90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, March 30, 2017


From Grabien:
Each item in this report includes a source as well as a link to a third-party news site containing more information.

And even as we tried to be as comprehensive as possible, the federal government is massive and it’s impossible to catch everything. If you’re aware of a scandal we missed, write us at tips@grabien.com (and include a link for a corresponding news account). We’ll continue updating this list in the days ahead.

Note: To sort by date, click the top of the date column. To sort by agency, click the top of the agency column.

1Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms01/04/2010Obama's ATF, in tandem with the DoJ, arranged for thousands of heavy assault rifles to make their way into the hands of Mexican narco warlords, setting the stage for a mass slaughter of Mexicans (more than 300 to date).The Washington Times
2Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms28/06/2011The Obama Administration fired the ATF whistleblower who exposed the Fast and Furious scandal.Fox News
3Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms07/12/2011Documents reveal Obama's ATF used "Fast and Furious" as part of a campaign for more gun control.CBS News
4Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms15/12/2011More than 1,000 guns from Obama's "Fast and Furious" program remain lost.The Washington Times
5Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms25/09/2013The DoJ's internal watchdog says the ATF let a confidential informant keep as much as $5.2 million from illicit cigarette sales.CBS News
6Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms25/09/2013The DoJ's internal watchdog says the ATF somehow "lost track" of 420 million cigarettesCBS News
7Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms09/12/2013Obama's ATF used mentally disabled teens to run drug-and-gun stings.Reason
8Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms04/08/2015Guns from Obama's "Fast and Furious" programs were used in the killings of at least two Americans, and probably more.National Review Online
9Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms20/09/2015Obama's ATF is using its resources to threaten the makers of kombucha, a fermented tea with trace amounts of alcohol.The Denver Post
10AmeriCorps10/07/2009After AmeriCorps' Inspector General uncovered corruption in the office of an Obama ally, Sacramento's major Kevin Johnson, Obama fired the IG.The Washington Times
11AmeriCorps10/07/2009In firing AmeriCorps' IG for doing his job too effectively, Obama broke a law that he as a senator sponsored.The Washington Examiner
12Amtrak31/05/2010After Amtrak's inspector general uncovered waste, fraud, and abuse within Amtrak, Obama fired him.The Washington Times
13Barack Obama White House11/09/2001As recounted in his autobiography, Obama reacted to 9/11 by worrying it might dampen his political career on account of his middle name.The Audacity of Hope
14Barack Obama White House09/05/2008While campaigning, Obama said he had visited "57 states" in America, and had two more to go before seeing them all.Snopes
15Barack Obama White House09/12/2008Before he was even in office, Obama was enmeshed in scandal. He was accused of consorting with then-Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich over who would get his Senate seat, although he denied making contact with the governor's office. However a witness says this wasn't true, and Obama was pushing for Valerie Jarrett.TIME
16Barack Obama White House18/03/2009When British Prime Minister Gordon Brown visited the White House, Obama gave him a bunch of DVDs as a gift (worse: they were in the wrong format).The Daily Telegraph
17Barack Obama White House24/03/2009Despite running on a promise to go through the budget "line by line" to cut wasteful spending, Obama quadrupled the deficit in his first year of office.The Heritage Foundation
18Barack Obama White House07/04/2009Obama seemed to think Austrians speak "Austrian"The Washington Post
19Barack Obama White House15/04/2009When one of his staffers referred to the pope as a "discredited leader," Obama refused to say if he agreed.CNS News
20Barack Obama White House17/04/2009After enduring hours of anti-American speeches from crackpot South American leaders at the 2009 Summit of the Americas conference, Obama said ... nothing.Bloomberg
21Barack Obama White House19/04/2009When the Grateful Dead was in D.C. for a show, Obama made sure they paid him a secret visit in the Oval Office.The Washington Post
22Barack Obama White House19/04/2009After Iran convicted an American journalist in a sham trial, the Obama White House was mute.Yahoo News
23Barack Obama White House09/07/2009Breaking a decades long precedent, Obama happily met with then-Libya dictator Muammar Gaddafi at a G8 Summit.Tripoli Post
24Barack Obama White House21/07/2009After committing to cut a mere $100 million in spending in 90 days (around 1/10th of 1 percent of the budget), Obama missed his deadline.CNN
25Barack Obama White House22/07/2009Despite admitting "not having all the facts," Obama said a Boston police officer "acted stupidly" when arresting a professor who resisted questions while the officer responded to a 911 call. Obama later said he regretted his comments.Wikipedia
26Barack Obama White House29/07/2009Despite publicly asking federal agencies to look for places to cut costs, Obama arranged a massive spending boost for a legal aid agency whose own inspector general accused it of wasting money on goodies for its execs.The Washington Times
27Barack Obama White House24/08/2009Obama tried turning 9/11 into some kind of national holiday for liberalism.The American Spectator
28Barack Obama White House04/02/2010Barack Obama, commander in chief, pronounced Navy "corpsman" like "corpse-man."YouTube
29Barack Obama White House22/04/2010While Obama hosted an Earth Day celebration in the Rose Garden, the Deepwater Horizon, which had been burning for two days, sank into the GulfThe Daily Caller
30Barack Obama White House23/04/2010The Coast Guard announces 11 Deepwater workers are dead; Obama travels to N.C. for a vacation, where he eats BBQ with Michelle.The Daily Caller
31Barack Obama White House24/04/2010Coast Guard announces oil is spewing into the Gulf; the Obamas continued their vacationThe Daily Caller
32Barack Obama White House26/04/2010After an attempt at stopping the leak fails, the spill is now the size of Rhode Island; Obama hosts a ceremony with the Yankees and then plays a round of golfThe Daily Caller
33Barack Obama White House28/04/2010The spill rate is upgraded to 5,000 barrels/day; Obama spends the day doing political events in IllinoisThe Daily Caller
34Barack Obama White House29/04/2010Louisiana Gov. declares a state of emergeny as the 600 mile spill is just 16 miles off the coast; Obama delivers a speech on cybersecurity and meets with FEMA -- about hurricane preparednessThe Daily Caller
35Barack Obama White House01/05/2010Efforts at stopping the leak continue to fail; Obama attends the White House Correspondents Dinner to tell jokes.The Daily Caller
36Barack Obama White House08/05/2010BP's "containment dome" fails to contain the leak; Obama plays golf at Fort BelvoirThe Daily Caller
37Barack Obama White House09/05/2010Tar balls begin reaching the Alabama coastline; Obama delivers a commencement address at Hampton Univ.The Daily Caller
38Barack Obama White House17/05/2010By now the spill rate has been upgraded to 50,000 barrels/day; Obama hosts UCONN's women's basketball team at the White HouseThe Daily Caller
39Barack Obama White House18/05/2010Oil balls are now washing ashore in Fla.; Obama meets with members of the Democratic CaucusesThe Daily Caller
40Barack Obama White House22/05/2010The spill continues unabated; Obama announces a renovation project at the White House and delivers another commencement addressThe Daily Caller
41Barack Obama White House26/05/2010The spill continues unabated; Obama hosts the U.S. World Cup soccer team and Duke's basketball teamThe Daily Caller
42Barack Obama White House28/05/2010Obama makes a brief visit to Loisiana to inspect the recovery efforts, then heads on vacationThe Daily Caller
43Barack Obama White House29/05/2010Obama tried to illegally bribe a Democratic senatorial candidate (Joe Sestak) out of running.CNN
44Barack Obama White House13/09/2010After the Gulf disaster was finally contained, Obama commissioned a taxpayer funded study to see what Americans thought of his handling of the crisisYahoo News
45Barack Obama White House17/12/2010When Obama met with elementary school children in Virginia, he read them his own book.USA Today
46Barack Obama White House22/01/2011Against advice, Obama invited China's government to a White House state dinner; the Chinese pianist ended up playing an anti-American tune during the event.The Epoch Times
47Barack Obama White House08/02/2011Under Obama, regulations soared to more than 1,500/year (by contrast Congress averages 200 laws/year).The Competitive Enterprise Institute
48Barack Obama White House14/02/2011For months Obama deflected calls to act on the deficit/debt by creating a commission to handle the issue; when the commission issued its report, Obama ignored it entirely.The Heritage Foundation

There is WAY More:

Antifa Professor at Drexel Wants to Vomit When 1st Class Passenger Gives His Seat to a Soldier

A Drexel University Professor of the hard-left George Ciccariello tweeted a truly repulsive statement a few days ago. The soldier had been fighting ISIS according to some reports.

He retweeted a photo of his favorite antifa group burning U.S. flags and bloviated about he doesn’t care about being a man. He tweeted: “Sorry to disappoint, but I care even less about being a man than I do about being straight, white, or an American.”

If he feels that way, he could move to a country more to his liking.

The reactions to his disgusting tweet about a U.S. soldier being...

The Conquest Of The West By Islam...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

YouTube Demonetization Of Conservative Sites..

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Best Way To Hold A Burger...

How To Walk Like A Ninja..

LUNACY: Noam Chomsky Thinks President Trump Might Stage A Terror Attack

Monday the far left site AlterNet published an interview with academic and author Noam Chomsky in which Chomsky warned that President Trump might stage a terror attack on the United States to rally support for his administration. Here’s Chomsky from AlterNet:
I think that sooner or later the white working-class constituency will recognize, and in fact, much of the rural population will come to recognize, that the promises are built on sand. There is nothing there.
And then what happens becomes significant. In order to maintain his popularity, the Trump administration will have to try to find some means of rallying the support and changing the discourse from the policies that they are carrying out, which are basically a wrecking ball to something else. Maybe scapegoating, saying, “Well, I’m sorry, I can’t bring your jobs back because these bad people are preventing it.” And the typical scapegoating goes to vulnerable people: immigrants, terrorists, Muslims and elitists, whoever it may be. And that can turn out to be very ugly.
I think that we shouldn’t put aside the possibility that there would be some kind of staged or alleged terrorist act, which can change the country instantly.

Far left academics like Chomsky say ridiculous things on a daily basis. What makes Chomsky’s comments particularly dangerous is that his comments are accorded more weight by many on the left.

There have been numerous terror attacks on the U.S. in the past few years, including the Boston marathon bombing, the San Bernardino attack, the...

Ninja's And Urinal Etiquette...

Rule #243 of the Urinal

The Taliban Think They Look Like This...

A Really BAD Idea..

You Can Fool The People Some Of The Time...

President Trump Rolling Back Record Number Of Regulations

Donald Trump has made history – again.

The President signed four massive regulatory rollbacks on Monday – courtesy of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) – bringing the total number of rollbacks to seven, or six more than all of his predecessors put together.

The obscure CRA gives Congress 60 days to reverse any new regulation added to the Federal Register by a sitting President. It’s only been used one time before – in March 2001 when President George W. Bush eliminated a rule requiring employers to prevent “ergonomic injuries” in the workplace.

The GOP-controlled Congress passed five such CRA measures under Barack Obama’s administration, but he vetoed each one.

However, President Trump now has seven CRA signatures under his belt, and as Reason Magazine points out, and there are more on the way.

Next up is the “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Rule” which bans companies from receiving federal contracts if they ...

The Ultimate Nuclear War Bunker...

More Prepping:

Courthouses Are Safe Spaces for Illegal Alien Felons, ICE Are “Stalkers” Says CA Chief Justice

Courthouses are not places to enforce the law against illegal alien criminals and instituting travel bans against terror nations is a violation of the law, so says a California justice.

One justice – among many – is demanding courthouses and their nearby surroundings be declared sanctuaries.
California chief justice, Tani Cantil-Sakauye, is redefining “the rule of law” to mean there must be no arrests of illegal alien felons in courthouses or their surroundings, calling enforcement a “violation”.

Courthouses are where laws are intended to be interpreted and enforced but she missed that in law school apparently.

The Washington Post article about this woman presented her unlawful opinion as if it were a legitimate complaint against the President.

The author writes:

Maxine Waters States That Rejecting Sharia Law is "Contrary To American Values And Threatens National Security"

Free Speech Under Attack

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Short Film: What Happens When You Give Up Freedom for Security...

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Girls With Guns

..A Well Packaged Web Of Lies...

Don't Let The New Lies Bury The Old Lies

Couldn't Even Win With A Wiretap...

Yes, Obama did try to wiretap Trump Tower, and here are the details

Tech Execs Indicted for H-1B Visa Fraud

A pair of tech executives have been indicted for allegedly using false documents to bring in help through the H-1B guest worker program.

Dynasoft Synergy’s Chief Executive Officer Jayavel Murugan, 46, and 40-year-old Syed Nawaz are accused in an unsealed federal grand jury indictment of trying to apply for H-1B visa workers using fraudulent documents and then hiring them out to tech firms, according to Mercury News.

Dynasoft operates as an “employment firm” that essentially leases foreign workers. The company also has an office in India.

According to prosecutors, Murugan and Nawaz used the false documents to replace American workers at Stanford University, Cisco, and Brocade. Nonetheless, the employers were not looking to use the H-1B workers, despite being named in the false documents allegedly produced by the two men.

Murugan and Nawaz are charged with 26 counts including H-1B visa fraud, using fraudulent documents, mail fraud, identity theft, and conspiracy to commit visa fraud.

The federal indictments point to a much bigger problem with the H-1B visa program, where millions of American workers have been ousted to make way for cheaper, foreign workers.

President of Protect U.S. Workers Sara Blackwell, an attorney who represents American workers that are victims of...