90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, February 13, 2017

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
American Power has: Rule 5 Superbowl Sunday
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Political Correctness Is Intellectual Dishonesty..

And Censorship Plain And Simple.

How To Deport And Save Taxpayer Money...

How To Deport 11 Million Illegal Aliens And Not Spend A Penny

It Is Better To Be A Warrior In A Garden...

Than A Gardener In A War - Sun Tzu

Equip, Practice, Prepare.

The New Three Stooges...

Waters Thinks Putin Is Attacking Korea.
Warren Thinks She Is Pocahontas.
Pelosi Thinks Bush Is Still President.

Who Are The D.I.L.D.O.S.?

The Antifa - Anti First Amendment, Totalitarian, Authoritarian, Collectivist, Fascists...

Joy Villa’s Album Sales EXPLODE 18,106,633% Within Hours Of Wearing Make America Great Again Dress

A Star Is Born At The Grammys

Within a matter of hours of wearing the now famous Make America Great Again dress, Joy Villa’s album I Make the Static has skyrocketed in the sales ranking on Amazon. Previously the album was ranked #543,202 on Amazon and now it is currently ranked #3.

The top 3 albums under the ‘Movers & Shakers’ categories all belong to Joy Villa.

Her album I Make the Static is currently a better seller than both Lady Gaga and Beyonce.

Morning Mistress - Is She Happy To See Me Or Is That Just CAMELTOE!

How Obama Obliterated Hillary: A Rant


Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Will winning the lottery make you happy?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Girls With Guns

Let's All Flash Mob Mexico!

I wonder if La Raza Will Support Us?

The Intolerance Of The Burka...

The Burka classifies women as chattel.
It is the definition of anti-individualism.
It removes her right as an independent, sovereign entity who possesses an inalienable right to her own life.

  1. (in general use) a personal possession.
    • LAW
      an item of property other than real estate.

Now You Know: Flammable Vs. Inflammable...

More Interesting Facts, Amazing Facts And Just Plain Crazy Facts:

Amazing Facts - The Dog Who Could Hear Enemy Aircraft...

Amazing Facts: Mosquitoes Are The Only Creature Responsible For More Human Deaths Than Humans Themselves...

Interesting Facts - Dead Shark Carcass...

Interesting Facts: Double Your Money?


Nature Has Crashed... Please Reboot...

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...

The Anti Free Speech Left...

When you can't win the debate but you can mobilize the disaffected to use force to shut debate down.

Filthy Octopus Is Now Ancipient.com


I have been working on Filthy Octopus off and on for about six months now.
Originally I wanted a catchy name which I found out later that filthy octopus also has a pretty gross alternative meaning... I have now renamed it to ancipient.com.

Ancipient.com is an automated, curated, rules based news aggregation website. If I wanted it to sound sexy, I could say it uses artificial intelligence to select news articles. It does not. It uses negative and positive keywords, data rules and curation to select news articles. There is a lot of improvement that needs to go into it, and it will continue to improve.  When other news aggregaters have not updated any new news in hours, you can always depend on my trusty robot ancipient to work 24/7 to keep you updated.

I welcome any constructive criticism to help me improve it.

Thanks, Mike

My email is 90ninetymiles 
and that would be at that gmail place.

It Is Time To Take Their Allowance Away And Cancel Their Subscription To cpusa.org

Watch Berkeley Middle School Teacher Attack a Trump Supporter

As The Police Watch And Do Nothing???!??

Watch Yvette Felarca, a Berkeley middle school teacher, attack a Trump supporter. Her trained goons join in while the police stand around doing nothing. Police eventually stopped the violence but they sure took their time.

Berkeley Riot Organizer and middle school teacher, Yvette Felarca
A local Berkeley paper reported that the FBI is investigating the violence at Berkeley. The FBI might want to start with the middle school teacher who helped organize the violence aimed at keeping Milo Yiannopoulos from giving a speech.

Berkeleyside suggests that [communist] Robert Reich might be correct when he suggests the right-wing infiltrates and causes this type of violence. That is so absurd it’s hardly worth discussing. What is more interesting is a middle school teacher in Berkeley UFSD is one of the violent protesters. She saw it as a “stunning achievement”.

Her salary is paid for by the taxpayer and she is corrupting ...

The Hysteria Of Salem Village 1692, Revisited in U.S. 2017..

The natural evolution of Hysteria:

  • Everyone that disagrees with me is a Nazi.
  • It is OK to punch a Nazi.
  • It is our duty to kill all Nazis.

Now is not the time to stop buying bullets.

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Midnight Movies: The Night the Moon Fell..

More Movies:

Midnight Movies: ANA

Midnight Movies: Human Beings Are Scary...

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Girls With Guns

FLASHBACK: 3 Somalian Immigrants Stabbed 24 People In 3 TERRORIST ATTACKS On U.S. Soil In 2016

These Somalian Terrorists Would Have Not Been Allowed Into U.S. Under Trump’s Plan.

The mainstream media inaccurately reports on a daily basis that there have been no terrorist attacks on U.S. soil since the 1970’s from immigrants that are from the seven countries on President Trump’s travel ban.
In 2016 alone there were 3 attacks carried about by Somalians, a country that is on President Trump’s Travel Ban list.

Ohio State Attack

The Gateway Pundit reported on November 28, 2016 the attack at the Ohio State campus by 20-year-old Abdul Artan from Somalia. Artan rammed his car into a group of students and then proceeded to attack them with a Machete. In all Artan severely wounded 11 students before being killed by law enforcement.
Abdul Artan was from Somalia.

Minnesota Mall Stabbings

The Gateway Pundit reported on September 19, 2016 the stabbing rampage at Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The attack was carried out by Dahir Adan who screamed  “Allahu Akbar!” during the attack that injured 9 people.
Dahir Adan was from Somalia.

Attack On Jewish Restaurant In Ohio

The Gateway Pundit reported on February 12, 2016 the attack that an Islamic Terrorist carried out on a Jewish Restaurant in Ohio. Mohamed Barry hacked 4 people with a machete before being shot dead.
These are just three attacks that were carried out last year by immigrants from just one country on President Trump’s travel ban list.

The Truth About Popular Culture

Good Advice When Talking To Police..

This Is Good Advice...

"Mississippi River Landing." Circa 1906, an exceptionally detailed view..

"Mississippi River Landing." Circa 1906, an exceptionally detailed view of the sternwheeler "Belle of Calhoun" and sidewheeler "Belle of the Bends" taking on cargo.

More Amazing Photos:

NASA X-ray Image Reveals The Hand of God..

Amazing Photos: The Parachuting Dogs Of World War II

A man standing atop a mountain of bison skulls that are about to be ground up into fertilizer 1870s

Amazing Photos Collection #1
Amazing Photos Collection #2
Amazing Photos Collection #3
Amazing Photos Collection #4
Amazing Photos Collection #5
Amazing Photos Collection #6 -or- Surreal picture of a Zeppelin under construction, circa 1935

Study Reveals 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Covered by Trump Vetting Order

A review of information compiled by a Senate committee in 2016 reveals that 72 individuals from the seven countries covered in President Trump's vetting executive order have been convicted in terror cases since the 9/11 attacks. These facts stand in stark contrast to the assertions by the Ninth Circuit judges who have blocked the president's order on the basis that there is no evidence showing a risk to the United States in allowing aliens from these seven terror-associated countries to come in.

In June 2016 the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, then chaired by new Attorney General Jeff Sessions, released a report on individuals convicted in terror cases since 9/11. Using open sources (because the Obama administration refused to provide government records), the report found that 380 out of 580 people convicted in terror cases since 9/11 were foreign-born. The report is no longer available on the Senate website, but a summary published by Fox News is available here.

The Center has obtained a copy of the information compiled by the subcommittee. The information compiled includes names of offenders, dates of conviction, terror group affiliation, federal criminal charges, sentence imposed, state of residence, and immigration history.

The Center has extracted information on 72 individuals named in the Senate report whose country of origin is one of the seven terror-associated countries included in the vetting executive order: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The Senate researchers were not able to obtain complete information on each convicted terrorist, so it is possible that more of the convicted terrorists are from these countries.

The United States has admitted terrorists from all of the seven dangerous countries:

Plastic Army Men

Just The Facts

  1. If you didn't have Plastic Army Men growing up, you turned out to be a sociopath.
  2. If you're saying "well, that's not true!" or "but we were poor!" right now, you should know denial and justification are both sociopathic traits.
  3. Authorities have been notified.
Cracked on Plastic Army Men

Back in the days where youngsters had legs and a shape, one of the best ways to entertain yourself was with little plastic army men: Even today, roughly half of all grown men cannot help but see trenches in the garden walls and cliffsides in tree roots. These little soldiers, sometimes based on actual national armies, watched their friends die face down in the mud for this patch of sidewalk. They taught us all about tiny duty, itty-bitty honor, wee sacrifice and bite-sized heroism.

Mexican Citizen Blames Trump For Her 8 Year Sentence For Illegally Voting 5 Times In Texas Elections..

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A lawyer for a Mexican national sentenced to eight years in prison for voter fraud in Texas said that President Donald Trump’s widely debunked claims of election rigging was “the 800-pound gorilla” in the jury box.

Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, was convicted in Fort Worth this week on two felony counts of illegal voting over allegations that she improperly cast a ballot five times between 2005 and 2014.

Her attorney, Clark Birdsall, said Friday that Ortega was a permanent resident who was brought to the U.S. as a baby and mistakenly thought she was eligible to vote. He said she voted Republican, including for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, whose office helped prosecute her.

The sentence was stark — voter fraud convictions, which are rare, many times result in probation. And as a convicted felon, Ortega will very likely be deported after serving her sentence.

Tarrant County prosecutors say jurors made clear they value voting rights, but Birdsall said he believes Ortega would have fared better in a county with fewer “pro-Trump” attitudes.

Trump carried North Texas’ Tarrant County with 52 percent of the vote in November. Birdsall said he wanted to...

Deeper calls, smaller balls

Across the animal kingdom, males hoot and holler to attract females and ward off competing suitors. Now, a new study finds that male howler monkeys with deeper calls have smaller testicles – and vice versa, according to researchers from universities of Utah, Cambridge and Vienna and other institutions.

In the cover story of Current Biology’s new issue, the research team provides the first evidence of a tradeoff between two traits evolved by different howler monkey species so that males could mate with females and pass their genes to offspring: large gonads to make more sperm, or a large vocal-tract hyoid bone to produce a deep call that scares competitors and attracts females – similar to how women like deep male voices.

“They are different solutions to the same problem,” says...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Midnight Movies: ANA

More Movies:

Midnight Movies: Human Beings Are Scary...

Friday, February 10, 2017

Girls With Guns

To see and listen to the wicked is already the beginning of wickedness -Confucius

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good. — Buddha

Wickedness In High Places

It was reported on the News today that 40 people have died. The leaders of the VA Hospital, we found out how much they lied.
People were on the waiting list, for many months at a time. They were never called on, so many of their loved ones died.
The people shredding the real documents, replacing them with the false. While they were doing evil behind the scene, relatives of people were lost. There is so much wicked in high places, tell me who can you trust? To quickly get rid of these people, I tell you is a "MUST!"

-Sandra Juanita Nailing