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Saturday, May 6, 2017

New Strategy: When Your Ideas Are Indefensible, Throw A Tantrum...

The Freedom To Oppress Oneself...

Texas Governor Greg Abbott On Government's First Duty...

Two Days After Winning Leadership Award, Illegal Immigrant Student Suggests Celebrating Cinco De Mayo By ‘Beating The S*** Out Of White People’

An illegal immigrant student at the University of California, Berkeley, suggested “beating the shit out of white people” Thursday.

Juan Prieto, an English student at UC Berkeley, made the remark on Twitter two days after receiving Berkeley’s Robert J. and Mary Catherine Birgeneau Recognition Award for Service to Undocumented Students.

“Let’s celebrate 5 de Mayo by going to Dolores Park and beating the shit out of white people, in the spirit of La Batalla de Pueblo,” tweeted Prieto, who later locked his Twitter account. The illegal immigrant student referred to a battle in Mexico in which the Mexican army defeated French...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of the Late Night

Top 10 Feminist Fails of 2016

Friday, May 5, 2017

Girls With Guns

San Francisco Sheriff Who Defended Sanctuary City Status Defeated In a Landslide

San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi looks like he’ll be updating his resume after suffering a landslide loss in his re-election bid last night. Mirkarimi was in office when Kate Steinle was shot and killed by Francisco Sanchez, a five-time deported illegal alien. It set off a national debate about sanctuary cities, San Francisco becoming one of them in 1989. In July, Mirkarimi defended the policy, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper that the policy makes the city “safer.” Nevertheless, there were other reasons why Mirkarimi was booted. His tenure was dotted with controversy, one of them, as Katie mentioned, being a domestic abuse charge from 2012 (via Fox News):

Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, 54, was defeated by Vicki Hennessy, a former sheriff's official who had the endorsement of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and the sheriff deputies association. As of early Wednesday morning, Hennessy had received 62 percent of the vote to just 31 percent for Mirkarimi.

Mirkarimi was the subject of national criticism after Mexican illegal immigrant Francisco Sanchez allegedly shot and killed 32-year-old Kate Steinle on San Francisco's waterfront July 1. Sanchez had been released from...

This Is How You Know When You Are Right...

This Is What You Get For Littering Ahole....

..and don't go throwing lighted cigarettes into small confined spaces...

More Animated Gifs:

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE
Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE
Animated Gif Collection #3
Animated Gif Collection #4
Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 -Or- Bet She Lost Some Teeth..
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Out Of Control Bus -OR- Animated Gif Collection #9

My Government REALLY Listens To Me...


Neuroscience Meets Magic (video)

The Forever Dig....

Starving Venezuelans Ambush Food Truck, Eat From Trash Bins...

Berkeley: You Will Never Find A More Wretched Hive Of Scum And Villainy...

Watch Berkeley Middle School Teacher Attack a Trump Supporter

Report: Obama Sought NSA Intel on ‘Thousands of Americans’, Including Trump Campaign During 2016 Election

The Obama Administration sought unredacted intel on thousands of Americans during the 2016 election, including those in President Trump’s campaign and transition team, according to a new report.

“During his final year in office, President Obama’s team significantly expanded efforts to search National Security Agency intercepts for information about Americans, distributing thousands of intelligence reports across government with the unredacted names of U.S. residents during the midst of a divisive 2016 presidential election,” reported Circa on Thursday. “The data, made available this week by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, provides the clearest evidence to date of how information accidentally collected by the NSA overseas about Americans was subsequently searched and disseminated after President Obama loosened privacy protections to make such sharing easier in 2011 in the name of national security. A court affirmed his order.”

The NSA is currently prohibited from spying directly on U.S. citizens. However, it is reported that “In all, government officials conducted 30,355 searches in 2016 seeking information about Americans in...

BREAKING: MACRON BUSTED! Lied About Tax Evasion? – 4Chan /pol/ Posts Images from Macron’s Off-Shore Bank Account!

French Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron was accused recently of tax evasion.
Macron denied the allegations.
Now, new documents prove he lied about – almost – everything.

Two days ago, an Anon on /pol/ (the 4Chan thread notorious for unmasking Antifa, among other things) uploaded proof of Macron’s tax evasion.

Morning Mistress

Communist Atrocities & Marxist Influence

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Exposing the Hidden structures behind the chaos of an Antifa Riot.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Bridges Not Walls Crowd Are Simply Blind To The Threat...

America First!!

America First Is Simply Enlightened Self Interest...

Adam Smith On Enlightened Self Interest...

It Is Clearly Written in the Quran: Non-Muslims Must Be Killed.

Muslim Migrants Open Hookah Shop and Keep Sex Slave in the Basement

Climate Alarmists Wrong Again...

Why and How the IPCC Demonized CO2 with Manufactured Information

The Ninth Circuit Court Puts Leftist Ideology Against American Interests..

Andrew Napolitano: 9th Circuit Ruling ‘Intellectually Dishonest’

Former UN Consultant Whitewashes Female Genital Mutilation As ‘Gender-Egalitarian Surgeries’

An anthropologist who worked as a consultant for the United Nations and previously worked for the federal government whitewashed the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) as “gender-egalitarian surgeries” in an appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday night.

Dr. Fuambai Ahmadu compared the brutal practice to male circumcision and complained that FGM opponents have “conflated” minor operations — which she referred to as a “nick” — with the most severe cases of female genital mutilation.

Ahmadu insisted that she does “not defend FGM,” explaining, “I don’t identify with the term FGM, with the term ‘mutilation.’ I don’t know anyone in my family who does or my community, and from over 25 years of research I have done in the field, I say the great majority of women who are affected by what I call...

Court Charges Teacher with Having Sex with Student, Buying Gun for Robberies

Police arrested a high school teacher from Indianapolis and charged her with multiple counts, including having an improper sexual relation with a student and being involved in a conspiracy to plan a robbery.

Teacher Kathryn Hagan, 38, was arrested after Franklin Township Community School Corporation received a tip early in April from a parent concerned about a relationship with a student, Fox 59 reported.

Court documents charge that Hagan, who only started teaching on January 3, targeted a student, giving him Xanax on one occasion and on another occasion initiating a sexual relationship.

Police next found a ten-second video of the teacher and the teen naked in bed being passed around among the school’s students. As the investigators continued to look into the case, they found that some students were even using the video as leverage to force Hagan to give them better grades.

Hagan had also been found to have bought a gun that police say she wanted a student to use to force others to delete the incriminating video on their cell phones.

According to court records, Hagan texted another student, urging him to use the gun she was buying to rob students of their cell phones to cover the task of deleting the incriminating video.

“You want me to buy a gun, give it to you and then you...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Revolutionary Communist Party USA ( revcom.us ) Protests Donald Trump..

Stupid Commies.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Girls With Guns

Florida's Lynn University Settles With Student Police Say Was Falsely Accused Of Sexual Assault

A male Lynn University student has settled with the Florida school after he was suspended for a year over a sexual assault accusation local police ultimately determined was “unfounded.”

The details of the settlement, like so many in such cases, are confidential. The student, identified in court documents simply as John Doe, filed his lawsuit against the university on May 27, 2016. Lynn attempted to get the lawsuit dismissed, but Judge Robin Rosenberg denied the university’s motion, stating that the student “sufficiently alleged causal connection between allegedly erroneous outcome in disciplinary proceedings and gender bias on part of university.” The judge also accepted his breach of contract claim.

Lynn then filed a motion for summary judgment, asking the court to dismiss the lawsuit without a jury trial, which had been scheduled to start on May 30, 2017—one year after the original complaint was filed. Doe filed opposition evidence and legal memoranda asking the court to deny Lynn’s motion, his attorney, Angel Castillo, told The Federalist. A hearing on the school’s motion was scheduled for March 14, 2017. One day before the hearing was scheduled, the court was notified that both parties had reached a confidential settlement. On March 17, the parties filed a stipulation stating the lawsuit would be dismissed and each side would be responsible for their own attorney’s fees.

“This was a very challenging case involving a still-developing area of the law, discrimination under Title IX, and we are pleased that the parties were able to reach an out-of-court resolution that was satisfactory to everyone involved,” Castillo told The Federalist.
What Led to the Suit

Doe met his accuser at a dorm party in September 2015. The two, according to Doe’s lawsuit, had sex around 8:30 p.m. that night. His accuser (not named because the accused isn’t) claimed she was too drunk to consent. Doe argued that she “showed no signs of being intoxicated.”

Police concurred after viewing campus video surveillance that showed the accuser right before and after her encounter with Doe, walking normally and talking to friends. Within 30 minutes of her encounter with Doe, she was seen holding two cups of liquid from the dining hall, and balancing on one foot and pushing the elevator door button with the other. Footage from just after the encounter showed the...

Dear NASA From Pluto...

Pluto Wins

This Is The Absolute Best Part Of President Trump's First 100 Days!!!!

Military K9 Trainer’s Facebook Post About Hillary Clinton Goes Viral – What a Monster!

If Democrats Thought For One Minute...

History Repeats Itself: Fascists Commit Violence Against Their Opponents...

Antifa Activist Punches Reporter, Gets Arrested on Camera

The Pinata...

More Game Of Thrones:

Game Of Thrones "Hook Up" Infographic

Game Of Thrones Character Map...

Peter Dinklage On Luck..

Daenerys Stormborn

Australia: Muslim barbarian avoids jail for sex attacks due to CULTURAL DIFFERENCES

A barbaric muslim teenager who groped eight women as they swam at one of Queensland's busiest beaches has been placed on two years' probation by a Gold Coast judge.

The Afghan-born 17-year-old, who cannot be identified because he committed the offences as a juvenile, spent two hours grabbing women, aged between 15 and 24 years, as he swam between the flags at Surfers Paradise Beach on January 16 last year.

The offending stopped when three of the victims approached the lifeguard on duty and he then notified police.

The teenager was initially charged as an adult because he had no birth records from Afghanistan.

He was sentenced today as a juvenile in the District Court at Southport after pleading guilty to nine charges of sexual assault and three charges of common assault.

Two of the victims, who were aged 15 years at the time of the offending, were present in court.

Victims approached in 'predatory manner'

Judge David Kent heard the Victoria-based defendant grabbed his victims on their bottoms, breasts and, in three cases, their vaginas.

Crown prosecutor Nick McGhee said the defendant was seen swimming up to his victims "in quite a predatory manner".

When questioned by...

Playboy Model Infuriates Tribe by Taking Nude Selfie at Sacred Volcano

One Man's Mountain Is Another Man's Paradise....

A Playboy model who stripped and posted a photograph of herself naked on social media while visiting a sacred volcano in New Zealand has been accused by local indigenous people of “disrespecting” the mountain.

Jaylene Cook, 25, (pictured) caused an outcry after taking the nude photograph in temperatures of just 12F near the top of Mount Taranaki and putting it on Instagram.

She said she and her photographer boyfriend were aware of the mountain’s significance before hiking up there and made sure they avoided its 8,300 ft summit.

Local Maori attach great importance to the mountain, situated on the North Island.

According to the New Zealand government website “The crater and summit is the sacred head of Taranaki, the rocks and ridge are his bones, rivers his blood and plants and trees are his cloak and offer protection from...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Antifa Pepper Sprays Based Seattle Homeless People & Get BTFO

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Girls With Guns

100 Days Into Libtard-dumb

dumb dom.

How To Trigger A Trans-Whatchamacallit....

The Real Agenda Of The Left...