90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, November 10, 2017

Watch This Truck Take Out This Overhead Highway Sign..

More Great Gifs!


America Is Not A Democracy..

US Air Force official: Missile targeting Saudis was Iranian

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The ballistic missile fired by Yemeni rebels that targeted the Saudi capital was from Iran and bore "Iranian markings," the top U.S. Air Force official in the Mideast said Friday.

Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian, who oversees the Air Forces Central Command in Qatar, made the comments at a news conference in Dubai.

Harrigian said authorities were investigating how the missile was smuggled into Yemen amid a Saudi-led coalition controlling the country's airspace, ports and borders.

After the Nov. 4 strike near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry said investigators examining the remains of the rocket found evidence proving "the role of Iranian regime in manufacturing them." It did not elaborate, though it also mentioned it found similar evidence after a July 22 missile launch. French President Emmanuel Macron similarly this week described the missile as...

The Damn Truth..

The Truth Is Still The Truth...

BREAKING: Washington Post Reporter Behind Roy Moore Hit Piece Has History Of Writing Fake Checks

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews.

According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.

The original 2011 report details how McCrummen’s criminal career began with her writing a fake check in North Carolina:

“Ms. McCrummen’s criminal history began with North Carolina Case # 1992 CR 00654, a violation of the Article 19 – False Pretenses and Cheats section of the North Carolina Criminal Code. Ms. McCrummen was convicted of a crime punishable by...

On Democrat Voters..

Canadian Judge in Marital Sexual Assault Case Places Islamic Practices Above Canadian Law

“The man was part of an arranged marriage in Gaza. His wife, a Palestinian who grew up in Kuwait, lived in Ottawa and the family settled in this city.”

And these are the attitudes they brought with them: “Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth for yourselves. And fear Allah and know that you will meet Him. And give good tidings to the believers.” (Qur’an 2:223)

He’s not guilty according to Islam. In Islam, women are chattel and men can force their wives to have sex anytime. So apparently Canada is now a sharia state. It used to be that “ignorance of the law is no excuse.” No more. Now if you’re ignorant of the law, or pretend to be, and follow sharia instead, in Canada you will have no problem.

“Canadian Judge in Marital Sexual Assault Case Places Cultural Practices Above the Law,” by Scott Newark, IPT News, November 8, 2017
Thanks to excellent reporting by Andrew Duffy of the Ottawa Citizen, Canadians recently learned of a disturbing decision from Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Smith that acquitted a man of sexual assault against his former wife because the man and his then wife believed that their religion and culture entitled him to have sex with her whether she consented or not.
The decision is especially alarming as it is based on a presumption that Canada’s clear criminal law that requires actual consent to sexual contact is somehow superseded by a cultural or religious belief. Further, the ruling undermines specific protections enacted in Canadian law that protect women, including those who are married, from non-consensual sexual contact.
The ruling also ignores the long standing Canadian legal principle that ignorance of the law is not a criminal defense. In summary, the ruling appears to place religious and cultural beliefs above the laws of...

Leftists Are Engaging in Impeachment Fan Fiction

Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer recently announced that he will be spending about $10 million on an ad campaign for Congress to impeach President Donald Trump.

On top of the violation of many progressive policy goals, Steyer said that Trump should be removed from office because “people in Congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who is mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons.”

Steyer said in one of these commercials that Trump “brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice at the FBI, and in direct violation of the Constitution, he’s taken money from foreign governments and threatened to shut down news organizations that report the truth.”

Steyer may just be using the impeachment campaign for publicity to run for office, but he’s tapping into the feelings of a larger movement.

Progressives are hoping that some kind of deus ex machina, some out-of-the-blue miracle, will bail them out of the Trump presidency.

So they’ve cooked up half-baked resignation scenarios, divined obscure constitutional solutions, and have even called for what amounts to a military coup.

Actress Chelsea Handler actually suggested on Twitter that the “generals” should overthrow Trump.

To all the generals surrounding our idiot-in-chief...the longer U wait to remove him, the longer UR name will appear negatively in history.
It’s not really worth analyzing how using banana republic-style solutions will prevent authoritarianism, as there doesn’t seem to be much ardor for this solution. And anyway, some are saying the presence of generals in the Trump administration is the reason he should be deposed.

It’s sometimes hard to keep this straight.

Yet it’s not just anonymous Twitter activists and uninformed celebrities who are concocting these wild theories. It’s prominent members of the intellectual left.

Fairy Tales and Miracles

Cass Sunstein, former President Barack Obama’s drug czar and another Harvard professor, recently released a book making the case for a more expansive reading of the impeachment clauses of the Constitution that extends beyond “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

As with much of Sunstein’s work, he combines the outward appearance of adherence to the Constitution while insinuating that the Founders just couldn’t understand the issues of our day.

“Once we combine party loyalties with the Constitution’s procedure, it becomes reasonable to fear that a tyrant won’t be booted out of office,” Sunstein wrote in a Bloomberg editorial. “For all their prescience, the Constitution’s founders did not quite foresee the problem. That’s worth worrying about.”

While Sunstein has denied that the work is specifically about Trump, it is clear he is attempting to create the illusion of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #71

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Judicial Watch Discusses Voter Fraud By Illegal Aliens..

Girls With Guns

Best Of The Worst..

ESPN’s Mike Ditka Pulled From Sunday NFL Show After Calling Obama ‘Worst President’

When Oppression No Longer Exits.. Manufacture Synthetic Oppression...

The Donald: What Bill Whittle Loves About Donald Trump...

Bill Whittle On The Hot Seat..

YOU ARE THE MAJORITY” French Political Poster Photographed By René Maltête. 1960.

Dozens of illegal aliens removed from stash houses in Texas

EDINBURG, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents found 32 illegal aliens being held in multiple stash houses within the last week.

Tuesday, October 31, Rio Grande Valley Sector agents received assistance from the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office and the Hidalgo County’s Constable Precinct 4 Office to conduct a consensual search of a suspected stash house in Mission, Texas. Agents located 18 subjects kept inside the house. The smuggled migrants were from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico.

Next day, Brownsville agents worked with the Cameron County Constables Office in apprehending 14 subjects at an apartment complex. The smuggled aliens were from...

Scientists Have Discovered...

Why the Left Has Been So Wrong About the Trump Boom

Time magazine’s cover story for the week of Nov. 6 is a classic. It blares: “The Wrecking Crew: How Trump’s Cabinet Is Dismantling Government As We Know It.”

The New York Times ran a lead editorial complaining that Team Trump is shrinking the regulatory state at an “unprecedented” pace.

Meanwhile, last week the stock market raced to new all-time highs; we had another blockbuster jobs report with another fall in the unemployment rate; and housing sales soared to their highest level in a decade.

Are the editors at Time and the Times so ideologically blinded that they are incapable of connecting the dots?

The U.S. economic revival of 3 percent growth has already defied the predictions of almost every Donald Trump critic.

I vividly remember debating Hillary Clinton’s economic gurus during the campaign: They accused Trump and advisers such as myself of “lying” when we said that pro-growth policies would speed up economic growth to 3 to 4 percent.

Jason Furman, who chaired the Council of Economic Advisers under President Barack Obama, told reporters earlier this year that the chances of reaching 3 percent growth over a decade were about 1 in 25—which is what many political experts said was Trump’s chance of winning the election.

Another Obama economist, Alan Krueger, called the 3 percent growth forecast “extremely rosy.”

Larry Summers, a top economic adviser to Obama, questioned the “standards of integrity” of the Trump economic team’s forecast for 3 percent (or more) growth. “I do not see how any examination of U.S. history could possibly support the Trump forecast as a reasonable expectation,” he wrote in The Washington Post.

Congress weighed in, too. “This budget relies on absurd economic projections and pretend revenues that no credible economist would validate,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., announced at a House budget hearing.

The sharp-penned Paul Krugman of The New York Times declared Trump’s growth forecast an act of “economic arrogance.” He said the productivity improvement necessary for faster growth was as likely as “driverless flying cars” arriving “en masse.”

Admittedly, we shouldn’t read too much into six months of very good economic data (with 3 percent growth) or the booming stock market. These trends can always reverse course quickly. Trump’s more restrictive policies on trade and immigration could harm growth potential.

But so far the Trump haters have missed the call on the economy’s trajectory. Doubly ironic is that the same Obama-era economists who are trashing Trump’s increasingly realistic forecast of 3 percent growth are the ones who predicted 4 percent growth from the Obama budgets.

Obama never came anywhere near 4 percent growth, and at the end of his second term, the economy grew at a pitiful 1.6 percent.

Under Obama, free enterprise and pro-business policies were thrown out the window. What was delivered was the weakest recovery from a recession since...

Drain The Swamp...

Is Justice Ginsburg Leaking Fake News About Justice Gorsuch To NPR?

In recent weeks, a steady stream of gossip has appeared throughout the world of legal news about supposed conflicts at the Supreme Court between the justices. Curiously, the leaks have been fed to Nina Totenberg, NPR‘s legal affairs correspondent, who happens to be close personal friends with liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

In every case, Totenberg has presented anonymously sourced – but supposedly legitimate – claims about feuds involving Justice Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s nominee, and one of President Obama’s nominees, Justice Elena Kagan. Specifically, Totenberg has alleged that Justice Kagan has embarrassed Justice Gorsuch in conference in duels of wit over the law.

Justice Clarence Thomas denied this fake news about Gorsuch to his former clerk and Fox News host Laura Ingraham earlier this week, definitively stating that Totenberg’s allegations are false:
See Video HERE
Perhaps most critically, they are damning evidence of a serious problem: leaks at the Supreme Court.

Totenberg, despite lacking a law degree, has a close professional and personal relationship to Justice Ginsburg. It is possible that the comments dripping out of the conference are courtesy of the embittered Ginsburg, a Clinton appointee.

According to a 2015 article in the Washingtonian titled “Supreme Court Justices Officiate A Lot Of Weddings,” Justice Ginsburg officiated Totenberg’s wedding in 2000. The article describes Totenberg as...

Hey Hillary, Bergdahl Has The Goods On You...

After Exposing The Clinton's, Donna Brazile Just Committed Suicide Tomorrow...

President Trump is NOT Pandering to the United Nations

The United Nations is hosting its latest “climate change” meeting in Bonn, Germany, November 6-17. This 23rd Conference of the Parties of the UN Climate Change treaty is different than others I’ve attended since 1997 in Kyoto, Japan. The difference is that America’s President Trump is leading, rather than pandering and acquiescing to radical environmentalists as I’ve watched Presidents Clinton, Bush and especially Obama do.

President Trump’s leadership began as a campaign promise to remove the U.S. from the Paris Agreement, a promise he kept when he announced last June 1st that while the U.S. will remain in the Agreement’s negotiations for the time being, he plans to withdraw altogether after four years, in 2020.

The 2015 Paris Agreement was largely negotiated by then Secretary of State John Kerry and constituted Obama’s “Clean Power Plan,” a radical environmental scheme that was to be imposed on Americans by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Mr. Trump was elected on the second day of last year’s meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, which caused great angst among delegations that fully expected Hillary Clinton to be elected. If she had been, she was expected to continue and even surpass Obama’s radicalism. In Marrakech, Secretary John Kerry spun Trump’s victory as if one election could not stop the progress that he had worked for so passionately since 1992. The plan’s lack of scientific basis and its plot to rob Americans of...

As Communism Turns 100, a Brief Look at the Death and Destruction It Has Wrought

President Franklin D. Roosevelt called Dec. 7, 1941, “a day that will live in infamy,” and with good reason.

The date that Tojo’s Japan launched a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor heralded America’s entrance into the bloody fighting of World War II.

But there are other dates that live in infamy, and many of them aren’t nearly as well known. But they deserve to be. Take Nov. 7, 1917.

Anything come to mind? One hundred years ago this month, Bolsheviks under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin overthrew the Russian government and established a communist dictatorship. “The world has never been the same since,” writes foreign policy expert Kim Holmes in a recent article for the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

How many perished in the wake of this “revolution”? It depends on which historian you ask. According to Richard Pipes, it was 9 million. Robert Conquest says at least 20 million, and likely as many as 30 million, died in the “Great Terror.”

If you include “unnatural deaths,” the number who died could be as high as 50 million. For perspective, consider that more than 60 million died in World War II—roughly 3 percent of the world’s population at the time.

In short, when looked at in terms of human carnage—of lives lost—the Russian Revolution was essentially another world war. So why isn’t Nov. 7, 1917, as notorious as Dec. 7, 1941?

This discrepancy becomes even more blatant when one considers the wider cost of communism. The Russian experience, after all, inspired other “revolutions,” and its record of mass genocide “is exceeded only by another communist dictatorship, Maoist China, which destroyed between 44.5 to 72 million lives (according to Stephane Courtois). And let’s not forget the ‘killing fields’ of Cambodia in the 1970s.”

Why isn’t this history better known?

“[Soviet leader Josef] Stalin kept most media out, so few Americans knew that millions were starving,” writes John Stossel in a recent column. And he had help. “Even as the Russian regime killed millions, some journalists and intellectuals covered up the crimes.”

But it isn’t just the loss of life that stains the history of communism. Its legacy is also one of grinding poverty.

Most of the 88 countries that score “repressed” or “mostly unfree” on The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom are either communist, former communist, or...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #70

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Minute Physics is wrong

Girls With Guns

Top Reasons For Low Protest Turnout On November 4th...

True Disappointment..

Will Anything Happen November 4th?

If Hillary Funded The DNC After Getting Paid From Russia... Does That Mean Russia Funded The DNC??

Today it’s the Air Force Academy admitting it got taken by a racist graffiti hoax

It seems like just yesterday I was telling you about yet another hate-crime hoax. Because it was yesterday.

So is it overkill to do this day after day? For now I’m going to say no, because the fact that we keep finding out about these hoaxes day after day shows just how determined some people are to manufacture a false and hysterical racism-is-everywhere narrative. And today’s hoax revelation comes from no less an institution than the Air Force Academy. When the incident happened, academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria received nationwide attention and praise for his eloquent speech denouncing this horribly widespread epidemic of racist expression.

And eloquent it was. But we now find out there is one big honking problem with the whole thing. There was no white supremacist racist jerk spray painting the car of a black academy student. The alleged victim, as it seems is always the case, faked the whole thing:

But on Tuesday, the school made a jolting announcement. The person responsible for the racist messages, the academy said, was, in fact, one of the cadet candidates who reported being targeted by them.

“The individual admitted responsibility and this was validated by the investigation,” academy spokesman Lt. Col. Allen Herritage said in a statement to the Associated Press, adding: “Racism has no place at the academy, in any shape or form.”

The cadet candidate accused of crafting the messages was not identified, but the Colorado Springs Gazette reported that the individual is no longer enrolled at the school. Sources also told the Gazette the cadet candidate “committed the act in a bizarre bid to get out of trouble he faced at the school for other misconduct,” the newspaper reported.

The announcement thrust the Air Force Academy Preparatory School onto a growing list of recent “hate crime hoaxes” - instances in which acts of racism or anti-Semitism were later found to be committed by someone in the targeted minority group.

The story doesn’t say exactly why the faker is no longer enrolled at the school, although it seems to suggest that he was already in trouble and the hoax may have been...

After Exposing The Clinton's, Donna Brazile Just Committed Suicide Tomorrow...

Nordic Proverb: A Cleaved Head No Longer Plots..

I Love Cleavage...

A Turkish Proverb Describes Establishment Republicans..

Trump White House Recognizes 100 Years of Victims of Communism

The White House issued a statement Tuesday commemorating the National Day for the Victims of Communism, on the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution that led to decades of a murderous totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union.

The statement came the same day that President Donald Trump visited South Korea, which is facing a nuclear threat from its communist neighbor North Korea.

The statement says “oppressive communism” is “incompatible with liberty, prosperity, and the dignity of human life.” The statement continues:
Over the past century, communist totalitarian regimes around the world have killed more than 100 million people and subjected countless more to exploitation, violence, and untold devastation. These movements, under the false pretense of liberation, systematically robbed innocent people of their God-given rights of free worship, freedom of association, and countless other rights we hold sacrosanct. Citizens yearning for freedom were subjugated by the state through the use of coercion, violence, and fear. … Today, we remember those who have died and all who continue to suffer under communism.
Recognizing the current victims of communism was an important step, said Marion Smith, executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.

“What’s particularly important about the [White House] statement is that it mentions all who die and continue to suffer under communism,” Smith told The Daily Signal.

“Typically the last few presidents have shied away from acknowledging North Korea, China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam are communist,” Smith continued. “That’s something we haven’t really heard since President [Ronald] Reagan in connecting the ideas of communism with the consequences.”

Smith noted that President George W. Bush was the last president to recognize the victims of communism, as he was the honorary chairman of the memorial in 2007.

Communism once consumed much of Europe, but now only exists in five countries. That’s largely because the system was such a failure, said Lee Edwards, a distinguished fellow at The Heritage Foundation.

“It’s important to have an acknowledgement from...

With All The Rape And Pedophilia In Hollywood...

Dear Hollywood - STFU


ZEBULON, NC (WNCN) – A Zebulon man is facing multiple child sex charges that date back to 2011 and involve a 9-year-old girl, according to an arrest warrant.

Mario Martinez-Angel, 27, of the 7600 block of Golden Brook Street, is charged with one count of felony sexual offense with a child and one count of felony indecent liberties with child.

The crimes are said to have occurred from Jan. 1, 2011 through March 31, 2011, when Martinez-Angel was 20 and the victim was 9.

The suspect had an immigration detainer issued after his arrest. According to the detainer, it’s likely that Martinez-Angel is not in the United States legally and “is removable under...

A Jihad Grows in Florida

“The racist president who is a supremacist — white, who does not like Blacks, does not like the Chinese, he does not like the Muslims, he doesn’t like the Hispanics,” Vicente Adolfo Solano declared in Spanish, standing in front an ISIS flag. “In the name of Allah and our leader, Abu, we are going to defeat you.”

Solano, a 53-year-old Honduran living in Miami, seemed like an unlikely candidate to join ISIS.
“I am going to plant a bomb like in Boston, in the name of Allah”

But there he is on video lashing out at President Trump. Solano was resentful over his “temporary immigration status”. Hondurans living in the United States had been automatically converted to “refugees” after Hurricane Mitch in 1999. Temporary Protected Status for the eighteen year hurricane refugees expires in Jan 2018. And President Trump appears unwilling to extend it any further.

Even if Solano was here under TPS, he should still have been deported due to his criminal record. But instead he remained here, and was so furious at the country that had taken him in that he joined ISIS.

Solano was caught with an inert pressure cooker bomb at the Dolphin Mall. His goal was to set off the bomb in the crowded food court to kill as many Americans as he could. Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the start of the Christmas shopping season, was to be a day of unforgettable horror.

“I am going to plant a bomb like in Boston, in the name of Allah,” he had declared. “Like in Boston, like Suarez wanted to do in the Keys, that’s how they’re going to get it, and even worse.”

Bombing the Dolphin Mall

The Boston Marathon bombing is familiar to most Americans. Harlem Suarez is more obscure. But it’s not hard to see why Solano would have identified with the Latino Islamic terror convert.

Suarez had been sentenced to life in prison this year for a plot to detonate a backpack bomb on a Key West beach in Florida. “Kill our enemies and convert to Islam now in USA,” Suarez had urged.

“We will destroy America and divide it in two. We will raise our black flag on top of your White House,” he had boasted in a video.

The judge who sentenced Suarez had dismissed him as a clown. His family and the media had suggested that this was yet another case of the FBI entrapping a “naïve” young Muslim. And that wasn’t hard to do considering the emergence of some of his attempted ISIS recordings which began with, “In the name of Allah, the most — uh, wait, hold on. F___!” But the Solano case shows that he has become an inspiration to Latino converts to Islam. Suarez had desperately wanted to recruit other terrorists.

And he succeeded.

Bombing the Dolphin Mall had originally been Suarez’s idea. He had suggested planting bombs there to an undercover informant. Now one of his fans actually tried to follow through with the idea.

Solano and Suarez aren’t aberrations. Also this year, James Gonzalo Medina pleaded guilty to a bomb plot aimed at the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center. He will likely be sentenced in November. His lawyers and the media tried to blame a ‘brain cyst’ and assorted flavors of mental illness. But it wasn’t mental illness that caused Medina to change his name to James Muhammad.

“I feel that I’m doing it for a good cause for Allah,” he had explained.

In one of his videos, Medina/Muhammad had declared, “I am a Muslim and I don’t like what is going on in this world. I’m going to handle business here in America. Aventura, watch your back. ISIS is...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #69

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

This Week In Leftist Absurdity...

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The PAX AMERICANA, PetroDollar and Coming CRISIS in the GULF

Girls With Guns

Giving Bernie A Lesson In Socialism..

Condolences From Hillary Clinton On Donna Brazile's Impending Suicide..