90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Morning Mistress - Surfing The Thoroughfare

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Midnight Movies: Army Boot Camp: "This is How It Is" 1963 US Army

Monday, February 27, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: In Like A Lioness

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around

The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

American Power has: Lea Michele Rule 5

The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup


This Is The Stupidest Thing You Will Read Today...

Spicer Shoots Down Leftist Media's Russia Obsession...

For those of you that are having trouble viewing this video, please try a different browser and see if that works. This video is also on my twitter feed: https://twitter.com/NinetyMiles1 you can try viewing it there, you can also try opening this blog up on your mobile phone and view it there.

On Rabid Hollywood Leftist Clown, George Clooney...

RABID Hollywood leftist with a Muslim wife, George Clooney, says the U.S. needs to take in thousands more Muslim invaders

Expensive Now, Explosive In The Future...

The Tenth Amendment Of The Constitution Is About Federalism!

Celebrate Federalism!

Shouldn't They Be Up In The Balcony Yelling At The Other Muppets?

More Fun With John McCain!

Senator John McCain censured by Maricopa County Republican Committee

Leaked Audio Reveals Anti-Trump Forces Manufacturing Hostile Town Hall

Leaked audio from an anti-Trump protest group meeting reveals activists with anti-Trump group Indivisible plotting how to best manufacture a hostile environment at a town hall with Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana on Friday.

The audio, obtained by local radio station KPEL, reveals a coordinated effort to create the public impression that Cassidy’s support for Trump is unpopular with his constituents. The activists, who describe themselves as liberals in the audio, can be heard strategizing how to best turn a local town hall into a political victory.

The activists split up into an “inside team” — tasked with occupying “as many seats as we can” and an “outside team,” whose job was to “give [the media] the coverage they want” before joining the others inside. Activists were instructed to dress like conservatives and leave at home “any signifier that you’re a liberal” in order to blend in with constituents.

The leftist activists strategized how best to “dominate” the...

Previously deported illegal charged with murdering girlfriend, kidnapping in Connecticut

On Friday, an illegal alien who has previously been deported was charged with murdering his girlfriend and kidnapping their 6 year old daughter in Connecticut, this just two days after the governor declared the state a ‘sanctuary state.’

Oscar Obedio Hernandez is an El Salvadorian criminal illegal immigrant who has prior felony convictions for assault and threatening, plus multiple misdemeanor convictions. He was previously deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers in 2013.

Police say the illegal alien stabbed his girlfriend 14 times, killing her, before he also stabbed her female friend, who survived but is in critical condition. After that, he kidnapped their 6-year-old daughter before being captured by police in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania.

FOX 61 reports:

Congratulations To CNN On Their Oscar Win!!!

We Told You That You Were The Champions!!

Here's Your Victory Song!

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Truth About Leftist Hollywood...

They thought they had a pass with Hillary Clinton.
Perhaps we need an investigation into Hollywood PedoMoguls... 

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This video is also on my twitter feed: https://twitter.com/NinetyMiles1 you can try viewing it there, you can also try opening this blog up on your mobile phone and view it there.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Girls With Guns

Collection Of Hot Girls On Motorcycles #7

Who Is Meryl Streep Really?

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This video is also on my twitter feed: https://twitter.com/NinetyMiles1 you can try viewing it there, you can also try opening this blog up on your mobile phone and view it there.

NY Bikers Stop Flag Burning & Scare Libtards

U.S. Mosque Honors Radical Islamist who Murdered Liberal Pakistani Governor

A mosque situated about an hour’s drive from the nation’s capital recently held a ceremony to honor a radical Islamist who murdered a beloved political figure in Pakistan for publicly chastising the Muslim country’s blasphemy laws and supporting a Christian woman. The facility, Gulzar E. Madina Mosque, sits in the Maryland suburb of Pikesville, roughly 50 miles from Washington D.C. and a dozen or so miles from Baltimore. A Pakistani digital news publication covered the outrageous celebration and published a detailed account, including pictures and speeches delivered by radical clergy.

The event is officially known as an “Urs”, a Muslim celebration to commemorate the death anniversary of saints. In this case, the Maryland mosque was honoring an Islamist assassin named Mumtaz Qadri who shot the governor (Salman Taseer) of Punjab province in 2011 for speaking out against the nation’s abhorrent blasphemy laws. Qadri was the governor’s bodyguard and he shot him 28 times in Islamabad’s Kohsar Market in broad daylight, according to an international news report. He was charged with terrorism and murder by an anti-terrorism court in Pakistan and was hanged in 2016. The execution ignited violent protests throughout Pakistan, where Islamist groups hailed Qadri as a hero. That’s hardly surprising for an Islamic south Asian country with an official law that bans the use of derogatory remarks about the holy prophet Mohammad. Violators are punished with death or life imprisonment.

But nearly 12,000 miles across the Atlantic, in the land of the free and the civilized, it’s downright unacceptable that these atrocities are praised. Nevertheless, that’s exactly what occurred at the Gulzar E Madina Mosque in Maryland earlier this week. In a Sunday “Urs” commemoration attended by dozens of people, including children and teenagers, the radical Islamist assassin was honored. The event had been advertised in the largest Urdu newspaper in the U.S., the Urdu Times, and a large crowd turned out for the festivities. Among them was a New Jersey-based Islamic scholar named Syed Saad Ali who referred to Qadri as surpassing all warriors and blasted the crowd for not helping him while he was...

Former Muslim from Afghanistan now living in Sweden says “all of my country’s problems are caused by ISLAM”

CPAC Gives president Trump High Approval Ratings...

The results of this year’s annual straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday showed overwhelming approval of President Donald Trump, his executive order immigration travel ban and his United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch.

The CPAC/Washington Times straw poll – conducted on 1,447 CPAC attendees on Saturday – divulged that support for the Trump administration is extremely high one month after the president’s inauguration.

Thumbs up for Trump and justice

When asked about what kind job they believed Trump was doing during his first month in office, an overwhelming percentage of those attending the conservative political event expressed that Trump is meeting or exceeding expectations.

“Overall, Mr. Trump had an 86 percent approval rate from CPAC attendees, with 55 percent saying they ‘strongly’ approve of the job he’s doing,” the Washington Times reported from its poll. “And 67 percent said Republicans in Congress ‘should be doing more’ to support him, while just 8 percent wanted the GOP to throw up roadblocks for the president.”

On the topic of Trump’s SCOTUS pick, conservatives were nearly unanimously behind the president.

“One clear unifying factor for conservatives was Mr. Trump’s pick of Judge Gorsuch to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia,” the Washington Times’ David Sherfinski and Stephen Dinan reported. “A staggering 94 percent said they approved, and 83 percent approved ‘strongly’ of the choice.”

Addressing the Democrats’ staunch opposition to Gorsuch’s induction into the Supreme Court, three out of four CPAC attendees insisted that Republicans should do all they can to straight-arm him through the process and bypass the strategized obstacles erected by Democratic leaders.

“Three-quarters [75 percent] also said they want to see Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell use the...

Court Officials Who Jailed a Veteran for Living Off-Grid Were “Just Doing Their Jobs”

What if your job meant that you had to go arrest a guy who just wanted to live off the grid on his own land? What if that guy was a veteran? What if his only crime was refusing a service that he was supposed to pay for, like public water or utilities?

Is it actually acceptable to go to his place, kidnap him, and hold him against his will for that?

If YOU are the person who takes any of those actions, are you to blame if you’re “just doing your job?”
Meet Tyler Truitt

Tyler Truitt is a veteran who owns two acres of land in Madison County, Alabama. He and his girlfriend live off-grid. They have a clean, well-cared-for home with solar panels and a rainwater collection system. They don’t have loud parties, deal drugs, or do anything else that could be deemed anti-social.

Syrian Refugee Murders Boy In Sweden, GETS NO JAIL TIME

This is what a clash of civilizations looks like. Among the incidents in Sweden reported by Gatestone's Ingrid Carlqvist is the resolution to this story that you might have heard of already.

March 7: It was reported that the young Syrian who murdered 15-year-old Arminas Pileckas at the Göingeskolan school in Broby will not be charged with murder, or penalized in any way -- even though the investigation shows that he committed the murder. The age of criminal responsibility in Sweden is 15, and the murderer claims he is 14. Arminas Pileckas, whose family immigrated to Sweden from Lithuania, was apparently very well-liked. His murder stirred up emotion, not least because it turned out that he had protected a girl in his class from the Syrian's unwanted sexual advances. Aftonbladet interviewed the murderer's father, who blamed the school for his son's stabbing Arminas in the back:

"The school did nothing to help him or to restore his honor [because the victim interfered with his sexual advances]. Instead, my son had to see [Arminas] at school every day. It upset him very much."

Honor is everything in an honor-shame culture.

Honor means that a Muslim of the Master Faith is entitled to sexually assault Swedish girls. And that it's the school and the teenager who protected them who is to blame for...

The M4 Carbine: The Gun the U.S. Army Can't Do Without

The U.S. Army is an armed force with a truly global reach. At any given time, America’s premier land power operates on several different continents simultaneously, from hot, dry deserts to humid jungles and sprawling cities. Its infantrymen carry a weapon whose lineage dates back to Vietnam but which has been constantly improved to become the weapon it is today. Rugged, simple and accurate, the M4 carbine is the standard infantry weapon of not just the Army but all of America’s ground forces.

The story of the M4 goes back to the mid-sixties and the early days of the Vietnam War. The Pentagon, mulling sending hundreds of thousands of troops to South Vietnam, wanted a small, lightweight service rifle to replace the larger ...

Chinese companies rush to put Ivanka Trump's name on products

Morning Mistress - Two For One!

Obama Serving Up Some Fox News Fascination..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Hillary Clinton ~~ Pure Evil Devil Laugh (Remix)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Girls With Guns: Is That A Machine Gun Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

Fun With Power Tools...

President Trump Congratulates The New DNC Chair, Thomas Perez...

Now It Is Time For Us To Expose This Radical Leftist... 

Also during his tenure with the Clinton DOJ, Perez volunteered for—and later (from 1995-2002) became a board member (and president) of—Casa de Maryland, a George Soros-funded advocacy group for illegal aliens.

Read More HERE

Fire Of Big Government Origin...

Big Government = Socialism
The Difference Between Socialism and Communism is The Vote Vs. The Gun...

Real Vs. Toxic...

Princes Of MainStream Media, Kings Of New Socialism...

Making America Great Again!

#FAKENEWS Huffpo CPAC Infiltrator Acts Like Russian Idiot

Leftist Loonies...

"My Job Is To Shut Other White People Down" - Sally Boynton Brown

This is how you campaign to be the DNC Chair in 2017, proving again that the left is regressive, they are obsessed with identity politics, and they are dangerous to the health and well being of all Americans.

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This video is also on my twitter feed: https://twitter.com/NinetyMiles1 you can try viewing it there, you can also try opening this blog up on your mobile phone and view it there.

A Picture To Make You Happy!

Averting Disaster Is Always Something To Be Happy About...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

A Veteran Gets Real About The Left And John McCain...

If you don't like bad language, skip this video.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Girls With Guns

PewDiePie Destroys The Dishonest Yellow Journalism Of The Wall Street Journal..

John McCain?

More Fun With John McCain!

Senator John McCain censured by Maricopa County Republican Committee