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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Obama Administration Was Using Russian Spies To Monitor Trump Campaign?

That was the suggested scenario offered up today by Fox Business contributor, Charlie Gasparino during a segment with Neil Cavuto. (awaiting video)

It is an interesting and plausible premise. The Obama government needs no court approval to monitor communications of foreign agents. One or more Russian operatives who were already being monitored, were then instructed to repeatedly communicate to Trump campaign associates. Those communications could then be monitored and none would require court approval.

Might this scenario be the origination of all the Trump-related “wiretapped” information cited earlier by such publications as the New York Times? (It is believed this was the method used to push General Michael Flynn into resigning his position as Trump National Security Adviser and might also be the same tool used against current Trump Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. Remember, it was the Obama White House that actually set up the first of two meetings between...

Conservatives Banned from Social Media After Highlighting Lack of Campus Free Speech

A student Conservative society has been banned from social media after criticizing the hostile attitude towards free speech on its campus.

The University of Lincoln Conservative Society vanished from Facebook and announced a two-month Twitter hiatus yesterday in mysterious circumstances.

Claims later emerged that bosses at Lincoln University’s students’ union revoked the Conservatives’ social media access as punishment for highlighting their poor record on free speech.

A sister Conservative society at nearby Hull University said the Lincoln chapter was accused of bringing the university “into disrepute” by tweeting about its dismal performance in an annual free speech ranking.

The image on the upper right appears to be the post in question:

The message – a screeengrab from the website spiked – was sent the day after its annual free speech rankings was published, awarding Lincoln a red card – the worst possible score.

The page goes on to say:

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Monday, March 6, 2017

Girls With Guns


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) has opened an inquiry into allegations the FBI worked with the British spy who authored a controversial opposition research dossier on President Trump during the 2016 election.

In a Monday letter to FBI Director James Comey, Grassley asked for records pertaining to any agreements the agency may have had with Christopher Steele. The MI6 agent wrote an explosive memo on behalf of Trump’s political enemies alleging that the Russians had compromising information on the president.

Comey briefed Trump on the existence of the memo in a private meeting in January.

Shortly after, several news organizations published the unverified allegations, which the White House denied.

In late February, The Washington Post reported that the FBI reached an agreement with Steele whereby the British spy would continue his investigation on behalf of the bureau.

“While Trump has derided the dossier as ‘fake news’ compiled by his political opponents, the FBI’s arrangement with Steele shows that the bureau considered him credible and found his information, while unproved, to be worthy of further investigation,” the Post reported at the time.

Grassley is pushing back and demanding the FBI provide information pertaining to its use of the British spy, whose salacious allegations have...

An Eye For An Eye - The Hero of a Generation Thank You #BasedStickMan

How Times Have Changed...

Leftist Looney At Trump Rally...

January 1937. "Part of the family of a migrant fruit worker from Tennessee, camped near the packinghouse in Winter Haven, Florida."

35mm nitrate negative by Arthur Rothstein for the Farm Security Administration.

More Amazing Photos:

The Real Russia Connection Is Through Hillary And Bill Clinton...

IFL: The Spy Who Shagged Himself...

Did Barack Hussein Obama Commit Treason?

We need a full investigation of him and his administration. We need to smoke out a whistle-blower to get to the bottom of the cesspool of crimes he committed against the American people..

Nobody Owes You A Damn Thing...

Swedish minister does U-turn on comments about Sweden's sex crimes

Sweden's Integration Minister Ylva Johansson has done a U-turn after she told the BBC that the number of reports of sex crimes in Sweden was dropping.

During a recent interview with the BBC, the minister said: "When we make surveys about if any woman has been... if there has been a rape towards her or sexual harassment, we can see that the level is going down, and going down and going down”.

However, this isn't the case. The latest stats actually show a 13 percent increase in reported sex crimes in Sweden in 2016, and a general increase over the last ten years (more on this later).

Swedish social media users - including MPs, economists, and criminologists - flocked to Twitter to point out the minister's mistake following her TV appearance.

The Moderate party's labour policy spokesperson Elisabeth Svantesson was among those to criticize Johansson.

"We don't need more fake news," she wrote on Twitter, calling for the minister to...

Yes, Obama did try to wiretap Trump Tower, and here are the details

By Dan Calabrese
I don’t really know why Donald Trump decided yesterday to tweet about the Obama Administration trying to wiretap Trump Tower. But what was weird about it was not the content of the tweet. It was the timing. That this happened is not only beyond dispute, but it’s been in the public’s eye for weeks.

On January 17, Andrew McCarthy discussed it extensively in National Review. He referenced it again this past week in a piece about this whole Russian nonsense and Jeff Sessions:

To rehearse briefly, in the weeks prior to June 2016, the FBI did a preliminary investigation, apparently based on concerns about a server at Trump Tower that allegedly had some connection to Russian financial institutions. Even if there were such a connection, it is not a crime to do business with Russian banks — lots of Americans do. It should come as no surprise, then, that the FBI found no impropriety and did not proceed with a criminal investigation.

What is surprising, though, is that the case was not closed down.

Instead, the Obama Justice Department decided to pursue the matter as a national-security investigation under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In June, it sought the FISA court’s permission to conduct surveillance on a number of Trump associates — and perhaps even Trump himself. It has been reported that Trump was...

DHS Pauses Fast-Track H-1B Approvals for Six Months

Officials at the Department of Homeland Security have announced they are temporarily closing a fast-track process for companies seeking to hire foreign professionals via the controversial H-1B outsourcing program.

The decision by officials working for DHS chief John Kelly to shut the “premium processing” loophole for six months will likely delay approval of H-1B visa requests for months, say employers and some immigration lawyers who make their living by importing foreign replacement workers into the United States.

The bureaucratic maneuver is not a full reform of the program, which now allows at least 650,000 lower-wage foreign professionals to work throughout the United States in jobs sought by young American graduates and by experienced professionals trying to get their own teenagers into college.

The maneuver may not even reduce the annual inflow of foreign workers, but it buys time for President Donald Trump, who repeatedly promised to reform the program during the 2016 campaign. “I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program,” he said in a March 2016 statement. “No exceptions,” he added.

The new decision comes a four weeks before April 1, when Trump’s deputies were required by law to quickly distribute roughly 65,000 more H-1B visas to U.S. and foreign companies eager to import cheap white-collar contract-workers into the U.S. labor market.

The H-1B program is politically unpopular among ...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Speakers Take-down Of Bucknell University Professor Who Threatened Violence Against Free Speech Advocates

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Girls With Guns

On Free Speech...

Without free speech no search for truth is possible... no discovery of truth is useful:

Judge Jeanine: The Left Will ‘Stop at Nothing to Prevent Free Speech’

Obama Appointee Inplementing Change...

Vlad The Impaler Of Muslim Invaders Discovers Marshmallows..

I Wonder If This Will Work On Snowflakes...

Vlad The Impaler Of Muslim Invaders Has A Question For Europe:

This Is Way Worse Than Termite Infestation...

The Mental Illness Of Liberalism/Leftism

Miscreant Liberals Don’t Believe ‘Death to America’ Means Death to America

No So Deep Thoughts...

More Deep Or Not So Deep Thoughts...

Deep Thoughts - How To Identify A Douchebag...

Russian Roulette...

Back In The USSR:

Myth Trump called for Russian hack started with Katy Tur

Mark Levin PROVES Obama Wiretapping on President Donald Trump | Fox & Friends 3/5/17

And Likely Confirmation:

Sounds like the Obama Administration went on an illegal fishing expedition to try to sabotage an American election.

This example suggests that this is not the only illegal activity committed by the ideologues in the Obama Administration. Everyone involved needs to be investigated and room in Federal prisons need to be allotted for them.

Don't Let Illegals Poop In Your Cereal...

More Really Interesting, Thoughtful Or Funny Things...

An End And A Beginning

The Mystery Of The Piri Reis Map

A Whale Of A Story

Click This Link For: The Coolest Thing You Have Seen This Year So Far...

6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened

The Drunkest Guy Ever Goes For More Beer

Here are some interesting, but true facts, that you may or may not have known.

11 Brain-Twisting Paradoxes

14 Most Helpful YouTube Comments Ever Written

10 Enigmas that Defy Explanation

Mom Was Worried About My Trip To Detroit

Five Drinking Stories That Put Yours To Shame

Interesting, Thoughtful And Funny Stories Collection #2 HERE

Breaking news :Trump White House Demands Investigation Of Trump Tower Wiretapping on former executive branch!!

Did Barack Obama Spy On Donald Trump?

Loretta Lynch Calls For ‘Blood, Death On Streets’ To Protest Trump - VIDEO

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has called for civil war in the United States, demanding “marching“, “blood” and “death” in the streets until President Trump is dragged from office, in a chilling video posted to her Facebook page.

In the short and punchy video, Loretta Lynch begins by claiming that people are experiencing “great fear and uncertainty,” with the unstated implication that it is the President of the United States, Donald Trump, she is referring to.

Appearing nervous and exhausted, Lynch goes on to say that “our rights” are “being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back.” However despite the high emotion and fear mongering, the former Attorney General is unable to offer a single example of her claims.

The most shocking part of Lynch’s short speech comes when she urges Americans to take to the streets, declaring the answer to Trump lies in civil disobedience, violence and death. “We have done this before,” she said, “and we can do it again.”

The most shocking words in Lynch’s short speech come when she urges Americans to take to the streets, declaring the answer to Trump lies in civil disobedience, violence and death.
“I know that this is a time of great fear and...