90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, December 24, 2020


It Snowed Last Night..

8:00 am: I made a snowman.

8:10 – A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.

8:15 – So, I made a snow woman.

8:17 – My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman’s chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere.

8:20 – The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snow men instead.

8:22 – The transgender man..women…person asked why I didn’t just make one snow person with detachable parts.

8:25 – The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.

8:28 – I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.

8:30 – I used food coloring to make one of the snow couple a different color and be more racially inclusive.

8:37 – Accused of using blackface on the snowman…snowpersons.

8:39 – The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up .

8:40 – The police arrived saying someone had been offended.

8:42 – The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.

8:43 – The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.

8:45 – TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied “Snowballs” and am now called a sexist.

9:00 – I was on the news as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe, and sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.

9:10 – I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.

9:29 – Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested.

9:45 – The boss called and fired me because of the negative association with work that had been all over social media.

10:00 – I cry into my drink because all I wanted to do was build a snowman… Moral: There is no moral to this story. It is what this world has become because of a bunch of snowflakes….

All Your Base Are Belong To Us....

The Christmas Fairy Tale...


Petition Filed to Disbar Rep. Matt Gaetz by Democrat Socialist

President Trump (R) continues to challenge the results of the November election, and it seems that those legislators supporting him could face repercussions for calling into question Trump’s defeat. Pam Keith, the Democrat who ran for Florida’s 18th Congressional district but lost to Florida Rep. Brian Mast (R), has filed a petition to disbar Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) over his continued support of Trump’s legal challenges.

Calling his support an “egregious betrayal and attack on the Constitution of the United States of America,” Keith informer her Twitter followers that “whether or not they choose to discipline him (they have censured him in the past), the record of his tenure will have this stain forever.”

In a time when Republicans are facing infighting because of the election results, Rep. Gaetz has remained a staunch supporter of the President’s legal challenges after some Republicans have signaled that they’re ready to move forward with a Biden administration.

The petition filed by Keith further asserts that Gaetz has acted to “tear apart the fabric of federalism that allows this nation to function and thrive.”

So far, the petition has received over 3,305 signatures, and Keith has also hinted that she would also file a petition to disbar Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi (R).

In response to the petition, Rep. Gaetz questioned on Twitter, “how many times have you run? How many wins? (The voters just aren’t that into you…).

Gaetz or his office have not provided further comments on the petition, but Keith remains committed to ensuring that Gaetz is disbarred.

Who is Pam Keith?

Keith has run for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives in 3 different elections and has used a different place of residency in all three campaigns.

Keith recently stated that she only answers to those who vote or donate to her campaign.

“As a candidate, I can tell you, we listen to two kinds of people. The people who give us money and the people who give us votes. You don’t give me your vote or your money, I don’t gotta listen to you.”- Pam Keith:

What Rhymes With Pervert?


Unexplained Explosion Destroys World’s 2nd Largest Pharmaceutical Factory Producing Precursors for Hydroxychloroquine

An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two injured and caused a fire early this afternoon, December 20.

People as far as Tamsui District in New Taipei City reported hearing the massive blast. Immediately afterwards thick black smoke could be seen pouring out of the SCI Pharmtech factory.

Large quantities of highly volatile solvents poured out of tanks after the initial explosion, making an intense fire, with risk of further explosions. Nearby residents reported a pungent, disgusting smell, and some reported experiencing dizziness and nausea.

Firefighters responding to the fire found two people injured. A 30-year-old foreign migrant worker suffered third-degree burns to 80%-90% of his body, and is described as being in a critical condition.

The fire department said that the SCI Pharmtech factory has been completely destroyed.

An investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the massive explosion. It has been reported that the pharmaceutical company produces hydroxychloroquine APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients). The company is considered to be the second largest hydroxychloroquine raw material supplier in the World.

Prepare for supplies to tighten for the cheap, effective therapeutic treatment for early stage Covid-19 infection, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Just as the medical establishment in the US is relaxing its suppression of the cheap, generic drug, following President Trump’s endorsement early in the pandemic, HCQ’s continued availability may suffer.

Taiwan English News reports:-

On the same day, China’s new aircraft carrier Shandong and four other navy warships passed through the Taiwan strait in the direction of the South China Sea.

The convoy of ships led by the aircraft carrier were heading for a routine military exercise held in the South China Sea, a disputed area which China claims that it is theirs. Taiwan sent six warships and eight military aircraft to monitor the passage of the convoy through the strait.

Taiwan and China are not on good terms. China considers Taiwan as their own territory, something Taiwan rejects. Taiwan unlike China has democratic elections and do not believe in China’s communist system. They are harassed daily by Chinese military aircraft entering their airspace and have been threatened that they will be invaded.

Chinese Defence Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.


Do you believe in coincidence?

Just as the US were about to relax their suppression on the supply of Hydroxychloroquine, the second largest supplier of the raw material goes up in smoke.

The very same day Chinese aircraft and warships pass through the...

Birches Be Like:


The Reign of Reverse Racism

It just results in new injustices.

We live in an age that obsesses over past evils while ignoring present ones. In this spirit, the checkered Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam patted himself on the back for the recent removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from the U.S. Capitol. Northam, who is known for dressing up in blackface and rationalizing infanticide, spoke about Lee as his moral inferior. “We should all be proud of this important step forward for our Commonwealth and our country,” Northam said after the statue’s removal. “The Confederacy is a symbol of Virginia’s racist and divisive history, and it is past time we tell our story with images of perseverance, diversity, and inclusion.”

In this national spasm of self-righteousness, no heroes of yesteryear are safe. The name of even Abraham Lincoln may soon be scraped off a high school in San Francisco, where radicals have decided that Lincoln didn’t sufficiently demonstrate that “black lives mattered to him.”

Liberals not only fixate on race but use race-based ideology to judge character.

We’re told that all of this iconoclasm is in service to “equality.” But is it? Or is it part of a new reign of reverse racism that simply substitutes new injustices for old ones? Many of those crying loudest for racial equality do not, upon closer inspection, support it. They prefer an intensely color-conscious society in which those who did not commit racial injustice must submit to those who didn’t suffer it.

The commissars of this reign of reverse racism call for everything from reparations to quotas to reeducation. The recent controversy at the Dalton School in New York City is Exhibit A of the culture of reverse racism at work. Faculty members are clamoring for the following changes at the school, reports the New York Post:

Hiring 12 full-time diversity officers, and multiple psychologists to support students “coping with race-based traumatic stress.”

Assigning a staffer dedicated to black students who have “complaints or face disciplinary action,” and a full-time advocate to help black kids “navigate a predominantly white institution.”

Paying the student debt of black staffers upon hiring them.

Requiring courses that focus on “Black liberation” and “challenges to white supremacy.”

Compensating any student of color who appears in Dalton promotional material.

Abolishing high-level academic courses by 2023 if the performance of black students is not on par with non-blacks.

Requiring “anti-racism” statements from all staffers.

Overhauling the entire curriculum, reading lists and student plays to reflect diversity and social justice themes.

Divesting from companies that “criminalize or dehumanize” black people, including private prisons and tech firms that manufacture police equipment or weapons.

Donating 50 percent of all fundraising dollars to NYC public schools if Dalton is not representative of the city in terms of gender, race, socioeconomic background, and immigration status by 2025.
Such proposals are a formula for resentment and division, not unity. A culture of racial recrimination simply yields up fresh injustices. The Left increasingly speaks of “equity,” its latest euphemism for reverse racism. The Al Sharptons of the world seek not equality but domination, a power grab that has above all hurt black communities, as black scholar Shelby Steele points out: “and so, after 50-60 years now, past the civil rights bill, we’re worse off in many socio-economic categories than we were 60 years ago.” The color-conscious approach of white liberals has only resulted in a new crippling paternalism, says Steele:

White Americans live under this accusation that they’re racist; they need to prove that they’re not racist. In order to prove that you’re not racist, you need to take over the fate of black people and say, go with us, we’ll engineer you into the future, we’ll engineer you into equality.

Life doesn’t work like that. We have to engineer ourselves. Period. There is no other way. It — unless you can rewrite the rules of the human condition. There is no circumstance in history where people can … no matter how much guilt they have over the oppressive majority, there is no … indication anywhere that you can somehow get them to … lift you up and get you out of … the condition that you’re — it’s not a possibility.

The dream of Martin Luther King Jr. — “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” — remains just a dream. Liberals, if anything, have turned it into a nightmare: they not only fixate on race but use race-based ideology to judge character. You have none, in their view, if you don’t subscribe to their ideology. It is only on that spurious basis that cretinous pols can stand in judgment of...

What's In It For Them?

Aliens Will Begin To Understand How Kickbacks Work...


World Health Organization pledges not to find ‘guilty’ party during coronavirus investigation in China

A team of scientists leading a World Health Organization mission to China to investigate the origins of the novel coronavirus is not looking to assign guilt to the communist regime over its failure to prevent the pandemic, a member of the delegation says.

“This is not about finding a guilty country or a guilty authority,” Fabian Leendertz, a scientist at the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s infectious disease agency, told Agence France-Presse (AFP), the French media outlet.

“This is about understanding what happened to avoid that in the future, to reduce the risk.”

Leendertz and a team of 10 other scientists will visit Wuhan, China in January to investigate how the virus jumped from animals to humans, according to AFP.

Most scientists believe that the virus transmitted from an animal to a human at one of Wuhan’s open-air food markets. Western health officials have long criticized the Chinese government for doing little to regulate the food markets, which can be breeding grounds for viruses like the coronavirus.

Health officials in the U.S. have accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of failing to confront Chinese leaders for withholding information about the coronavirus early on in the pandemic.

The WHO said in a statement citing Chinese officials on Jan. 14 that there was no evidence that the virus spread from person-to-person contact. That assurance, which is now known to be false, likely slowed the response of health officials outside China at a crucial point in the pandemic.

Bruce Aylward, a WHO official who led a fact-finding mission to China in February, also claimed based on information obtained by local health officials that the coronavirus was likely not transmitted easily by asymptomatic carriers.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently estimated that more than half of people infected with coronavirus are asymptomatic or show few symptoms.

Aylward came under scrutiny in March after he cut off an interview with a reporter who implied that Taiwan is independent from China. The Chinese government disputes Taiwan’s independence.

Citing WHO’s obsequious response to China’s deception, President Donald Trump said this summer he would cut off funding to WHO. President-elect Joe Biden has promised to restore that funding when...

This Is Our Last Chance....


Biden CIA Appointee Worked With CCP Propaganda Org Conducting ‘Undercover Intel Ops’, Appears On China State Media


Michael O’Hanlon — an appointee to the Central Intelligence Agency External Advisory Board under the Obama-Biden administration — visited a Chinese Communist Party-run think tank identified by the U.S. government as conducting “undercover intelligence gathering” operations and seeking to coerce foreign actors into backing the Chinese Communist Party’s “preferred policies.”

Also the Director of the Brooking Institute’s Foreign Policy Research Team and adjunct professor at Georgetown and Columbia Universities, O’Hanlon visited the China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC) on August 23rd, 2012 – the same year his Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) External Advisory Board stint ended.

Under President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, O’Hanlon served on CIA External Advisory Board, the brainchild of then-CIA Director Leon Panetta. It counted O’Hanlon as an advisor from 2011 to 2012.

Specifically, he paid a visit to the CAIFC’s Peace and Development Research Center, whose summary of O’Hanlon’s appearance noted he praised the center as one of the “most famous in China” and was “attracted by its reputation.”

“He came and hoped to hear opinions on Sino-U.S. relations and regional hot-spot issues from scholars of the center. The opinions he got may provide references for his book about Sino-U.S. relations which he was writing with Steinberg, former U.S. Deputy Secretary,” the summary added.

O’Hanlon’s praise and open ears, however, were deeply misguided. The U.S. government now identifies the CAIFC as an integral component of China’s United Work Front, which aims “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party.”

“The United Front strategy uses a range of methods to influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies,” the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review commission’s report added.

The report singled out CAIFC, noting it is a “front” for...