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Friday, August 27, 2021

'This Ends The Debate' - Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta

Dr. Anthony Fauci and the rest of President Biden's COVID advisors have been proven wrong about "the science" of COVID vaccines yet again. After telling Americans that vaccines offer better protection than natural infection, a new study out of Israel suggests the opposite is true: natural infection offers a much better shield against the delta variant than vaccines.

The study was described by Bloomberg as "the largest real-world analysis comparing natural immunity - gained from an earlier infection - to the protection provided by one of the most potent vaccines currently in use." A few days ago, we noted how remarkable it was that the mainstream press was finally giving voice to scientists to criticize President Biden's push to start doling out booster jabs. Well, this study further questions the credibility of relying on vaccines, given that the study showed that the vaccinated were ultimately 13x as likely to be infected as those who were infected previously, and 27x more likely to be symptomatic.

Alex Berenson, a science journalist who has repeatedly questioned the efficacy of vaccines and masks at preventing COVID, touted the study as enough to "end any debate over vaccines v natural immunity."

Here's an excerpt from a report by Science Magazine:
The new analysis relies on the database of Maccabi Healthcare Services, which enrolls about 2.5 million Israelis. The study, led by Tal Patalon and Sivan Gazit at KSM, the system’s research and innovation arm, found in two analyses that people who were vaccinated in January and February were, in June, July, and the first half of August, six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus. In one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher.
This time, the data leave little doubt that natural infection truly is the better option for protection against the delta variant, despite the fact that the US won't acknowledge the already infected as having antibodies protecting them from the virus.

As the first country to achieve widepsread coverage by the vaccine, Israel is now in an unthinkable situation: daily case numbers have reached new record levels as the delta variant penetrates the vaccines' protection like a hot knife slicing through butter.

Source: Bloomberg

At the very least, the results of the study are good news for patients who have already successfully battled COVID but show the challenge of relying exclusively on immunizations to move past the pandemic.

"This analysis demonstrated that natural immunity affords longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization due to the delta variant," the researchers said.

Unfortunately, the study also showed that any protection is time-limited. Protection offered by natural infection wanes over time, just like the protection afforded by vaccines: The risk of a vaccine-breakthrough delta case was 13x higher than the risk of developing a second infection when the original illness occurred during January or February 2021. That's significantly more than the risk for people who were ill earlier in...

Death By Medicine Or Culling The Herd?

Life, it seems, will fade away
Drifting further, every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Capitol Police Officer Says He 'Saved Countless Lives,' 'Showed The Utmost Courage' By Executing Unarmed Air Force Vet Ashli Babbitt

Capitol Police officer Lt Michael Byrd praised himself during an interview with NBC News released on Thursday for showing "the utmost courage" and "saving countless lives" by executing unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol Building on Jan 6.


From The Daily Mail:
The Capitol police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt during the January 6 Capitol riot said his actions showed 'utmost courage' and that he 'saved countless lives.'

Speaking hours after he was publicly identified for the first time, Lt Michael Byrd went on the defensive during an interview with NBC News star Lester Holt Thursday.

Explaining his decision to finally come forward, Byrd - a 28-year veteran of the force - said: 'I showed the utmost courage on January 6, and its time for me to do that now.'

Referring to the 60 to 80 members of Congress trapped by the riot, he added : 'I know that day I saved countless lives.

'I know members of Congress, as well as my fellow officers and staff, were in jeopardy and in serious danger. And that's my job,' Lt. Byrd said.

Wow, what heroism!

Babbitt was an unarmed 5'2" woman who weighed 118 pounds.

Not even one member of Congress was assaulted or hurt physically at any point during the mostly-peaceful protest on Jan 6.

No other officer shot any of the other protesters, many of which were involved in far more violent scuffles with police. There was a large heavily-armed squad of police nearly right behind Babbitt when Byrd shot...

No Worries, Joe Biden Has A Plan.....

His Plan? Pay Off Terrorists. Worst Possible Plan.

Biden, asked about ‘kill list,’ doesn’t deny that names of Americans and allies were provided to the Taliban

Pretender Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan turned deadly on Thursday when terrorists struck at the overwhelmed airport in Kabul, detonating two suicide bombs that killed more than 100 people, including 13 U.S. service members.

The blasts which went off outside of Hamid Karzai International Airport were able to inflict maximum damage largely due to the densely packed crowd which has continued to grow as a result of the rushed, disorganized evacuation after the capital city was overrun by the Taliban, catching the best and the brightest in the Biden administration completely off guard.

While the attacks were blamed on a variant of the resurgent ISIS, there is distrust in the Taliban who now control the war-ravaged country, and to make matters worse, a shocking report has emerged that a list of names of American citizens and Afghan allies was inexplicably provided to the Islamic extremist regime, ostensibly to help them to safety but such a list could be easily abused to identify and target enemies.

The existence of the list which was first reported by Politico came up during a classified briefing on Capitol Hill this week “which turned contentious after top Biden administration officials defended their close coordination with the Taliban. Biden officials contended that it was the best way to keep Americans and Afghans safe and prevent a shooting war between Taliban fighters and the thousands of U.S. troops stationed at the airport,” according to the report.

Politico quotes one unnamed defense official as saying, “basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” a detail that seems to have escaped the geniuses who have aided Biden with the engineering of the greatest foreign policy catastrophe in recent U.S. history. “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean.” added the official.

When Biden finally emerged for a late afternoon press conference after the carnage, he did not deny the existence of such a list when asked by a reporter.

According to the commander in chief, “There have been occasions when our military has contacted their military counterparts in the Taliban and said this, for example, this bus is coming through with X number of people on it, made up of the following group of people. We want you to let that bus or that group through,” he said. “So, yes there have been occasions like that. To the best of my knowledge, in those cases, the bulk of that has occurred and they have been...

BOMBSHELL UK data destroys entire premise for vaccine push


This is an absolute game-changer.

The UK government just reported the following data, tucked away in their report on variants of concern:

Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.

Let me say that another way - two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.

To be specific:

From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).

Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.

The report is here.

But this is the crucial page. Look at the bottom line.

Again, 402 deaths out of 47 008 cases in vaccinated; 253 deaths out of 151 054 cases in unvaccinated. If you get covid having been vaccinated, according to this data, you are much more likely to die than if you were not vaccinated!

Obviously some allowance must be made for more elderly people being vaccinated, but not enough to change the bottom line: this vaccine is not nearly as effective as advertised.

And with all its unknowns, and a much higher adverse reporting number than all other vaccines combined, a complete recalibration of global policy is the only moral option.

Countries around the world, as months pass since vaccinations, are experiencing a surge in vaccinated deaths and hospitalizations. 60% of hospitalizations in Israel are fully vaccinated patients. (Hence the mad rush for untested boosters.)

The powers that be will not admit there is something terribly wrong. They will not acknowledge the clear science that people with natural immunity, and the young and healthy, do not need to take the risks of these injections. Read this very important piece on natural immunity. Reliable studies showing the superiority of natural immunity are just ignored by our overlords.

Instead they will jab and jab and jab again. The vaccine passports will be renewable every six months. Countries are ordering up to 8 shots per citizen. The masks will not go away. Israel, the pre-eminent vaxxed nation, is in lockdown.

The report also made one other important admission:


In other words, getting vaccinated to protect others is not true!

This is NOT a sterilising vaccine that stops diseases like polio or hepatitis using live virus. This is for you alone. Which means, as experts like Martin Kulldorff, biostatistician, epidemiologist and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University and research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, have long said, it makes zero sense to vaccinate the young and healthy.

We are dealing with a world-historical error, and in fact a global assault on young bodies.

To be clear, I make no advice to anybody about taking the vaccine or not. I may well have decided to take it if I were in a risk category, or if I knew I did not have to wear a mask or get tested after taking a single shot. Your decision should be guided by consulting with a doctor, informed consent, and your own conscience.

And you should ask yourself why there is no explanation for the hundreds of thousands of women experiencing menstrual changes after the shot, or the way vaccines are being mandated at the same time they are under investigation for unknown risks.

What I will say categorically is that you will have to answer one day, in this life or the next, for where you stood on the issue of mandating medicine for the healthy without informed consent, on giving cover for governments to shove things down kids’ noses, and locking down all that makes life worthwhile. Where were you when kids’ freedoms were stolen from them? I doubt there will be much forgiveness from...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #758

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Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Covid Rant goes METAL!

Girls With Guns