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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Did CNN Shoot Itself In The Foot?



Dox The CNN Before It Doxes You!!

gerund or present participle: doxing
  1. search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.
    "hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures"

Inside Look Into A CNN Executive Meeting...


So CNN Can Find A Redditor In A Single Day...


PEPE Beats Back The Islamic CNN Hordes...


Looks Like You've Had Too Much To Meme...


#CNNBlackmail -Who Is Worse? North Korea Or CNN?

Ann Coulter On The “Epidemic Of Immigrant Mass Murders”

Last Friday, Nigerian immigrant Henry Williams Obotetukudo, aka Henry Bello, opened fire with an AM-15 rifle at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, killing one doctor and injuring a half-dozen others. I would prefer to leap right in and offer my ideas for stopping these immigrant shooting rampages, but first I’ll have to tell you the facts the media won’t.

The New York Times, still unaware there’s an internet, is trying to pass off the Nigerian as a Californian, the non-doctor as a doctor, and Mr. Obotetukudo as “Dr. Bello.”

In the NYT ‘s major biographical profile of Bello the next day, he was described as a “sharp dresser from California.” The only other reference to the shooter’s provenance came several paragraphs later: “Dr. Bello lived in California off and on from 1991 until 2006.”

ABC News had reported on the day of the shooting that Bello was a “Nigerian national”—so the cat was already out of the bag, New York Times. Local New York station PIX11 also reported that he was a Nigerian. Even newspapers in Ohio knew that Bello was a Nigerian.

But as we go to print, the NYT still has not identified Bello as a Nigerian immigrant. It issued a “correction,” but only to clarify the exact street of a homeless shelter where Bello had lived. No correction to the “California” bit.

Sadly, the NYT didn’t allow any comments to the online version of its story, but CBS did. There were four comments, two about the incident (“rot in hell”) and two about CBS’s report:

“Where was Bello born?”


“Where is he from? Where did he receive his medical degree? Worthless reporting.”

You’re not fooling anyone, media.

Having misled readers about Bello’s nationality, the NYT professed utter bafflement about the shooter’s motive, saying it was “marked with as many questions as answers.”

If the NYT simply reported facts, instead of strategically constructing news stories to protect favored groups, it might have noticed that there have been a LOT of mass shootings by certain types of immigrants.

There are mental illness shootings, gangland shootings, still-angry-about-the-divorce shootings and so on. Some immigrant murderers are mentally ill or criminals—thanks to our excellent and extremely rigorous vetting system! But there are enough like Mr. Obotetukudo to qualify as their own category: the Disappointed Immigrant mass shootings.

The usual elements are: 1) immigrants from wildly different cultures, who have 2) unrealistic expectationsabout what their lives should be like in the U.S., combined with 3) an inability to achieve success in the U.S., and 4) a failure to grasp our customs—often, even our language, typically marked by..

Vatican police 'break up drug fueled gay orgy' at home of one of Pope Francis' advisors

The flat belonged to the Holy Office - which is in charge of tackling sexual abuse amongst the clergy

There has been no confirmation whether or not young boys were part of the unholy activities.

Vatican police have broken up a gay orgy at the home of the secretary to one of Pope Francis’s key advisers, it has been claimed.

The flat belonged to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, or Holy Office, which is in charge of tackling sexual abuse amongst the clergy.

Reports in Italy claim the occupant of the apartment is the secretary to Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio - a key aide to the 80-year-old Pope.

Coccopalmerio heads the Pontifical Council for Legislative texts and was said to have once recommended his secretary for a promotion to bishop.

The claims about the police raid last month were made in the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano.

The flat involved is a short distance from the Vatican itself.

According to the paper, neighbours became suspicious before complaining about irregular behaviour of those coming and going at the flat.

When police showed up, they reportedly found drugs and a group of men engaged in...

#CNNBlackmail: By Any Memes Necessary

Morning Mistress

LIMBAUGH: CNN Is The 'Consigliere' For The Obama Legacy And The Democrat Party

I learned something new today:
Word of The Day:



  • 1.an adviser, especially to a crime boss.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Internet Responds To CNN's Crybaby Threats About Wrestling Video...

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Tale of CNN and a Meme #CNNblackmail

Girls With Guns

Leftist Politics Always Fails...

The Problem With Democrat Politicians...

Ted Cruz: CNN May Have Broken The Law With Doxxing Threat

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said CNN may have broken the law in threatening to publicly expose the person who created a GIF of Donald Trump appearing to beat up a man with a CNN logo for a head.

After the president tweeted out the GIF last week, CNN has been on a warpath to hunt down the creator and make him pay. In an article published Tuesday, entitled “How CNN found the Reddit user behind the Trump wrestling GIF,” Andrew Kaczynski had this to say about why the network decided to keep his identity under wraps:

The Real "Russian" Hackers Have Been Discovered...

Jeff Bezos Is Doing Huge Business with the CIA, While Keeping His Washington Post Readers in the Dark

We Knew What We Were Getting When We Voted For President Trump...

..And That Is Exactly Why We Voted For Him...

I See Brain Dead People...

The Russian Collusion Trail Has Been Found...

New Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men In Their Showers

The Author recently received a copy of the new ‘Tier Three Transgender Training’ materials that the U.S. Army is now using in mandatory training for all soldiers.

On June 30, hours before the policy took effect, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis postponedthe opening military enlistments to transgender people for an additional six months. The delay does not prevent currently serving soldiers from transitioning, however. It is intended to give the joint chiefs more time to review and mitigate the Obama-era rule’s impact on the “readiness and lethality of our [armed] forces.”

Late into President Obama’s last term, his military officials allowed transgender soldiers to serve openly, even funding gender-change surgeries with taxpayer dollars. Former Defense Secretary Ash Carter set a July 1 deadline for all four military branches to write policies for accepting openly transgender enlistments. Formerly, soldiers exhibiting gender dysphoria were automatically discharged.

While the Pentagon’s review takes place behind closed doors and the inevitable culture-war volleys spill into...

CNN crosses line to extortion! Big trouble as network blackmails teen who posted Trump WWE video

The fake-news fascists at CNN are in big trouble now. Yuuuuge.

The hashtag “CNN Blackmail” is the top trending topic on Twitter after CNN bragged about threatening to dox a private citizen for creating the comical WWE meme that showed President Trump body-slamming a CNN logo.

CNN boasted that it had tracked down and basically bullied a Reddit user called HanAssholeSolo after he took credit for the video online. Multiple Twitter users claim the Redditer is a 15-year-old boy, but CNN has denied those allegations.

CNN claimed HanAssholeSolo apologized to them for creating the jokey WWE meme and deleted all his posts that mocked the humorless...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Of Fake News and Fauxtrage

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Girls With Guns - July 4th Edition!!


$130,000 Reward...

Seth Rich Murder Update: The Curious Case of Former CEO of the DNC Amy Dacey

King George, Delete Your Account.

It's As If They Want To Have Causalities...

Commies Always Want To Ban Guns And Then....

The New York Times Has A New Logo...

NYT Cheers Rise Of Orwellian Censorship Algorithms

Two New York Times Reporters Posted Darren Wilson’s Home Address. Look Here To See THEIR Home Addresses.

Antifa officially declared a terrorist group by State Homeland Security office

The radical far-left group Antifa has been using threats and violence to suppress conservatives, libertarians, nationalists, and capitalists for months, and finally, a state has officially labeled them a terrorist group.

On June 12, New Jersey became the first state in the country to label Antifa a domestic terrorist organization with the state office of Homeland Security and Prepardness.

“Anti-fascist groups, or “Antifa,” are a subset of the anarchist movement and focus on issues involving racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism, as well as other perceived injustices,” the website details.

“Violent confrontations between Antifa members and white supremacists—as well as militia groups—will likely continue because of ideological differences and Antifa’s ability to organize on social media. In the past year, Antifa groups have become active across the United States, employing a variety of methods to disrupt demonstrations.”

Among the incidents that led the state to declare Antifa a terrorist organization include the riot at Berkeley against Milo Yiannopoulos, a violent disruption against a pro-Trump rally in Philadelphia back in March, and a violent attack against white supremacists on June 2016.

Antifa has staged several...

Happy Independence Day! Let's Make America Great Again!

Happy Independence Day!!

Morning Mistress - July 4th Edition!!


Hot Pick Of The Late Night - July 4th Edition!

SO STUPID! Guess Who Got Caught Lying Again, and Why Kylie Jenner's Controversy Blew Up

Monday, July 3, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Peoples Gonna Die!!

The Cure to America's Obesity Problem: Unionized Government Farms.

People Will Die!

Laws That Forbid The Carrying Of Arms...

-Thomas Jefferson

No Freeman Shall Ever Be Debarred The Use Of Arms.

A Government Big Enough To Give You Everything You Want..

Most Vegans Are Trans-Vegans...

Do You Know The Correct Term For Gluten-Free, Sugarless Vegan Brownies?

More Vegan Fun:

The Tax Evasion Hall Of Fame!

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Al Sharpton's Tawana Brawley Rape Hoax Leads To Defamation Damage Payout 26 Years Later