90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Interesting Facts: The Devil's Advocate Was Created By The Vatican..

More Interesting Facts, Amazing Facts And Just Plain Crazy Facts:

Useful Facts - Chew Aspirin For A Heart Attack....

The Time Traveling Twins

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...

Amazing Facts - The Dog Who Could Hear Enemy Aircraft...

Amazing Facts: Mosquitoes Are The Only Creature Responsible For More Human Deaths Than Humans Themselves...

Interesting Facts - Dead Shark Carcass...

Interesting Facts: Double Your Money?

Interesting Facts - Grand Central Station Is A Radiation Hazard!

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...

Another Democrat Congressman Arranged A Super Secret “Severance Package” For Staffer Over Misconduct Claims

Rep. Raul M. Grijalva quietly arranged a “severance package” in 2015 for one of his top staffers who threatened a lawsuit claiming the Arizona Democrat was frequently drunk and created a hostile workplace environment, revealing yet another way that lawmakers can use taxpayer dollars to hide their misbehavior on Capitol Hill.

While the Office of Compliance has been the focus of outrage on Capitol Hill for hush-money payouts in sexual harassment cases, the Grijalva payout points to another office that lawmakers can use to sweep accusations under the rug with taxpayer-funded settlements negotiated by the House Employment Counsel, which acts as the attorney for all House offices.

The employment counsel negotiated a deal for taxpayers to give $48,395 — five additional months’ salary — to the female aide, who left her job after three months. She didn’t pursue the hostile workplace complaint further.

The arrangement appears to run contrary to House rules that constrain severance packages, and it caught the eye of watchdogs who were already demanding answers about payouts in the wake of harassment complaints.

“It seems like all of these House bodies are designed to help cover for members of Congress,” said Melanie Sloan, an ethics lawyer in Washington. “A large part of the problem is that each member of Congress can treat their staff as their own fiefdom and also know that ...

These Are The Two Cases In Which You Have Too Much Ammo:


Homeland Security Starts At Home...

There Are No Other Rights, If You Can't Defend Them...

'Blowback': Clinton campaign planned to fire me over email probe, Obama intel watchdog says

A government watchdog who played a central role in the Hillary Clinton email investigation during the Obama administration told Fox News that he, his family and his staffers faced an intense backlash at the time from Clinton allies – and that the campaign even put out word that it planned to fire him if the Democratic presidential nominee won the 2016 election.

“There was personal blowback. Personal blowback to me, to my family, to my office,” former Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough III said.

The Obama appointee discussed his role in the Clinton email probe for the first time on television, during an exclusive interview with Fox News. McCullough – who came to the inspector general position with more than two decades of experience at the FBI, Treasury and intelligence community – shed light on how quickly the probe was politicized and his office was marginalized by Democrats.

In January 2016, after McCullough told the Republican leadership on the Senate intelligence and foreign affairs committees that emails beyond the “Top Secret” level passed through the former secretary of state's unsecured personal server, the backlash intensified.

But the former inspector general, with responsibility for the 17 intelligence agencies, said the executive who recommended him to the Obama administration for the job – then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper – was also disturbed by the independent Clinton email findings.

“[Clapper] said, ‘This is extremely reckless.’ And he mentioned something about -- the campaign … will have heartburn about that,” McCullough said.

He said Clapper's Clinton email comments came during an in-person meeting about a year before the presidential election – in late December 2015 or early 2016. “[Clapper] was as off-put as the rest of us were.”

After the Clapper meeting, McCullough said his team was marginalized. “I was told by senior officials to keep [Clapper] out of it,” he said, while acknowledging he tried to keep his boss in the loop.

As one of the few people who viewed the 22 top secret Clinton emails deemed too classified to release under any circumstances, the former IG said, “There was a very good reason to withhold those emails ... there would have been harm to national security.” McCullough went further, telling Fox News that “sources and methods, lives and operations” could be put at risk.

Some of those email exchanges contained Special Access Program (SAP) information characterized by intel experts as “above top secret.” ...

Trump Is Right To Appoint A New CFPB Head. And Democrats Are Liars To Say He Can't.

On Monday, a Constitutional conflict broke loose in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau when Leanne English, supposed acting director of the agency, claimed that she had the authority to run CFPB despite the Trump administration’s appointment of Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney to run the agency. The short story is simple: English has no such authority. But she’s an acolyte of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), the political Left uses the CFPB as a cash machine, and they have no intention of giving up control of the agency without a fight.

Ronald Rubin, an enforcement attorney at the CFPB, has an article at National Review explaining the development of the CFPB into a Democratic goody-bag:

From 2014 to 2017, the bureau paid $11 million a year to rent office space in an Obama fundraiser’s building. The Dodd-Frank Act allowed the CFPB to send the civil money penalties collected in its enforcement actions to a trustee of its choice, who, after taking a healthy cut, distributed the funds to ostensible victims in unrelated matters. The maneuver both enriched Democratic trustees and transformed fines extracted from defenseless businesses based on their deep pockets rather than actual consumer harm into “over $12 billion in damages returned to 29 million injured consumers.” To spread such propaganda, the bureau paid over $43 million to GMMB, the liberal advocacy group that created ads for the Obama and Hillary Clinton presidential campaigns.

Cordray was on the chopping block from the Trump administration, but he resigned in order to avoid the axe. He then appointed his deputy, English, his successor. His goal? According to Rubin, a cover-up:

Cordray feared that Mulvaney would discover evidence the CFPB has been hiding for years, including the bureau’s failure to investigate the Wells Fargo fraud; data manipulation in its failed attempt to regulate car dealers by guessing buyers’ races and alleging discriminatory lending; inspector-general admonishments to stop obstructing congressional oversight; and some particularly explosive sexual-harassment claims against CFPB senior managers.

This led to a supposed legal conflict: under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Trump could appoint the acting director, but under Dodd-Frank, the deputy director becomes acting director in cases of “absence or unavailability.” That’s not really a conflict: absence and unavailability generally do not include resignation. And if they did, that would pose a serious separation of powers issue, since the new acting director wouldn’t be approved by the Senate or appointed by the president. But Cordray appointed English anyway, and English is now pretending that she runs the place.

This is partisan political hackery, not law. Cordray has no legal authority to appoint English, and English has no legal authority to take the job. Any court that rules otherwise is acting in similarly partisan fashion. This isn’t a Constitutional crisis. It’s just a venal bureaucrat trying to...

Former Berkeley College Republican President sues violent Antifa activist for $100K

  • The former president of the Berkeley College Republicans has sued known Antifa activist Yvette Felarca after a “frivolous” restraining she had filed against him was dropped.
  • Troy Worden's lawsuit alleges that Felarca's restraining orders were solely intended to "make free speech expensive" and prevent Worden from exercising his First Amendment rights.

The former president of the Berkeley College Republicans has sued known Antifa activist Yvette Felarca after a “frivolous” restraining she had filed against him was dropped.

“Felarca’s frivolous legal actions were meant to intimidate me and hinder my political activism, but also prevented me from going to class on occasion. I can now go on with my main purpose at UC Berkeley, which is to get an education and exercise my free speech rights without interference,” Troy Worden told Campus Reform after both a temporary and permanent restraining order were dismissed.

Now, Worden and his attorney, Mark Meuser, have announced in a press release that they will be seeking more than $100,000 in damages from Felarca, noting that the restraining orders were an attempt to restrict Worden’s First Amendment rights.

“Felarca filed a frivolous restraining order that restricted Worden’s First and Second Amendment rights, and made it difficult for him to move around the campus to attend classes,” the press release contends, with Meuser suggesting that “Felarca and her attorney attempted to make free speech expensive and it is time that they pay for their misuse of the court system.”

“I am glad that we are no longer playing defense and that we are finally going after...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #89

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

END of the Crypto-German EMPIRE & Old WORLD ORDER

Monday, November 27, 2017

Berkeley Students React to US Flag

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Two Scoops Of Winning Please!

Acceptable Number Of Ice Cream Scoops According To Leftist Narrative Drones..

World War II: Battle of Britain - Children in an English bomb shelter

More Amazing Photos:

The New Poster Child For Ungrateful, Ignorant Leftists..

Food For Thought..

Colin Kaepernick donated $25,000 to group named after convicted cop killer and former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur who broke out of jail and fled to Cuba

Court Documents: Roy Moore Accuser Has ‘Violent Nature,’ History of Criminal Fraud Against Own Family

Birmingham, ALABAMA — Court documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman who claims that Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore groped her in his office decades ago, may raise questions about Johnson’s motives in making the accusation.

The documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, show that Moore represented Johnson’s mother in a nasty custody case for Johnson’s then 12-year-old son, Daniel Sitz. In the case, Johnson was repeatedly painted by Moore’s client as an unfit, absent, and unstable mother and was accused of taking her son from his elementary school against his will. Johnson’s mother was ultimately awarded custody in the case.

One affidavit signed by Johnson’s mother while she was represented by Moore accused Johnson of having a “violent nature” and noted that she “has been treated by a psychiatrist when she was approximately 15 years of age.” Johnson was a teenage mother.

Separate criminal documents show that, as late as 2010, Johnson was arrested and pled guilty to felony fraud charges related to...

Is Our Government Corrupt?

New lawsuit shows Charlie Rose is tip of the iceberg for CBS: Boss says you need to have sex to fit in …

Recent revelations involving a longtime CBS employee could show a culture of harassment and inappropriate behavior at the network that may extend far wider than now-departed host Charlie Rose.

Erin Gee, a 44-year-old former producer who worked for CBS for 17 years, has filed a federal suit in a Manhattan court that includes serious allegations of sex discrimination, according to the New York Post.

She was allegedly told by her boss that, in order to get anywhere in the network hierarchy, she would need to sleep with coworkers.

“I was in a state of shock,” said Gee as she described a 2011 incident involving a conversation with her then “CBS Evening News” boss, Robert Klug, about a dispute with a co-worker.

Klug allegedly told Gee that “she should ‘have sex’ with [the] video editor who had been difficult to work with to ‘break the ice,’” court papers show.

“I couldn’t believe that was his advice,” Gee told the Post. “I was looking for help, and he looked at me like, ‘You don’t matter, and this is what you should do to make this guy like you.’”

Although Gee did report the incident to a senior producer, Gee’s lawyer, Kevin Mintzer, said “nothing was done.”

After being promoted to CBS News executive director, Klug allegedly asked Gee’s male boss “whether he had had sex with her [Gee] or the other women under his supervision.”

Gee claims the boss “told me that story because he was very upset.”

A formal complaint filed in 2015 was eventually dismissed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in March due to an inability “to conclude that the information obtained establishes a violation of...

Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out,’ Retired NASA Physicist Says

HOUSTON—Unvalidated climate models that don’t correspond with physical data and the requirements of the scientific method contribute to unfounded climate alarmism, a retired NASA physicist said at the Heartland Institute’s recent America First Energy Conference.

Since America’s national security depends in part on energy security, unsubstantiated claims about global warming that prevent policymakers from making “rational decisions” with regard to the development of U.S. energy resources have become a national security threat, said Hal Doiron, a 16-year NASA veteran.

The “propaganda” underpinning climate alarmism is “causing tremendous political bottlenecks” that prevent government officials from “doing the right thing” on energy, he said.

Doiron, who helped develop the Apollo Lunar Module’s landing dynamics software during NASA’s moon missions, also expressed concern that the U.S. military has been directly affected by climate alarmist claims separated from sound science.

He criticized the Navy for “preparing for something that is unreasonable and would cost too much money” in the form of “extreme sea-level rise,” which has not been borne out by rigorous scientific study.

Doiron defines unvalidated climate models as those that do not agree with physical data. Public policy and military planning should be based only on models validated by physical data, he said.

“At NASA, we have a policy: You can’t make a design decision on a spacecraft or rocket that is not validated,” he said. “You don’t make critical decisions based on ‘garbage in, garbage out.’ Yet our government has been doing that with respect to climate alarm, because too many academics in universities are...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #88

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Everyone Should Stand for the National Anthem

Girls With Guns

‘Sexbots are coming’: Scientists say ‘digisexuals’ inevitable as more people bond with robots

Academics are arguing that many people will soon be identifying as “digisexuals” and taking their sexual identity from having sex with robots.

While sex robots are currently quite primitive, a new report published in the Journal of Sexual and Relationship Therapy argues that before long they will be able to look, speak and act like real people - and will be specifically designed to fulfill a person’s desires.

The report’s authors, Neil McArthur and Markie L. C. Twist, from the University of Manitoba, Canada, argue that we need to be ready to deal with the phenomenon when it comes to fruition.

“There is no question, then, that sexbots are coming,” McArthur and Twist say. “Our view is that they will represent a different sort of sexual experience from what existing technologies offer. First of all, people will form an intense connection with their robot companions.”

“These robots will be tailor-made to meet people's desires, and will do things that human partners cannot or will not do. For this reason, significant numbers of people will likely come to use robots as their primary mode of sexual experience.”

The pair, who also co-authored the book “Robot Sex: A Book for the Enlightened Sapiosexual,” argue that the rise of digisexuality will bring benefits, including potentially saving human relationships.

They also say that digisexuality will have a positive impact, particularly for people who experienced sexual trauma in the past or for those who have difficulty forming human relationships.

However they warn that it will also bring a slew of difficulties and argue that doctors must be prepared to deal with digisexuality and have a framework for how to approach it.

Noel Sharkey of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics (FRR) recently argued against sex robots being used by the elderly in care homes.

“They are being proposed for the elderly in care homes, which I think is controversial. If you have severe Alzheimer’s you can’t really tell the difference. We need to think about as a society what we want to...

Report Hillary Clinton Needs to Be Worried About Informant’s Testimony Tuesday

William Campbell, the FBI informant who will testify on Tuesday, will be able to show that the Uranium One scandal went far beyond the sale of the U.S. mine and its assets. The Russian conspiracy is part of a larger plot.

If it were not for Sen. Chuck Grassley and Campbell’s attorney Victoria Toensing, this information would have remained secret. The gag order would have put Mr. Campbell is jail had he revealed the information he collected.

There are documents, video recordings and more to show the Obama administration and the FBI were very well aware of the depth of the Russian conspiracy to control the uranium market, even in the United States. The former president wanted a reset with Russia at all costs.

Circa news reporter Sarah Carter was asked if Hillary Clinton should be worried about what we learn Tuesday and her one word answer was, “Yes.”

In June 2010 Bill Clinton Met with Putin – In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released

In June 2010 Bill Clinton Met with Russia leader Vladimir Putin – In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges and Given Back to Russia. Putin Praised the Russian Spies as Heroes.

It has been widely reported that Bill Clinton flew to Russia in 2010 and was paid $500,000 for giving one single speech. It is also well know that during his trip to Russia, the former President petitioned the State Department to allow him to meet with a key member of the Russia state owned uranium company Rosatom.

The Hill reported in October:

As he prepared to collect a $500,000 payday in Moscow in 2010, Bill Clinton sought clearance from the State Department to meet with a key board director of the Russian nuclear energy firm Rosatom — which at the time needed the Obama administration’s approval for a controversial uranium deal, government records show.

Arkady Dvorkovich, a top aide to then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and one of the highest-ranking government officials to serve on Rosatom’s board of supervisors, was listed on a May 14, 2010, email as one of 15 Russians the former president wanted to meet during a late June 2010 trip, the documents show.

The Hill continued in noting that:

Bill Clinton instead got together with Vladimir Putin at the Russian leader’s private homestead.

A short time later the Obama’s Administration approved the sale of 20 percent of US uranium to Russia. The Clinton foundation walked away with millions and the US lost one-fifth of its...

Here’s Why ISIS Murdered 305 Fellow Muslims in Egypt

On Saturday, the death toll of the deadliest terror attack in Egypt’s history rose to 305, while the country’s army started a new large-scale offensive against the local Islamic State group branch Wilayat Sinai.

The day before, a group of heavily armed terrorists waving the black Islamic State group’s flag arrived at a mosque packed with worshipers in Bir al-Abed, which is west of El Arish in the northern part of the Sinai desert, and started shooting in all directions. Though no group has officially claimed responsibility for the attack, many observers believe the terrorists were affiliated with Wilayat Sinai.

Thereafter, the terrorists detonated a bomb and continued shooting at survivors who wanted to escape the carnage.

The Times of Israel reported the jihadists arrived in “five all-terrain vehicles and positioned themselves at the main door and the facility’s 12 windows before opening fire.”

At least 27 children were among those killed, while another 128 people were wounded in the massacre, according to local media.

“They also shot at the ambulances,” an eyewitness told Jerusalem Online.

Other eyewitnesses said children screamed in terror as the barbaric terrorists shouted “Allahu akbar” during the deadly shooting spree.

The terrorists later began systematically liquidating people who were wounded in the attack, the eyewitnesses told The Associated Press.

“Everyone lay down on the floor and kept their heads down. If you raised your head you get shot,” Mansour, a Sufi Muslim who attended the prayer services in the al-Rawdah mosque, told the AP.

“The shooting was random and hysterical at the beginning, and then became more deliberate: whoever they weren’t sure was dead or still breathing was shot dead,” he added.

The attackers prevented Egyptian security forces from reaching the mosque by...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #87

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Stench from the Bench: A Rant