90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Infrastructure Bill ‘Pathetic Surrender Built on Mountain of Lies’

Republicans have helped put President Biden several steps closer to passing his top legislative priority in voting multiple times to advance an unnecessary and costly infrastructure bill that will pave the way for Democrats to pass their multi-trillion dollar social agenda. This is a pathetic surrender that has been built on a mountain of lies.

Republicans who voted for this monstrosity claimed that the infrastructure bill they negotiated would be fully paid for. It isn’t. They claimed it would narrowly focus on traditional infrastructure such as fixing roads and bridges. It doesn’t. They claimed it would help convince moderate Democrats to abandon Biden’s larger bill. It won’t.

Republicans have voted for a bill that will add to the deficits at a time when debt as a share of the economy is on track to break the World War II record this year, according to Biden’s own budget. And at a time when inflation is on the rise.

When a party is in the minority, their primary job should be to block the majority party from enacting bad policies as they work on building their own agenda. Far from satisfying this basic requirement for a modern political party, Republicans have been complicit in helping grease the wheels for Democratic efforts to transform every aspect of American life — on health care, child care, college, the environment, and so much more. To make matters worse, they have done so in the service of a president who just this week had his administration issue an order that the Supreme Court had already indicated was illegal, that Congress did not act on, and that he acknowledged had no legal basis. Biden has given the middle finger to Republicans, and Republicans have effectively responded with two thumbs up.

This is a reckless and irresponsible action from a policy perspective and malpractice from a political perspective. If Republicans lose big time in 2022, they have nobody but themselves to blame.

Here are the 18 Republicans, including Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, who voted with Democrats to advance this monstrosity:

Need A Wakeup Call?

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season

And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don't know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean

I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say

CDC COVID Document Discussed Relocating “High Risk” Individuals to “Camps”

Warned “compliance” may be an issue when separating people from the rest of society.

The CDC published a COVID-19 planning document that suggested relocating “high-risk individuals” to “green zones” or “camps” in order to keep them away from the rest of the population.

Yes, really.

The document is called Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings and was originally published on the CDC’s official website on July 26, 2020.

The purpose of the strategy document is “to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (“high-risk”) and the general population (“low-risk”).”

According to the CDC, in order to achieve this, “High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or “green zones” established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting. They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.”

The shielding approach would take “high-risk” individuals, meaning older people or people with underlying health conditions, and set about “physically separating high-risk individuals from the general population.”

These high-risk individuals would be relocated to “camps,” meaning “shelters such as schools, community buildings” where as many as 50 individuals would be held in each “green zone” where “no movement into or outside the green zone” would be allowed.

The document takes into account considerations on hosuing “different ethnicities, socio-cultural groups, or religions” within such “green zones”.

“Isolation/separation from family members, loss of freedom and personal interactions may require additional psychosocial support structures/systems,” states the document, noting that those who are isolated may face “stigmatization.”

The summary at the end of the document warns that “compliance” may be an issue when isolating people in such a manner because while “the shielding approach is not meant to be coercive, it may appear forced or be misunderstood in humanitarian settings.”

Commentator Candace Owens didn’t hold back when expressing her concerns about the implications of the document.

“Holy shit. The CDC actually put together a document to discuss putting high risk people into camps to “shield” low risk people from them,” she tweeted.

“No— this is not a joke, and yes, every single person who has made a reference to 1930’s Germany is vindicated.”

Choose Your Poison:

I've seen the needle and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a setting sun


Offering pleas to misdemeanors and dismissing felonies violates written DOJ policies.

There has been a severe lack of urgency in how the Biden Justice Department (DOJ) has gone about complying with its post-indictment due process obligations owed to defendants charged in connection with the January 6th protests. Under federal law, the prosecution has no “rights” when it comes to criminal cases—all “rights” belong to and are owed to defendants, by both the Executive and Judicial Branches. It is the obligation of the Executive to afford defendants their rights in the manner in which investigations and prosecutions are conducted; it is the duty of the Judiciary to ensure that the defendant’s rights are protected from deprivation by the misconduct of the Executive until such time as a jury determines the defendant’s guilt.

A few weeks back, DOJ prosecutors handling January 6th cases began to file legal memoranda offering weak excuses for why they are unable to comply with their obligation to provide discovery consistent with the federal rules and the defendants’ right to a “fair and speedy trial.” These memoranda describe the undertaking that the DOJ now refers to as the “The Capitol Breach” investigation.

The documents tell a sad tale in which a poor, beset-upon DOJ is saddled with an overwhelming undertaking connected to the events of January 6th, made all the more impossible by the obligation to comply with the Constitution and court rules established to protect the rights of criminal defendants. Here is a passage from one such memorandum that was filed by the Biden Justice Department in the matter of United States v. Timothy Hale-Cusanelli.

[T]he government’s investigation into the breach of the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021 (the ‘Capitol Breach’) has resulted in the accumulation and creation of a massive volume of data that may be relevant to many defendants. The government is diligently working to meet its unprecedented overlapping and interlocking discovery obligations by providing voluminous electronic information in the most comprehensive and usable format.

Identical memoranda have been filed by the government in multiple other cases as well, including in the matter of United States v. Nathaniel DeGrave, United States v. Justin McAuliffe, and United States v. Aaron Mostofsky.

Nothing in the passage above addresses the failure by prosecutors in innumerable cases to comply with “Rule 16 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.” Under the Rule, a defendant is entitled, upon request, to production of certain evidence and information in the possession of the government. Two broad categories of material that fall within Rule 16 include any evidence the government intends to offer during trial to prove the defendant’s guilt; and any records, documents, items, etc., in the possession of the government that are “material to preparing the defense.”

The DOJ’s “Memo of Woe” continues:

The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Breach will be the largest in American history, both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence. In the six months since the Capitol was breached, over 500 individuals located throughout the nation have been charged with a multitude of criminal offenses. … There are investigations open in 55 of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s 56 field offices.

The circumstances confronting Justice Department prosecutors here are entirely of their own making. No law or rule compelled the DOJ to file all the cases at the earliest possible moment it could. Nothing prevented DOJ management from, you know, “managing” the caseload by filing cases in smaller numbers at the outset, starting with most serious alleged offenders. This would have allowed prosecutors to work through the discovery problems in order to meet their obligations under the Constitution and procedural rules, rather than bringing the entire system to a grinding halt by needlessly dragging hundreds of people into court all at one time.

The position adopted by the DOJ in its memorandum seeks to make the DOJ’s problems the problems of the defendants and the court. The DOJ has an obligation to produce discovery that it cannot meet, and it seems to expect that the defendants and court are required to sit and wait while it solves its problems. But DOJ’s hopes in that regard are likely misplaced.


This point was brought home to a DOJ prosecutor on July 30th during a status conference in Hale-Cusanelli. The prosecutor had filed its “Memo of Woe” on July 15th.

During the hearing, Judge Trevor McFadden, an appointee of President Trump, noted that the government was continuing to charge and arrest new defendants, even when it was telling the Court and counsel that it was unable to comply with discovery obligations in the hundreds of cases it had already filed. Hale-Cusanelli has been detained without bond since his arrest on January 15th, and the prosecutor told Judge McFadden matter-of-factly that the DOJ would not be able to meet its discovery obligations earlier than...

Cuomo Resigns as New York Governor Amid Harassment Claims

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his resignation on Tuesday, bowing to pressure to leave office or face impeachment in the face of multiple sexual-harassment allegations.

Cuomo said in an appearance in New York City that he would leave office in 14 days and Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul would take over. He maintained that he didn’t harass anyone but was “thoughtless” in the way he spoke to and touched women on his staff.

“In my mind, I’ve never crossed the line with anyone,” said Cuomo, 63. “But I didn’t realize the extent to which the line has been redrawn.

The move marks a stunning denouement to a decades-long political career. Cuomo had dug in, refusing to leave office even after New York Attorney General Letitia James found that he had...

Occam's Razor - The Simplest Answer is Usually Correct


Senate Democrats Release Budget Reconciliation Frame-Work with Massive, Unlimited Amnesty

We'll Have The Whole World In Our Land...

Senate Democrats unveiled the framework for their $3.5 trillion budget resolution package, which could pass without a single bipartisan vote; the package includes an amnesty that would reward millions of illegal aliens and the cartels who now operate the southern border.

In releasing this framework, Senate Democrats, many of whom won races last year on the notion of “restoring democracy,” have officially made public their intent to push the largest amnesty in the country’s history down the throats of unwilling Americans along a filibuster-proof, party line.

You can read the framework instructions here.

The bill text unveiled today includes $107 Billion for the Senate Judiciary Committee to spend on creating “a pathway to citizenship” for those who entered the U.S. with no regard for the law as well as some investment in “border security,” how the $107B will be spent is up to the Committee.

Verbatim, the Budget Rec. framework does not include a hard number of how many illegal aliens will be granted citizenship by the package but demands that the Judiciary Committee provide “lawful permanent status for qualified immigrants.” A summary of the bill also states it will provide green cards “to millions of immigrant workers and families.”

The Senate will begin debate on the budget reconciliation framework later today or Tuesday morning. The Chamber will also hold a lengthy vote-a-rama on amendments in the near future.

After all possible amendments are considered and the debate time expires, the Senate will vote on the budget reconciliation instructions. Democrats only need a simple majority to pass the...

Do It For The Common Good.....

Individual Rights Are Overrated....Right?

Remember That Time Victorious Conquerors Ended Slavery, Vivisection, And Child Sacrifice?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Stands Up to the Weenies

They have been called many things: amoebas, spineless cowards, weaklings, and other names not suitable for print in a family newspaper.

The modern characterization for many politicians who refuse to take a stand, especially in the midst of the growing and rapid threat of American socialism, is the word “weenie.”

People fear being called names for expressing personal convictions (assuming they have any) and so they either say nothing or they go along to get along.

Not Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, who increasingly resembles the type of leader the country needs as the Biden administration appears to try and transform us into a nation the polar opposite of what the Founders intended and the Constitution prescribes.

Following President Joe Biden’s criticism of Texas and Florida for refusing to bow to Washington dictates, shifting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccination and mask “guidelines,” and the delta variant—and by implication their governors—DeSantis fired back.

Responding to Biden’s statement that if DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott won’t help fight the pandemic, they should “get out of the way,” DeSantis responded at a news conference. I will quote him at length because it is important for the context and to sense the power behind his words.

“I think the question is, we can either have a free society, or we can have a biomedical security state … Joe Biden suggests if you don’t do lockdown policies, then you should ‘get out of the way’ … If you’re coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I’m standing in your way … .”

He was just getting started: “If you’re trying to deny kids a proper education, I’m gonna stand in your way. … If you’re going to restrict, impose mandates, if you’re trying to ruin their jobs and their livelihoods … and lock people down … I’m standing in your way.”

DeSantis then delivered this rejoinder to Biden: “Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you get this border secure? Until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID from you.”

If that isn’t enough to get your liberty blood boiling, then consider these quotes from three historical figures—and a more recent one—who understood that freedom is not the natural state of humanity, otherwise more of the world would be free. Liberty must constantly be renewed:

Newly Released Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Says D.C. Jail Did Not Allow Him to Shave or Get a Haircut Unless He Got Vaccinated

A January 6 political prisoner who was recently released from the D.C. jail, said that he was not allowed to shave or get a haircut unless he took the COVID vaccine.

Jerrod Sessler, a congressional candidate from Washington, and his teenage son were shooting a video outside the “Deplorable Jail” about the Jan. 6 political prisoners, when Karl Dresch, a Michigan man who was detained for “parading” with an American flag inside the Capitol, approached him and agreed to be interviewed.

Sessler began by asking Dresch about the vaccine coercion, which the newly released prisoner had apparently mentioned before camera started rolling.

“One of the things you said was that they wouldn’t let you get a shave or get a haircut unless you took the vaccine?” Sessler asked.

“Yes sir,” the bearded Dresch replied.

The requirement appears to be an abuse of the Constitution since the experimental vaccines are approved for emergency use only. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that incarcerated or detained people living in correctional and detention facilities get vaccinated against COVID-19, but it has not been mandated, and shouldn’t be coerced.

Dresch told Sessler that he refused to get vaccinated.

He said he was arrested on January 19, “bounced around Michigan for a little bit,” and was moved to a jail Oklahoma City, before being transferred to the D.C. gulag on March 9. He was released on August 8 after striking a plea deal with government prosecutors.

He said the conditions in the jail were “kinda dirty,” the food “not too good,” and until recently, inmates were locked in their cells “almost all day.” That changed after a handful of conservative Republicans—Reps Matt Gaetz R-Fla.) , Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-Ga.), Bob Good (R-Va.), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and Louis Gohmert (R-Tex.)—attempted to tour the facility on July 29, and were denied admittance.

The lawmakers were initially allowed in the entrance way, and given masks, but after waiting for about seven minutes, an officer accused them of trespassing and locked them out.

“Recently they let us out a little bit more, but for months it was just an hour a day,” Dresch explained.

“It sounds like, as a result of them coming out here last week, it sounds like conditions improved a little bit inside … you started getting a little bit more time outside your cell?” Sessler asked.

“Yeah, they’re letting us out for up to five hours now,” Dresch replied. “But it took them a long time.”

He went on to note that four lawyers were barred from visiting their clients the same day the lawmakers were denied access to the facility, even though the booklet the prison hands out to inmates says lawyers are supposed to have 24/7 access to their clients.

“But it’s not like that,” he said. “They have to set up an appointment, and sometimes it gets denied. It can’t be in person unless you get the...

Morning Mistress