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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Girls With Guns

Shout It Out Loud...


Florida Is Winning....

Viva Libertad!

  How About A Little Classic Santana:

This Sends Tingles Of Freedom Down My Spine....


Study Undermines Dems' Gun Control Narrative by Showing No Link Between Gun Sales and Murder Spikes

A basis for Democratic claims about gun control is that limiting the number of guns Americans own makes people safer because the more guns people own, the less safe everyone else becomes.

A new study undercuts that claim, saying that connecting those dots might be great rhetoric but it is bad logic.

The study, published in the journal Injury Epidemiology, noted 2020 brought a massive increase in gun purchases and gun violence.

However, “the magnitude of the increase in purchasing at the state-level did not explain the magnitude of the increase in non-domestic firearm violence,” the study said.

The study noted that in the first two months of pandemic lockdowns, there was a spike in gun-related domestic violence incidents, but ascribed that more to the impact of lockdowns than gun purchases.

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“[W]e need to be looking at other factors, like job loss, economic change, the closure of schools and community organizations and nonprofits, and civil unrest” to understand the increase in gun violence last year, said Julia Schleimer, lead author of the study, according to The Guardian.

“There are a lot of strategies that can address some of the more social determinants of violence,” she said, adding that gun violence is correlated with poverty. “There’s some good evidence on youth summer job programs and young people’s risk for violence.”

The study estimated 4.3 million guns were purchased nationwide from March through July 2020 over and above expected trends and there was a...

Beware Of Scams:


CDC: Vaccine deaths jump by 2000 in one week

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released data to show more than 9000 reports of deaths for all age groups in the US from anti-Covid jabs. It represents an increase of over 2000 compared with the previous week.

The data was reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a system of registering adverse vaccine reactions. Medical professionals report adverse events regarding their patients.

The latest data revealed that between December 14, 2020, and May 28, a total of 438 441 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 9048 deaths. An earlier Harvard study however showed that VAERS reports typically cover only approximately 1 percent of the total adverse events from vaccines.

All vaccines appear to have very low efficacy against the new Delta variant of Coronavirus and an even lower efficacy against the Lambda variant, since 90 percent of people in the UK and Israel are contracting the Delta variant of the virus and some 50 percent of those people have been fully vaccinated.

It was recently announced that Pfizer would seek FDA authorization for a booster shot because its two-dose vaccine has been less effective against variants. According to the first-quarter results published by Pfizer, its jabs have generated revenues of $3,5 billion in the first three months of 2021.

Notably, the financial results also revealed that Pfizer has vastly exceeded its Covid-19 vaccine sales forecast of $15 billion. It expected their product to bring in...

Lego Meme Dump!


DOJ Retracts Claim of ‘Fully Constructed’ Capitol LEGO Set; LEGO of Riot Suspect ‘in a Box’

Report: Communists Beat Dissident Cuban Priest, Drag Him Through Streets

A Cuban priest reportedly remains in police custody as of Monday after police beat him, dragged him through the street, and stripped him in his native Camagüey for supporting peaceful protests.

In a Facebook post on Sunday, the Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) cited a source within the Catholic Church in Cuba who said Father Castor José Álvarez Devesa was still missing:

In a Twitter post on Monday, the organization said the “secret police, after a brutal beating, unlawfully detained Father Castor.”

“He is being held in the Monte Carlos Police Station in Camagüey,” the alliance noted:

Álvarez appeared on a list of 57 names that Cuba Decide, a dissident organization on the island, confirmed were people either missing or in police custody without due process as of Monday. Many of them are prominent members of the anti-communist community on the island; no evidence that any were in the process of committing any crimes when they disappeared exists.

Catholics and other Christians inhabiting the island have endured more than half a century of intense persecution under the Castro regime, including positions on firing squad lists, imprisonment in labor camps, politically motivated arrests, and censorship of...

This Is Why Hydroxychloroquine And Ivermectin Was Savaged By The Deep State:

“I Don’t Know of a Bigger Story in the World” Right Now Than Ivermectin: NY Times Best-Selling Author“


FBI Tries To Convince Vietnamese Immigrant Who Escaped Tyrannical Oppression To Build An Incendiary Device To Entrap Him...

He Attended A Rally On January 6th For An Unapproved Politician, Now Faces Tyrannical Oppression In The United States

The family of 27-year-old Fi Duong thought they escaped government oppression when they left Vietnam. They were wrong.

According to an FBI criminal complaint, Duong has been closely surveilled by the FBI for the past six months, including while he engaged in religious activity.

In conversations with undercover FBI agents, Duong held that he entered the Capitol on January 6th to film the events in a journalistic capacity. The man was a member of a Virginia-based Bible study group that Jewish Joint Terrorism Task Force special agent Jason Jankovitz decided to open up a domestic terror probe into.

Agents repeatedly tried and failed to snare Duong into a Molotov cocktail plot because he owned multiple empty glass bottles. They were not able to charge him for any explosives related crimes, but the New York Times and various other outlets are reporting him as a terrorist anyway.

Feds At Bible Study

According to Jankovitz, Duong popped up on the FBI's radar after an undercover Metropolitan police officer made contact with him outside the Capitol on January 6th.

A week later, the MPD officer introduced Duong to an undercover FBI agent, who he invited to a Bible study group he attended in Alexandria, Virginia. The suspect expressed anguish over the fact that his family fled persecution in Vietnam in hopes of obtaining freedom in the United States, only to now be subjected to similar oppression in America for his patriotic beliefs.

At the house, the FBI agents participated in discussions about the Bible and the group of friends also shot firearms together. The criminal complaint also describes plans to improve their driving skills and train together in martial arts.

Outside of telling group members that he had entered the Capitol to film as a journalist, description of an instance where he had infiltrated an Antifa event, and discussions of Virginia peacefully seceding from the United States, there was nothing in the group that justified federal agents spying on them.

Failed Attempts At Entrapment

Multiple agents began isolating members and trying to talk them into behavior that could be construed as a domestic terror plot.

Judging from the affidavit, Duong was meticulously law abiding. He discussed plans to obtain a suppressor for his rifle but only after filing the proper paper work with the ATF, for example. The complaint against Duong focuses heavily on his political criticisms of Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the Democratic Party, but does not describe any activity that could be prosecuted as criminal.

After noticing a box of empty glass bottles in the suspect's home, agents began pressuring him to make Molotov Cocktails.

While creating the contraption -- a glass bottle filled with gasoline and ignited with a rag to make a small fire -- for entertainment value does not strike most people as a serious crime, federal prosecutors on a political mission have in the past charged making Molotov cocktails as the same thing as building an actual bomb.

Last June, two FBI agents pressured Duong into trying to build Molotov cocktails to test them out in West Virginia. The suspect then changed his mind last minute. He told the two undercover agents that he wanted to obtain permission from the ATF to construct the...

The Unbearable Lightness Of Having A Kinkos:


The Unbearable Lightness Of Not Being....