90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, January 4, 2021

Blogs With Rule 5 Links


A Little Late!

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Mindy Robinson
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Did You Know?


The Time Is Drawing Near...To Stand...


READ: Washington DC Mayor Bowser predicts "violence and criminal activity" at pro-Trump march

Mayor Muriel Bowser requests Washington D.C National Guard deployment for pro-Trump march, saying she predicts a large influx of violence and criminal activity.

Read the letter below:

For Whom Does The China Bell Of Fortune Toll?


Chinese Billionaire Jack Ma Suspected Missing, Hasn’t Been Seen In Two Months

Chinese tech entrepreneur Jack Ma is suspected missing after not appearing in public since October 2020, according to Taiwan News.

The mogul was last seen on October 24 at the Bund Financial Summit in Shanghai, where he gave a speech criticizing what he perceived as a lack of risk-taking in Chinese and European economic development. “There is not a financial system in China actually. In reality, what China is facing is the risk of the lack of a financial system,” he said, according to a translation published by the Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily.

Ma also offered light criticism of Chinese President and Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping. “President Xi once said, ‘success does not have to hinge on me.’ I understand this saying as describing a kind of responsibility… However, real innovation must be trailblazing and undertaken by those with commitment. For innovation must entail mistakes,” Ma added.

After giving the speech, Ma has all but disappeared from public view. His last post on the Chinese social media platform Weibo was on October 17, a week before the financial summit, according to Taiwan News.

Ma is the founder of Alibaba, the Chinese version of...

Which Is More Dangerous, The Disease Or The Cure?


DATA: Report Shows EVERY Midnight Ballot Dump Boosted Biden

A new report from a number of reputable, PhD statisticians analyzes the suspicious floods of ballots trickling in following the November 3rd election, concluding all were in favor of Joe Biden.

The report analyzes “vote dumps” – a “25,000+ vote differential between Presidential candidates, received/recorded at one time.”

“The conclusion is that all we were able to find were net Biden Dumps,” the report summary notes.

Analysis extends to states both won and lost by President Trump, including Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Several states experienced more than one vote dump, but all netted in favor of Biden.

In Georgia, which saw dumps net Biden 119,811 votes, there were two “10-sigma jumps” on November 4th at 01:42:47 03:23:48 UTC.

“Ten-sigma jumps have a probability of 1 in 1023,” the report notes.

Similarly, Michigan saw a vote dump net Biden 135,290 votes, with the...

What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?

 Utopia: Bill Gates Is Mr. Rabbit....

2021: The Left Is Serious Now

People have called 2020 "The Year of the Mask." I disagree. This past year is clearly the year when the left, media, and big tech dropped their masks and let us know they were no longer going to waste their time trying to convince us. They are going seize this nation, and they care not whether we know it.

A dude with the appellation "Emanuel" quoted Churchill as a means of counseling the left to never allow a crisis to go to waste. But awaiting a crisis to exploit is so 2009. Today, a crisis created is far more effective. The China Flu and all the riots are two prime examples.

COVID may have been accidental (I say "may"), but Democrats sure picked up the ball and ran with it, destroying our economy and people's lives for no nobler a reason than to kill Trump's re-election chances. Leftists do not care about us and are no longer trying to even maintain the pretense that they do. They crossed the Rubicon, deciding that if we must die for them to get and hold power, they can live with it.

They were ecstatic when China deliberately infected the world with its virus. The only problem was, it killed only old people with comorbidities and those who were already sick.

They had to sell it — so they went wild with the pandemic porn.

They joined with media and Big Tech in overstating the danger, classifying almost every death as COVID to hype the number of cases and increase the panic. They then used the contrived fear to seize power and destroy the economy. Along with their minions in media, they blamed it all on Trump, while Big Tech skewed results and censored dissent to prevent people from understanding what was truly happening.

It may be the "Wuhan Virus," but for the "rebel in us," it can more easily be described as the "Anti-Trump Virus" — the disease that allowed the left to cheat just enough to steal an election and prevent the actual will of the people being enforced.

The riots were the same thing but more visual. Just as they did with the deaths from the pandemic, they blamed the violence and destruction on Trump's "hatred, racism, and incompetence."

COVID was perfect. It came along just in time to be an effective weapon against a president who was looking unbeatable, apparently damaging him just enough for the fraud and various other dastardly schemes to effectively steal the election. Sure, the corpulent cutie has yet to sing, as they say, but it looks truer with every passing day.

For Dems, COVID relief and elections are the same: cheat as much as they can as close to the time when it becomes too late for anyone to do anything about it.

Yet there is only so much our erstwhile kings can do to impoverish their subjects before they begin to realize the danger is not quite as dangerous as was claimed and these kings do not have their people's best interests at heart. When the sky does not fall, subjects tend to notice that the sky is not falling. Then you get rebellion.

A new crisis was needed. It is just another stroke of good fortune that the Democrats had another crisis warming up in the bullpen, ready to torture the innocent into submission.

Enter, the fictive President Select, Asterisk Joe, the King of Aphasia, that addle-pated masked man, our very own epigone president, Joooey Biden, who has called "climate change" the biggest threat to not only America, but also the world.

As a means to reorder society, you cannot get much better than "climate change" and its prescribed solution, the mirific Green Raw Deal. Once people accept that it is real, or at least can be forced to obey a new societal regimen as if it were so, it becomes an immediate emergency.

If Americans enjoyed the emergency COVID diktats from our Democrat tyrants, wait until they see the climate lockdowns, where people are not allowed to own a car or drive, gasoline costs $15 a gallon, private air-conditioners are outlawed (for us, not them), and electricity is...

The Devolution Of Deranged Democrat Demagogues...

Virtue Signaling Yourself Into Self-Genocide...

More #Wordplay:

Witless Whitmer Wanting Willing Worrisome Whits Who Weaponize Whining...

Witless Whitmer Wanting Wicked Wanton Woe

Schifty Schiff, Schellgame Schenanigans...
Promise based On A Premise Of Political Prowess Proves problematic...

Miscellaneous Memeage On Media Manipulation Marketed To The Masses...

Massie Makes A Massive Mark On Mealy Mouthed Malevolent Messengers...

Cartoons Are the Left’s New Weapon to Target Your Kids

It’s an open secret that the left dominates the media landscape. It’s impossible to go a day without some actor in the Hollywood Hills tweeting how conservatives are ruining the country, or a journalist penning a story on why all we need is more government.

In the past, these attacks were mostly relegated to adults. The shows kids consumed were politically agnostic, more aimed at entertaining than moralizing. However, the days of fun, imaginative children’s TV are over. Now shows must be sufficiently woke, and must condition children with the leftist philosophy du jour.

Take the once entertaining Cartoon Network. The channel was a quintessential part of my childhood. I can remember finishing school for the day and rushing to aftercare where the latest episode of “Pokémon” would air on Cartoon Network. It was nice, harmless fun for a kid growing up in the mid-90s.

Looking at Cartoon Network now, it’s almost unrecognizable. One of the new flagship programs for the channel is “Steven Universe.” The show follows Steven, a young boy who goes on adventures along with his magical, humanoid alien friends. “Steven Universe” has received praise from many LGBT organizations, and in the words of LGBT-focused magazine Them, is “the queerest cartoon on television.”

Them continues:
[I]t may stand as the most progressive cartoon on TV in terms of queer representation. Steven, for example, is surrounded entirely by female superheroes, and often mirrors their feminine behavior. Even more, one of them is a fusion of two female characters who are in love, and another used to be in love with Steven’s mom. The show has featured women in tuxedos, boys in dresses, and a non-binary person in whatever clothing they want, and all of it is celebrated.
Regardless of your opinions on LGBT issues, Cartoon Network is now a far cry from the network that aired apolitical content like “Pokémon.” “Steven Universe” openly wears its woke messaging on its sleeve, teaching children that gender doesn’t exist and that men can be...