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Monday, August 2, 2021

On Masks, Vaccines And Endless Lies...

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Jodie Comer
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

When People With Low Grade Freedom Want To Talk About Gun Control....

Looks Like A Bitch To Me:

Wreaking Havoc On The Lives Of Children For Political Purpose...

 Teachers Unions Are The Absolute Worst...

Obama defies CDC guidance by inviting 500 people to his celebrity-studded 60th birthday party at his $12m mansion on Martha's Vineyard: Pearl Jam will perform and guests including Steven Spielberg will be served by 200 staff

  • Former President Barack Obama is planning to celebrate his 60th birthday with nearly 500 guests and 200 staff members on Martha's Vineyard
  • It would be held next weekend outside of his 7,000-square-foot mansion in Edgarton he and Michelle bought for nearly $12 million in 2019
  • All guests will have to be COVID tested and vaccinated
  • There will also be a 'COVID coordinator' on hand to ensure people follow COVID precautions
  • It comes amid a rise in coronavirus cases from the delta variant
  • Last week, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker recommended that even vaccinated people wear face masks
  • Now, Obama is being criticized online for holding the soiree in a pandemic
Former President Barack Obama has come under fire for his plans to host nearly 500 people at his Martha's Vineyard mansion for his 60th birthday, despite a nationwide rise in COVID cases.

The former president is set to turn 60 on August 4, and is said to be planning a large soiree at his 7,000-square-foot mansion in the Edgarton section of Martha's Vineyard next weekend.

An official familiar with the plans told Axios that there are now 475 confirmed guests for the party - including Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney and Steven Spielberg - with more than 200 staff members.

All guests will have to be COVID tested and vaccinated and the party will be held outdoors on the Obama's $12 billion 30-acre waterfront property.

But Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said Sunday on CNN that big parties should be avoided.

'If you're talking about a small party like I might have at my house for six or eight people who are all fully vaccinated, I do not believe, at this point, we need to put masks on to be next to each other,' he said.

'But if there were 100 people, and, of course, how are you really going to be sure about people's...

No ¿Comprende?, It's A Riddle...



If You Don’t Suspect Deep State Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention

It's required to ask at the outset of leftists' 1/6 'Truth Commission': How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters 'storming the capitol' was a setup?

It’s not only reasonable but required to ask at the outset of leftists’ 1/6 “Truth Commission”: How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters “storming the capitol” was a setup?

BuzzFeed recently revealed the alleged Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping plot” was instigated and coordinated by FBI informants who collected a handful of malcontents as an apparent cover story for manufacturing a “domestic terrorism plot” to foil in front of the cameras. There’s plenty of evidence this kayfabe is not just an isolated incident but the way the security state really does business. As the un-FOIA-able DC Capitol Police establish cross-country beachheads in Florida and California and prepare to deploy U.S. military surveillance tech used on insurgents in Afghanistan, it’s well past time to start shutting this Hydra down.

It is well-established by now that U.S. intelligence agencies use informants, lies, and leaks to frame people, causes, and political opponents of the regime. This is so well-established that it would be surprising if the one Capitol riot Democrats are pursuing did not include FBI or other federal spy state provocateurs. And if that’s the case, then our country is in deep, deep sh-t.

This Is What These Agencies Do

For readers who have been under a rock for the last five years, let’s review just the recent highlights of spy agency, Democrat, and media collusion that would lead one to suspect the Jan. 6 events as part of this pattern.

Russiagate is the prime example. This was designed to make Americans believe that if Donald Trump won in 2016, his presidency was illicitly installed by foreign actors. It was a complete fabrication of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, in collusion with the Obama White House, and highly successful. It dragged the nation on a five-year goose chase costing billions of dollars and hamstringing the national government — not coincidentally during a rare, ill-used, and short-lived span during which Republicans controlled both Congress and the presidency.

In this wildly successful information operation, Democrats used federal surveillance and police state powers to spy on a president from the opposing political party and then prevent him from exercising the constitutional powers granted to him by voters, smearing him along the way with false and outrageous allegations (“pee-pee tapes,” “Manchurian candidate”) that also helped cost Republicans the next two elections by driving his negatives sky-high.

Top intelligence officials lied under oath to Congress and fabricated evidence for this operation, and none have been...

Remember That Time When Cornpop And Joe Biden Started That Famous 18 Wheel Convoy?

 Yeah, Neither Do I....

The GOP in Absentia

Of the many life lessons my high school wrestling coach taught me, one such gem resonates with me 39 years hence: "Boy Scouts don't win street fights." I find that truism uniquely relevant to today's political pickle.

The late Andrew Breitbart observed that politics is downstream from culture. One upshot thereof is that being the minority party does not absolve elected representatives of their duties. As we saw from 2017–2020, the left has taken to heart the old axiom about the squeaky wheel — despite not having the votes to implement their agenda in Congress, they effected it culturally by being the loudest voices in the media and on the street. The left also understands the phenomenon known in some circles as "Culture Creep," in others as the "Overton Window of Political Possibility" (defined by conceptually.org as "the range of ideas the public is willing to consider and accept"), whose relevant gist is that if one does not speak out against the cultural rot taking place a thousand miles away, he will soon find that rot has spread to his front yard. How is the GOP combatting the rot these days?

According to Johns Hopkins, the survival rate of COVID-19 is better than 98% for all age ranges. The data regarding deaths and other health complications associated with the mRNA vaccine raise valid concerns. Simple physics informs professionals such as engineers and filter manufacturers that a cloth or paper mask is powerless to stop virus molecules. A recent lab analysis of masks worn by children for 5–8 hours found antibiotic-resistant bacteria, as well as pathogens that cause maladies such as E coli, pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis, diphtheria, and Legionnaires' disease. Recent data show that, rather than curtail the spread of COVID-19, lockdowns exacerbated it. Finally, we know that (a) unvaccinated, asymptomatic people do not spread viruses; (b) the young are the least likely to be harmed by COVID-19; (c) there are numerous therapeutics available that have treated COVID-19 (among them, the HCQ/azithromycin combination, and ivermectin); and (d) since the dawn of humankind, we have successfully combatted viruses with natural defense mechanisms — among them B cells and T cells.

Nonetheless, the Biden administration deploys propaganda squads door to door (in at least one instance, shadowed by vaccine-packing technicians). Dr. Fauci et al. insist that the only road to herd immunity is via vaccines (despite the fact that the way a traditional vaccine works is by using a dead/inert form of the target virus to stimulate one's natural defenses, such as B cells and T cells — exactly what exposure to the live virus will do). Dr. Fauci et al. insist that people don makeshift masks even if they've been vaccinated. The Biden bureaucracy encourages private businesses to demand that their employees take...

Our FBI, Working Hard For.....Ummm.. They Ain't Working For Us, So Who Are they Working For?

Parents Catch FBI in Plot to Force Mentally Ill Son to Be a Right Wing Terrorist

New York Times Drops All Pretenses of Wanting a Fair Election, Publishes Call to Allow Voting for Noncitizens

The left has long been pushing election reform bills that are really just an attempt to secure more votes for themselves. That has been the case with the infamous House Resolution 1 bill, which has nothing to do with integrity and everything to do with political gain.

It has become an unfortunate habit of those on the left to attempt to disguise their true intentions by pretending they really care about American voters. On July 13, President Joe Biden said HR 1 must be passed “to protect our democracy and the sanctity of the vote,” according to a transcript of his speech.

Conservatives know this is a lie, as HR 1 would actually threaten democracy by greatly increasing the likelihood of voter fraud. Yet even through lying, the left was at least pretending to care about the sanctity of our elections.

On Wednesday, The New York Times decided it was no longer necessary to hide its real agenda. The outlet published an Op-Ed written by guest essayist Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, entitled, “There Is No Good Reason You Should Have to Be a Citizen to Vote.”

In an apparent attempt to cover for itself, the Times explained the article was “part of a series exploring bold ideas to revitalize and...