90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Girls With Guns

Sheriff Clarke Gets It!

Reducing Regulations Saves Paper

Trump Is A Gamer.

Immigrating To America Is A Privilege, Not A Right...

Such Star Power.

The American Left Is Regressive And Vulgar.

Immigration Expert: Illegal Aliens Can Pay for Wall

A plan to have Mexico pay for the not-yet-built border wall has been floated around President Donald Trump’s administration for weeks now.

Trump announced that he may impose a 20 percent tax on all products from Mexico to quickly pay for the wall, without American taxpayers being directly hit with the expected $10 to $14 billion cost.

David North, an immigration expert with the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) says he has a solution that would entail illegal immigrants living in the U.S. actually footing the bill. Under North’s proposal, he argues that by shuttering programs which federally fund illegal immigrants, nearly $1 to $3 billion could be shored annually, paying for the wall in potentially less than a decade.

“Put a 2 percent fee on all outgoing remittances,” North writes. “The rate is low enough to discourage alternative ways of sending money to the homelands, and the paper created will give IRS good leads for collecting unpaid income taxes.”

North also cites terminating the ruling which allows families with illegal immigrant family members obtain food-stamps, getting rid of...

Travel Ban and National Security

Trump's executive order does indeed reflect American values - values that scream national security, and a strong stance against the totalitarian barbarism offered by the Islamic jihad.

The executive order on immigration and refugees that President Trump signed right before the launch of last weekend has the liberal left Democrats beside themselves in anger. The protest-laden display of their anger has simply been confirmation for Trump supporters why they want nothing to do, anymore, with the unhinged liberal left Democrats in America. Simply put, the executive order in question puts a freeze on immigration and travel into the United States from seven countries that are either historically and currently supporters and a funding source for the Islamic jihad, or has actors committing terrorism throughout their population, and we simply cannot fully trust the alleged refugees coming here from those countries to not be a part of that jihad effort. The “ban” is a 120 day program, drastically cutting the number of Muslim migrants we admit into this country, and limits some travel from certain Muslim-majority countries.

The liberal left democrats consider the executive order “cruel” and a departure from America’s “come one, come all” immigration attitude.

The increase in attacks as the number of Muslim “refugees” in the country increases is not a coincidence. There is a direct correlation

While it is true the United States has a beautiful history of sheltering and accepting those fleeing violence and persecution, and has always been the world leader in refugee resettlement, it is also important to understand that the enemy, in this case Islamism, is not shy about inserting itself among the fleeing populations. The unfortunate reality is that the migrants are largely made up of jihad-age males.

While among those fleeing the Middle East there are those who truly seek refuge in the United States, to protect the receiving population it is necessary to take a strong stance with the vetting process to ensure that only those seeking to make America their home and wish to be contributing members of our society are who we accept. I have no problem extending a hand of generosity to those people. But, to keep us safe, let us make sure that the jihadists are...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

OMG! Look At The Carton Of Milk!

Poor Jebby Jeb. He thought putting an exclamation point after his name would make him exciting.
2% Low Energy.

Immigration Hurts The Poor...

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Girls With Guns

CNN Is On The Job!

Time Travel Can Be Fun!

Mass Fake News From The Fake Stream Media...

Breaking: President Trump Issues Executive Order On Michael Moore...

We Will Need to Import Less Food Now...

Report: Trump Halted $181 Billion in Regulatory Costs on First Day in Office

In one of his first acts as president, Donald Trump effectively halted nearly $200 billion worth of regulations, according to a new analysis.

President Trump has taken aggressive action to curb regulations in his first week, promising to cut 75 percent or "maybe more," and signing an executive order Monday to cut two regulations from the books when every new rule is introduced.

The first move came in the form of a memo to all federal agencies from Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, freezing all recently finalized and pending regulations. The American Action Forum, a center-right policy institute, found the action resulted in stopping rules that would cost the economy $181 billion.

"On day one in office, President Trump’s Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, signed a memo to all executive agencies imposing a regulatory moratorium," wrote Sam Batkins, director of regulatory policy for the American Action Forum. "This may sound like an extraordinary action, but President Obama’s then-Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, penned an almost identical memo eight years ago."

"According to American Action Forum (AAF) research, this memo put a hold on $181 billion in total regulatory costs, including $17 billion in annual costs, and 5.5 million hours of paperwork," Batkins wrote. "This moratorium freezes 22 rulemakings with annual costs above $100 million and 16 measures with more than $1 billion in long-term costs."

The Trump administration memo stopped the publication of new rules in the Federal Register, withdrew regulations that were sent for formal publication so they can be reviewed, and postponed recently finalized regulations for 60 days.

The American Action Forum found 206 rules that are subject to the administration memo, including five major rules that will likely be scaled back or withdrawn altogether.

One rule halted was the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation's plan to mandate all new cars, vans, and SUVs install technology that would share their speed and brake status information with nearby vehicles.

The Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications rule would have cost an estimated...

Will An Airport Protester Please Take This Refugee In?

Two birds, One stone.

Islamic State's chief executioner - who has beheaded more than 100 people - is knifed to death in an ambush in Iraq

  • The decapitator, nicknamed Abu Sayyaf, was killed near Mosul on Sunday night
  • He was known for his huge frame and was rolled out by ISIS for their sick videos
  • As well as being the ISIS' chief executioner, he was the group's leader in Nineveh
  • His name translates to 'father of swordsmith' and he collected his victims' heads
Islamic State's chief executioner, who has beheaded more than 100 people, has been stabbed to death in an ambush in Iraq.

Nicknamed Abu Sayyaf, he was dubbed one of the terror groups scariest decapitators and was paraded in their sick videos for his huge frame.

He was also said to be leading ISIS in the Nineveh State, where he was killed by an unknown group who swarmed terrorist territory.

Abu Sayyaf, translated to mean 'father of swordsmith', is also the name for an ISIS branch in the Philippines synonymous with beheadings and kidnappings.

The executioner, who died in the al-Dasawa region in the western side of the city of Nineveh, was renowned for collecting the heads of his victims and dumping them in the same infamous hole in the region of al-Khasafa.

Muhammad Yawar, an Iraqi journalist, told ARA News: 'Abu Sayyaf was one of the scariest executioners in Nineveh. He was known for his huge body and heavy arms. He was one of the renowned faces in...

Senators Urge Army To Authorize Use Of Polymer Magazines For Rifles

Senators are urging the U.S. Army to consider using polymer magazines in rifles in an effort to enhance weapon longevity.

Sens. Joni Ernst, Tom Cotton, David Perdue, Johnny Isakson and Jim Inhofe sent a Friday letter to U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley asking him why the Army has yet to approve the use of polymer magazines. The Marine Corps has already done so.

“We write to you today to question why polymer ammunition magazines for United States Army rifles are not authorized for use in combat or in training,” said the letter. “The Army and Marine Corps simultaneously issued orders stating that polymer magazines were not authorized for use in 2012. This month, five years later, the Marine Corps approved the use of an upgraded version of these polymer magazines. It is our hope that the Army considers them as well, or is able to disclose what issues they’ve found with polymer magazines so that we can make the other service branches aware.”

Polymer magazines offer a distinct advantage to the traditional metal version, particularly when it comes to weapon longevity. Polymer magazines are more durable compared to aluminum magazines, but most importantly, they...

Morning Mistress


Hot Pick Of The Late Night

This Is So Beautiful And So Satisfying...

Monday, January 30, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
American Power has: Sunday Night Rule 5
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

President Trump... BUILD THAT WALL.

Don We Now Our Gay Apparel, Fall, Fall, Fall...Fall, Fall, Fall... Fall..Fall..Fall.

Bet That Hurt.

Then And Now... The Left Is Regressive...

California Dreamin'

Iran Announcement Leaves Expedia Stock Unaffected...

Breaking News: Pro Trump Supporters Attacked By Regressive Left At Airport Takeover Riot In Portland Oregon

Trump vs. the “Islamic Conquest of the West”

The irrational left, which means virtually all the left, is apoplectic over President Trump’s executive order halting immigration from terrorist-spawning countries. Its minions are complaining that the move is “un-American,” which in their world apparently involves playing Russian roulette with American lives.

The New York Times just ran a teary-eyed piece lamenting “immediate collateral damage imposed on people who, by all accounts, had no sinister intentions in trying to come to the United States,” as the paper put it. The fake news is right there—“by all accounts”—slipped in casually in the hope the reader will slide by it unthinkingly. In reality, there are many people, from intelligence experts to politicians to social commentators to Muslims themselves, warning that there’s no way to truly know these people’s “intentions.”

Keep the Muslim migrants out of Europe

One of the most striking reports on this front—both because of its content and how the Fake News (mainstream) Media ignored it—was an October 2015 Glazov Gang interview with Dr. Mudar Zahran, a leader of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition now living as a refugee in Britain. While calling himself an “orthodox Muslim,” he nonetheless issued an eyebrow-raising warning:

Keep the Muslim migrants out of Europe.

What’s more, he insists that they must be returned to their native lands.

While Europe was the focus at the time (as the destination of most Mideast migrants), Zahran’s warnings absolutely apply to the US. And what he says is troubling: Many if not most of the migrants are not what they appear...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Girls With Guns

Kellyanne Conway defends Trump immigration ban, ripped press 'a new one' over bias

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Sunday defended President Trump’s order to temporarily ban immigration from seven mostly-Muslim nations -- and deflected criticism over countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan not being included in the ban.

“These are countries that have a history of training, harboring, exporting terrorists,” Conway, counselor to the president, told “Fox News Sunday.” “We can’t keep pretending and looking the other way.”

Conway said the Obama administration and Congress essentially came up with the list of seven, citing the Terrorist Prevention Act of 2015.

A federal judge on Saturday evening issued an emergency order temporarily barring the administration from deporting people from the seven countries.

Conway argued Sunday that the Brooklyn judge who issued the order is a President Obama appointee and that the judge’s order doesn't impact the thrust of Trump’s executive order -- preventing dangerous people from coming into the country, not detaining them.

“The upside (is) greater protection of our borders, our people. That’s a small price to pay,” said Conway, arguing the ban impacts just roughly 1 percent of such travelers.

In the wide-ranging interview 10 days into the Trump administration, Conway also attempted to explain why such countries as Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were not included in the ban.

She said Trump is privy to intelligence reports that critics and others have not seen and suggested the list could change.

“They can’t have it both ways on Trump,” she said. “The president and Congress will always have...

President Trump Is Completely Wrong About This...

Nope. I Want To Win Bigly! Believe Me!

Feds Blame “Lapse in Vetting” for Admitting Syrian Refugees with Terrorist Ties into U.S.

Dozens of Syrian refugees already living in the Unites States may have ties to terrorism and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is downplaying it, claiming federal agents missed “possible derogatory information” about the immigrants due to “a lapse in vetting.” Among those who slipped through the cracks is a man who failed a polygraph test after applying to work at a U.S. military installation and another who communicated with an Islamic State leader.

Information about this scandalous security lapse comes from federal agents with firsthand knowledge of the situation. They spoke to a mainstream newspaper on condition of anonymity, as many Judicial Watch sources who expose delicate information do, out of fear. This is the type of case the government works hard to keep quiet and consequences could be serious for those who blow the whistle. The news article reveals that federal agents are now “reinvestigating the backgrounds” of the dozens of Syrian refugees because somehow DHS discovered that the lapse in vetting allowed refugees with “potentially negative information in their files to enter the country.” The newspaper attributes the information to “U.S law enforcement officials” who were not authorized to discuss the matter.

Coincidentally, on the day this story broke a national newswire service reported that President Donald Trump drafted an executive order to stop accepting Syrian refugees. The president also plans to suspend issuing visas for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries—Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Under President Barrack Obama’s lax immigration policies, large numbers of terrorists from some of these nations entered the U.S., including members of ISIS and other radical Islamic groups. They include individuals who have engaged in or attempted to engage in acts of terrorism, conspired or attempted to conspire to provide material support to a terrorist organization or engaged in criminal conduct inspired by terrorist ideology. Some have been convicted and sentenced in American courts.

Additionally, the Obama administration was very generous in granting citizens of Muslim nations special amnesty protections and residency benefits in the U.S. During a five-year period, Obama’s DHS issued around 680,000 green cards to foreigners from Muslim countries, according to...

Morning Mistress - Business Undress...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Girls With Guns

Finally- a President of the United States and not a Guardian of the Galaxy

Donald Trump has had a busy first week as POTUS. NBC called it “chaos.” Joe Klein, not unexpectedly, calls Trump’s Presidency “radical.” Politico called it “Yuge.” The media is still in shock over Trump’s electoral victory and it keeps churning out fake news:

Since the Nov. 8 election, major newsrooms have overhyped stories suggesting supposedly unprecedented conduct by the new administration, including imposing so-called “gag orders” on government scientists and deleting several pages from the White House website.
On Thursday, for example, the Washington Post grabbed everyone’s attention with a shocking headline that read, “The State Department’s entire senior administrative team just resigned.”
The response from media was swift, as newsroomsand reportersrushedto share and comment on the Post’s supposedly jarring scoop.
“All the top management of the State Department have quit because of Trump. ‘Great’ America? Or Little America?” asked the Post’s Liz Sly on social media.
BuzzFeed’s Sheera Frenkel added, “Asked a US diplomat friend how he felt about the resignations at State and the Trump administration so far. His answer, ‘We are fucked.'”
CNN followed up shortly thereafter with a less dramatic story titled, “Trump administration asks top State Department officials to leave.”
As it turns out, four mid-tier State officials were told recently by the new administration that their services were no longer needed. In response, the officials tendered their resignations, which is customary in these situations
Desperate to paint Trump as a racist, the media eagerly spread a false story of Trump removing...

Democrats Used To Agree That Illegal Immigration Was Bad For Our Country...

Oh Hell Yes!

And Individualism Is On the Rise Again!

Morning Mistress - Hard As Rock..