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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Far-Left Ideas that Motivate ‘White Genocide’ Professor

The phrase “white genocide”was a tending topic on Twitter Monday morning after news broke Sunday that Dr. George Ciccorioello-Maher, a professor at Philadelphia’s Drexel University, tweeted out a wish for “white genocide” on Christmas Day.

The shocking thing about Ciccorioello-Maher’s tweet “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide.” is that based on his ideology and his choice of influences, Professor Ciccorioello-Maher appears to mean it. It’s a shocking lesson about what is being taught at America’s universities today and who is teaching.

In another Christmas Day Tweet, Ciccorioello-Maher called the massacre of whites a “good thing.”
To clarify: when the whites were massacred during the Haitian Revolution, that was a good thing indeed.
— George Ciccariello (@cicCiccorioello-Maheraher) December 25, 2016

By the end of the Christmas Day, Drexel University released a statement about the professor, saying:
Drexel became aware today of Associate Professor George Ciccariello-Maher’s inflammatory tweet, which was posted on his personal Twitter account on Dec. 24, 2016. While the University recognizes the right of its faculty to freely express their thoughts and opinions in public debate, Professor Ciccariello-Maher’s comments are utterly reprehensible, deeply disturbing, and do not in any way reflect the values of the University.
The University is taking this situation very seriously. We contacted Ciccariello-Maher today to arrange a meeting to discuss this matter in detail.

Some have attempted to dismiss Ciccorioello-Maher ’s statement as a mere rhetorical flourish and nothing to be taken seriously. For example, Atlantic magazine’s Senior Editor Adam Serwer implied that...

When Democrats Kick People When They Are Down....

2 Things I Never Watch...

Senate Democrats Condemn Obama for Anti-Israel UN Vote

Some Senate Democrats have issued scathing statements against President Barack Obama and his administration’s decision to break with longstanding tradition to veto anti-Israel resolutions, choosing, instead, to abstain from voting in a United Nations Security Council vote. The vote called for a halt to Israeli construction in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.

Among the Democrats are Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Bob Casey (D-PA), Richard Blumenthal (D-VT), Mark Warner (D-VA), and Chris Coons (D-DE), all of whom echoed Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s call just one day earlier for America to veto the resolution that he said would put “Israel in a very poor negotiating position” and be “extremely unfair to all Israelis.”

Sen. Schumer, who is the incoming Senate Democratic leader and also Jewish, pointed out that the “U.N. has been a fervently anti-Israel body since the days of ‘Zionism is racism’ and, unfortunately, that fervor has never diminished”:

Extremely frustrating, disappointing & confounding that the Administration has failed to veto the UN resolution.
“It is extremely frustrating, disappointing and confounding that the Administration has failed to veto this resolution,” Schumer said. “[P]ast Administrations – both Democrat and Republican- have protected Israel from the vagaries of this biased institution. Unfortunately, this Administration has not followed in that path and its actions will move us further from peace in the Middle East.”

Schumer had also opposed the Iran nuclear deal last year. However, his word was not enough to...

This Is What We Are Sending Our College Students To...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, December 26, 2016

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
American Power has: Sunday Rule 5
The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Monday: Boxing Day Edition
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

America’s largest police union urges Amazon to pull ‘offensive’ Black Lives Matter apparel

The largest police union in the country has requested Amazon follow Walmart’s lead and stop selling Black Lives Matter merchandise they’ve labeled “offensive.”

In an open letter to the online retailer, Fraternal Order of Police president Chuck Canterbury urged CEO Jeff Bezos to remove all apparel with slogans “BULLETPROOF," "Black Lives Matter" and "Hands up, don't shoot" from Amazon's website.

He encouraged Bezos to stand by the police union in “increasing the bonds of trust between the men and women of law enforcement and the communities they serve.”

The police order recently succeeded in having merchandise removed from Walmart’s online stores after accusing the retailer and the third-party sellers peddling the products to profit “from racial division.”

Describing Amazon as a “pretty liberal marketer,” Canterbury told the Guardian the rhetoric featured on some of their apparel has prompted a lot of tension between officers and ...

FAKE NEWS: 4 Websites That Rushed to Blame Trump Supporters for Mississippi Church Arson

Following the November arson attack against a black church in Mississippi, several mainstream media outlets attempted to paint the crime as a racially-motivated attack by a Donald Trump supporter.

Despite lacking a large amount of evidence for their claims, which were largely based on “Vote Trump” grafitti painted onto to the church and the n-word found shortly before, the outlets continuously pushed the narrative of a Trump-induced hate crime.

Little did they know that the attack was actually allegedly perpetrated by Andrew McClinton, a black man who was a member of the church he torched. It has also since been revealed that McClinton is also allegedly the perpetrator of the graffiti found on the church.

The perpetrators who set the Hopewell M.B. Church in MS on fire must be brought to justice. This kind of hate has no place in America. -H

Since the mainstream media, along with social networks such as Facebook are concerned with the rise of “fake news,” here is a sample of the outlets which pushed this false narrative without the facts.

“A Black Church Burned in the Name of Trump” – The Atlantic

The Atlantic, a news outlet which has frequently covered the topic of “fake news,” could quite possibly be the contender for one of the most false headlines this year with “A Black Church Burned in the Name of Trump.”

The Atlantic reported that the arson attack was being investigated as a “hate crime,” tried to link the attack to rising racism, and claimed that the motivation was for someone to leave “a calling card about politics.”

Since their claims, a fire marshal has declared that the attack was unlikely to do with politics, and the site has been forced to issue an update on their article. However, there is still no mention to the fact that the perpetrator was neither a Donald Trump supporter nor a white man, despite largely trying to emphasize those two points originally.

“Burning a black church is a political act” – Vox

Vox Media, the same news outlet which has officially banned employees from “mansplaining,” falsely labelled popular Trump supporters as anti-Semites, and whose popular left-wing commentator Ezra Klein was seen by the Clinton Campaign as an attack dog to “hold journalists accountable,” pulled out all the stops in their attempt to make the Mississippi church arson attack seem like a racist crime from the right.

“The message spray-painted on the burned bricks is drawing attention to a history of racist violence that has been amplified over...

What? I'm Just Going For A Walk...

More Amazingly Great Gifs:

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Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Girls With Guns

“A Christmas Story” Director was Killed by an Illegal Alien

Though the 1983 movie “A Christmas Story” did not make much of an impression when it was initially released, it has since become a perennial holiday favorite with families across the country. We are not only treated to Ralphie’s hilarious quest to obtain a Red Ryder BB gun, but the film also reminds us at least a little, of our own childhood and Christmases past.

While most of us are familiar with the cult classic, many may not know the tragic way in which the director of “A Christmas Story,” Bob Clark, died. He was killed by a drunk-driving illegal alien.


Merry Christmas Everyone!

Morning Mistress - Playful Christmas Edition...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night - Christmas Edition...

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Girls With Guns - Christmas Eve Edition...

Obama Administration Finalizes Social Security Gun Ban

On Monday the Obama administration finalized a Social Security gun ban that could prevent “tens of thousands” of law-abiding elderly citizens from purchasing guns for self-defense.

Breitbart News reported this ban on July 18, 2015, when it was learned that the Obama administration was creating a ban on gun purchases that would apply to Social Security recipients who needed help managing their finances. The Los Angeles Times reported that the ban would be sweeping; that it would cover those who are unable to manage their own affairs for a multitude of reasons–from “subnormal intelligence or mental illness” to “incompetency,” an unspecified “condition,” or “disease.”

In January, Obama incorporated the ban into his executive gun controls. A White House preview of those controls explained that the Social Security Administration (SSA) was putting together rules for how/when to enforce the ban:
Current law prohibits individuals from buying a gun if, because of a mental health issue, they are either a danger to themselves or others or are unable to manage their own affairs. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The reporting that SSA, in consultation with the Department of Justice, is expected to require will cover appropriate records of...

Under New Management – Intellectual Froglegs Holiday Edition

Superstar reporter warns 'fake news' panic is censorship trap

WASHINGTON – If you want to spot a forged painting, ask an art expert.
And if you want to find out what is “fake news,” ask perhaps the top investigative reporter in journalism.
Sharyl Attkisson spotted the fake news trend long before it became a recent catchphrase.
And she doesn’t portray it, as do many in the mainstream media, as some right-wing conspiracy. In fact, Attkisson told WND she often sees the mainstream media as prime culprits when they push suspect stories.
So, what is really behind the mainstream media’s war on fake news?
And what’s the purpose of the anti-fake news movement?“I think the anti-fake news movement itself is a campaign for a narrative-driven propaganda campaign that started about September,” reflected Attkisson.
“I think there’s an agenda to censor the news as opposed to actually trying to eliminate fake news,” she said.
Attkisson won five Emmy Awards and received an Edward R. Murrow Award for investigative reporting during her stint as the top correspondent for CBS News from 1993 to 2014. Before joining CBS, Attkisson was an anchor and...

Morning Mistress - Christmas Eve Edition...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night - Christmas Eve Edition...

Friday, December 23, 2016

Girls With Guns

When "Kill All White People" Does Not Violate Facebook Standards...

These people will get to determine what news we see?

Gift Ideas For That Snowflake In Your Family...

Merry Christmas!

May everyone have the opportunity to spend time with the ones they love today.  Be tolerant of the family members that annoy you, and be generous in spirit to everyone.  If there are little ones, smile a little more for them, help to make this day magical for them, try to help to become the wonderful memories that they will tell their children about.  Continue your family traditions, become an example to your family of how to be a man or woman, strive to become a source of strength and wisdom to your family and friends.  Be a good person, a good citizen and be good to yourself.  Merry Christmas.

The Duplicitous Nature Of A Snowflake...


How To Upset A Socialist...