90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, September 22, 2017

Former Clinton Aide Kept Three Muslim Women As Sex Slaves

Former Clinton aide Imran Awan has been accused of sexually and physically abusing three women who he reportedly held as sex slaves.

According to police reports obtained under Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act, the indicted former IT aide for the Democratic party abused three Muslim women, and used his position at the White House to silence them into not reporting him to authorities.

Dailycaller.com reports: Officers found one of the women bloodied and she told them she “just wanted to leave,” while the second said she felt like a “slave,” according to Fairfax County Police reports obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group. A third woman claimed she was being kept “in captivity.”

The third woman is Awan’s stepmother, Samina Gilani, who said in court documents that Awan invoked his authority as a congressional employee to intimidate immigrant women, in part by telling them he had the power to have people kidnapped.

All but two of the nearly two dozen Democratic women Awan worked for in the House declined to comment on the police reports.

Wasserman Schultz, the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, refused to fire Awan for months after his Feb. 2, 2017 banishment from the House computer network due to his being a suspect in a criminal investigation by the FBI and U.S. Capitol Police into a major cybersecurity breach.
Wasserman Schultz said that “as a mother, a Jew, and a member of Congress,” she wanted to defend his rights, a sentiment echoed by Rep. Marcia Fudge, an Ohio Democrat. Rep. Gregory Meeks, a New York Democrat. Wasserman Schultz also claimed allegations against Awan might stem from Islamophobia. All three women are Muslim.

Awan’s attorney, Chris Gowen, a former aide to Bill and Hillary Clinton, has blasted journalists covering the investigation. The press “should be reminded that Imran Awan is a...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #22

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

(Wire) Tapping the Vain

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Are Some Cultures Better than Others?

Girls With Guns


Scumbag Vs. Patriot

Obama vs. Trump

Venezuela Has Failed Not Because Socialism Has Been Badly Implemented...

Donald Trump Quotes

POTUS: It Is Time To Heal The Wounds That Have Divided Us...

Natalia was about to put the chainsaw away when...

another zombie appeared from the treacherous swamp. Killing zombies had become routine to Natalia, so much so, she made up creative ways to kill them with her chainsaw while keeping the blood spatter from staining her perfectly white blouse.  

Having a bloodstain on her blouse would just never do thought Natalia, why I would rather throw that dirty blouse away and go topless rather than wear a stained blouse she convinced herself...

Was The Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635 Caused By Climate Change?

The Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635 was a severe hurricane which brushed Virginia and then passed over southeastern New England in August of that year. Accounts of the storm are very limited, but it was likely the most intense hurricane to hit New England since European colonization.

The first recorded mention of the Great Colonial Hurricane was on August 24, 1635 at the Virginia Colony at Jamestown.[2] It affected Jamestown as a major hurricane, although no references can be found to damage, probably because the hurricane evidently moved past rapidly, well east of the settlement.

Governors John Winthrop of Massachusetts Bay Colony and William Bradford of Plymouth Colonyrecorded accounts of the Great Colonial Hurricane. Both describe high winds, 14 to 20 feet (4.3 to 6.1 m) storm surges along the south-facing coasts of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and great destruction.[1]


Much of the area between Providence, Rhode Island and the Piscataqua River was damaged by the storm, and some damage was still noticeable 50 years later. Governor Bradford wrote that the storm drowned seventeen Indians and toppled or destroyed thousands of trees; many houses were also flattened.

The small barque Watch and Wait owned by a Mr. Isaac Allerton foundered in the storm off Cape Ann with 23 people aboard. The only survivors were Antony Thacher and his wife, who reached Thacher Island. Thacher later wrote an account of the shipwreck.

Postcard showing Antony Thacher's Monument.

In Narragansett Bay, the tide was 14 feet (4.3 m) above the ordinary tide and drowned eight Indians fleeing from their wigwams. The highest such recorded value for a New England Hurricane was a 22-foot (6.7 m) storm tide recorded in some areas. The town of Plymouth suffered severe damage with houses blown down. The wind cut great mile-long sections of complete blowdown in the woods near Plymouth and elsewhere in eastern Massachusetts.

It also destroyed Plymouth Colony's Aptucxet Trading Post (on the site of present-day Bourne, Massachusetts).

The Boston area did not suffer from the tide as did areas just to its south. The nearest surge swept over the low-lying tracts of Dorchester, ruining the farms and landscape (from the accounts of Bradford and Winthrop).

Modern analysis

The Hurricane Research Division of the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory of NOAA has conducted a re-analysis project to re-examine the National Hurricane Center's data about historic hurricanes. In association with the project, Brian Jarvinen, formerly of NHC, used modern hurricane and storm surge computer models to recreate a storm consistent with contemporaneous accounts of the colonial hurricane.[1]

Jarvinen estimated that the storm was probably a Cape Verde-type hurricane considering its intensity, which took a track similar to the Great Atlantic Hurricane of 1944 and Hurricane Edna of 1954. The storm's eye would have struck Long Island before moving between Boston and Plymouth. It would likely have been a Category 4 or 5 hurricane farther south in the Atlantic, and it was at least a strong Category 3 hurricane at landfall with 125 mph (201 km/h) sustained winds and a central pressure of 938 mbar (27.7 inHg) at the Long Island landfall and 939 mbar (27.7 inHg) at the mainland landfall. This would be the most intense known hurricane landfall north of Cape Fear, North Carolina if indeed accurate. Jarvinen noted that the colonial hurricane may have caused the highest storm surge along the east coast of the U.S. in recorded history: 20 feet (6.1 m) near the head of Narragansett Bay. He concluded that "this was probably the most intense hurricane in New England history."[1]

An erosional scarp in the western Gulf of Maine may be a trace of the Great Colonial Hurricane.[3]

The U.S. Nuclear Submarine Russia and China Can't Beat in Battle

The extreme quietness of the Seawolf class gave the Navy the idea of modifying the last submarine, USS Jimmy Carter, to support clandestine operations. An extra one hundred feet was added to the hull, a section known as the Multi-Mission Platform (MMP). The MMP gives Carter the ability to send and recover Remotely Operated Vehicles/Unmanned Underwater Vehicles and SEALs and diving teams while submerged. It includes berthing for up to fifty SEALs or other attached personnel. Carter also features auxiliary maneuvering devices fore and aft for precise maneuvering in situations such as undersea cable tapping and other acts of espionage.

The Seawolf-class submarines were envisioned as the best submarines ever built. Designed to succeed the Los Angeles–class attack submarines and maintain America’s edge in the underwater domain, the class suffered from cost overruns and the collapse of the Soviet Union. While still some of the best submarines ever built, they were built at reduced numbers.

In the late 1980s, the U.S. Navy was faced with a crisis. In 1980, the Soviet Union had received information from the Walker family spy ring that the Navy could track its submarines through excessive propeller noise. As a result, the Soviet Union went looking for advanced Western machinery to make better propellers. In 1981, the Japanese company Toshiba sold propeller milling machinery—now relatively common nine-axis CNC milling machines—to the Soviet Union via the Norwegian Kongsberg corporation.

By the mid 1980s, the Soviet Union’s new machinery began to make itself felt. The new Akula-class submarines had a...

IRAN: Before And After Obama's Nuclear Capitulation:

It is kind of like a modern day love story:
Will he get his man?

aww... it's just so sweet it makes me want to...

omg..I can't pretend any longer... I, I think I am going to....

Sorry, I could not help myself, just thinking of them two...
Don't Look!

I can't stop barfing... just a thought...which one is the top?

It would be unsafe to even let your animals see the sight, wait, no!

sorry gotta go, I hope I don't dehydrate...

Alabama Radio Host to Trump: We Love You and We Support You But Don’t Tell Us Who to Vote For

Wednesday on Talk 99.5’s “Matt & Aunie” radio show in Birmingham, AL, host Matt Murphy said he had a message for President Donald Trump regarding his visit to the state on Friday to support Sen. Luther Strange’s bid for U.S. Senate: Don’t tell Alabamians how they should cast their vote next Tuesday.

Strange and former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore are competing in a runoff election on Tuesday for the GOP nod for a special election for Alabama’s U.S. Senate seat. The winner will face former Clinton U.S. Attorney Doug Jones in the special election on December 12 for the seat formerly held by Jeff Sessions.

Murphy laid out for his listeners the enormous amount spent in the state by the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC backed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), to promote Strange’s candidacy and to attack Moore.

On Trump’s visit to Alabama on Friday, he added the president shouldn’t interfere in the election and have faith that the people in Alabama will choose the right candidate on their own.

“What I would say to Mr. President, and if I get the opportunity, I’m going to say this Thursday night — Mr. President, Alabama loves you, and Alabama supports you, but Alabama does not need you telling us who to vote for, for the United States Senate,” Murphy said. “We’ll handle that on our own, and we’ll send you a good conservative. We’ll send you someone that is going to do the right thing — to drain the swamp up in....

It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me

by Sharyl Attkisson
Many in the media are diving deeply into minutiae in order to discredit any notion that President Trump might have been onto something in March when he fired off a series of tweets claiming President Obama had “tapped” “wires” in Trump Tower just before the election.

According to media reports this week, the FBI did indeed “wiretap” the former head of Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort, both before and after Trump was elected. If Trump officials — or Trump himself — communicated with Manafort during the wiretaps, they would have been recorded, too.

But we’re missing the bigger story.

If these reports are accurate, it means U.S. intelligence agencies secretly surveilled at least a half dozen Trump associates. And those are just the ones we know about.

Besides Manafort, the officials include former Trump advisers Carter Page and Michael Flynn. Last week, we discovered multiple Trump “transition officials” were “incidentally” captured during government surveillance of a foreign official. We know this because former Obama adviser Susan Rice reportedly admitted “unmasking,” or asking to know the identities of, the officials. Spying on U.S. citizens is considered so sensitive, their names are supposed to be hidden or “masked,” even inside the government, to protect their privacy.

In May, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates acknowledged they, too, reviewed communications of political figures, secretly collected under...

Benghazi Security Contractor Speaks Out to Liz Wheeler on OAN

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #21

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Racist Rap Video Brutally Hangs White Child: YouTube Promotes It...

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

LEAKED: Watch MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell’s Loses It in Outtakes…for Eight Crazy Minutes

Girls With Guns

Book Ends...

It Happens So Quickly...

..Literally In A Flash!

Wall Street Journal calls for investigation into the FBI For wiretapping, lying and meddling in the 2016 election...

Congress needs to learn how the FBI meddled in the 2016 campaign.

When Donald Trump claimed in March that he’d had his “wires tapped” prior to the election, the press and Obama officials dismissed the accusation as a fantasy. We were among the skeptics, but with former director James Comey’s politicized FBI the story is getting more complicated.

CNN reported Monday that the FBI obtained a warrant last year to eavesdrop on Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s campaign manager from May to August in 2016. The story claims the FBI first wiretapped Mr. Manafort in 2014 while investigating his work as a lobbyist for Ukraine’s ruling party. That warrant lapsed, but the FBI convinced the court that administers the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to issue a second order as part of its probe into Russian meddling in the election.

Guess who has lived in a condo in Trump Tower since 2006? Paul Manafort.

The story suggests the monitoring started in the summer or fall, and extended into early this year.

While Mr. Manafort resigned from the campaign in August, he continued to speak with Candidate Trump.

It is thus highly likely that the FBI was listening to the political and election-related conversations of a leading contender for the White House.

That’s extraordinary - and worrisome.

Mr. Comey told Congress in late March that he “had no information that supports those [Trump] tweets.”

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was even more specific that “there was no such wiretap activity mounted against—the President-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign.”

He denied that any such FISA order existed.

Were they lying?

The warrant’s timing may also shed light on the FBI’s relationship to the infamous “ Steele dossier.” That widely discredited dossier claiming ties between Russians and the Trump campaign was commissioned by left-leaning research firm Fusion GPS and developed by former British spy Christopher Steele—who relied on Russian sources. But the Washington Post and others have reported that Mr. Steele was familiar to the FBI, had reached out to the agency about his work, and had even...

Acceptable Number Of Ice Cream Scoops According To Leftist Narrative Drones..


MOUNT OLIVE, NC (WRAL) – Wayne County authorities on Monday arrested a man and seized roughly 10 pounds of heroin from him worth about $7 million.

The Wayne County Sheriff’s Office said authorities found the drugs after executing a search warrant at 4592 Emmaus Church Road in Mount Olive. Once broken down and packaged, the “pure heroin” would have produced 250,000 individual dosage units.

related: America's opioid crisis has cut into US life expectancy - Chicago Tribune

“This is one of the largest heroin seizures in Wayne County history,” Sheriff Larry Pierce said in a statement.

Officers arrested Gabriel Mancilla-Ribera, 46, of Albertson, and charged him with...

“Fight against those who do not obey Allah and do not believe in Allah"

“Fight against those who do not obey Allah and do not believe in Allah or the Last Day and do not forbid what has been forbidden by Allah and His messenger even if they are of the People of the Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” 9:29

Dear Conquered Peoples..

The Best Tribe Won...
The Assault on Trump
Sorry MS. Warren, Bolsheviks Are NOT An Indian Tribe...


“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”—G.K. Chesterson

Concerned parents of school-aged children know that sexual revolutionaries and cultural Marxists are destroying our public schools and universities. But Charter schools were thought to be safe from these dark ideological radicals.

Sexual revolutionaries and cultural Marxists believe that there are no differences between men and women, and that “male” and “female” are merely social constructs.

After Monday’s packed board meeting at Rocklin Academy Charter School, it appears these radicals have infiltrated even the charter schools.

More than 500 parents and LGBTQIA activists packed the Rocklin Academy Charter School board meeting Monday. Parents were there to register their disgust and displeasure with the school over its lack of policy surrounding discussions about gender identity… in a kindergarten class. Some are asking “How young is too young to introduce a child to the concept of gender identity?” But more parents are saying this discussion doesn’t belong in school at all.

The only concession to parents by the school board was to agree to “endeavor” to notify parents about such controversial topics. Perhaps that is why “40 families and 71 children have already left the school,” a parent who wished to remain anonymous reported. “That number is changing every hour.”

“Jazz” is a Not a Girl

Recently a Rocklin Academy kindergarten teacher read aloud to the class from a controversial book about a “transgender” child, and then assisted the child’s “transformation” from a boy to a girl in front of the class. Parents were outraged, and demanded an opt-out policy over discussions like this subject, and its place in the classroom.

Some parents asked the charter school to let them know ahead when controversial topics, like gender identity, would be discussed in class and allow their students to opt out.

The tail is wagging the dog here. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “The estimated proportion of transgender individuals based on surveys that categorized transgender as gender identity was 0.39%, but they attribute that number to be heavily weighted to youth transgender persons. The estimated proportion of transgender adults based on surveys that categorized transgender as sexual orientation was 0.06%.

Yet in my last article, I wrote about a California bill, authored by avowed LGBTQIA leftist Sen. Scott Weiner (D-San Francisco), that would criminalize the ‘misgendering’ of...

At the UN, Trump Ends the Era of Leading From Behind

Speaking at the United Nations on Tuesday, President Donald Trump delivered one of the most powerful speeches of his presidency thus far.

The speech was an emphatic rejection of President Barack Obama’s “leading from behind” mantra, giving an assertive defense of American leadership on the world stage. The president also delivered strong condemnations of an array of dictatorial regimes, including North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba.

The speech could not have been more different in style and substance than Obama’s weak-kneed and deferential approach in past speeches to the U.N. Obama’s tenure as leader of the free world was marked by weakness, confusion, indecision, and at times outright appeasement of U.S. adversaries.

It was refreshing to hear a U.S. president who was not ashamed to proclaim the interests of his own country.

The U.N. General Assembly is traditionally a lion’s den for Republican U.S. presidents, but Trump showed no desire to temper his message before leaders from 193 countries, many of whom harbor a deep-seated antipathy for the United States.

Global leadership is not a popularity contest, and Trump showed little interest in winning applause from a General Assembly that had regularly regaled his predecessor with standing ovations.

This was a speech that was tough, uncompromising, and crystal clear in its messaging. The enemies of the United States will be left with no doubt that the United States will aggressively confront...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #20

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

A message to UC Berkeley from MILO and the Berkeley Patriots

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Swedish Untruth About Multiculturalism And Immigration...

Girls With Guns


What Is Political Correctness?

What Is Best In Life?

Lower Fertility Rates? Start Carrying Swords Again...