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Monday, July 3, 2017

Justin Trudeau Says Immigrants Are More Canadian Than Natives

While conservatives in the US makes jokes about liberals believing immigrants are more American than "native" Americans, that is what Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau actually believes.

From GlobalNews.ca:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he is “jealous” of immigrants to Canada and their families, who, he said, have more of a stake in the country than others.
“Anytime I meet people who got to make the deliberate choice, whose parents chose Canada, I’m jealous,” he said in an interview that aired Friday morning on CTV.

Pure Lunacy:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he is “jealous” of immigrants to Canada and their families, who, he said, have more of a stake in the country than others.

“Anytime I meet people who got to make the deliberate choice, whose parents chose Canada, I’m jealous,” he said in an interview that aired Friday morning on CTV.

“Because I think being able to choose it, rather than being Canadian by default, is an amazing statement of...

Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism — on July 4th weekend!

While most Americans are gathering with family and community this weekend to celebrate the most exceptional country in the history of the world, Mr. Hope and Change is halfway around the world talking doom and gloom — and criticizing his successor.

Barack Obama visited Indonesia this weekend, and in a series of appearances, attacked love of country and the policies of Donald Trump.

The Guardian reports:
The former US president said some countries had adopted “an aggressive kind of nationalism” and “increased resentment of minority groups”, in a speech in Indonesia on Saturday that could be seen as a commentary on the US as well as Indonesia.
“It’s been clear for a while that the world is at a crossroads. At an inflection point,” Obama said, telling a Jakarta crowd stories of how much the capital had improved since he lived there as a child.
But he said that increased prosperity had been accompanied by new global problems, adding that as the world confronts issues ranging from inequality to terrorism, some countries – both developed and...

Morning Mistress

CNN Panel Upset They Are Being Held Accountable For Their Lies

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Girls With Guns

Here's A Little Song Called...Where In The HELL Did My Weekend Go?

Shouldn't They Be Up In The Balcony Yelling At The Other Muppets?

Hillary Clinton Gets Owned On Twitter...

This Way To Ambassador Stevens Grave..

When You Tear Out A Man's Tongue...

-That moment when HBO's Game Of Thrones succinctly identifies and denounces the Leftist Anti Free Speech Movement In America...

Peter Dinklage On Luck..

Peter Dinklage Enjoying The Day With His Son...

The True Name Of Political Correctness...

When Will Hillary Finally Pay Haiti What She Owes Them?

On Stealing Disaster Funds In Haiti...

POP QUIZ: Guess WHich One The Clinton Foundation Paid For...

Elizabeth Warren's Medicaid Lie Exposed...

The Brilliance of Trump's Mika Brzezinski Tweet

 By: Douglas V. Gibbs
Twice I have written about Trump’s Tweet that has the media going nuts. The liberal left is attacking Trump viciously over his “unpresidential” tweet about Mika Brzezinski’s bleeding face after a face lift that may, or may not, have happened. The liberal left media is spending all of their time on the story, and so is the not-so-liberal media, like Fox News, and conservative bloggers. 

 The liberal reporters have been so appalled by Trump’s Tweet that blood is practically squirting from their eyes. They can’t believe that Trump would do such a thing. . . and Mika and friends have gone so far to say that Trump is being more than mean. It’s sexist and shows he does not belong in the White House.

In my posts about it I said I like the fact that Trump tweets, but this one may have skirted a little too close to the edge. Perhaps, I have been saying, he should be more diplomatic with his Tweets.

Then, I discovered I was wrong.

The Mika Brzezinski tweet was incredibly brilliant.

The timing was perfect, as planned.

While the Press is talking about Trump’s Tweet:

The travel ban went into effect, two immigration bills were approved by Congress, and other things the Democrats would normally be screaming about are getting done. . . under the radar, because the people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are too busy to notice because they are too occupied with screaming and yelling about Trump’s tweets.

He pulled a basketball move, looking one way, and...

Google to give $2 Million to Campaign Involving Leading Gun Control Groups

Google announced plans on Friday to donate $2 million to a violence reduction campaign that includes the nation's leading gun control organizations.

The grant will be given by Google.org, an arm of the search giant that provides money and resources to nonprofit organizations, and go to the PICO LIVE FREE Campaign. That campaign focuses on reducing gun violence, especially in minority communities centered in major cities. The new initiative it's creating with the grant will involve gun control groups like Everytown for Gun Safety, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Americans for Responsible Solutions, Guns Down America, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and the Alliance for Gun Responsibility.

The money will primarily be spent to "scale up and accelerate the implementation of evidence-based gun violence prevention strategies in cities with high incidents of gun related homicides and...

Morning Mistress

Are There "Moderate" Rebels In Syria?

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Freedom's Safest Place | S2 E2: "The Violence Of Lies"

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Girls With Guns

Remember When Presidents Dropped Bodies For Their Country?

Fake News: Associated Press Engulfed in CNN-Level Scandal as It Covers Up Invention of Imaginary Pruitt Meeting

The Associated Press is at it again, pushing more fake news. Sadly, the once-great news wire service is trying to cover up its mistake—nearly the exact mistake that cost three editorial staffers at CNN their jobs in a scandal that first exploded a week ago today.

A Breitbart News investigation has led to the correction by the Associated Press–which originally resisted–of the fake news it printed as deeper questions of responsibility, accountability, and journalistic ethics consume the AP heading into Fourth of July weekend.

This time, the Associated Press invented an imaginary meeting between EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris, and then alleged that some kind of impropriety happened as a result.

This is exactly the same mistake CNN made a week ago, when it alleged that Anthony Scaramucci—the founder of SkyBridge Capital and an associate and ally of President Donald Trump—held “meetings” with Russian investment fund leaders and was under investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee and Treasury Department as a result.

A Breitbart News investigation uncovered that no such “meetings” took place, the Senate Intelligence Committee was not investigating the matter, and the Treasury Department had already—at the urging of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to now Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin before Trump’s inauguration—looked into it and determined the matter to be entirely “without merit.”

The very fake news scandal that is consuming CNN right now is the biggest scandal in the network’s history, and comes as...

Too Many Assholes.... Not Enough Bullets...

More Clint Eastwood:

I Don't Know Exactly When The Pussy Generation Started...

Clint Eastwood On Fiscal Responsibility

The REAL Meaning Of Oppression..

Bernie Sanders During Economics Class...

We Found Her In The Woods Again...

This Really Pissed Obama Off...

Terry McAuliffe Again Obstructs Efforts to Investigate Voter Fraud

The decision by Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe (D.) not to cooperate with a White House commission examining voting processes in federal elections comes after a year in which the governor circumvented the commonwealth's supreme court to restore voting rights for convicted felons and stalled efforts by the Virginia legislature to fight voter fraud.

McAuliffe announced on Thursday evening he has "no intention of honoring" a request for publicly available voter data made by the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, which was established through a May executive order and is being led by Vice President Mike Pence.

McAuliffe stated in his rejection that there is "no evidence" of voter fraud in Virginia, and that the "only irregularity in the 2016 presidential election centered around Russian tampering." He also stated his belief that the commission was set up as a "tool to commit...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, June 30, 2017

Girls With Guns

Even Homer Simpson Gets This!

Do You Prefer Small Government Or Big Government?

Remember: Cucks prefer Big Government...

Trucks Don't Take Corners So Well.....

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

Cop Blocking Your Way? No Problem...

Fight Crime: Shoot Back...


One Should Never Be Forced To Face Evil With Empty Hands...

Asian Trump Supporter Schools Leftists...

The Lunacy Of Liberal Thought...

The Department of Homeland Security is set to begin building prototypes for a border wall this summer..

We Are So Excited!!!

From June 27th:


Tennessee Legislature Epically Trolls California Over Travel Ban

Recently, TruthRevolt wrote about how California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has added four more states to the state's travel ban so that state employees won't be able to take business trips to four additional states that have "backwards" laws regarding LGBT people. The newly-offending states include: Texas, Alabama, Kentucky, and South Dakota. The already-banned states include Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee.

“While the California [Department of Justice] works to protect the rights of all our people, discriminatory laws in any part of our country send all of us several steps back,” Becerra said according to The Hill. “That’s why when California said we would not tolerate discrimination against LGBTQ members of our community, we meant it.”

In response, Tennessee cowered in embarrassment after having been publicly shamed. Oh wait, no, that wasn't their response. In fact, they didn't seem to care very much at all about California's condescension. Here's what they actually said, in a real resolution that was passed and signed by Governor Bill Haslam:

The resolution read:

"Whereas, the ban stems from legislation enacted by Tennessee that allows counselors to refer patients to other counselors who can better meet their goals, which the California State Legislature has judged to be morally reprehensible; and

Whereas, California's attempt to influence public policy in our state is akin to Tennessee expressing its disapproval of California's exorbitant taxes, spiraling budget deficits, runaway social welfare programs, and rampant illegal immigration; and

Whereas, Tennessee is pleasantly surprised that California will not be sending its economic development teams to Tennessee to recruit our businesses, but we can still send our teams to recruit their businesses; and

Whereas, Tennessee is puzzled why California thinks it is a good idea to prohibit its state colleges and universities from...

CNN Producer: Voters "Stupid as Sh*t"– American Pravda: CNN Part 3

Project Veritas’ newest video from the American Pravda: CNN series exposes Jimmy Carr, the Associate Producer for CNN’s New Day attacking President Donald Trump and admitting that CNN has a left-leaning bias.

When asked by an undercover journalist if CNN is impartial, Carr plainly responded, “In theory. ”

He then continued to talk about CNN’s views on President Trump:
“On the inside, we all recognize he is a clown that he is hilariously unqualified for this. He’s really bad at this and that he does not have America’s best interests. We recognize he’s just fucking crazy.”

He continues to attack Trump personally, instead of focusing on his policy:

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night - Nice Pussy Cat

People Will Die!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Girls With Guns

I Don't Think She's Got Any More In Her....

But you just keep on trying....meanwhile, President Trump will get 2 more Supreme court justices in his first term!

Wouldn't It Be Great....