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Friday, July 2, 2021

Girls With Guns

Feeling Kinky?

Hope You Are A Masochist....

What Is A Masochistic Person? 10 Traits & Behaviors Of A Masochist


It's Hard To Believe Right?


The Left Is Erasing Women And Femininity..

France: Islamic Migrant Sentenced to 15 Years for Raping Young Boy: Lawyer Pleads it's an Afghan Custom

Why is France welcoming Islamic migrants from Afghanistan who believe in sex with children and child sex slavery?

A French court sentenced Afghani migrant Mohammed Rahman Arsala to a 15-year prison sentence for the rape of a 12-year-old boy, on August 25, 2018, in Saint-Brieuc. The pedophile’s attorney blamed the crimes on his upbringing in Islamic Afghanistan, where it is customary for young boys to become sex slaves for Muslim men.

The 26-year-old migrant who arrived in France in 2016 approached the minor in the middle of the day at a park in Saint-Brieuc. The boy had traveled to the park alone on a bus to ride on the zip line and toboggan.

While on the bus, Mohammad was seated in front of the child. He got off at the same stop as the boy, followed him, grabbed his arm, and dragged him to an abandoned house not far from the playground.

Four young female minors saw the rapist come back towards the park with his victim after the attack. According to the minors, they had also been accosted and bothered by the Afghan migrant in the past. When the girls saw the distraught victim, they called the police. In the meantime, the rapist disappeared.

Later in the day, the same young girls spotted the rapist near a shopping center and called the authorities. Police arrested the Muslim migrant shortly after.
Past Deviant Behaviors

The Advocate General, Grégory Martin Dit Neuville, requested “a heavy sentence” for Mohammed, whose past is riddled with disturbing sexual and criminal behaviors.

In April 2018, Mohammad invited a young girl to his home and threw her up against...

Two High Speed Motorcycles Crash Into Same Car!

 The Gift of Gif:

Someone Messed With The Wrong Dude..

Kim Kardashians BIG Christmas Special...

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Illegal Alien Out of Jail on Bail Accused of Beheading Man, Playing ‘Soccer with His Head’

An illegal alien out of jail on bail in New Mexico is now accused of beheading a man and then kicking the man’s head around like a soccer ball, Breitbart News has learned.

Joel Arciniega-Saenz, a 25-year-old illegal alien, was indicted by a grand jury this week after being arrested for allegedly murdering 51-year-old James Garcia in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, the day after Father’s Day.

According to court records obtained by KTSM 9 News, Arciniega-Saenz is accused of decapitating Garcia before mutilating the rest of his body and kicking his head around like a soccer ball. At the time of the murder, Arciniega-Saenz was out on bail, according to Las Cruces Sun-News.

When arrested after Garcia’s mutilated body was found 10 yards from his head, Arciniega-Saenz allegedly confessed to the murder, telling investigators that he was seeking revenge because he believed Garcia had raped his wife four years prior.

At the park where Garcia’s body was found, Arciniega-Saenz allegedly confessed to confronting the man before stabbing him with a switchblade, decapitating him, and then playing “soccer with his head,” according to an affidavit.

Arciniega-Saenz allegedly told investigators he kicked Garcia’s decapitated head at about 14 vehicles nearby.

CBS 4 News reported that Arciniega-Saenz had an extensive criminal record. In 2017, he was accused of first-degree murder but a year later, the charges were dropped. In May, Arciniega-Saenz was arrested when he was caught throwing rocks at businesses.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) seemingly confirmed to Breitbart News that Arciniega-Saenz is an illegal alien in the United States with an ICE detainer on him, requesting that local authorities do not release him from...

If Water Is Life, Then Socialism Is Death...

More on Socialists, Idiots, Mental Defects and Democrats:

What Is A Few More Millions?

How Civil Rights Made America a Critical Race Theocracy

Civil rights isn’t just regulating what you do, but how you think.

When Obama wanted to defend his ties to Jeremiah Wright, he began his speech by denouncing America's "original sin of slavery". The phrase is widely and unthinkingly used. And its consequences are the 1619 Project and critical race theory. If slavery is America’s original sin, then the purpose of America and her people becomes striving to atone for that primal sin.

Suburban Democrat housewives reading Robin DiAngelo and corporate struggle sessions forcing members to affiliate by race are just striving to atone for America’s “original sin”.

And if they resemble a cult, it’s because civil rights moved from the legal to the spiritual.

Dismantling the legal infrastructure of segregation took on religious and psychological overtones. The legitimacy of ending school segregation was tainted by psychosocial nonsense like the ‘Doll Study’ which found that children preferred white dolls to black dolls. Even then the original sin of civil rights was that its more academic proponents could not properly define rights, and sought affirmative remedies that transformed how we thought rather than what we did.

What we do can be in the legitimate purview of government, what we think is not. And yet over the years civil rights became obsessed with the origins of discrimination in the human mind.

Countless tests were devised, many absurd, (“What color is a gorilla’s skin underneath the fur?” one particularly awkward racist test for racism asked) that were meant to measure our thoughts.

The less racist our society became in function, the more civil rights fixated on a gestalt of psychosocial racism which explained racial disparities by blaming hidden thoughts leading to assumptions that perpetrated systemic racism even as its white perpetrators remained unaware.

The truly dangerous part of this conclusion was that the focus of discrimination had moved from actions to thoughts. Critical race theory is being imposed on everyone from schoolchildren to soldiers because civil rights violations had been redefined from the physical to the mental. Civil rights was no longer fighting separate drinking fountains, but unconscious and implicit biases.

The National Guard wasn’t being sent to open up schools, but to open up the human mind.

When the government tells you what to do, it risks becoming a tyranny, but when it starts telling you what to think, it becomes a theocracy. Critical race theory, like most of America’s experiments in secular theocracy, came out of academia whose experts have failed miserably when it comes to tangible policy results, but excel at...

This Is What Happens When China And Big Pharma Owns You....


Did Biden Really Win California?

The November 3, 2020, Presidential election data from California sets off alarm bells.

Election data generated by the natural voting process will closely match Benford’s Law predictions. (Benford’s Law, or the rule of leading digits, is used as an indicator of fraud in numerical data.) Of course, there can be exceptions, but Benford’s Law points to areas to investigate.

Benford’s Law predicts that for real, natural data, the frequency of leading digits (1 through 9) will occur at or near the following percentages of the transactions or tallies. Deviations from these predicted percentages should be investigated.

Here are the official presidential totals for California, as released by Dr. Shirley N. Weber, Secretary of State (also released by Alex Padilla, Secretary of State through January 28, 2021):

Precinct Tallies:

The difference in votes tallied is 5,104,121 in favor of Biden. Average precinct size is 1073 votes.

Biden had a nearly 2-1 official victory margin over Trump across the state. Here are detailed statistics for the statewide election, again, from Dr. Weber.

VBM is Votes by Mail.

Now, let’s apply Benford’s Law to identify possible fraud. Here is the statewide Benford chart, displaying frequency of precinct tallies’ leading digits for Biden and Trump, compared to Benford targets. The official data have separate tallies for votes cast In-Person and by Vote-by-Mail for each precinct. Given this, there are roughly twice the tallies than the number of active precincts in the state.

This chart looks almost normal. The Benford targets (i.e., the expected leading digit percentages) are shown by gray vertical bars. Trump’s precinct leading digit percentages are shown by the orange line; Biden’s are the blue line. If we look closely, however, the Biden line is low in leading digits for 2, 3 and 4, and high in leading digits for 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

The Chi-Squared test is a statistical tool that measures the correlation of two curves (two sets of sequential data) and provides a numerical value for the correlation, with zero percent indicating little or no correlation, and 100% indicating high correlation. The Chi-Squared test is calculated and provided to show the candidates’ precinct tally data’s closeness to the Benford target curve.

Now let’s isolate the data for sources of fraud. Here is the equivalent state-wide chart for In-Person votes only.

These In-Person precinct tallies’ leading digits for both Trump and Biden correlate very closely to the Benford targets. The average precinct in-person vote counts are 103 Biden, and 97 Trump. The 15,226 precinct tallies come in all sizes, and the tallies are distributed across the leading digits as Benford predicts. These In-Person votes represent 17.8% of all official votes tallied. There is little or no fraud indicated by Benford’s Law here.

Now, here is the Vote-by-Mail chart:

Understand This.