90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, April 21, 2018

The New Slave Industry

The antebellum South saw a great rise in the agriculture industry. This profitable commerce needed a labor force for working the fields, cooking and serving the meals, and for general labor. Slaves from Africa bore most of the burden, but slaves from countries like Ireland were also used. Irish slaves came to America and the West Indies as early as 1625 when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. It is estimated that approximately 100,000 Irish men, women, and children were transported to the colonies as slaves.

Not to be called racist, Britain, in the 17th and 18th centuries, was an equal opportunity exploiter of human flesh, having sold over 600,000 Irish, Scottish, and Catholics into slavery. In early America, slavery was not a race issue, it was primarily a financial one. It was not until well into the 19th century, when the fusion of race, slavery, politics, and with the beginning of the ascension of the former white slaves, that people of African origin began to be known as Negros.

Slavery in America was not unique to this continent. It was almost universal at the time and goes as far back as 3,500 B.C. It was a way to get a cheap and plentiful labor force. It is only in recent human history that slavery has become totally illegal, at least on the books.

While liberals like to castigate Americans as inventing racism and human servitude, they fail to mention that slavery in early America is not American history at all, it is English history. Before 1776, there was no United States or United States law. It was a British colony under British law. In 1772, the Emancipation Act freed slaves in England, but with no thanks to Britain, it did not include its colonies.

The United States began with the idea that slavery would soon have to end. Ben Franklin was active in the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery and became its president in 1787. It was relatively early in the history of the United States that slavery was made illegal, and enforced in blood.

Today, the aristocrats of industry, the rich Hollywood types, the technocrats of Silicon Valley, demand the same advantages as the plantation owners of the 19th century…inexpensive labor…labor to work the fields, toil in their factories, clean their mansions, cut their lawns, cook their meals, or even fill their date books. These same people that donate millions to political parties expect something in return. For many, it is an open border…a plentiful supply of inexpensive labor.

For many Republicans, labor costs have been cut to the bone, or as President Bush said, “They do what Americans won’t do.” What he means is, Americans can’t live on those wages, but illegal immigrants can and will.

Democrats also want the cheap labor, but they are smart enough to see a new voting bloc in their future should they be successful in getting amnesty passed. If you can’t convince voters, get new ones.

Since the middle class has largely left the Democrat Party, new voters are needed to fill in the gaps. Locking in voting blocs is nothing unusual for the Democrats, after all, it was LBJ that used his ‘Great Society Program’ to lock in Black votes. According to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #233

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, April 20, 2018

Girls With Guns

..To The Heroic Men And Valiant Women In The Service Of Our Country....

Awesome Image

Don't Be A Dick...

April 29th Is Don't Be A Dick Day

This Idiot Shot Himself In The Leg...

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

Cop Blocking Your Way? No Problem...

He's A Liar, And A Leaker And A Real D.C. Stinker...

The Joker..

James Comey: Leaker, Liar, Lousy....

Some People Have It Really Hard...


WEYMOUTH, MA (Fox News) – An Uber driver charged with raping a passenger earlier this month was able to walk free because officials failed to notify immigration agents about his arrest, authorities said.

Frederick Amfo, 30, an illegal immigrant from Ghana, was arrested after a female passenger said that on April 8 he forced her into the backseat of his car and raped her, police said. Hours after he was released from police custody, he fled to his native Ghana. He was supposed to surrender his passport but did not.

“A loss for words,” Emily Murray, the victim who insisted on being identified by the press, told Boston 25. “I was angry, I’m still angry. I’m confused.”

A spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement told Boston 25 that a federal immigration detainer should have been placed on Amfo. Weymouth police claimed it forwarded the detainer to Quincy District Court.

“The court chose not to forward the detainer to Norfolk County, allowing for his subsequent release on bail from custody,” the agency said in a statement. “This case highlights the potential dangers of policies that prohibit cooperation with ICE.”

The court told the Patriot Ledger that there was no record of an immigration detainer at the time of his arraignment.

A ruling last year made Massachusetts a sanctuary state – meaning illegal immigrants accused of a crime cannot be transferred to immigration officials.

Murray claims on April 8 she was trying to get home when Amfo allegedly locked the doors to his vehicle and sexually assaulted her in the...

How To Destroy Your Farm...

Meadows Sees ‘Growing Body of Evidence’ Comey Lied on Clinton Probe

Former FBI director will be called to account for claim there was no 'coordination' between him and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch to exonerate Hillary

There is a “growing body of evidence” indicating that former FBI Director James Comey lied under oath about his investigation into 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said Thursday night on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.”

Comey (above, center) led the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server for official business while serving as secretary of state. Comey testified under oath in July 2016 that he “did not coordinate” with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch (above, right) or “anyone” regarding his July 2016 statement exonerating Clinton.

Meadows (above, left), a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said the evidence suggests otherwise.

“We know because we have a number of documents, a growing body of evidence, Brian, that now would suggest that Director Comey … under sworn testimony, a number of times, has said there was no coordination between Loretta Lynch’s DOJ and — and [the] FBI investigation,” Meadows told Fox News co-host Brian Kilmeade.

“Not only was that false, but we know that over and over again now, we have emails that would suggest that....

Andrew McCabe, FBI’s Former No. 2, Faces Criminal Probe for Lying, Leaking

The Justice Department’s internal watchdog has asked for a criminal probe of the FBI’s recently ousted top deputy for leaking and lying to investigators, several media outlets report.

Michael Horowitz, inspector general at the Justice Department and an appointee of President Barack Obama, sent a criminal referral on Andrew McCabe to prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, according to news reports Thursday.

On March 16, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, acting on the recommendation of the Office of Professional Responsibility—which cited the inspector general’s findings—fired McCabe just hours before his formal retirement with eligibility for a full pension.

An earlier inspector general’s report on McCabe made a “compelling case” that he had repeatedly lied to investigators, Ron Hosko, a former assistant director of the FBI, told The Daily Signal.

However, Hosko asserted, such cases rarely rise to the level of prosecution. Lying under oath is a felony, but it is often “selectively prosecuted,” he said.

“The leak [to news reporters] itself wasn’t of classified information,” Hosko told The Daily Signal. “It’s somewhat extraordinary. But I’m not surprised considering the political vitriol directed at Andrew McCabe.”

The Justice Department, reached late Thursday, declined to comment to The Daily Signal.

McCabe, 50, joined the FBI in 1996. He had been the FBI’s deputy director since Jan. 29, 2016. Amid controversies, he either stepped down or was removed from his post to go on paid leave this past Jan. 29.

Judicial Watch, a conservative government watchdog group, first exposed in 2016 potential conflicts of interest for McCabe through documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

“The wheels of justice finally caught up with McCabe for repeatedly lying under oath to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #232

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Starbucks Giving Black People Free Coffee for "Reparations"?

Girls With Guns

Bernie Sanders Wanted To Make America Into A Venezuela..

Communism Kills.

Mad Max violence stalks Venezuela's lawless roads

Sociopaths, Communists And Fascists Immorally Use Children To Achieve Their Twisted Goals...

Why Is Disney Fighting To Stop Parents From Filtering Kids’ Media Intake?

History: James Comey Writing Motivations..

Trump rips 'slimeball' Comey: He made decisions based on the fact he thought Clinton would win

Hacked Code Of Mark Zuckerberg Drinking Algorithm...

The Zuckerberg Smiles Algorithm Still Needs Some Work...

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s Facebook Engagement Declined By 45 Percent Following Algorithm Change

The Russia Investigation Is Taking Mueller To Strange Places...

A Stripper That Trump Knew 12 Years Ago, Way Before He Ran For Office? Shame On You Robert Mueller. 

Eric Holder: ‘Yeah. I’m thinking about’ running for President

We’ve discussed the rumors before. Eric Holder, the former attorney general and ethically challenged Fast & Furious centerpiece, wants to be President. At one point, there was some buzz about his placement on the Supreme Court bench, but the Democrats thought it was a good idea to run Hillary in 2016. We all know how that ended up. Since Holder is probably not headed for the SCOTUS, he’s got his eye on the White House.

Yesterday, he confirmed that he’s at least thinking about making a run.

There are two ways you can react to this. The first is to freak out and run around the room screaming “Oh my God, oh my God, ‘President Eric Holder’ would be a complete nightmare.” While you’re right to think that, you should really just relax. The second, and more appropriate, way to react is to chuckle.

Eric Holder doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hades of winning …anything. If you thought Hillary was a divisive and widely despised candidate who brought a lot of baggage to the campaign trail, just wait until candidate Eric Holder takes the stage. This is a guy who actually said he wants to brainwash people into accepting gun control. He’s been held in contempt of Congress, was instrumental in a program that poured illegal weapons into...

James Comey: Leaker, Liar, Lousy....

Memo Fallout: Nine Questions About James Comey’s Role in Fueling Russia Collusion Conspiracy

Revealed: Robert Mueller’s FBI Repeatedly Abused Prosecutorial Discretion

Establishment DC types who reflexively defend Mueller haven't explained how they came to trust him so completely. It's a question worth asking given the bumpy historical record of Mueller's tenure as FBI director.

Journalist Mike Allen of Axios recently said that one word described Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and that word was “unafraid.”

The context for his remarks on Fox News’ “Special Report” was that Mueller had just spun off to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York a bit of his limitless investigation into President Donald J. Trump. Allen’s comment was like so many others from media and pundit types since the special counsel was launched. If there’s one word to describe the media’s relationship to Mueller, it’s “unquestioning.”

Pundits and politicians have said, repeatedly, that he is “somebody we all trust” with “impeccable credentials.” No matter what his office does, from hiring Democratic donors to run the Trump probe to aggressively prosecuting process crimes, he is defended by most media voices. Criticism of Mueller by people who aren’t part of the Trump Resistance is strongly fought, with claims that disapproval of anything related to Mueller and how he runs his investigation undermine the rule of law.

The media and establishment DC who reflexively defend Mueller haven’t explained how they came to trust him so completely. It’s a question worth asking given the bumpy historical record of Mueller’s tenure as FBI director from 2001 to 2013.

For instance, as I noted to Allen, Mueller was also “unafraid” at completely botching the anthrax killer case, wasting more than $100 million in taxpayer dollars, destroying the lives of multiple suspects, and chasing bad leads using bad methods. Let’s look at that and other cases involving how Mueller and those he placed in positions of power used their authorities and decided what charges to pursue.

The Anthrax Bungling

Shortly after the terrorist attacks in 2001, letters containing anthrax were mailed to media outlets and the offices of Sens. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., and Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., killing five people and infecting 17 others. The FBI quickly focused on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, relentlessly pursuing him for years while the real killer walked free. As Carl Cannon wrote about the botched case, ridiculous and aggressive methods were used to...

Parkland Activist David Hogg And His Sister Just Signed A Book Deal

The March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C. received wall to wall coverage. But afterward, the high school activists and the gun control fervor seemed to die down. It’s been a while since David Hogg, Cameron Kasky, and Emma Gonzalez have appeared for a TV interview in primetime. Though their voices haven’t been too loud as of late, the young activists are still working to advance their agenda.

According to the Associated Press, David Hogg and his sister, Lauren, just signed a book deal, which in all likelihood will find itself on the best-sellers list.
Two students who survived the deadly mass shooting this year at a Florida high school have a book deal.

Siblings David and Lauren Hogg are working on #NEVERAGAIN: A New Generation Draws the Line. Random House announced Wednesday that the book would come out June 5 and that the Hoggs were donating their proceeds to charity and community organizations.

The Hoggs and other students at the Parkland, Florida, school have become leading gun control advocates since the Feb. 14 tragedy that left 17 people dead.

Random House is calling the book “a moving portrait” of a new political movement. The publisher will make a donation to Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit organization founded in 2014.

I don’t know about you, but I, for one, will not be buying the book.

While the charity and community organizations are not named, it makes me wonder if the organizations are ones that will further the leftist gun control narrative. Random House’s donation will be purely political, as Everytown for Gun Safety’s mission is to promote gun control legislation.

Random House is calling the book a “‘moving portrait’ of a new political movement,” but that is inaccurate. As Tom wrote before, this gun control movement is nothing new,despite what progressives and gun control advocates want to say about it. The tactics are the same. The talking points are the same. The only difference is the political left has...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #231

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Sweden: From Valhalla to OBLIVION

Girls With Guns

5 ISIS Targets Struck At Once By Coalition Aircraft.

I Hope Hillary Gets The Chance To Hide The Body In The Trunk Of Her Car...

...So It Doesn't Get Blamed On Trump.
Kinda Like How Hillary Colluded With The Russians And They Are Trying To Blame Trump Right??

The Fixer's Fix Is In...


California: The Golden Entry Gate State...

Must Be California...

Oh, please! Eric Holder tapped to help Starbucks train employees for ‘racial bias’

Starbucks is lining up their idea of experts who will be crafting a “racial-bias education program” for employees planned for next month.

The giant coffee house chain announced it will close all of its 8,000 stores on May 29 to “address implicit bias, promote inclusion and help prevent discrimination,” CNBC reported.

The decision follows after two black men were arrested in a Philadelphia Starbucks when an employee called police because they refused to leave the store, The men said they were waiting for a friend to have a meeting and were told they could not use the restroom because they had not bought anything. But because of the men’s skin color, the issue quickly became labeled as a racial discrimination, sparking protests and backlash.
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In response, the company announced the upcoming training program and tapped far left groups such as the Anti-Defamation League and the NAACP as well as former Attorney General Eric Holder to help create the program, according to CNBC.

“I’ve spent the last few days in Philadelphia with my leadership team listening to the community, learning what we did wrong and the steps we need to take to fix it,” Starbucks CEO, Kevin Johnson, said in a statement Tuesday. “While this is not limited to Starbucks, we’re committed to being a part of the solution. Closing our stores for racial bias training is just one step in a journey that requires dedication from every level of our company and partnerships in...

Comey: Corrupt Deep State Operative...


Gorsuch Delivers Surprise Blow to Trump on Immigration

Justice picked by the president joins Supreme Court's liberal wing for first time, provides deciding vote on throwing out deportation case

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch — President Donald Trump’s first appointee to the nation’s highest court — provided the decisive fifth vote in a defeat for the chief executive on an immigration case that critics say could jeopardize public safety.

Tuesday’s 5-4 ruling sparing an immigrant from deportation who was convicted in California of burglary came in a case that had been held over for the current term from last year, pending Senate confirmation of a presidential appointment to fill the then-vacant ninth seat on the panel.

How Could Someone Have Abandoned This Beauty?
This animal (and hundreds of others) is alive and well thanks to one amazing facility. Don't miss this.
Ad By D.E.L.T.A Rescue

The case concerned James Garcia Dimaya, who came to America in 1992 when he was 13 and pleaded no contest to residential burglary charges in 2007 and 2009. Those convictions on aggravated felonies triggered deportation proceedings.

But Dimaya challenged the statute, arguing that it was too vague because it did not specifically define a crime of violence. Writing for the majority, Justice Elena Kagan declared that California’s burglary statute under which Dimaya was convicted covers such a broad range of conduct that it is impossible to determine whether it constitutes a...