel and not meet with people from outside one household.

Birx’s own relative Kathleen Flynn told the AP that her behavior had caused tension within the family.

“She cavalierly violated her own guidance,” Flynn said.

The scandal may harm Birx’s effort to secure a public health role within the Biden administration.

“To me this disqualifies her from any future government health position,” said Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at...

If Only Ignorant Democrats Understood What BLM Really Is:

Intolerant, Racist Marxists That Dream Of Glorious Genocide.

On-Duty Police Officer Beaten In Unprovoked Attack While Waiting To Order Food

ROCKVILLE, Maryland — An on-duty, uniformed Montgomery County police officer was assaulted while waiting in line at a Chipotle restaurant in Rockville. The suspect, Nyziere London, age 21, of Coatesville, Pennsylvania, was arrested and charged with second-degree assault and resisting arrest.

Thursday evening at approximately 6:48 p.m., the police officer was waiting in line to order food at the Chipotle Mexican Grill located at 14925 Shady Grove Road in Rockville. London walked in the restaurant, walked up to the officer, and without saying anything and without provocation, punched the officer in the face twice. London continued to punch at the officer’s body as the officer attempted to place London into custody. Another officer who was in the restaurant and paying for her food, heard the commotion and came to the first officer’s aid. Additional officers responded to the restaurant and London was placed under arrest.

London was transported to the Central Processing Unit and is being held without bond.

Detectives say there is no evidence that the officer had any previous interaction with London.

The male officer, a 26-year veteran of the force, suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

Chief Marcus Jones said of this assault on this officer, “Officers work hard every day to ensure that our community stays safe. Police work can often put officers in harm’s way, but I’m saddened that this unprovoked attack occurred while this officer was attempting to simply grab a quick bite to eat during his shift. This is another danger to our profession.”

"The spy is privileged to enter even the general's private sleeping-tent"

 "An army without spies is like a man without ears or eyes"

Shocker: Joe Biden Advisors Urging Closer Cooperation With The Chinese Communist Government in Space

Democrats and leftists (same thing) have, for as long as I can remember, been in love with communists and communism. After the implosion of the old Soviet Union the left’s love affair with that country shifted over time from Russia to their newest love, China.

So a vote for Joe Biden was always a vote for the decline of the United States of America as a world power. It was also a vote to enable the Chinese communists rise to fill the vacuum and become the dominant power on the planet.

As but one example, rather than making them pay a price for what they did to the world with covid, Biden’s advisors want to increase the cooperation between the USA and China in space.

Via Politico:
Top advisers to Joe Biden have argued that it’s important to cooperate with China on space exploration, even as the incoming administration treats Beijing as its top economic and military competitor in virtually every other realm.

They assert that despite China’s pattern of stealing American technology and diverting it for military purposes, a limited space partnership between Washington and Beijing could reduce tensions and the likelihood of a destabilizing space race. The move would be akin to the cooperation between the U.S. and Russia’s civilian space programs during the height of the Cold War.

The debate gained more urgency recently after China became just the third nation to retrieve samples from the moon, the latest in a series of major achievements for its ambitious space program.

“Trying to exclude them I think is a failing strategy,” Pam Melroy, a former astronaut who is serving on Biden’s NASA transition team and is among those being considered to lead the space agency, told POLITICO before the election. “It’s very important that we engage.”
Maybe instead of engaging with the Chinese in space we should focus on rebuilding our economy after the devastation of covid, and making the Chinese pay a price for the destruction they caused.

Maybe instead of cooperating with the Chinese communists, they need to be reigned in and taught a lesson about screwing with us the way they have been all these years.

But if Joe Biden takes office next month, not only will China NOT pay a price for what they did to us, they will instead be offered...

The Media Hard At Work....

They Shot Her Down Fang Fang, 

She Hit The Ground Fang Fang, 

They Shot Her Story Down....

Mission Impossible With Eric Swalwell And Agent Fang Fang...

McCarthy renews call for Pelosi to remove Swalwell from House Intel, says FBI should brief entire committee

The top House Republican renewed his call for Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell to be removed from the House Intelligence Committee over his relationship with suspected Chinese spy Christine Fang and said the FBI should give every member of the intelligence committee the same briefing he received Friday.

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, called upon House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to pull Swalwell, a California Democrat, from the sensitive post. He told Maria Bartiromo of Sunday Morning Futures on Fox News that the entire intelligence committee deserved the same FBI briefing about Fang that only he and Pelosi had received, arguing no one could hear the classified details that he had and still think Swalwell should be on the committee, with oversight over the CIA and the intelligence community.

“It was just the Speaker Nancy Pelosi and myself. It was a very thorough briefing. No one that was in that room could walk out and say Eric Swalwell should be on the Intel Committee. ... They had a briefing before in 2015, and I don’t know what that briefing was like compared to this one, but it could not have been the same. The one answer that I got out of that briefing was there is no way Eric Swalwell should continue to serve on the Intel Committee,” McCarthy said. “And the challenge here is the leaders of both parties are the only people who select to go on the Intel Committee. That is why today, Maria, what I’m going to request, that every single member on the House Intelligence Committee gets the exact same briefing from the FBI that I did, because if this individual is sitting on this committee, Eric Swalwell, they’ve got to know the background of what has gone on. I can’t talk about the classified part, but you know what’s out there in the press.”

Fang Fang, also known as Christine Fang, a Chinese national believed to be working with China’s Ministry of State Security, conducted an extensive political influence operation between 2011 and 2015 on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party in the Bay Area and elsewhere, according to a report by Axios that cited U.S. intelligence officials. Swalwell's association with Fang, which he has refused to describe in detail, reportedly lasted from 2011 to 2015. Swalwell was elected to the House in 2012.

Fang is suspected of targeting other politicians in California and elsewhere in the country, including romantic relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors. She reportedly acted as a financial bundler for Swalwell and helped place at least one intern in...

Congress Reaches $900 Billion ‘COVID-19 Relief’ Deal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced on Sunday that a deal for “COVID-19 relief” valued at “nearly $900 billion” of federal government spending had been reached by congressional leadership.

McConnell’s remarks on the Senate floor regarding a “major rescue package” “with targeted policies to help struggling Americans” did not include any mention of lockdowns or shutdowns — ostensibly for public health purposes — of businesses or other operations.

McConnell said the spending bill would “provide huge sums for the logistics” of distributing vaccines for the coronavirus.”

“Speaking of vaccines, we can’t nullify the success of Operation Warp Speed by falling asleep at the switch on distribution,” McConnel stated. “So this agreement will provide huge sums for the logistics that will get these life-saving shots to our citizens as fast as possible.”

McConnell and his staff tweeted:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) also made no mention of ostensibly public health-related lockdown or shutdown decrees against businesses and other organizations while referring to small business and restaurant owners. He described the...