90 Miles From Tyranny : Shocker: Joe Biden Advisors Urging Closer Cooperation With The Chinese Communist Government in Space

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Monday, December 21, 2020

Shocker: Joe Biden Advisors Urging Closer Cooperation With The Chinese Communist Government in Space

Democrats and leftists (same thing) have, for as long as I can remember, been in love with communists and communism. After the implosion of the old Soviet Union the left’s love affair with that country shifted over time from Russia to their newest love, China.

So a vote for Joe Biden was always a vote for the decline of the United States of America as a world power. It was also a vote to enable the Chinese communists rise to fill the vacuum and become the dominant power on the planet.

As but one example, rather than making them pay a price for what they did to the world with covid, Biden’s advisors want to increase the cooperation between the USA and China in space.

Via Politico:
Top advisers to Joe Biden have argued that it’s important to cooperate with China on space exploration, even as the incoming administration treats Beijing as its top economic and military competitor in virtually every other realm.

They assert that despite China’s pattern of stealing American technology and diverting it for military purposes, a limited space partnership between Washington and Beijing could reduce tensions and the likelihood of a destabilizing space race. The move would be akin to the cooperation between the U.S. and Russia’s civilian space programs during the height of the Cold War.

The debate gained more urgency recently after China became just the third nation to retrieve samples from the moon, the latest in a series of major achievements for its ambitious space program.

“Trying to exclude them I think is a failing strategy,” Pam Melroy, a former astronaut who is serving on Biden’s NASA transition team and is among those being considered to lead the space agency, told POLITICO before the election. “It’s very important that we engage.”
Maybe instead of engaging with the Chinese in space we should focus on rebuilding our economy after the devastation of covid, and making the Chinese pay a price for the destruction they caused.

Maybe instead of cooperating with the Chinese communists, they need to be reigned in and taught a lesson about screwing with us the way they have been all these years.

But if Joe Biden takes office next month, not only will China NOT pay a price for what they did to us, they will instead be offered...

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