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Friday, April 7, 2017

Gun Control Weakens The Individual And Empowers The State...

Mostly At The Hands Of Communists And Socialists...

The Left Slays Me...

‘Homeland’ Actor: The Real ‘Guilty Ones’ This Season Are White Men, Not Islamic Terrorists

‘Homeland’ has taken such a sudden turn toward political preaching and progressive tut-tutting that its story and characters barely resemble those of the previous five seasons.

“Homeland’s” season six finale will air on Sunday night. If you’re like me, at this point you couldn’t care less. That’s because the show has taken such a sudden turn toward political preaching and progressive tut-tutting that its story and characters barely resemble those of the previous five seasons. If you’ve been wondering what on earth happened, wonder no more.

On Thursday, the actor who plays Saul Berenson, Mandy Patinkin, explained everything on NPR. In an interview with “Here & Now’s” Jeremy Hobson, Patinkin discusses past accusations that the show is Islamophobic. He says that although the “Homeland” crew never meant to be Islamophobic, and certainly didn’t expect that kind of criticism, it is nevertheless true. According to him, the show became “part of the problem of the Islamophobia.”

He goes on to explain that the whole point of this season was to stop being the problem and start “trying to be part of the cure,” something Patinkin feels they were “tremendously successful” in doing. Patinkin, who is active in assisting with the Syrian refugee crisis in Greece, added that the “guilty ones” are “certainly not the Muslim community, certainly not the refugees or the immigrants that have come here, but the white male membership of, even members of the intelligence community and other parts of our government.”

So, there it is. “Homeland’s” monumental shift in narrative and tone this season wasn’t an accident. It was a 100 percent intentional effort to atone for the show’s previous sins. But the self-flagellation is so heavy handed, and such a departure from...

Another Dan Rather Scandal

Ever since his forced resignation in disgrace, Dan Rather has continued on a downward spiral. His career, such as it is, has been kept alive by appearances on the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC, where he takes potshots at his former employer and President Donald Trump. It is a sad spectacle.

Rather has now suffered another major embarrassment. The former anchorman of the CBS Evening News has been accused by a website devoted to exposing military corruption of falsely claiming to have been a member of the U.S. Marine Corps.

The editor-in-chief of the website www.MilitaryCorruption.com, retired U.S. Army Major Glenn MacDonald, says he stumbled across a published photo of Rather in a dress blue Marine Corps uniform in his book Rather Outspoken and decided to investigate the claim. The photo caption, “as a young Marine,” clearly indicates Rather had been a member in good standing of the Marine Corps.

Rather left the Marines before completing boot camp and the photo was obtained under...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

How To Avoid Getting Sucker Punched...

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Girls With Guns

Weapons Of Mass Deception...

All of the lying and left wing advocacy the leftist media is doing now to attempt to destroy President Donald Trump has got to have implications for their very future.  It seems to me, people will become red-pilled simply from the vicious and obvious, relentless lies and propaganda that is being spewed from their wretched ilk on a daily basis.

It feels like they know they're on their last stand and they have to keep attacking until the end and hope against hope that their lies and deceit will prevail.

They will not.

Graphic Art: I Robot - Respect For The Father...

My Logic Is Undeniable

In The Muslim World....

Gender Neutral Bathrooms? Pee On The Toilet Seats To Protect Your Daughters

The Syrian Gas Attack Persuasion

According to the mainstream media – that has been wrong about almost everything for a solid 18 months in a row – the Syrian government allegedly bombed its own people with a nerve agent.

The reason the Assad government would bomb its own people with a nerve agent right now is obvious. Syrian President Assad – who has been fighting for his life for several years, and is only lately feeling safer – suddenly decided to commit suicide-by-Trump. Because the best way to make that happen is to commit a war crime against your own people in exactly the way that would force President Trump to respond or else suffer humiliation at the hands of the mainstream media.

And how about those pictures coming in about the tragedy. Lots of visual imagery. Dead babies. It is almost as if someone designed this “tragedy” to be camera-ready for...

Plato On Bad People...

Quotes From Plato:

You Have To Teach Them To Think Back-Asswards...

So they vote for the welfare state.

Shia Sells Two More Tickets...

The film [Man Down]… made headlines Tuesday after it was found have opened in the U.K. with just one solitary person buying a cinema ticket…
However, speaking to the cinema manager, The Hollywood Reporter has learned that the film has since tripled its box-office takings.
“I think we’ve sold three tickets in total,” she revealed, adding that she hadn’t “experienced anything like it before.”

I don’t think Shia took my advice and put up a He Will Not Divide Us flag in the theater, because the HWNDU live feed is still dark and nobody has sent me any video of an autistic 4chan kid playing Capture the Flag. It would appear that Shia LaBeouf managed to sell two more tickets based solely on the strength of his performance.

Here’s the trailer:

Useful Facts - Chew Aspirin For A Heart Attack....

More Interesting Facts, Amazing Facts And Just Plain Crazy Facts:

The Time Traveling Twins

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...

Amazing Facts - The Dog Who Could Hear Enemy Aircraft...

Amazing Facts: Mosquitoes Are The Only Creature Responsible For More Human Deaths Than Humans Themselves...

Interesting Facts - Dead Shark Carcass...

Interesting Facts: Double Your Money?

Interesting Facts - Grand Central Station Is A Radiation Hazard!

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...

Was Obama’s White House Politicizing Intelligence To Influence The 2016 Elections?

Although there are strong indications the Obama administration abused intelligence collection by U.S. agencies to gather information on the Trump campaign to leak to the news media, it also appeared to abuse another U.S. intelligence mission: intelligence analysis.

Congressional Democrats and the mainstream media consider it gospel truth that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies unanimously concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to help Donald Trump win. But should we treat this assessment as true in light of major errors in U.S. intelligence analysis in the past and its politicization? Is something gospel truth just because U.S. intelligence agencies say it is?

The truth is that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies did not conclude that Russia tried to interfere in the election or help Trump win. Not even...

Gorka: Unmasking of Trump associates 'what you expect in a banana republic'

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Trump, told Fox News' "Hannity" Wednesday night the unmasking of Trump associates caught up in surveillance operations was "what you expect in a banana republic and a police state, or an authoritarian state."

Gorka, a former Fox News contributor who joined the Trump administration in January, added that former national security adviser Susan Rice's claims about her role in the unmasking were "falling apart."

"If you compare what [Rice] said two weeks ago, if you compare just the difference in her statements in the last 36 hours, there’s clearly something that is not being openly discussed or disclosed here," said Gorka, who later added, "It's not just smoke, there's actually flames behind the smoke."

Gorka said that if it is proven that the outgoing Obama administration attempted to use the unmasked intelligence reports to weaken Trump's presidency, it would make the Watergate scandal look like "a little spat in the sandbox in the kindergarten."

Gorka also called out Rice and other former Obama administration officials for their criticism of the current administration on social media, saying that they had "unmasked themselves."

He specifically singled out current Georgetown University associate professor Colin Kahl, a former deputy assistant to Obama, for urging a "purge" of...

LIMBAUGH: TRUMP WAS RIGHT In Claiming That Obama Wiretapped Him

RUSH: The media’s also a bit abuzz because Trump’s out there saying that Susan Rice may have committed crimes. Now, what’s fascinating about this to me is that Trump generally ends up being proven right with all these things. No matter how outrageous they sound at the time, after a certain passage of time, it ends up that Trump is much more right than he was ever wrong. Sweden is a great recent example of that. Claiming that Obama “tapped his wires” at Trump Tower. The Obama administration says, “It’s absurd! It’s ridiculous! Trump’s insane! This is lunacy!”

And now we’ve learned everything. We learned that Susan Rice was unmasking and requesting and that there was surveillance of Trump people, be it incidentally or direct. Trump was right. In the overall generic sense, he and his team were being spied on by...

Morning Mistress - Oops, I Dropped My Keys...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Death By Socialism..

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Girls With Guns

Pelosi Talking About Honor Is Like A Hooker Talking About Virtue...

Can We Still Hang For Treason?

Hang Them That Is...

We Need To Go Back To The '90's....

Target Practice....

Smash Communism...

The Media Is Now A Dystopic Character In An Apocalyptic Novel...

The Entire Russia-Trump Story Was A Team Obama Operation

The Russia-Trump story was apparently hatched months before the 2016 election but not given serious consideration as Team Obama, the entirety of both the Democrat and Republican Establishment, and the Mainstream Media, were confident Hillary Clinton would be the next POTUS. In the final weeks before the vote, apprehension of a Trump upset victory grew tenfold. Panic set in. And the Trump-Russian fabrication was given new life.

The fact there was no truth to the story didn’t matter. Team Obama invented it. Establishment politicians embraced it. And the Mainstream Media happily pushed it into the public narrative.

It was all a lie.

Check out this headline today from the New York Post:

Fresh evidence the Russia ‘scandal’ is a Team Obama operation
“…we also know that the Obama administration later changed the classification of the “unmasked” transcripts, and other similar material, in order to spread the information as widely as possible within the government.
The motive for that was (supposedly) to prevent Team Trump from burying it all once it took over. But the result was that it made it relatively safe for someone (or someones) to leak the info to the press.
Rice certainly wasn’t politically naive about the political uses of intelligence information. She was, after all, the Obama official who famously made the rounds spouting the false “Our intel says it was about the video” line on the Benghazi attack back during the 2012 campaign.”
Team Obama willfully weaponized the nation’s intelligence operations against private citizens to influence an election both before and after. That is a far more grievous offense than anything an unknown Russian hacker may or may not have done in disclosing DNC emails. (which by the way showed proof of cheating by the Hillary Clinton campaign)

An outgoing president actively sought to harm an incoming president.

If Americans are fine with that, this country is...

Shia LaBeouf Thriller ‘Man Down’ Sells Just One Ticket at U.K. Box Office


Man Down,” a war thriller with Shia LaBeouf, grossed just £7 ($8.70) when it premiered in a single U.K. theater over the weekend, according to ComScore. That’s the equivalent of selling a single ticket, given that the U.K. Cinema Association puts the average movie admission cost in the country at £7.21.

“Poor Shia,” said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at ComScore. “That opening could be in the Guinness World Records or something.”

The film played in one location, Reel Cinema in Burnley. It was simultaneously released digitally on demand, making the theatrical release something of an afterthought. It launches on DVD and Blu-ray next month, according to the Guardian.

After scoring in big studio blockbusters such as “Transformers” and “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” LaBeouf has focused on more indie projects with mixed success. He ...

CNN hosts: Susan Rice story a ‘fake scandal’ according to our reporter who worked for Obama admin

Start the countdown to Susan Rice blaming this on a video:
Multiple sources tell Fox News that Susan Rice, former national security adviser under then-President Barack Obama, requested to unmask the names of Trump transition officials caught up in surveillance.
The unmasked names, of people associated with Donald Trump, were then sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-CIA Director John Brennan – essentially, the officials at the top, including former Rice deputy Ben Rhodes.
The names were part of incidental electronic surveillance of candidate and President-elect Trump and people close to him, including family members, for up to a year before he took office.

On CNN, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon, citing the cable net’s national security reporter, dismissed the whole thing as ridiculous:

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo told viewers on Tuesday that the controversy surrounding former National Security Adviser Susan Rice is “another fake scandal being peddled by right-wing media.”
Cuomo offered the remarks about Rice’s reported request to know the identities of Trump transition team members mentioned in intelligence briefings during CNN’s “New Day.”
Rice has been accused of unmasking the Trump transition members.
“So President Trump wants you to believe that he is the victim of a ‘crooked scheme,” Cuomo began. “Those are his words. And here are our words: there is no evidence of any wrongdoing.
Cuomo’s commentary echoes that of CNN host Don Lemon and network national security correspondent Jim Sciutto from Monday night.
Lemon told his audience that his show “will not insult your intelligence” by focusing too much on the story.

The CNN reporter Cuomo and Lemon cited has an impeccable source close to the Obama administration: Himself:

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Midnight Movies: Locked Up

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Girls With Machine Guns

What Is Making Barbara Streisand So Stupid?

Domestic terrorist Receives Substantial Grants From American leftists

Donate Your Hijabs Today For This Important Cause...

Permissible? It Depends...

The REAL Tenets Of Islam...

20 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam

What's The Difference Between A Puppy And A Liberal?

That Awkward Moment When...

Tom Cotton: ‘Susan Rice Is the Typhoid Mary of the Obama Administration’

Audio Of Tom Cotton Calling Susan Rich The "Typhoid Mary of The Obama Administration"

Tuesday on Hugh Hewitt’s nationally syndicated radio show, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) commented on a report that former National Security Advisor Susan Rice for President Barack Obama was behind the unmasking of the identities of members of Donald Trump’s transition team.

Cotton noted Rice’s involvement in this story and her involvement in what he suggested were other Obama administration foreign policy missteps and likened her to “Typhoid Mary.”

“Susan Rice is the Typhoid Mary of the Obama administration foreign policy,” Cotton said. “Every time something went wrong, she seemed to turn up in the middle of it, whether it was these allegations of improper unmasking, intentional or improper surveillance, whether it’s Benghazi or...

President Trump Lacks Experience Our Last Three President's Had...

Thank Goodness.

Watergate-style Wiretapping Confirmed

A very disturbing report has come out from Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Fox News that Hillary Clinton and six top staffers kept their Top Secret and/or Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) clearances after she left her Secretary of State position in 2013. And they also kept their physical access to TS/SCI facilities and databases, which required those TS/SCI clearances, possibly up through the 2016 election and beyond.

The facilities are called SCIFs, Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities, pronounced “skiffs,” which are vault-like secure buildings or rooms for protecting the most sensitive intelligence and defense data.

Hillary and her cronies may still have their SCIF clearances and access even today in 2017. The State Department has stonewalled Senator Grassley, Fox News and Judicial Watch for months, refusing to answer questions about such outrageous continued access to the most highly sensitive secrets by the most reckless and irresponsible official in all of history.

The Hillary staffers with continued SCIF access for bogus “memoir research” and book writing for their boss include Huma Abedin,

White People Banned from Black Lives Matter Meetings in Philadelphia

To tell you the truth, I would not want these stupid white people around me either...

A branch of the Black Lives Matter movement in Philadelphia has banned white people from an upcoming meeting, in what the organizers say will be a “black only space.”

The meeting, which takes place April 15th, invites people to “meet, strategize and organize” events and is apparently family-friendly, with families encouraged to bring their children along as well.

After criticism directed at the decision, the group defended their policy, stating that “If you identify as a person of the African Diaspora you can attend our meetings and become a member. If not you can support us in other ways.”

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

BBC banned Johnny Rotten in 1978 for telling the truth about Pedophile Jimmy Savile

It works, just click it...

Monday, April 3, 2017

Girls With Guns

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Monday: Baseball Babes
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Pepe the Frog might save Venezuela from socialist hell

 Desperate times call for desperate measures. 

The Venezuelan economy, led by President Nicolas Maduro, has completely tanked under socialist rule. Extreme government regulations meant to help poor citizens have had the opposite effect. Price controls for basic grocery items have resulted in unimaginably long lines. The Latin American nation depends heavily on oil exports, but their state-owned oil company has reached record lows in production due to mismanagement. The Venezuelan economy is in total free fall as President Maduro, a former bus driver, fails to deliver any solutions.

However, Venezuelan citizens have been finding extreme, and very innovative, ways to deal with their failing government. Given one of the highest inflation rates in the world, people are abandoning the Venezuelan currency for other forms of exchange. Many have adopted Bitcoin to mask their transactions from the government and to protect their businesses from skyrocketing inflation.

Not long ago, someone began issuing “Rare Pepe” digital trading cards with Bitcoin value as a joke. What began in jest quickly became something much more serious for the troubled nation. The Rare Pepe cards exploded in popularity and took on a life of their own.

Pepe memes show variations of a humanoid frog and are closely associated with the political alt-right in the United States. These Rare Pepes were meant to be played as a trading card game. People could issue their own cards and have them processed through the Rare Pepe Foundation. Players can trade their cards through a Bitcoin-linked exchange.
However, it soon became clear these Rare Pepes had something Venezuelan currency was greatly lacking: scarcity.

Untied to the failing economy, Rare Pepes have been able to keep businesses afloat. 

“We’re based in Venezuela, and our business has been saved by Bitcoin many times,” an anonymous Venezuelan developer told Crypto Insider. “In that timeframe, thanks to Bitcoin related business, we’ve grown our employee base from just 5 to 10. We’ve air-conditioned our office. Year-over-year we’ve been improving, so we’re banking big on Bitcoin and now over Counterparty assets.”

The businessman, who wishes to remain anonymous, paints a much brighter picture of his company than the others around him. Approximately 80 percent of nearby offices have been forced to shut down due to the collapsing economy. For him, however, the Pepe memes have saved his business.

These green frog-themed trading cards have been issued by...

Ain't No Suicide Bombers In This Group!