90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, January 11, 2018

‘Sneaky Dianne Feinstein’ Says She Was ‘Pressured’ to Release Fusion GPS Testimony — but Doesn’t Say by Who

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) apologized to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) for releasing Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony without giving the Iowa senator advance notice.

Sen. Feinstein told reporters on Wednesday, “I meant to tell him, and I didn’t have a chance to tell him, and that concerns me. I just got pressured, and I didn’t do it.”

FEINSTEIN says she’s sorry to Grassley for not giving him a headsup about the release of the Fusion GPS transcript. “I meant to tell him, and I didn’t have a chance to tell him, and that concerns me,” she told us. “I just got pressured, and I didn’t do it.”

The California Democrat rebuked Trump’s tweet suggesting that she broke the law by releasing Simpson’s testimony.

“I didn’t do anything illegal. … That transcript has become so abused that time has come for people to take a look at it,” Feinstein added.

Sen. Feinstein released Simpson’s testimony on Tuesday despite Grassley’s opposition. Simpson requested that the testimony be released in a New York Times op-ed.

Simpson’s lawyer Josh Levy argued that publication of the Trump dossier has led to someone’s death.

“It’s a voluntary interview, and in addition to that he wants to be very careful to protect his sources. Somebody’s already been killed as a result of the publication of this dossier and no harm should come to anybody related to this honest work,” Leavy revealed.

Feinstein said in a statement, “The American people deserve the opportunity to see what he said and judge for themselves. The innuendo and misinformation circulating about the transcript are part of a deeply troubling effort to undermine the investigation into potential collusion and obstruction of justice.”

President Donald Trump shot back at Sen. Feinstein, labeling her, “Sneaky Dianne Feinstein.”

President Trump tweeted on Wednesday, “The fact that Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, who has on numerous occasions stated that collusion between Trump/Russia has not been found, would release testimony in such an underhanded and possibly illegal way, totally without authorization, is a disgrace. Must have tough Primary!”

The president added, “The single greatest Witch Hunt in American history continues. There was no collusion, everybody including the Dems knows there was no collusion, & yet on and on it goes. Russia & the world is laughing at...

Non-Citizens Committed a Disproportionate Share of Federal Crimes, 2011-16

21% of those convicted of non-immigration crimes were non-citizens — 2.5 times their share of the population

Many immigration advocates argue that immigrants have much lower crime rates than natives (see this op-edand this paper). As my colleague Jessica Vaughan and I pointed in a paper some years ago, however, the picture is far from clear. While there are other issues, the biggest problem with studying immigrant crime is that states and localities do not systematically track the country of birth, citizenship, or legal status of those they arrest, convict, or incarcerate. But the federal government does track the citizenship of those it convicts. New data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission shows that of those convicted of federal crimes between 2011 and 2016, 44.2 percent were not U.S. citizens — 21.4 percent if immigration crimes are excluded. In comparison, non-citizens are 8.4 percent of the adult population. Of this 8.4 percent, about 4 percent are illegal immigrants and about 4 percent are legal immigrants.

The commission's data does not distinguish legal status among non-citizens. It is almost certain that a majority of the non-citizens convicted of federal crimes are illegal immigrants. But we cannot say for sure because that information is not provided. What we can say, at least at the federal level, is that non-citizens are more likely to commit crimes than non-citizens.

A Very Important Caveat about These Numbers. Those convicted at the federal level are not necessarily representative of all criminal convictions in the United States. Most law enforcement occurs at the state and local level and it is not reasonable to simply extrapolate about immigrant criminality generally from the federal data. Nonetheless, federal law enforcement is still enormous, with 312,000 people (67,000 non-citizens) sentenced in the federal courts between 2011 and 2016, excluding immigration violations. And in the federal system, where we do have good data, non-citizens account for a disproportionate share of those who are sentenced for many different types of non-immigration crimes.

One Additional Caveat. Because it is easier to make an immigration case, federal prosecutors sometimes charge illegal immigrants only with immigration violations, even when they have committed serious non-immigration crimes. Once convicted, an immigrant will still normally serve some time and then be deported, which is often seen by prosecutors as good enough. This, of course, does not happen with citizens. But because of this, conviction data for non-immigration crimes will tend to understate the level of criminal activity among non-citizens.

Among the findings of the new data:

Areas where non-citizens account for a much larger share of convictions than their 8.4 percent share of the adult population include:
  • 42.4 percent of kidnapping convictions;
  • 31.5 percent of drug convictions;
  • 22.9 percent of money laundering convictions;
  • 13.4 percent of administration of justice offenses (e.g. witness tampering, obstruction, and contempt);
  • 17.8 percent of economic crimes (e.g. larceny, embezzlement, and fraud);
  • 13 percent of other convictions (e.g. bribery, civil rights, environmental, and prison offenses); and
  • 12.8 percent of auto thefts.

Areas where non-citizens account for a share of convictions roughly equal to their share of the adult population include:
  • 9.6 percent of assaults;
  • 8.9 percent of homicides; and
  • 7.5 percent of firearm crimes.

Areas where non-citizens account for...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #133

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

THE "FAKE NEWS" Frankenstein TURNS on CNN

Girls With Guns

Armed Woman Prevents Mass Murder!

Trump: "I'm Going To Bomb The Shit Out Of Them"

Promise Kept!

Build The Wall, Save Money!

Report: 485 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Undermine Supposed ‘Consensus’ on Climate Change

A broad survey of climate change literature for 2017 reveals that the alleged “consensus” behind the dangers of anthropogenic global warming is not nearly as settled among climate scientists as people imagine.

Author Kenneth Richard found that during the course of the year 2017, at least 485 scientific papers were published that in some way questioned the supposed consensus regarding the perils of human CO2 emissions or the efficacy of climate models to predict the future.

According to Richard’s analysis, the 485 new papers underscore the “significant limitations and uncertainties inherent in our understanding of climate and climate changes,” which in turn suggests that climate science is not nearly as settled as media reports and some policymakers would have people believe.

Richard broke the skeptical positions into four main categories, with each of the individual papers expounding at least one of these positions, and sometimes more.

The first position attributes greater weight to the role of natural mechanisms in changes to the climate system than are acknowledged by climate alarmists, while giving correspondingly less importance to the influence of increased CO2 concentrations on climatic changes. Over 100 of these papers, for instance, examine the substantial solar influence on climate and weather, such as temperature variations and precipitation patterns.

The second position questions the allegedly “unprecedented” nature of modern climate phenomena such as warming, sea levels, glacier and sea ice retreat, and hurricane and drought intensities. Thirteen of the papers suggested that these events fall within the range of natural variability, while 38 found an absence of significant anthropogenic causality in rising sea levels.

The third position casts doubt upon the efficacy and reliability of computer climate models for projecting future climate states, suggesting that such predictions are “little more than speculation” given the enormous uncertainty and margins of error in a non-linear climate system with nearly infinite variables. Twenty-eight of the articles in question examined ...


Donald Trump Just Destroyed Michael Wolff’s Anti-Trump Smear Campaign

Michael Wolff’s anti-Trump smear novel titled Fire and Fury attempted to portray the President as a disengaged moron who is not mentally fit to be POTUS. (And yet he defeated Hillary Clinton, the both the political and media establishments?) The Globalist Media delighted in the descriptions and repeated them verbatim without even a cursory attempt at fact-checking. Many of the book’s claims have already been proven false.

Today, though, Donald Trump put his own considerable powers of negotiation on full display as he allowed media cameras into the room during a lengthy bipartisan discussion on border security and immigration reform. No other President has done this in recent memory. Certainly not Barack Obama, whose public appearances were tightly scripted affairs in which his remarks were most often confined to a few paragraphs delivered to him by Valerie Jarrett’s office. The media was instructed on what questions could be asked, and those that were to be avoided. Any members of the media who did not follow the script were promptly punished. (Some even had their computers hacked into. See: Sharyl Attkisson)

It was a remarkable display of cooperative leadership that managed to be both tough and conciliatory and showed a president fully in control of the negotiation. Even some of Mr. Trump’s most consistent detractors were left with nothing more to say than...

Democrats Greatest Fear...

‘The FBI was actively planning in a systematic way’ to plant stories against Trump

A closer examination of the text messages between disgraced FBI agents Peter Strzok and his girlfriend, Lisa Page, are beginning to reveal what exactly constituted the “insurance policy” the two had planned to enact in the event of a Trump win.

On Tuesday’s edition of “The Story with Martha MacCallum,” Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan (R) explained how the text messages show that “the FBI was actively planning in a systemic way” to plant stories in the Wall Street Journal and other places to trigger an investigation that would drag on and eventually, they hoped, bring down the Trump presidency.

“I leave that up to senator Feinstein and the Judiciary Committee in the Senate.,” Jordan said in response to MacCallum’s question about Dianne Feinstein’s decision to release Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s closed-door testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee. “What I do know and what I found most interesting about what I have been able to read thus far is the fact Glenn Simpson said Christopher Steele told him the FBI had another source. How did Christopher Steele know that? Did the FBI tell him? If they did, why is the FBI telling Christopher 
Steele, the guy who was paid by Fusion who was paid by the Clinton campaign, why is the FBI telling Christopher Steele they got another source on this whole Russia investigation? I think that is interesting and something we need to get to the bottom of.”

“Yeah it goes to the larger question of whether or not there was a coordinated effort between these intelligence agencies and, perhaps, including the FBI and the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, right?,” asked MacCallum.

“Exactly,” said Jordan. “And I think when you couple what Senator Feinstein released today with the story John Solomon wrote this morning on additional text messages we have now reviewed, where they talk about planting stories. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in their text message exchange talk about planting stories with...

Nearly 1,000 Years Old, the Bayeux Tapestry is An Epic Tale and Medieval Masterpiece

The ancient Bayeux Tapestry, famous for its epic representation of medieval history, is a long, vividly embroidered cloth stretching hundreds of feet. Through exciting imagery it retells the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England, including the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The artifact is almost 1,000 years old, yet the fabric remains sturdy and the exquisite threads have retained their rich color and vibrancy. However, the origins of the renowned tapestry remain a mystery, and through strange images it seems to communicate hidden messages to the viewer.

The Making of a Medieval Masterpiece

Believed to have been commissioned in the 1070s by Bishop Odo of Bayeux, half-brother to William the Conqueror, the piece relates the Norman conquest of England from the winner’s perspective and so above all, it is viewed as a Norman account of events.

Nothing is known for certain about the tapestry’s origins. There are several theories about who commissioned the work beyond Bishop Odo, such as contemporary abbots or even Edith of Wessex, wife of Edward the Confessor and sister of Harold II. The Latin captions on the linen tapestry match pieces originating in England at the time, and the type of vegetable dyes used in the cotton embroidery are the same as others woven there.

The stitching is of highest quality, indicating it might have been the skilled Anglo-Saxons, famous across Europe for their needlework, who were behind the exquisite and....


Leaked memo reveals they are fighting to make the DREAMer nightmare permanent.

Democrats at the Left’s premier think tank have finally admitted in a leaked memo that illegal immigration is key to their party’s future electoral success.

Republicans may not be angels but they have never wielded compassion as a cudgel the way Democrats do. But this memo ought to end Democrats’ phony compassion shtick for all time. Power is the only thing that matters to them. They don’t care about America or Americans. They care only about winning. Honest observers have known this for years.

What did Democrats actually do this time to help solidify their image as the party of power over principle?

Specifically, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a sister organization of the Center for American Progress, distributed a brief to allies Monday calling the so-called DREAMers, that is, illegal aliens brought to the country at a young age, a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” the Daily Caller reports.

Democrats can’t win elections without cheating. They pushed the 1993 Motor-Voter law to make voter fraud easy to commit and difficult to prosecute. They oppose voter ID laws tooth-and-nail for the same reason. They changed immigration laws a long time ago so they could change the electorate by importing new voters.

That’s why left-wingers invented chain migration in the Sixties. It is a magic carpet that brings terrorists, public charges, and low- and no-skilled workers to the United States. Democrats rigged the game by modifying immigration law. The resultant tsunami of immigrants from authoritarian Third World countries over the past half century helped ...

Google’s New Fact-Check Feature Almost Exclusively Targets Conservative Sites

Google, the most powerful search engine in the world, is now displaying fact checks for conservative publications in its results.
No prominent liberal site receives the same treatment.

And not only is Google’s fact-checking highly partisan — perhaps reflecting the sentiments of its leaders — it is also blatantly wrong, asserting sites made “claims” they demonstrably never made.

When searching for a media outlet that leans right, like The Daily Caller (TheDC), Google gives users details on the sidebar, including what topics the site typically writes about, as well as a section titled “Reviewed Claims.”

Vox, and other left-wing outlets and blogs like Gizmodo, are not given the same fact-check treatment. When searching their names, a “Topics they write about” section appears, but there are no “Reviewed Claims.”

In fact, a review of mainstream outlets, as well as other outlets associated with liberal and conservative audiences, shows that only conservative sites feature the highly misleading, subjective analysis. Several conservative-leaning outlets like TheDC are “vetted,” while equally partisan sites like Vox, ThinkProgress, Slate, The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Salon, Vice and Mother Jones are spared.

Occupy Democrats is apparently the only popular content provider from that end of the political spectrum with a fact-checking section.

Big name publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times are even given a...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #132

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Girls With Guns

Hypocrite Oprah...

Democrat Politicians Must Keep Their Voters Poor And Angry...

While they continue to enrich themselves...

Voter ID Prevents Against Vote Fraud...

Do Jellyfish Need To Show Voter Id?

How Modern Journalism Is Made...

Mark Zuckerberg Attempts To Eat Like A Human...

Mark Zuckerberg Meets With Humans To Garner Future Votes...

Muslim migrants plotted to poison food in supermarkets..

So why did Munir Mohammed leave the lands of Islam to travel to the West?

Was it, as the elites demand we believe, because he was seeking protection as a refugee?

Or was it just for jihad and killing kuffars in their own land?

Amongst his many schemes after arriving in the UK, he investigated making poison while working at a supermarket ready-meals factory.

Munir Mohammed began buying chemicals for a homemade pressure cooker bomb
He offered himself as a “lone wolf” attacker to an IS commander communicating with him over Facebook
He investigated making poison while working at a supermarket ready-meals factory
Rowaida El-Hassan provided him with technical guidance as a trained pharmacist

Rest assured the enemedia will explain that Mohammed, like millions of other jihadis, are merely “misunderstanding” Islam.

A couple who met online have been convicted of preparing for terrorism in a plot that could have attacked Derby or poisoned supermarket food.

Who was the man behind the plans – and why was he even in the UK in the first place?

Munir Mohammed fancied himself as a bit of a catch. He was a charmer.

He was so convinced that he was a ladies’ man, Derby’s own online Casanova, that he was aiming for four wives.
Couple guilty of terror attack plot

Even though along the way he’d abandoned the first on the migrant trail in Greece and never actually met the second.

As for the third prospective bride, British woman Rowaida El-Hassan, things didn’t work out too well there either.

She found herself in the Old Bailey dock alongside him, accused of helping Mohammed prepare a...

Hating Jane Fonda

Hanoi Jane Fonda supporting communism and shooting down American Pilots on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi during the Vietnam War in 1972.

LEAKED MEMO: DREAMers Are ‘Critical’ To Dems ‘Future Electoral Success’

The Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund circulated a memo on Monday calling illegal immigrants brought here at a young age — so-called “Dreamers” — a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

The memo, co-authored by former Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri, was sent around to allies calling on Democrats to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

President Donald Trump’s administration moved to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy in September, which former President Barack Obama instituted through executive order to keep immigrants who came here as children from being deported.

Trump called on Congress to find a legislative fix for young immigrants, or “Dreamers,” facing deportation. House lawmakers recently put forward a bipartisan DACA compromise bill that also claims to address worries over chain migration. However, it’s unclear if the bill will pass.

CAP Action’s memo says protecting DACA is not only a “moral imperative” for Democrats, it also key to getting votes.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo, obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to ...


FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA (Fox News) – A teenager who sought to avenge the death of her boyfriend and told a 15-year-old girl she would “see her in hell” before stabbing her 13 times pleaded guilty Monday to the brutal slaying that raised the spotlight on MS-13’s presence in the suburbs of the nation’s capital.

Venus Romero Iraheta, who was 17 at the time of the January 2017 murder, pleaded guilty in a Virginia courtroom as an adult in the murder of Damaris Alexandra Reyes Rivas, the Washington Post reported.

Iraheta, now 18, faces a a maximum of life in prison plus 20 years when she is sentenced on May 25.

The January 2017 killing of Reyes Rivas, which ultimately resulted in the arrest of 18 young people, highlighted the brutal nature of one of the nation’s most violent and powerful street gangs, according to the prosecution.

Reyes Rivas was taken from Maryland to a Virginia park where she was stabbed with a knife and jabbed with a stick by a large group of MS-13 members. Her body was eventually discovered after it was dumped under a highway overpass on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.

Federal prosecutors said Iraheta was the primary attacker, stabbing the 15-year-old 13 times and slicing off one of her tattoos, according to NBC Washington.

“She told the victim she would never forgive her,” FBI Agent Fernando Uribe said in courtroom testimony. “She would ‘see her in hell.’ She would never forget her name.”

Uribe testified in July that Jose Cerrato, a 17-year-old alleged gang member, filmed and narrated the killing on a cellphone with the intention of sending the footage to MS-13 leaders in...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #131

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, January 8, 2018

'She Is a Hypocrite' - Ben Shapiro Reacts To Oprah's Golden Globes Speech

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Merry Christmas!
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Women Fighting For Freedom Vs. Women Fighting For Marxist Tyranny...

Muslim Slave Trader in custody of British Navy Soldiers in the Persian Gulf. 1908.

More Great Photos Here:

Hot dog stand - Chicago 1962

They Found The Cause Of The Recent Clinton House Fire...

Fire breaks out on Hillary and Bill Clinton's property in Chappaqua ...

New Years Resolution: Put The Government On A Diet!

Graphic Depiction Of Why The Press Hates Donald Trump...

Hellzapoppin: FBI, DOJ, and Clinton Share the Hot Seat

The new year began with a bang as the long stalled congressional investigations of the top FBI and Department of Justice officials and Fusion GPS begin to see daylight and the Clinton Foundation slush fund investigation resumed, this time with greater probity than the former top officials at the FBI and DOJ permitted.

Congressman Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, and Judiciary chairman Senator Chuck Grassley (along with Judiciary member Lindsey Graham) fired the first salvos of the year.

Devin Nunes

Chairman Nunes demanded and got from the long stonewalling FBI and DOJ the FD-302s and FD-1023s relating to the unverified, unverifiable, and totally discredited Steele dossier. These forms document interrogations and interviews by agents. Nunes now has the record of what Steele was asked by the FBI and what he answered. I assume that this is the predicate for establishing that the FISA warrant permitting the spying on the Trump campaign (and subsequent unmasking) by the Obama administration was not based on legally adequate grounds to get a warrant. Possibly, as well, they will show that certain individuals deliberately misled the FISA court (FISC).

Additionally, Nunes demanded and has received assurances that his committee will get access to eight key witnesses. The witness list includes FBI agent Peter Strzok, FBI lawyer Lisa Page (who previously worked on the Russian probe), and FBI general counsel James Baker (who has been reassigned). Also on the list are FBI head of...


NOGALES, AZ (AZCENTRAL) – Border Patrol agents in southern Arizona arrested a Guatemalan man previously convicted of murder, after he crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in a rural area west of Nogales.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said agents were on patrol on Thursday afternoon near the community of Arivaca when they came across Walter Ramirez-Perez.

After determining he was in the country illegally, they ran his fingerprints in database records, the CBP said. Agents discovered that in 2005, Ramirez-Perez was convicted of criminal negligent homicide in Houston.

The 37-year-old migrant spent four years in...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #130

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Stephen Miller explodes on CNN during fiery interview with Jake Tapper

Girls With Guns