90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, August 30, 2017


It appears that the Democrats have made the political calculation that ANTIFA will make them lose elections. Time to turn on their useful idiots and attack their own current militant arm iteration.


Thanks to their own love of violence as well as their fascistic tendency to dress in black while wearing masks, domestic terrorist group ANTIFA is finally coming under scrutiny.

It took harrowing images from Berkeley where the mobs attacked and beat peaceful protesters, but once it became so blatant that even the Washington Post had to cover them, the first Democrat has come out and denounced ANTIFA.

Related: PSA: Be Careful Of An Email Titled: Nude Photo Of Nancy Pelosi:

Lo and behold, it’s none other than Nancy Pelosi herself!

Via The Washington Examiner “Nancy Pelosi condemns antifa for violence in California”:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called for the antifa members responsible for the acts of violence during a right-wing rally in California on Saturday to be “arrested and prosecuted.”
“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts,” Pelosi said in a statement on Tuesday. “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be ...

CNN reporter whines about being heckled by Trump fans in Texas, now he’s being heckled nationwide

Poor Nick Valencia. Apparently, working for the nation’s premier purveyor of ‘fake news’ is taking its toll, even causing ‘common folk’ who run across CNN reporters to express that sentiment loudly enough for it to reach his pampered ears.

While in Corpus Christi, Texas covering President Trump’s visit to the victims and first responders of Hurricane Harvey, Valencia got his feelings hurt so much that he just had to tweet out it:

Watch This CNN Very Fake news Idiot Get Fully Roated Below:

Morning Mistress

Arpaio and the Pardon

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Jim Jones Jonestown: Marxist Revolutionary Suicide

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Girls With Guns

A Moment Of Serenity: House On Lake Through Verdant Forest...

More Serenity:

Bug Out Location Porn:

Bug Out Location Porn

Bug Out Location Porn..

You Think YOUR Job Is Tough?

Keep up the good work, waking up every morning, making sure your kids are taken care of, fed, loved. I am proud of you brothers and sisters, you are the backbone of America, Let's Make America Great Again!

Machine Gun Propulsion!

Animated Gif Collection #6

Treachery In High Places...

Here Is The Key To Reading Clinton Staffer Emails - Pedophile Coded Message Translater

What Has Congress Accomplished?

Plush Vacations?

Censorship 2017

'I Experienced Hate First-Hand Today': Bay Area TV Anchor On Berkeley Antifa

"My wife told me I'm going to get crucified by posting this," KTVU anchor Frank Somerville wrote Sunday on his personal Facebook page after attending the "Rally Against Hate" at Berkeley.

"I told her I didn't care. This is what happened," Somerville said. "This is what I saw. This is what I experienced. This is the truth. Period."

"If people don't want to hear the truth that's not my problem," he said. "I have no agenda. I'm just saying that this is what happened to me today, think about it. And make your own decision."

Somerville wrote about his experience trying to speak with antifa members at Sunday's violent rally:

I experienced hate first hand today... It came from these people dressed in all black at a protest in Berkeley.

Ironically they were all chanting about NO hate.

Some had shields and gloves. Some had helmets. Some had gas masks.

I was watching them and taking it all in. I came there on my own time. Because I wanted to see things first hand. I was dressed in shorts and a tank top.

At one point I took out my phone to take a picture. And that's when it all happened. (And just to be clear they were playing for the cameras in front but I was toward the back. And since there were already so many people taking their picture I didn't think it would be an issue.)

I took these two pictures and afterward they started screaming at me. I thought for sure they were going to attack. I was just waiting for it. I wasn't scared.

But I stayed calm even though I thought this may not end well for me. Here's how the conversation went (and as you're reading this keep in mind that they were yelling at me and their words were filled with venom, anger, hate and intolerance.)

There's just no other way to describe it. I was stunned.

Them: Hey! No pictures or we'll take your phone!!! (At that point I'd already taken these shots)

Me (In calm voice): You're on public property and I can take a picture if I want to.

Them: Oh so you're a big man with a camera?

Me: No I just wanted to take a picture and talk with you.

Them (rushing toward me): We outnumber you and we will take your camera!

Me: You're not going to take my camera and you're not going to tell me what to do. Why can't we just have a respectful conversation. (I then touched one of them on her hand to say it's okay I just want to talk)

Them: Don't touch me!!

Me: I'm not trying to do anything. I just want to try to understand and have a respectful conversation.

Them: We'll block your shot!!!

Me: That's fine. All I wanted to do was have a conversation.

Them: Now is not the time. (In fairness he was the one person who was respectful)

Then as I started to walk away a woman started screaming at me saying: We're not interested in talking to you!! We're not interested in talking to you!!

I walked away stunned. I grew up in Berkeley. I marched in anti-war protests during the sixties.

Its one thing to read about HATE, It's another thing to be...

IFL: “MOB-OCRACY” The Legacy Of Hussein Obama

Morning Mistress

When Transparency Really Means Tyranny

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, August 28, 2017

"I'm VERY Worried" Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson Discuss Google, YouTube Suspension

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: OUTRAGE!! (Parte Dos)
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Bird and snake caused 40-acre fire near Great Falls, Montana

GREAT FALLS - A wildland fire that burned an estimated 40 acres near Great Falls on Wednesday morning was caused by a hawk and a snake.

The fire was reported at about 10:20 a.m. near 3500 Rainbow Dam Road.

The area is north of the Missouri River and east of Black Eagle, near the dirt-track racing facility.

There were no injuries.

No buildings were burned, but several utility poles were damaged.

The Black Eagle Volunteer Fire Department says that their investigation determined that a bird - likely a hawk - swooped down to...

Gathering the dead after the Great Galveston Texas Hurricane of 1900

More Great Photos:

The first flight of the Wright brothers. Dec 17, 1903

Hot dog stand - Chicago 1962

Proof Of Donald Trumps Feelings Towards Minorities!!

On Media Blindness..

Apparently Communist violence is not violence with the media..

The Best Part Of Waking Up?

Is Victory In My Cup!

I Don't Like Mondays:

It's Monday Again? The Circle Continues...

Monday Morning Truth...

Wise Words For A Monday Morning...

Yeah, I'd Sing Too...

Case Of The Mondays.....


Freedom of speech in America is under assault by the Left like never before.

The constitutionally-suspect shutting down of Patriot Prayer’s tiny, properly permitted rally at a federal park in San Francisco Saturday is yet more proof of the political ascendancy of the evil ultra-violent “antifa” street thug movement. The Left now has the power to dictate what is and is not acceptable speech in California and many parts of the country.

Patriot Prayer is an innocuous Tea Party-ish group that only wanted to conduct a rally to affirm its members support for free speech. Instead the group has been smeared relentlessly—and now as it turns out, persecuted by state actors.

As Fox News reports:

Joey Gibson, who is Japanese American and leads Patriot Prayer, said his group disavows racism and hatred and wanted to promote dialogue with people who may not share its views. He cancelled a planned rally Saturday at a field under the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge after he said his members received anonymous threats on social media and feared civic leaders and law enforcement would fail to protect them.

The official excuse for sabotaging conservative events is always “public safety,” even though left-wingers never have a problem getting their message out. Given the track record of authorities in California in dealing with conservative speakers, Gibson’s fear that his supporters would be vulnerable to attack by antifa were...

Phoenix Police Arrest Communist Protester That Got Shot In The Groin In Viral Video

Phoenix police arrested Joshua Stuart Cobin, 29, on Thursday for three counts of aggravated assault on police and one count of unlawful assembly. 

Cobin appears to be the man who was seen getting hit in the groin with either a non-lethal pepper ball or a gas can during the leftist riots earlier this week outside the Phoenix Convention Center where President Trump spoke.

Communist ANTIFA Chanting: "No Trump, No Wall, No USA At All" As They violently Attack American Citizens

Morning Mistress

Yvette Felarca & BAMN Oppresses Minorities at UC Berkeley Aug 23, 2017

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Lost: MSNBC Is Now Claiming The Dirty Dossier Is Central To Trump Russia Probe

Girls With Guns

On The Encroachment Of Big Government...

 - Ludwig Von Mises

More Mises:

Socialism Has Been A Miserable Failure..

Removing Statues Won't Stop Leftists From Hating America...

How To Know When You Are A Fascist...

What You Need To Know About Antifa...

Trump is right: The alt-left exists and the media ignores it

Antifa officially declared a terrorist group by State Homeland Security office

The Very Strange Indictment of Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT Scammers

It leaves out a lot of highly pertinent information. Let’s say you’re a prosecutor in Washington. You are investigating a husband and wife, naturalized Americans, who you believe have scammed a federal credit union out of nearly $300,000. You catch them in several false statements about their qualifications for a credit line and their intended use of the money. The strongest part of your case, though, involves the schemers’ transferring the loot to their native Pakistan. 

So . . . what’s the best evidence you could possibly have, the slam-dunk proof that their goal was to steal the money and never look back? That’s easy: One after the other, the wife and husband pulled up stakes and tried to high-tail it to Pakistan after they’d wired the funds there — the wife successfully fleeing, the husband nabbed as he was about to board his flight. 

Well, here’s a peculiar thing about the Justice Department’s indictment of Imran Awan and Hina Alvi, the alleged fraudster couple who doubled as IT wizzes for Debbie Wasserman Schultz and many other congressional Democrats: There’s not a word in it about flight to Pakistan. The indictment undertakes to describe in detail four counts of bank-fraud conspiracy, false statements on credit applications, and unlawful monetary transactions, yet leaves out the most damning evidence of guilt. 

In fact, the indictment appears to go out of its way not to mention it. UP NEXT Trump’s Evil Empire 00:11 00:55 Powered by I’ll get back to that in a second. First, let’s recap. As I explained about three weeks ago, there is a very intriguing investigation of the Awan family. There are about six of them — brothers, spouses, and attached others — who were retained by various Democrats as computer-systems managers at compensation levels dwarfing that of the average congressional staffer. The Awans fell under suspicion in late 2016 and were canned at the beginning of February, on suspicion of mishandling the sensitive information to which they’d had access: scanning members’ e-mail, transferring files to remote servers under the Awans’ control, stealing computer equipment and hard drives (some of which they attempted to destroy when they were found out), along with a sideline in procurement fraud. We should say that almost all of them were canned. Hina Alvi and her husband, Imran Awan, stayed on, even though they were no longer authorized to have access to the House computer system (i.e., to do the work they were hired to do). Alvi continued to be retained by Congressman Gregory Meeks, a New York Democrat, for another four weeks. During that time, we now know, she was tying up loose financial ends, packing her house up, and pulling three young daughters out of school — just before skedaddling to Pakistan. 

Awan was kept on the payroll for about six more months by Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat, former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, and Clinton insider. She finally fired him only after he was arrested at the airport right before a...

The Leftist Media Is Becoming More Like A Bad Soap Opera, All With The Same Plot..