90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, May 15, 2017

Morning Mistress

How They Sabotaged Western Civilization

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Girls With Guns

VIDEO: Muslim Migrant beats up helpless disabled Dutch boy on crutches

More of the diversity and multiculturalism Syrian refugees bring to the West.

This is what the Democrats want for disabled Americans.


Critics Attack Mother’s Day as ‘Offensive’ Because It’s A ‘Gendered Holiday’

Is it a full moon because the moon-bats are out today...

This was inevitable: Social-justice warriors are now saying that Mother’s Day is gender-exclusionary.

Writing in the Toronto Star, columnist Emma Teitel says that such “gendered holidays” are “generally a drag for non-binary parents who don’t identify with a single gender.”

There’s even a proposed “Non Binary Parents Day” (July 17), Teitel notes. But she has a different idea: Getting rid of both Mother’s and Father’s Day, and, “in the spirit of both inclusivity and selfishness,” opting for a gender-neutral “Guardians Day.”

“A guardian can be a mom, a dad, a non-binary parent, a grandparent, an aunt, an uncle, a pet owner, or why the heck not—somebody who takes really good care of his houseplants,” she writes.

This Mother’s Day, several transgender people have written or posted video describing how the holiday can trigger feelings of...

Clapper: ‘Our Institutions Are Under Assault’ By President Trump

Looks like the swamp is starting to feel threatened....

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said our institutions of government were “under assault” by President Donald Trump.

Related: Former CIA Analyst: Obama Gave “Green Light” For NSA, CIA to Sabotage Trump

Partial transcript as follows:
TAPPER: Let’s take a wider view of this for one second and then get back to more detailed questions. This week with the president firing the FBI director while this investigation is going on, and then saying that he was thinking about the Russia probe when he was making the decision, have we crossed a line here? well,
CLAPPER: Well, I will just say that the developments of the past week very bothersome, very disturbing to me. I think in many ways, our institutions are under assault both externally and that’s the big news here, is the Russian interference in our election system. And I think as well our institutions are under assault internally.
TAPPER: Internally from the president? exactly.
CLAPPER: Exactly.
TAPPER: Because he’s firing the checks and balances?
CLAPPER: Well I think you know, the founding fathers a system of three coequal branches of government, and a built-in system of checks and balances, and I feel...

This Touching Story About A Mom Might Make You Cry...

#animal crossing

Video Version:

I Miss You Daddy - About A Little Girl Who Lost Her Father On 911..

Genetic Mutants? 5 Strange Science Facts About Moms

By Stephanie Pappas
Many people will spend Mother's Day, celebrating the love, warmth and emotional support they get from their mothers.

But did you know that many moms are also genetic mutants whose very brains altered in the process of motherhood? Yes, this makes good old mom sound a little bit like an X-man, but there's science behind it, we promise.

So this Mother's Day, we've rounded up some of the stranger scientific facts about motherhood. Read on, and then go give that sweet mutant mom a hug

1. Mom's a genetic patchwork

Pregnancy changes the body, but stretch marks get all the glory. A much cooler side-effect of gestation is that moms may carry little pieces of their children with them for years to come.

It's called microchimerism. The placenta separates the blood flow of mom and baby, but a handful of fetal cells cross this barrier and lodge in mom's body. Scientists have found that these cells can persist for years or even decades. The role of these cells, if any, remains mysterious. But a 2012 study found that DNA from a child's cells could even end up in mom's brain.

2. You changed her brain

Research in rodents has found that having offspring changes the brain. When pregnant mom-to-be rats gain new smell-related neurons — perhaps the better to recognize her babies' scent with. These changes persist throughout the mom's life, according to a 2011 study.

The human brain is not immune from pregnancy-related change, either. A yet-unpublished study presented on May 7 at the annual conference of the British Psychological Society found that pregnant women use the right side of their brain more than new moms when looking at images of adult and baby faces sporting different emotions. The effect was strongest when pregnant women were processing happy faces, the researchers reported. The changes may be part of promoting the mother-baby bond after birth, they suggested.

Previous studies have found that pregnant women and new moms get a boost in their ability to read facial emotions, and these brain changes may be related.

3. She might help your love life

The pushy mother-in-law is a time-honored stereotype, but cut mom a break. She may have done more for your love life than you think.

A close and warm relationship with mom during childhood predicts better relationships later in life, according to research presented at the 2010 annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. Maternal help in the romance department may even cross species lines: Another 2010 study, this one published in the journal Nature Communications, found that low-ranking male bonobos get more chances to mate when mom is around. Moms play matchmaker by allowing their sons into their social circles, and even chase away rival males.

Not feeling lovey-dovey? Good news: A strong bond with mom can help kids make friends, too.

4. You might have made her a little OCD

If your mom seems to worry a lot, you may not be imagining things. Having a baby makes people a bit obsessive, it turns out.

Northwestern University researchers studied new moms when their babies were 2 weeks and 6 months old, and found that 11 percent had significant symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, such as fear of germs or compulsions to check and recheck the baby monitor. In comparison, only about 2 percent to 3 percent of the general population has these symptoms, the researchers reported in 2013 in The Journal of Reproductive Medicine.

When taken to an extreme, these symptoms can be harmful, the researchers wrote. But some worries are probably normal and adaptive — taking care of a newborn is tough work, after all. The increase in obsessive symptoms may be a result of stress or postpartum hormones.

5. Her voice is powerful

You knew your mother's voice before you were even born. A 2003 study out of Queen's University in Canada published in the journal Psychological Science found that the fetal heart races faster when hearing a recorded poem read by its own mother compared to when the poem is read by a stranger's voice. The study was conducted in the third trimester, when babies were nearly ready to be born. [That's Incredible! 9 Brainy Baby Abilities]

Another study from the University of Montreal found that the newborn brain is as responsive as the fetal heart. When moms made a short "A" sound, the left hemisphere of brand-new babies' brains became active, while the right hemisphere became active when a stranger spoke, the researchers reported in 2010 in the journal Cerebral Cortex. The right hemisphere of the brain is linked to voice recognition, while the left processes language and motor skills, so mom's voice may lay the groundwork for a baby's first words.

This vocal maternal superpower continues long past the baby stage. Hearing a mother's voice eases older children's stress just as much as a real-life hug, according to a 2010 study. The sound of mom's voice lowers a child's stress hormone, cortisol, and raises his or her level of oxytocin, a hormone linked with love and bonding. So give your mom a call this Mother's Day. It'll do you both good.

Morning Mistress

Faith Goldy: Special Gun Rights for Muslims?!

#blamecanada #blametrudeau

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Do illegals commit more crime?

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Girls With Guns


Well…well…well…The leaks about Comey are starting to come already. One of them claims that the Comey FBI offered a Russian hacker named Yevgeny Nikulin a deal. Yevgeny Nikulin is wanted by the FBI for allegedly hacking into US companies and other cyber attacks. Comey’s FBI agents promised Mr. Nikulin money, American citizenship and a free apartment for taking the fall over hacking of the Clinton campaign. If this report had been false, you would think the FBI would come out with full denial that this deal was ever made. Instead, the FBI declined to comment.

FBI agents promised Mr. Nikulin money, American citizenship and a free apartment for taking the fall over hacking Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, he alleged in a letter published Thursday by...

Idiot Pelosi On Comey...

PSA: Be Careful Of An Email Titled: Nude Photo Of Nancy Pelosi:

Bank of China ATMs Go Dark As Ransomware Attack Cripples China

In the aftermath of the global WannaCry ransomware attack, which has spread around the globe like wildfire, a significant number of corporations and public services have found their infrastructure grinding to a halt, unable to operate with unprotected if mission-critical computers taken offline indefinitely. Some of the more prominent examples so far include:
  • NHS: The British public health service - the world's fifth-largest employer, with 1.7 million staff - was badly hit, with interior minister Amber Rudd saying around 45 facilities were affected. Several were forced to cancel or delay treatment for patients.
  • Germany's Deutsche Bahn national railway operator was affected, with information screens and ticket machines hit. Travelers tweeted pictures of hijacked departure boards showing the ransom demand instead of train times. But the company insisted that trains were running as normal.
  • Renault: The French automobile giant was hit, forcing it to halt production at sites in France and its factory in Slovenia as part of measures to stop the spread of the virus.
  • FedEx: The US package delivery group acknowledged it had been hit by malware and said it was "implementing remediation steps as quickly as possible." .
  • Russian banks, ministries, railways: Russia's central bank was targeted, along with several government ministries and the railway system. The interior ministry said 1,000 of its computers were hit by a virus. Officials played down the incident, saying the attacks had been contained.
  • Telefonica: The Spanish telephone giant said it was attacked but "the infected equipment is under control and being reinstalled," said Chema Alonso, the head of the company's cyber security unit and a former hacker.
  • Sandvik: Computers handling both administration and production were hit in a number of countries where the company operates, with some production forced to stop. "In some cases the effects were small, in others they were a little larger," Head of External Communications Par Altan said.
One place which seemed to have emerged relatively unscathed from the global cyber-havoc (aside from the US, which is ironic as it is the U.S. NSA that was created the hacking software) has been China. Or so it seemed due to lack of media reports from the mainland. Now, courtesy of 95cn.org, and its twitter account, we have the first visual evidence that China too was materially impacted, to the point where not only local ATMs had been taken offline, but Chinese traffic police, immigration authorities and various public security bureaus and schools have suspended normal work until the malware threat is ...

Navy Electronic Jamming Aircraft Take Quiet Toll on ISIS

ABOARD THE USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH, Persian Gulf — While Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets deal death from the sky on Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria, the EA-18 Growler is jamming enemy communications — and potentially enemy drones too.

The Bush, which has been launching sorties in support of the counter-ISIS fight since early in the year, has four Hornet squadrons flying constant missions against the enemy. But also key to the fight are its squadron of Growlers and E-2C Hawkeye aircraft, which can detect airborne threats at distance and coordinate strikes from the air.

All fall under the command of Adm. Ken Whitesell, commander of the Bush carrier strike group. In an interview aboard the carrier, Whitesell said he believes the importance of the airborne Growler capability is underscored in the current fight with the emergence of small, commercially available unmanned aircraft systems as a weapon against coalition ground troops.

“You’ve probably been watching the unmanned aerial vehicles — homemade, Amazon-delivered, radio-controlled,” Whitesell said. “[ISIS militants can fly] homemade bombs over the top of forces and drop them by crashing the gyro-copters. So how can we attack those? The easiest way to do that is potentially to jam the signal and stop them flying.”

The Growler, which is nearly identical to the Hornet, features wingtip ALQ-99 jamming pods and ALQ-218 radar warning receiver equipment. Growlers fly regular sorties in concert with Hornets, though it’s much less easy to see the effect they have on the fight.

While Whitesell believes electronic warfare assets play a role in countering enemy radio-frequency capabilities, from small drone control to improvised explosive device detonation and...

The Disease that Destroys Countries

These Charlotte kids named their rocket Trump and went to DC. Guess who took notice?

When students from Charlotte’s Victory Christian Center School decided to revive a rocketry team tradition of naming their rockets, one of the groups christened their rocket Trump.

And if there’s anyone who likes seeing his name on things, it’s the president. So when the team went to Washington, D.C., on Friday to get ready for the national competition, they ended up showing their entry to President Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

“That’s a mean-looking machine, huh?” the president said as the team set down their sleek black projectile with his name in gold letters.

Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, introduced the team when the national press corps came in. They spent a little under 5 minutes exchanging pleasantries and having their pictures taken.

“How did you come up with the name Trump?” the president asked...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, May 12, 2017

Girls With Guns

Relax, Trump Only Fired Comey...

Hillary Would Have Had Him Killed...

If You Know Hillary Clinton, You Will Probably Die Of Mysterious Causes Soon....

Baby In A Stroller Vs. Car...

Bouncing Baby Girl...
Babies are made of rubber, I'm sure she's fine...

Someone Messed With The Wrong Dude..

Lead Poisoning...

Kim Kardashians BIG Christmas Special...

The First Collection Of Animated Gifs HERE
Animated Gif Collection #3
Animated Gif Collection #4
Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 or Bet She Lost Some Teeth...
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Out Of Control Bus -OR- Animated Gif Collection #9

Shit Flinging Monkeys...

Bananas And Monkeys

Thank A Taxpayer...

Changing the Voting Paradigm - The Participatory Voting System.

A Nation Without Identity?

Nationalism Built the Judeo-Christian West

So President Donald Trump Dropped This Bomb From His Twitter Account...

Amy Schumer Now Faces Backlash from the Left

The problem with political correctness is that no one is above it. It’s a destructive force that cares not for political affiliation, good deeds, context, intentions, or anything else — its only job is to criticize and find fault.

Not even leftists who constantly feed the beast can escape its wrath. Take a look at comedian and actress Amy Schumer. She says all the “right things” a celebrity liberal is supposed to say. She even openly admitted to cutting a gun scene in her new film, “Snatched,” in order to help promote gun control.

The movie follows a mother (Goldie Hawn) and daughter (Schumer) who are on vacation together as they run into trouble: They’re kidnapped and have to escape together.

But with her film now exposed to audiences and critics, Schumer is facing backlash from her own side, the same side her comedy and political rants are supporting.

The New York Times has claimed “Snatched” is racist and said it was populated by...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Girls With Guns

Freedom Of Speech Depends On Who Says It...

3 Ways To Escape Zip Ties...

More Art Of Manliness:

How To Throw A Dynamite Straight Punch..

The Art Of Manliness - How To Properly Shuffle A Deck Of Cards..

The Jackass That Always Lies...

Team Jackass..

The Media Vs. The People...

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

U.S. government posts $182 billion surplus in April

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government had a $182 billion budget surplus in April, confounding market expectations for a deficit, according to Treasury Department data released on Wednesday.

The budget surplus was $106 billion in April 2016, according to Treasury's monthly budget statement.

The fiscal 2017 year-to-date deficit was $344 billion compared with $353 billion in the same period of fiscal 2016.

When accounting for calendar adjustments, the surplus last month was $145 billion compared with an adjusted surplus of $146 billion the prior year. The adjusted deficit for the fiscal year to date was...

Before And After...

Look, A Horse And A Horses Ass!

FBI: Criminal Investigation Into Clinton ‘Imminent’ Following Comey Departure

The firing of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday has “cleared the pathway” for the Justice Department, headed by Jeff Sessions, to relaunch an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified data while she served as Secretary of State, according to insiders at the bureau.

“This time, we are going to tackle each and every breach as a criminal act, and react accordingly,” an FBI insider claims.

In the wake of Donald Trump’s dismissal of FBI Director James Comey citing “serious mistakes” and “mishandling” of the Hillary Clinton investigation, the FBI source claims “the Clinton probe was a faux probe.”

“We aren’t talking about Congressional hearings that span months and involve political tit for tat. We’re talking about agents on the ground with search warrants and the power to arrest the minute a law has...

Another Clinton Crime: Bangladesh prime minister says Clinton personally pressured her to help foundation donor

While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made a personal call to pressure Bangladesh’s prime minister to aid a donor to her husband’s charitable foundation despite federal ethics laws that require government officials to recuse themselves from matters that could impact their spouse’s business.

The Office of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina confirmed to Circa that Mrs. Clinton called her office in March 2011 to demand that Dr. Muhammed Yunus, a 2006 Nobel Peace prize winner, be restored to his role as chairman of the country’s most famous microcredit bank, Grameen Bank. The bank’s nonprofit Grameen America, which Yunus chairs, has given between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative. Grameen Research, which is chaired by Yunus, has donated between $25,000 and $50,000, according to the Clinton Foundation website.

“Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telephoned Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in March 2011 insisting her not to remove Dr. Muhammad Yunus from the post of..

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

How to Red Pill Women

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Girls With Guns

The IRS: All You Base Pay Rate Are Belong To Us...

The IRS Spawn...

The Octopus Is Highly Intelligent...

An Octopus Holds Off A Shark And Steals Secured Bait...