90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

A Duty To Offend: Freedom of Speech and Right to Offend

Monday, January 16, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Siren
American Power has: Rule 5 Links
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

1/100th Of A President...

It will take a few years to undo the intentional damage...

The Backfire Heard 'Round The World...


Really Slate??

CNN Reporting....

CNN edits 'Crooked' out of Trump tweet

Police Charge Black Teen Girl Who Set Up Fake White Supremacist Account

A 14-year-old African American girl who set up a fake white supremacist Twitter account and sent out a tweet threatening violence at her Maryland high school has been charged with a juvenile citation.

The Anne Arundel County Police Department started their investigation after Arundel High School in Maryland reported a Twitter account called “Kool Kids Klan KKK” that sent out a tweet saying: “We’re planning to attack tomorrow.”

The Twitter account used similar language as a racist petition by the “Kool Kids Klan” that had circulated around the same school. The Washington Post reported the incident, claiming the petition described African Americans as a “scourge,” who “invented” rape and stealing, and said the petition spoke of “the supreme white race.”

Police cooperated with Twitter and identified the person behind the “Kool Kids Klan” social media account: a 14-year-old African-American female who attends the very same school she targeted.

According to CBS Baltimore, the girl admitted to creating the account and sending out the threatening message on social media after the police interviewed her. She was charged with...

BOOM! Tucker Carlson Smashes Megyn Kelly’s Ratings by 27% in First Week

Tucker Carlson got off to an amazing start his first week following The O’Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel. In his first week Carlson was up 27% over Megyn Kelly’s numbers from the same week last year.

It looks like that was a good move for FOX – and they saved themselves a heap of money too.
AIM.org reported:
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson got off to a roaring start in his primetime debut Monday night by easily outdistancing both MSNBC and CNN, proving at least for now that the decision to slide him into Megyn Kelly’s old timeslot was...


Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Girls With Guns

Worst President? Adios Obama.

Destroy Our Country?

Exploring the True Origins of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is one of the most famous fairy tales in the world, first related in 1812 when the Grimm brothers published their collection of tales that had been gathered from old European folk stories. Like many of the Grimm tales, it is believed that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has been in existence since the Middle Ages, passed down through word-of-mouth over the centuries.  In 1937, Walt Disney’s animated feature film of Snow White popularized the story worldwide, and since then, it has generally been regarded as purely a tale of fiction. However, recent research suggests the famous fairy tale may not be so fictional after all.

Plot Summary

The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs tells the tale of a beautiful princess born with skin so fair and pure that her mother named her Snow White. After the Queen’s death, her father married a woman who was vain and wicked, and who would stand in front of a magic mirror asking who was the fairest woman in the land. The mirror always replied “My Queen, you are the fairest one of all”, until one day an answer came that threw her into a rage – Snow White was now the fairest woman in all the land.
Snow White’s evil step-mother talking to her magic mirror
Snow White’s evil step-mother talking to her magic mirror (Wikipedia).
Snow White’s step-mother, furious at what the mirror had told her, ordered a huntsman to take her into the forest and kill her. But the huntsman felt sympathy for Snow White and let her free. Snow White came upon a small cottage and, feeling exhausted, collapsed into one of the beds and fell into a deep sleep. When she awoke, seven dwarfs were looking down upon her. They told Snow White she could stay with them as long as she cleaned and cooked.
Snow White and the dwarfs lived in contentment until one day when the magic mirror told the Queen that Snow White was alive and was still the fairest of them all. The Queen disguised herself as an old woman and presented Snow White with a poisoned apple. After taking a bite of the apple, Snow White fell unconscious. The dwarfs, assuming she was dead, built a glass coffin and placed her inside.
One day, a handsome Prince passed by and saw Snow White in the coffin. He fell instantly in love with her and convinced the dwarfs to let him take the coffin so he could give her a proper funeral. As he and some other men were carrying the coffin, they tripped over some tree roots causing the poisoned apple to dislodge from Snow White’s throat. She awakened and the Prince declared his love for her.  They were married, and as all fairy tales go, they lived happily ever after.
The Prince awakens Snow White
The Prince awakens Snow White (Wikipedia)

Snow White is Margarete von Waldeck?

In 1994, a German historian named Eckhard Sander published Schneewittchen: Marchen oder Wahrheit? (Snow White: Is It a Fairy Tale?), claiming he had uncovered an account that may have inspired the story that first appeared in Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
According to Sander, the character of Snow White was based on the life of Margarete von Waldeck, a German countess born to Philip IV in 1533. At the age of 16, Margarete was forced by her stepmother, Katharina of Hatzfeld to move away to Wildungen in Brussels. There, Margarete fell in love with a prince who would later become Phillip II of Spain.
Margarete’s father and stepmother disapproved of the relationship as it was ‘politically inconvenient’.  Margarete mysteriously died at the age of 21, apparently having been poisoned. Historical accounts point to the King of Spain, who opposing the romance, may have dispatched Spanish agents to murder Margarete.
So what about the seven dwarfs? Margarete's father owned several copper mines that employed children as quasi-slaves. The poor conditions caused many to die at a young age, but those that survived had severely stunted growth and deformed limbs from malnutrition and the hard physical labour. As a result, they were often referred to as the ‘poor dwarfs’. 
As for the poison apple, Sanders believes this stems from an historical event in German history in which an old man was arrested for giving poison apples to children who he believed were...

Knock Knock...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Girls With Guns

Here's what the US military really thinks about Obama

On Sunday, a poll from Military Times and the Institute for Veterans and Military Familiesdisplayed the thoughts and sentiments of active-duty military troops about President Barack Obama as he ends his eight years as commander in chief.

The results showed that US service members have an overwhelmingly negative view of Obama — or a neutral view at best.

Overall, 60.3% of Marines, 53% of the Army, 49.6% of the Air Force, and 45.9% of the Navy said they disapproved of Obama — a plurality in each case. Enlisted soldiers and Marines were more likely than officers to disapprove of Obama, by about 4 percentage points.

In total, 29.1% of soldiers said they had a very unfavorable view of Obama's leadership, and 18% said they held a very favorable view.

The poll elicited responses from...

Iranian Immigrant MILO Supporter Takes On Protesters, Gets Harassed, Learns That Leftists Are Like Totalitarian Muslim Nation...

European Emergency Plan For A Terrorist Attack...

Muslim Migrants Open Hookah Shop and Keep Sex Slave in the Basement

Sex slavery is sanctioned under Islam. As I have explained numerous times, sex slavery and rape of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah. Politicians can keep turning a blind eye, law enforcement ignore it, so this pox on our communities will continue to get worse.

The history of sex slavery under Islam – look at this.

Sex slavery and rape is in accordance with Quran chapter and verse. Sex slaves are war booty. Following a victory, Muhammad would usually distribute the captives, both male and female, as slaves to his soldiers. And Muhammad is the “perfect example for Muslims.” According to Islamic law, Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war” (33:50). 4:3 and 4:24 extend this privilege to Muslim men in general. The Qur’an says that a man may have sex with his wives and with these slave girls: “The believers must (eventually) win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Men's Rights?

Friday, January 13, 2017

Girls With Guns

These dogs obey Donald Trump!! #DonaldTrump #SitDOWN #dogs #hilarious #funny #dogtraining101


More Fabulous Vines:

"Because You'd Be In Jail.."

Evil Stuck On "ON"

Hillary Tries To Say Make America Great Again Without Actually Saying Make America Great Again...

To CNN, Burning Down The White Suburbs Is A Call For Peace: War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength

Watch What He Does With This Vacuum Cleaner Nozzle...

Walmart Fireworks Display: INSIDE WALMART!!

The Cheese Of Truth...

Social Justice Warriors Are Pathetic... #Trigglypuff

Nature Shows Us That Safe Spaces Are An Artificial Construct...

SkateBoard Win..

Dog Terrified Of Tuba Sound...

Late Night Creepy...

Fox News' Shepard Smith Defends CNN's Fake News - After Trump Calls Them Out

Dear Hollywood:

Breaking: California Bans Itself...

Enjoy The Snow...

Trump: Will Keep Our Country Safe...

Obama's "Progress"...

How Political Correctness Hijacked Trump Inauguration Protesters’ Brains

The goal of the Left’s campaign against the Trump presidency is “mass resistance” to bring the administration down. Likely, that means you’ll be seeing lots of street protests of the 1960s variety, reminiscent of the campaigns to bring down Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon.

I suspect they will not only cause Bill Ayers to relive his glory days as a domestic terrorist, he will also be able to test out the inroads he made after 40 years engaged in radical education reform built entirely on the agitprop known as political correctness. These “reforms”—or mind arson, as Robin Eubanks so perfectly put it in her book “Credentialed to Destroy”— replace a child’s capacity for reason with raw emotional reflexes. The question is: How many will “rise up” and be mobilized like the good little drones political correctness has primed them to be?

Somehow, this all reminds me of a public service ad from 30 years ago that used a metaphor to warn about the harmful effects of drug abuse on the human brain. In it, a man holds up an egg and says “This is your brain.” He then points to a hot skillet and says, “This is drugs.” Finally, he cracks the egg into the skillet and as it loudly sizzles, he remarks: “This is your brain on drugs.”

Oregon rancher receives government request to survey his property – read his brilliant response

So many people cave in and bend over backwards to accommodate the most ridiculous requests of federal and state governments, but this story is a reminder of how we all should respond when bureaucrats come knocking at our doors.

Recently, Oregon ranchers Larry and Amanda Anderson received a letter by the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife asking for permission to survey their land in order to track a nearly endangered species. The letter requested use of the landowners’ creek to document the amphibian life represented, specifically the foothill yellow-legged frog which is noted to have recently declined in population. If the Anderson’s agreed to give the department access, they were ensured as being responsible for “the conservation of this important species.”

But the Andersons weren’t exactly interested and noticed an opportunity to turn the tables on the request and apply a little “Golden Rule” justice, or at least doing unto the government as is so often done unto them.

The Andersons constructed one of the best come-back letters of all time. The only way to truly appreciate it is to read it in its entirety:
Dear Mr. Niemela:
Thank you for your inquiry regarding accessing our property to survey for the yellow-legged frog. We may be able to help you out with this matter.
We have divided our 2.26 acres into 75 equal survey units with a draw tag for each unit. Application fees are only $8.00 per unit after you purchase the “Frog Survey License” ($120.00 resident / $180.00 Non-Resident). You will also need to obtain a “Frog Habitat” parking permit ($10.00 per vehicle). You will also need an “Invasive Species” stamp ($15.00 for the first vehicle and $5.00 for each add’l vehicle) You will also want to register at the Check Station to have your vehicle inspected for non-native plant life prior to entering our property. There is also a Day Use fee, $5.00 per vehicle.
If you are successful in the Draw you will be notified two weeks in advance so you can make necessary plans and purchase your “Creek Habitat” stamp. ($18.00 Resident / $140.00 Non-Resident). Survey units open between 8am and 3pm but you cannot commence survey until 9am and must cease all survey activity by 1pm.
Survey Gear can only include a net with a 2″ diameter made of 100% organic cotton netting with no longer than an 18″ handle, non-weighted and no deeper than 6′ from net frame to bottom of net. Handles can only be made of BPA-free plastics or wooden handles. After 1pm you can use a net with a 3″ diameter if you purchase the “Frog Net Endorsement” ($75.00 Resident / $250 Non-Resident). Any frogs captured that are released will need to be released with an approved release device back into the environment unharmed.
As of June 1, we are offering draw tags for our “Premium Survey” units and application is again only $8.00 per application. However, all fees can be waived if you can verify Native Indian Tribal rights and status.
You will also need to provide evidence of successful completion of “Frog Surveys and You” comprehensive course on frog identification, safe handling practices, and self-defense strategies for frog attacks. This course is offered online through an accredited program for a nominal fee of $750.00.
Please let us know if we can be of assistance to you. Otherwise, we decline your access to our property but appreciate your inquiry.

Sincerely,Larry & Amanda Anderson

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Girls With Guns

You're Fake News!

Before And After Pictures...

Al Sharpton On Session's Appointment To Attorney General...

He Came With A Medal He Did Not Earn Or Deserve, He Leaves With One...


President Obama Awards Himself Distinguished Public Service Medal

It's About Damn Time..

Official Data: Sexual Assault Jumps by 70 Per Cent in Sweden

The number of Swedes claiming to have been sexually assaulted has risen by 70 per cent in two years, with more than 13 per cent of women reporting to be too fearful to go out in the evening.

In 2014, just 1 per cent of Swedes said they had been sexually attacked, jumping to 1.7 per cent of the population in 2015 – equivalent to about 129,000 people.

In 2013, 1.3 per cent of Swedes said they were victims, and before that, between 2005 and 2012, the level of reported sexual crimes had remained relatively stable, hovering around the 1 per cent risk mark for seven years.

The data comes from the 2017 annual survey [page 47] of the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), an agency under the Ministry of Justice, which produces Sweden’s official crime statistics. Almost 12,000 people were...