90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Chinese Created Nicknames for Trump — It’s Driving Leftists Crazy

It’s easy to see how Melania Trump or President Donald Trump’s granddaughter might attract a lot of fans in China. But as it turns out they weren’t the only ones who apparently have a fan club.

Turns out the Chinese are intrigued and entranced with the Donald himself.

Chinese tend to respect the strong and he certainly projects that in abundance.

From NY Times:
They call him “Donald the Strong.” They heap praise on his family. They fawn over his rapid-fire tweets. They have even created an online fan club.
In America, President Trump faces a feisty press corps, damaging investigations into associates and sagging approval ratings.
But in China, where Mr. Trump arrived Wednesday, he has acquired a legion of admirers who hail him as a straight-talking politician and business mogul with a knack for deal-making.
“He’s true to himself,” said Dai Xiang, a resident of the eastern province of Jiangsu who belongs to an online group of more than 23,000 people that exchanges news and commentary about Mr. Trump. “He’s real, unlike other politicians.”
He’s found many fans and ardent supporters.
They refer to him as “Uncle Trump,” “Grand Commander” and “Donald the Strong.” After Mr. Trump’s visit to the Forbidden City on Wednesday with President Xi Jinping, one fan wrote on social media, “Long live Emperor Trump!”
Mr. Trump’s Chinese fans praise his irrepressible style, his skill as an entertainer and his willingness to say what he thinks. Many also like the fact that he seems less inhibited than previous American presidents about recognizing China as a superpower and as an equal on the global stage.
It’s a different approach to China, recognizing their value and achievements, while not disregarding America’s concerns and interests.
Trump has changed the tone of the conversation with China.
For many Chinese, Mr. Trump is a familiar type: the celebrity businessman. Successful, outspoken tycoons can win godlike status in China’s get-rich society, and Mr. Trump is no exception. His books, including “Trump Never Give Up,” received glowing reviews on Chinese websites. He is presented as a role model, a billionaire with his own empire of...

Local Bakery sues College over racial profiling accusations, Cultural Marxist College cuts business ties

Lawyer: Oberlin continues to “bully and financially strangle a century-old local business for refusing to succumb to the College’s demand that Gibson’s ignore student shoplifting” (from people of color).

The Oberlin students, with the support of some faculty and staff, accused the bakery of racial profiling three Oberlin students who were arrested for shoplifting. Those three students eventually pleaded guilty, and police stats showed that Gibson’s did not engage in racial profiling. Nonetheless, the turmoil has continued, and Gibson’s is suing claiming a continuing campaign to strangle its business.

Protests and Boycotts After Shoplifting Arrests

Our prior post covered the background of the dispute in great detail, Bakery targeted by Oberlin College #BlackLivesMatter fights back:

On November 9, 2016, Gibson’s employees noticed what they thought was a person shoplifting two bottles of wine hidden in his jacket. That alleged shoplifter was a black Oberlin College student. When they attempted to stop and photograph him, they were attacked by several other people accompanying the student.
The police were called. The Oberlin town police department has posted the Incident Reportonline, reflecting the arrest of the alleged shoplifter and two others involved in the scuffle. …
What could have been a simple shoplifting incident and arrest created a firestorm when Oberlin College students, including the Black Student Union, Student Senate and College Democrats, alleged racial profiling and launched a boycott of Gibson’s. Protests were launched outside the bakery….
Oberlin College Vice President and Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo provided this statement to Legal Insurrection in response to the news report that she was passing out literature accusing Gibson’s of racism:
Information and literature available at the protest was prepared by organizers, not the college. I passed along a flyer that was circulating among the crowd to a news tribune reporter who was seeking information from students about what was taking place. I did not prepare the flyer and do not have a copy of the flyer. My presence was to help ensure that a safe environment was maintained.
… The Oberlin Student Senate passed a resolution calling for a boycott of Gibson’s …. 

As noted in that post, the college issued a statement which at least implicitly endorsed the boycott:
… Regarding the incident at Gibson’s, we are deeply troubled because we have heard from students that there is...

‘A lost world below the surface’: Explorers film in world’s biggest cave with drone (VIDEO)

 A group of travelers explored one of the most spectacular yet least visited natural landmarks in the world - the Son Doong Cave located in the jungles of inland Vietnam.

The world’s biggest known cave, formed as a result of a cave in caused by a mountain river at least two million years ago, was stumbled upon by a local man in 1991. At at its widest, it measures 150 by 200 meters, stretches for over 5 kilometers, and has a volume of 38,5 million cubic meters, about twice the size of the next largest underground hollow.

Son Doong was entirely closed to visitors until 2013, and the Russian team of six spent a year arranging permits for the trip.

Their journey through the cave took four days of arduous climbs interspersed with spectacular sights, such as some of the world’s most imposing stalagmites, fast-running streams, and an underground forest.

“It’s peaceful here, you feel completely detached and free. This is what you call a reset,” said one of the travelers, Ernest Rudyak, in a video diary of the journey. “It is a sanctuary, a lost world below the surface - a unique ecosystem.”

Only about 2,000 outsiders are thought to have traveled to the remote location, and fewer than a dozen have filmed inside with a drone. Only limited tours costing several thousand dollars are made available each year, and those...

Fans Call for NFL Boycott on Veterans Day Weekend

Groups urge Americans to stand with vets over football players staging 'unpopular national anthem protests'

Two groups of National Football League fans urged viewers to boycott Sunday’s games in honor of Veterans’ Day Weekend as the nation continues to grapple with the ongoing national anthem kneeling controversy.

Boycott the NFL, a Facebook page boasting more than 254,000 followers, urged patriotic football fans to skip watching Sunday’s games “in solidarity with veterans around the country.” The conservative watchdog organization 2ndVote also took a stance on Sunday’s games, requesting that football fans “stiff-arm the NFL” and send a “message” to its officials and sponsors by doing so.We’re sending the National Football League, its corporate sponsors, and the television networks a message this Veterans Day weekend!" 2ndVote said Friday. "Americans are sick of the disrespectful National Anthem protests that the NFL has not only allowed to continue, but has institutionalized in pregame ceremonies."

"We are so grateful for the service of our veterans and active duty military and for the flag they served under. In their honor, we are going to #STANDwithVets over those who engage in the inappropriate and immensely unpopular National Anthem protests," 2ndVote continued.

Noting that the NFL "is already feeling the financial consequences" of allowing the national anthem protests to continue, 2ndVote said "we can make a HUGE statement this weekend" by...

Mitch McConnell-Led Senate Works To Stall Middle-Class Tax Cuts To Spite Trump

When the House passed a preliminary tax reform bill earlier this month the Republican Senate leadership moved quickly to slow the process. The effort has been led (again) by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The primary motivation for the delay isn’t coming from a desire for more time to further review the steps toward eventual tax reform passage but rather to muddy the waters and ultimately ensure it is as weak and ineffectual bill that will provide as little political momentum for President Trump.
That is how deep the dislike for Mr. Trump goes among some of DC’s most powerful political elite.

“He (McConnell) has no intention of seeing a potentially successful tax bill sent to the President’s desk. If something does come out of all this it will be very weak tea – nothing more.”

That is the word from a source who remains close to the ongoing tax bill deliberations.

What McConnell is doing with the tax reform debate has recent precedence – namely what became the disastrous attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare. If that repeal had been successful it would have given POTUS Trump a significant political victory. McConnell and others within the GOP worked to ensure no such victory would happen – the needs of the American people be damned. They are now drawing from the very same playbook to halt needed tax reform.

Just this week McConnell told the New York Times he couldn’t promise some Middle Class Americans wouldn’t see their taxes increase under the current proposed changes to the tax code. Those remarks set off a near-instant behind-closed-doors firestorm among Republicans outraged that Mr. McConnell would be so willing to give Democrats and the media ammunition against...

While most of America was sleeping, Donald Trump went on a wild Twitter tear for the ages

President Donald Trump hit back at Kim Jong Un by implying the North Korean dictator is “short and fat” after Kim trashed Trump as an “old lunatic.”

“Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me “old,” when I would NEVER call him “short and fat?” Trump tweeted. “Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend – and maybe someday that will happen!”

President Trump was responding to North Korean state-run media reports stating Kim had called Trump’s five-nation Asia trip “a warmonger’s trip for confrontation with our country.”

Kim continued: “Reckless remarks by an old lunatic like Trump will never scare us or stop our advance … it pushes us to speed up the effort to complete our nuclear force.”
Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!
In the same tweet storm, Trump also tore into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, mocking her unsuccessful bid to “reset” U.S.-Russia relations.

He also noted that former president Barack Obama “had zero chemistry with Putin.”
Does the Fake News Media remember when Crooked Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, was begging Russia to be our friend with the misspelled reset button? Obama tried also, but he had zero chemistry with Putin.
Trump underscored that as the only two superpowers, it’s better for the world for the United States and Russia to get along and not be mortal enemies.

The president tweeted: “When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. There always playing politics – bad for our country. I want to solve North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, terrorism, and Russia can greatly help!”
When will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. There always playing politics - bad for our country. I want to solve North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, terrorism, and Russia can greatly help!
Met with President Putin of Russia who was at  meetings. Good discussions on Syria. Hope for his help to solve, along with China the dangerous North Korea crisis. Progress being made.
Liberal media had a collective meltdown because Trump called Kim Jong Un “fat” when their anti-Trump hero, Senator John McCain, had called Kim a “crazy fat kid” in March 2017 (see video at link).

Similarly, CNN fat-shamed Kim Jong Un in 2015, when it did an entire segment on his dramatic weight gain and speculated about his health even though...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #73

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Bill Whittle: How the Critical Theory Ruined a Generation

Girls With Guns

BREAKING: Washington Post offered $1000 to women to accuse Roy Moore

Everything Hillary Touches Turns To Shit..


UNION COUNTY, NC (WSCO) – Union County deputies seized more than four ounces of heroin Wednesday afternoon near Indian Trail after two interdiction stops.

Cesar Ibanez Castaneda, 40, of Charlotte, is charged with two counts of trafficking in opium or heroin and maintaining a drug vehicle after more than 2 ½ ounces of heroin.

Israel Baez Figueroa, 25, of Monroe, and Pedro Gonzalez Viera, 19, of San Diego, Calif., are charged with two counts of trafficking in opium or heroin and maintaining a drug...

The Rapist's Wife - A True Story...

November Democrat Politician Horoscopes

Sagittarius Replenish your campaign coffers by sending out a fundraising email accusing the republican majority of taking away entitlements even though they are working on cutting taxes for the working class. Tonight, deny that Hillary used Fusion GPS to defraud the American People and helped her enrich herself with Russian Uranium One Money.

"Hey, Democrat, what's your sign? Oh. Right. Duh."
Capricorn Today you'll get the urge to express your opposition to legal immigration by accusing anyone opposing illegal immigration of racism. If someone voices skepticism, tell the story of how Julio of El Salvador's life was saved, if someone points out that he is a member of MS-13, accuse them of hating "brown" children.

Aquarius Count your blessings as a Democrat, such as unfettered love and adoration from the media, newspapers, periodicals and supporting Hollywood movies that allows you to get away with lies, murder and keeping "the constituency" poor and voting for you. Tonight: Block access to a National Monument for veterans just for fun.

Pisces Don’t take no for an answer. Give no for an answer. The 5th amendment is your and your friends friend.

Aries A good day to use children as props for any leftist project you are looking to promote, Global War...errr Climate Change is a good one. Hug the children as you sell their futures to Socialism and suck their souls from them.

Taurus Discuss how to steal err.. redistribute income from the middle class with your caucus by using class warfare to justify your zeal to destroy hope.  Tonight: keep your manicure scissors nearby in case your mistress gets her braces caught in your hair again.

Gemini Practice saying into a mirror: "I just found out about it on TeeVee" Then check on the progress of your shredding crew.

Cancer Sad thoughts may bedevil you today. Clear them out of your head by thinking of destroying capitalism. Tonight: party like it's Kim Jong Un Day.

Leo Take time to ignore the deaths that communism caused and vote against appropriating money for commemorating the victims of communism. Tonight: clean your bong without checking to see if there's a hit in the chamber because your kids wouldn't smoke your shit.

Virgo A good day to lawyer up. Not that you did anything wrong! Still, a very, very good day to lawyer up. Tonight: practice saying "I hate mid term elections, I hate mid term elections in the mirror.

Libra Accuse your opponents of playing the blame game. When they accuse you of playing the blame game by accusing them of playing the blame game, call them racists, sexists, misogynists, and homophobes until they give up on logic and walk away...

Scorpio Replenish your campaign coffers by sending out a fundraising email defending a cop killer because hey, he's a communist, we gots to stand together! Add a P.S. suggesting he should get into politics.

More 90 Miles HERE

Veterans Day: Once A Soldier, Always A Soldier.

11 Quotes On Courage.. For Veterans Day...

Today We Recognize The Sacrifices Our Veterans Have Made For Us...

Every #VeteransDay Nov. 11 at 11:11 am the sun aligns perfectly with the Anthem Veteran’s Memorial in #Arizona and shines through the ellipses of the 5 marble pillars that represent each branch of the Armed Forces, illuminating The Great Seal of the United States.

BOMBSHELL: Judge Roy Moore Accuser Worked for Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden Campaigns, Part of the ‘Resistance’

The Washington Post hatchet job, conveniently produced a month before the Alabama Senate election on December 12, wants us to believe that Christian constitutionalist Judge Roy Moore, 70, a former member of the Alabama Supreme Court who stood up to vicious leftist attacks for his fight for real marriage and the Ten Commandments, sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl when he was 32, in 1979, and that somehow — after 40 years in public service — (judges are elected in Alabama where Moore served on the Alabama Supreme Court) this “news” never before surfaced.

Now we are learning — not shockingly — that the false accusations against Judge Roy Moore are politically motivated.

Deborah Wesson Gibson, one of Roy Moore’s accusers, is a member of Progressive Politics Alabama and is someone who worked on the political campaigns of both 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former Obama regime Vice President Joe Biden, providing sign language services.

Moreover, as the leading newspaper in Alabama reports, Gibson also provides services to leading Democrats like Sen. Patrick Murphy and Bill Nelson and shared campaign fliers of Roy Moore’s Democrat opponent, Doug Jones, for the Alabama election slated for December 12.

Gibson did not respond to texts or email messages seeking a comment from AL.com about her politically-charged accusations. Other reports indicate that the accusers, Leigh Corfman and Gibson, have a history of making false allegations. Further social media posts show that Deborah Gibson was a member of the pro-Communism “Resistance” movement and was vehemently opposed to the Trump agenda, which Judge Roy Moore has vowed to support. So much so that Moore’s win, in the face of fervent establishment opposition, was called a win for the Trump agenda.

Like much of the radical left, “Resistance” member and Roy Moore accuser Deborah Wesson Gibson referred to President Trump as “Hitler” and...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #72

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, November 10, 2017

The Female Viking Temper-Tantrum that CHANGED HISTORY

Girls With Guns

A Tax Cut Means Higher Family Income And ....

The Goals Of Kennedy Vs. The Goals Of Obama...

The Mosque Around The Corner Is Preparing For Gay Pride Week...