90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, July 22, 2021

I Think I Can Understand Why They Are So Angry And Violent....

Imagine Waking Up And Looking At That In The Mirror Every Day...
Hell On Earth.

No Access To Services?


The Internal Revenue Service Is A Service.

Pretty Much...


Biden Regime Jails a ‘Domestic Terrorist’

It’s clear the Biden regime, in cooperation with federal judges, will stop at nothing to destroy the lives of people who protested the 2020 presidential election.

“Paul Hodgkins is not my enemy.”

Fighting back tears, Patrick Leduc, an attorney representing a man charged in connection with the January 6 protest at the Capitol, made that statement in a dramatic court hearing Monday morning. Leduc, by the way, is no snowflake. On Tuesday, the 33-year-old U.S. Army reservist will be deployed to the Middle East for his third tour.

Leduc cited his military oath—to protect the country from “against all enemies, foreign and domestic”—to refute the government’s accusation that Paul Hodgkins, 38, is a domestic terrorist. “Words have meaning,” Leduc told U.S. District Court Judge Randoph Moss. “I have been shot at by real terrorists. If we’re going to label this as domestic terrorism, where do we draw that line?”

Sadly, after listening to Monday’s proceedings, I must conclude there is no line. Americans on the political Right are considered an enemy no less lethal than al-Qaeda and minus the civil libertarians to defend them.

It’s clear the Biden regime, in cooperation with federal judges, will stop at nothing to destroy the lives of people who protested the 2020 presidential election. This includes people like Paul Hodgkins, who was sentenced to eight months in prison for denouncing what his government was about to do on January 6—certify a rigged, corrupt presidential election—and for supporting Donald Trump.

Hodgkins, who lives in a working-class neighborhood in Tampa, took a bus alone from his home in central Florida to Washington, D.C. to attend Donald Trump’s January 6 speech. After the speech, he walked to Capitol Hill. He later said he had no intention of going inside the building but got caught up in the moment.

Like many pro-Trump protesters, Hodgkins did not bring a weapon. He did not assault a police officer or damage any property. He was inside the building for roughly 22 minutes, entered the Senate chamber, hoisted a “Trump 2020” flag, took some selfies, and left.

Nonetheless, law enforcement arrested Hodgkins in Tampa on February 16 and charged him with four misdemeanors and one felony count of obstruction of an official proceeding. Joe Biden’s Justice Department has added the obstruction charge to roughly 200 misdemeanor cases so federal prosecutors can get jail time for Capitol defendants.

Which is exactly what happened in the case of Paul Hodgkins. The Justice Department not only sought 18 months in prison for the first-time offender who committed no violent crime but, in the most hyperbolic and inflammatory language possible, accused Hodgkins of being a domestic terrorist. “The need to deter others is especially strong in cases involving domestic terrorism, which the breach of the Capitol certainly was,” federal prosecutors wrote in a July sentencing memo. “Moreover, with respect to specific deterrence, courts have...




Johns Hopkins Study Found Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids

Rather than acknowledge science, Dr. Makary says the CDC continues to use 'flimsy evidence' to push the COVID vaccine upon children.

A team of Johns Hopkins researchers recently reported that when studying a group of about 48,000 children, they found zero COVID deaths among healthy kids, but the Centers for Disease Control doesn’t care.

Dr. Marty Makary is a medical expert and professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Carey Business School. His research team “worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.”

After studying comprehensive data on thousands of children, the team “found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia.” Rather than acknowledge this scientific reality, Makary says the CDC continues to use “flimsy evidence” to push the COVID vaccine upon children.

As Makary noted in the Wall Street Journal on Monday, the implications of his team’s research are huge. “[If our research] holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses,” Makary says. After all, “The National Education Association has been debating whether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?”

Makary’s question is obvious, but no less timely. Makary says inflated COVID death counts continue to be corrected and “revised downward.”

But rather than combat institutional distrust with scientific data and discussion, Makary says the CDC is avoiding transparency and rigorous inquiry. He slammed the agency on Monday, saying it “overcounts Covid hospitalizations and deaths and won’t consider if one shot is sufficient.” According to Makary, this problem is...

Why Does This Woman Run The Organization She Controls Like A Mafia Boss?


LeBron James Bent The Knee To Dictator Xi But China Still Isn’t Releasing ‘Space Jam 2’

While LeBron James has been keen on maintaining his cushy relationship with communist China, dictator Xi Jinping has yet to greenlight the NBA star’s new film “Space Jam: A New Legacy” for release.

“The film is carefully neutered to appeal to an apolitical global cinematic marketplace dominated by China,” Politico wrote last week. “Oddly, the ‘Space Jam’ sequel is not currently scheduled for a release in China.”

James stirred up controversy in 2019 when he rebuked Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey for supporting Hong Kong protests for freedom, saying, “We talk about this freedom of speech,” but sometimes “there are ramifications for the negative that can happen when you’re not thinking about others and you’re only thinking about yourself.”

The Lakers’ forward, 36, has consistently kowtowed to the genocidal regime to line his pockets. James has a $1 billion lifetime deal with Nike, whose CEO said just last month, “Nike is a brand that is of China and for China.” Nike also sources cotton from the country that gathers more than 80 percent from where Uyghur Muslims are held in slave camps. Meanwhile, the NBA also rakes in billions of dollars from China, while players maintain foreign endorsements that members of Congress have criticized.

Regardless of James’ financial ties to the corrupt regime, there is no scheduled release date for the new “Space Jam” in China. Should China not release the film at all, James would forfeit additional profits, given that he is the co-founder of...

When You Already Have A Bad Reputation But:


You've got a bad reputation
That's the word out on the town
It gives a certain fascination
But it can only bring you down

You better turn yourself around
Turn yourself around
Turn it upside down
Turn yourself around

You had bad breaks
Well, that's tough luck
You play too hard, too much
You rough stuff
You're too sly, so cold
That bad reputation has made you old


Just how far into the abyss — the final days of our republic — have we gone?

We’ve gone so far that we actually need federal courts to tell us when we can and cannot use certain “pronouns.”

More specifically, when we’re ‘allowed’ to not use certain pronouns.

Breitbart News has more:

The California Third District Court of Appeals ruled unanimously Friday that a 2017 state law requiring nursing homes to use patients' preferred pronouns violates First Amendment free speech rights.

The law, SB 219, was authored by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco). As Breitbart News reported at the time, it provided for jail sentences of up to one year for using the 'wrong' pronoun.

Got that? Democrats are so insanely authoritarian they actually passed a law that would put people in jail for using the ‘wrong’ transgender pronoun — but don’t care that laws against blatant theft from a store aren’t being enforced or that police are being defunded so cities devolve into chaos.

The California court ruled:

As we will explain, we agree that the pronoun provision is a content-based restriction on speech. The law compels long-term care facility staff to alter the message they would prefer to convey, either by hosting a message as required by the resident or by refraining from using pronouns at all. … As we discuss at greater length post, we recognize the State has a compelling interest in eliminating discrimination against residents of long-term care facilities. However, we conclude the pronoun provision is not narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling government objective because it burdens speech more than is required to achieve the State's compelling objective. Accordingly, the provision does not survive strict scrutiny.

However, 'the First Amendment against state action includes both the right to speak freely and the right to refrain from speaking at all.' (Wooley, supra, 430 U.S. at p. 714.) For purposes of the First Amendment, there is no difference between a law compelling an employee to utter a resident's preferred pronoun and prohibiting an employee from uttering a pronoun the resident does not prefer. … Accordingly, we disagree with the Attorney General that the restriction on speech here is content neutral simply because...

I Want The US "Women's" Soccer Team To Lose Every Game....


I Do Not Care WHOM They Lose Against.

They Are Disgusting Entitled Scum.

They Already Lost To A Captive Population Of Muslim Rape Victims:

8 Domestic Terror Plots That Were Actually Orchestrated By The FBI

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D)

Recent revelations have confirmed that the FBI was the one who organized the attempted kidnapping of Governor Gretchen Whitmer. But did you know that almost every domestic terror attack in U.S. history was actually orchestrated by the FBI? What a bunch of classic pranksters those FBI agents are!

Here are 8 terrible domestic attacks that the FBI turned out to be responsible for:

1) The Last Jedi: We knew it! According to leaked documents, the FBI infiltrated Lucasfilm 15 years ago in a plot to destroy the franchise and find out which Star Wars fans were problematic. Absolutely horrific.

2) That time when George Bush puked on the prime minister of Japan: Believe it or not, 3 undercover agents banded together and convinced the President that it would be "hilarious."

3) Tom Brady's deflategate: In a cruel attempt to entrap Tom Brady and bring down the Patriots, undercover agent Bill Belichick snuck into the locker room and deflated all the balls.

4) Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction: Not cool, FBI. What's wrong with you people?

5) The 12-year delay of the sequel to Avatar: Come to think of it, the first Avatar movie was also a domestic terror attack.

6) The founding of CHAZ: Remember all those drugged-out hippies who took over a city block and tried to start their own country of degenerates? Those were ALL FBI agents in their true form.
