In its lust to destroy every taboo about sexual behavior, the left is never satiated. Next up? Acceptance of pedophilia.
As The Federalist has recently reported, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the left is pushing toward social and legal approval of pedophilia. A failed effort in the Minnesota legislature to extend state-law protection to pedophilia as a sexual orientation should remove any doubt about where we’re headed.
Predatory adults apparently recognize the political problem inherent in protecting the “rights” of pedophiles. So they also cloak their efforts in the language of “rights,” “needs,” and “health” of minor children.
The most recent evidence of this goal comes from the International Commission of Jurists, which joined two U.N. agencies to issue a report advocating that all “consensual” sex between adults and minors be decriminalized. From Principle 16 – Consensual Sexual Conduct:
Consensual sexual conduct, irrespective of the type of sexual activity, the sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the people involved or their marital status, may not be criminalized in any circumstances. … With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. … Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual, in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacities of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them.
The end game of normalizing pedophilia has been hinted at for some time. A critical step, as always, is to distort language. “Pedophile” has become “minor-attracted person” (MAP), which certainly takes the edge off. TED talkers insist that MAPs should not be stigmatized for their attractions as long as they exercise self-control around children (a talent for which pedophiles are not famous). These and other “experts” (and Minnesota legislators) describe pedophilia as a sexual orientation to be protected under state nondiscrimination law.
The left always plays the long game, and this one is no exception. Acceptance of pedophilia can be traced to the monstrous Dr. Alfred Kinsey, an entomologist by training who branched out into the study of human sexuality supposedly in response to student questions about sex and marriage.
Actually, though, as his subsequent work proved, Kinsey had a special interest in perversion. His groundbreaking “research” on sexual behavior included extensive observation of infant responses to sexual stimuli. If not a pedophile himself (views differ), he collaborated for years with at least one pedophile who meticulously cataloged his abuse of hundreds of children from 1917 to 1948 — the infamous...
The end game of normalizing pedophilia has been hinted at for some time. A critical step, as always, is to distort language. “Pedophile” has become “minor-attracted person” (MAP), which certainly takes the edge off. TED talkers insist that MAPs should not be stigmatized for their attractions as long as they exercise self-control around children (a talent for which pedophiles are not famous). These and other “experts” (and Minnesota legislators) describe pedophilia as a sexual orientation to be protected under state nondiscrimination law.
The left always plays the long game, and this one is no exception. Acceptance of pedophilia can be traced to the monstrous Dr. Alfred Kinsey, an entomologist by training who branched out into the study of human sexuality supposedly in response to student questions about sex and marriage.
Actually, though, as his subsequent work proved, Kinsey had a special interest in perversion. His groundbreaking “research” on sexual behavior included extensive observation of infant responses to sexual stimuli. If not a pedophile himself (views differ), he collaborated for years with at least one pedophile who meticulously cataloged his abuse of hundreds of children from 1917 to 1948 — the infamous...