90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Yes, Communism Is Definitely Idealist, And That’s Why It Leads To Mass Murder

Ukrainian victims - starved on purpose
Why do intellectuals still cling to Marxism? The answer is that Communism is 'idealist' in the strict philosophical sense. And that's not a good thing.

I’ve been puzzling for some time over the continuing hold of Communism on the minds of America’s intellectuals. How could a system fail so completely for so long, in so many different variations, leaving a trail of death and suffering in its wake—and still be regarded as “idealistic”?

The answer is that Communism is “idealist” in the strict philosophical sense. And that’s not a good thing.

I realized this while reading the latest paean to Marx in the New York Times, which has spent the last year struggling mightily to rehabilitate Communism. Previously, I had tried to explain why the Communist dream won’t die by looking at its moral appeal—the desperate urge to cling to the ideal of collectivized selflessness, even when it turns out to look like gulags and starvation. But this latest entry reveals an even deeper explanation: the refusal to adjust one’s ideas in response to reality is itself a crucial foundation of Communism.

I called this new piece a paean to Karl Marx, and that’s not an exaggeration. The title is: “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!” You see, this Saturday marks 200 years since Marx was born. So Jason Barker, an associate professor of philosophy at a university in South Korea—he might want to take a stroll farther north—congratulates Marx on getting everything so amazingly right.
On May 5, 1818, in the southern German town of Trier, in the picturesque wine-growing region of the Moselle Valley, Karl Marx was born….

Today his legacy would appear to be alive and well. Since the turn of the millennium countless books have appeared, from scholarly works to popular biographies, broadly endorsing Marx’s reading of capitalism and its enduring relevance to our neoliberal age.

In 2002, the French philosopher Alain Badiou declared at a conference I attended in London that Marx had become the philosopher of the middle class. What did he mean? I believe he meant that educated liberal opinion is today more or less unanimous in its agreement that Marx’s basic thesis—that capitalism is driven by a deeply divisive class struggle in which the ruling-class minority appropriates the surplus labor of the working-class majority as profit—is correct.

Here, as I understand it, is the timeline. In 1818, Marx is born. In 2002, a French philosopher declares him to be right. Did, um, anything relevant happen in between those dates? Barker’s answer, incredibly, is “no.” The following is the entirety of what he has to say about the history of Communism in the 20th Century.
The idea of the classless and stateless society would come to define both Marx’s and Engels’s idea of communism, and of course the subsequent and troubled history of the Communist ‘states’ (ironically enough!) that materialized during the 20th century. There is still a great deal to be learned from their disasters, but their philosophical relevance remains doubtful, to say the least.

In the twentieth century, we had states that called themselves “Marxist,” based their economic systems on Marx’s teaching, and made generations of schoolchildren memorize Marx’s writings. Then those systems failed spectacularly, both as economies and as societies compatible with human life and happiness.

They’re still failing, with people starving and in concentration camps today, this moment, as you read this. But move along, nothing to see here. A hundred years of death and destruction has “doubtful philosophical relevance.”

It’s philosophers like this who have doubtful relevance. By “philosophers like this,” I mean something very specific, and ironically it is explained by....

The Gift That Keeps On Giving...

Soros-Funded Group Releases App to Help Illegal Aliens Evade Law Enforcement

A Soros-funded immigrant activist group has developed an app to help illegal aliens evade law enforcement by tipping each other off to law enforcement threats with "one click."

From Judicial Watch:
An open borders group that has benefitted from U.S. taxpayer dollars and is funded by leftwing billionaire George Soros launched a smartphone application to help illegal immigrants avoid federal authorities. The app, Notifica (Notify), is described in a Laredo, Texas news article as a tool to protect immigrants living in the U.S. illegally by utilizing high tech and online social communications. With the click of a button, illegal aliens can alert family, friends and attorneys of encounters with federal authorities. "Immigration agents knocking at the door?" the news story asks. "Now, there's an app for that, too."
Here's how the Houston Chronicle describes the app: "Users can prepare a set of automatic messages to alert — with one click — family members, lawyers and others if they, or someone they care about, encounter immigration enforcement authorities."

Translation: tip off other illegals to help them evade capture. You don't need an app to call your family or a Soros-funded lawyer with "one click."

Note, while Gab is banned from Google and Apple's app store for "hate speech," Google and Apple both allow this app in their stores.

Judicial Watch continues:
The group behind the app is called United We Dream, which describes itself as the country's largest immigrant youth-led community. The nonprofit has more than 400,000 members nationwide and claims to "embrace the common struggle of all people of color and stand up against racism, colonialism, colorism, and xenophobia." Among its key projects is winning protections and rights for illegal immigrants, defending against deportation, obtaining education for illegal immigrants and acquiring "justice and liberation" for...

Sowell On Speaking With Leftist Snowflakes...

More Sowell:

U.S. checks reports three American detainees relocated in North Korea: official

WASHINGTON/SEOUL (Reuters) - The U.S. government is looking into reports that three Americans detained in North Korea were relocated from a labor camp to a hotel near Pyongyang, ahead of a planned summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a U.S. official said.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity on Wednesday, said there was no immediate confirmation of any change in the detainees’ status. Trump administration officials have pressed for their release as a show of goodwill by North Korea before the unprecedented U.S.-North Korea summit expected to take place in late May or early June.

“As everybody is aware, the past Administration has long been asking for three hostages to be released from a North Korean Labor camp, but to no avail. Stay tuned!” Trump said in a Twitter post late on Wednesday.

CNN cited an unnamed source in a report on Thursday as saying the release of the three men was imminent, adding...

Fuck The Boy Scouts...

I was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout, I have fond memories of these times, I have supported the Boy Scouts in the past, never never again. Adios Cultural Marxist Assholes.

Boy Scouts Nix the Word ‘Boy,’ Showing They No Longer Believe in Masculinity

It seems the Boy Scouts of America would prefer not to exist.

On Wednesday, the Boy Scouts announced that their signature program known simply as the “Boy Scouts”—which serves ages 10 to 17—will no longer bear the word “boy.” Beginning in February, it will be known as Scouts BCA.

This change comes only months after the Boy Scouts announced girls would be allowed into the program. Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh said they wanted to choose a name that “evokes the past but also conveys the inclusive nature of the program going forward.”

This name change, and the “inclusive” policy change that preceded it, indicates a fundamental shift away from the mindset that first gave rise to the Boy Scouts in the early 20th century. One can’t shake the impression that if the Boy Scouts were starting from scratch, they’d ditch even the acronym “BSA” and go completely gender-neutral.

It’s worth probing that fundamental shift in mindset.

The very existence of Boy Scouts, as separate from Girl Scouts, suggests a belief that boys and girls are fundamentally different, and that some good could be achieved by separating them for certain purposes. Otherwise, we would have simply had the “Scouts.”

The Boy Scouts emerged out of a culture that valued boyhood and girlhood as distinct realities, rooted in maleness and femaleness. Each gender had its own unique set of virtues that our culture sought to cultivate in the next generation.

Those virtues are captured in the Boy Scouts’ 1916 congressional charter, which read:
The purpose of this corporation shall be to promote, through organization and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in Scoutcraft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues, using the methods which are now in common use by Boy Scouts.

Courage. Self-reliance. Virtues accessible to all, no doubt, yet which were considered integral to the masculine ideal.

The Girl Scouts came into being just two years after the Boy Scouts. Their motto was even more explicitly tailored to a single gender: to train girls “first as good women, then as good citizens, wives, and mothers.”

If the founders of these organizations believed men and women are essentially the same, and that the same ends could be achieved by mixing Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts together, then again, we would simply have inherited the “Scouts of America.”

But instead, two years after the Boy Scouts were founded, Juliette Gordon Low founded the organization that became the Girl Scouts. Though she took inspiration from...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #245

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

BREAKING: NJ Teachers Union President Will “Bend the Truth,” Cover Up Child Abuse in Schools, Protects Drug-Using, Shoplifting Teachers

Hamilton Township Education Association President David Perry Explains How Unions Can Protect Teachers Who Beat up and Threaten Kids

Union President: “I’m here to defend even the worst people”
Perry on Charges Against Teachers: “We’re gonna bring it down a level”

Perry Would Misrepresent Facts of Abuse on Reports to Cast Students as Liars, “I need to know the truth, so that we can bend the truth.”

“We do turn [these reports] around to where, if it was a physical punch, it wasn’t a punch. It was a shove.”

“If he comes to me tomorrow, I’m gonna date [the report] back to the day after the incident”

Advises Teacher to “NOT TELL A SOUL” About Incident
The Longer Incident Goes Unreported the Better Because Camera Footage in Schools Erased Over Time

(New York) A Project Veritas undercover investigation, recorded on March 27th 2018, has shown Hamilton Township Education Association President, David Perry, detail the steps the teacher’s union would take to protect a teacher who physically abused and threatened middle school students from losing their job.

Dr. Perry says he would misrepresent the events of altercations between teachers and students by back-dating reports and instructed the teacher to not tell anybody about incidents with students.

By failing to report this incident, Dr. Perry may have broken the law. According to New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families, “In New Jersey, any person having reasonable cause to believe a child has been subjected to abuse or acts of abuse should immediately report this information…”

The union president also stressed that a teacher who abuses his students needs to come to the union after any incident so that they can create a report that would best protect them from students that come forward about abuse.

When the Project Veritas undercover journalist asks what could be done to protect a teacher who severely abused a student physically, the Hamilton Township Education Association President stated that his strategy would be to “bring it down a level, ” by misrepresenting the facts of the incident.

“We do turn [these reports] around to where, if it was a physical punch, it wasn’t a punch. It was a shove.“

“If [the teacher] comes to me tomorrow, I’m gonna date the report to the day after the incident.“

“I’m gonna strongly advise… [if] the kid’s gonna turn around and say ‘Well [the teacher] threatened me….’ I can say ‘No. No no no. On March 22nd, the day after the incident, [the teacher] came over to me and told me [what happened.] And we just wanted to put it on record so that nothing more would come about it.'”

“It covers [the teacher!] Because he came in and reported it right away and that he was afraid… but here’s what happened. Everything else is bullsh*t.”

Perry elaborates on how the he would misrepresent events to protect the abusive teacher:

“In other words, if you threatened the kid, you didn’t threaten the kid. You said ‘Knock it off or else.'”

“If [the teacher] actually said ‘knock if off or I’ll kill you,’ or ‘I’ll beat the shit out of you’ or ‘I’ll hurt you’ or ‘I’ll hurt your family,’ we don’t say that. It’s a mistake. It was out of the emotions. We don’t even log that in.“

“I’m gonna let you know right now he came in the day after. Even though he didn’t, I would say he did. And the only record that this is, it stays here.”

The Hamilton Township Education Association President told the Project Veritas undercover journalist that he is “here to defend even the worst people.”

To do so, Perry says he needs the physically abusive teacher to tell him everything because he “need[s] to know the truth so that we can bend the truth.” Perry also reiterates that the teacher must not divulge details of physical incidents with anybody.

“[The teacher] needs to not tell anybody A THING. This has gotta be down the river.”

Perry also expresses to the Project Veritas journalist that the more time it takes for a student victim to come forth about being abused by a teacher, the better. This is because, Perry suggests, the security camera footage at schools gets erased every couple of weeks.

“That’s why I would never wanna bring it up. The longer we wait, the longer there’s no, there’s no camera.“

“And we got a [school] break coming up. That’s what’s really nice because nobody’s gonna be looking.“

Perry also suggests that he has been able to protect teachers from reports of abusing their students by intentionally confusing the dates of alleged incidents.

“And if this kid can’t remember a date, I’m not giving them a date… You know how many cases I’ve won on that?“

In describing an instance where he has done this, Perry reveals he tries to trap students into claiming an incident happened on a Sunday, which would damage the credibility of the claim since school would not have been in session.

A full transcript of the video investigation can be found here.

Perry also explains that he has protected “even the worst people” in the past, including a teacher with a drug problem and a shoplifting teacher. Perry claims that he protected the former’s job five times.

“And she, five times she was fired, and I got her job back five times.“

Founder and President of Project Veritas, James O’Keefe calls for the identity of the drug-using teacher and shoplifting teacher Perry protected to be revealed. Project Veritas urges local New Jersey media to inquire about these teachers by reaching out to the HTEA office by calling this number: 609 586 9335

O’Keefe believes that this video challenges the notion that teachers unions first and foremost priority is the children. Said O’Keefe:

“The unions would argue that they are protecting the institutions to protect the children. But their actions and words are corrupt. The institutions are not the children. Teachers unions are interested in protecting themselves. It would be nice if Dr. Perry were just one bad apple. That is certainly what we will hear in the media. But don’t believe it. If you do, then watch the rest of this series.”

Project Veritas will release more videos from...

Girls With Guns

When Will Welfare Run Out Of Money?

That Look On Your Face...When The Leftist Media Has Brainwashed You...

An Enemy By Any Other Name...

How Leftists Destroyed Social Security...

The Left Is Merciless at Keeping Conservatives in the Closet

The dominant force in America and many other Western countries today is fear of the left.

This is a result of the fact that the most dynamic religion of the past 100 years has been neither Christianity nor Islam. It has been leftism. Whoever does not recognize this does not understand the contemporary world.

Leftism—in its incarnations, such as Marxism, communism, and socialism; expressed through egalitarianism, environmentalism, and feminism; in its denigration of capitalism and Western civilization, especially America and Israel; in its supplanting of Christianity and Judaism; through its influence on Christianity and Judaism; in its celebration of race; and in its replacing of reason with romanticism—has almost completely taken over the news and entertainment media and institutions of education.

There is a largely (though not entirely) nonviolent reign of ideological terror in America. In almost every area of life, people fear antagonizing the left.

Last week, before my speech at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a man employed by the university (I will not say in what department) walked over to me, looked around to see whether anyone was watching and whispered in my ear, “I’m a conservative.”

This happens just about everywhere I speak. People whisper—yes, whisper—that they are conservative or they support President Donald Trump. The last time I experienced people looking around to check whether they were seen speaking to me was with dissidents in the Soviet Union.

People call my radio show from all over the country to say that their fellow musicians, nurses, teachers, or employees do not know that they are conservative, let alone that they support the president.

I have called contemporary conservatives in America Marranos, the name given during the 15th-century Spanish Inquisition to Jews who hid their Judaism while appearing to be Catholics, lest they be persecuted. I do not compare the consequences: Losing one’s friends or employment is not the same as losing one’s home or one’s life. But otherwise, the label is apt.

Because of my widely covered conducting of the Santa Monica Symphony Orchestra at the Walt Disney Concert Hall last summer, members of some of the most prestigious orchestras in America have opened up to me, telling me they are conservative but would never reveal this fact to their fellow musicians. They fear either losing their...

That Look On Your Face When You Finally Get Off The Clinton's Kill List...

The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool

Facebook Is Now Ranking News Organizations Based on ‘Trustworthiness’

Looks like facebook is gonna "save us" just in time for elections.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg claimed his platform has started to rank news organizations based on “trustworthiness,” with low-ranking sources becoming suppressed.

“We put [that data] into the system, and it is acting as a boost or a suppression, and we’re going to dial up the intensity of that over time,” declared Zuckerberg during a speech at the Rosewood Sand Hill hotel, with media executives in the audience on Tuesday. “We feel like we have a responsibility to further [break] down polarization and find common ground.”

Zuckerberg did not clarify how the “trustworthiness” of news organizations would be ranked.

According to BuzzFeed, Zuckerberg’s meeting at the hotel “included representatives from BuzzFeed News, the Information, Quartz, the New York Times, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, NBC, Recode, Univision, Barron’s, the Daily Beast, the Economist, HuffPost, Insider, the Atlantic, the New York Post, and others.”

Zuckerberg also reportedly declared his intentions to invest billions of dollars into “a combination of artificial intelligence and tens of thousands of human moderators to keep both fake news and deliberate propaganda at bay, especially in elections.”

“We’re essentially going to be losing money on doing political ads,” the Facebook CEO proclaimed. “The big miss is we didn’t expect these kind of coordinated...

Never Give The State Ownership Of Our Bodies..

Alfie Evans, a terminally ill British toddler whose case drew attention from Pope Francis and others around the world, has died, his parents announced Saturday morning.

Parents Kate James, 20, and Tom Evans, 21, wrote on Facebook that they were “absolutely heartbroken” that they had lost their son.

Alfie was born in May 2016. Later that year he suffered a series of seizures and was admitted to a hospital in Liverpool where he has been since, BBC reported.

Alfie developed an incurable degenerative brain condition and was at the center of a legal battle over his treatment.

Medics struggled to precisely identify Alfie's condition.

Doctors said further treatment was futile and recommended that Alfie be allowed to die, but his parents -- backed by the pope and Christian groups -- fought for months to take him to a hospital in Italy so he could be kept on life support.


Around 30 Muslim herdsmen stormed a church during early morning mass and massacred nearly 20 parishioners and two clergymen on April 24 in Nigeria.

Rev. Fathers Joseph Gor and Felix Tyolaha were slaughtered while officiating at the altar of St. Ignatius Catholic Church in Mbalom village, Benue. Worshippers were gathered in the church for the daily 5:30 a.m. service when they heard gunshots.

"People started scampering and wailing," said Terhemen Angor, a local resident. Several people were "gunned down in cold blood while many sustained injuries including bullet wounds... After attacking the church, the invaders descended on the community and razed over 60 houses. The community is on fire and deserted, people are fleeing to neighbouring villages hoping to find a safe haven for their families."

As in similar occurrences, "concerted efforts to get [a] reaction from the Benue Police Command failed," according to Vanguard News. As far back as January 3, and further indicative of the authorities' indifference, one of the slain reverends, Fr. Gor had written on Facebook, "Living in fear. The fulani herdsmen are still around us in Mbalom. They refuse to go. They still go grazing around us. No weapons to depend on ourselves."

"In their classic style they burn down homes, destroy food items and kill," a statement concerning this latest atrocity from the local Catholic diocese read. "The police seem to know nothing of the attacks which have been going on in other villages within Benue State."

The statement suggests that Fulani herdsmen attacks are part of the anti-Christian jihad in Nigeria that is more commonly associated with the Islamic terror group, Boko Haram:
Many people are asking why the International community has remained silent over the massacre of Benue citizens? The answer is simple: It has been the goal of the jihadists to conquer Benue and Tiv people who resisted their advance into the middle belt since 1804; the [Christian] people who rejected Islam and fought for the unification of Nigeria in the civil war of 1967 - 1970... [T]he Muslim North is enjoying a sweet revenge overshadowed by an insensitive regime.... The diocese has been active in providing relief materials including education and skills acquisition lessons. To go for the priests means total destruction of everything we stand for and believe in!

The frequency and deadliness of Muslim herdsmen raids on Christian farmers is "now more deadly than the Boko Haram jihadist insurgency that has ravaged Nigeria's northeast," reports Agence France-Presse.

"I have just returned from Nigeria where over 100 Christians were killed in the 2 weeks I was there. The killings are now weekly and this isn't even Boko Haram!" a leading human rights lawyer, Emmanuel Ogebe, whose hometown is the site of this latest massacre of Nigerian Christians and their priests, told Gatestone.
The Fulani Herdsmen are jihadists who invaded the region in 1804 and imposed a puritanical form of Islam. It is impossible to separate their antecedents from their present. More than just a land dispute, the attacks on an American mission compound last month and today's attack on a church service are indicators of the Islamist extremism driving this genocide.

The Boko Haram and the Fulani "are not only allies but have collaborated on...

Here’s How Few Republicans Are On College Faculties

Just within the past week or so, some shocking professorial behavior has come to light.

In the wake of Barbara Bush’s death, California State University, Fresno professor Randa Jarrar took to Twitter to call the former first lady an “amazing racist.” Jarrar added:
PSA: either you are against these pieces of s— and their genocidal ways or you’re part of the problem. that’s actually how simple this is. I’m happy the witch is dead. can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million iraqis have. byyyeeeeeeee.

In New Jersey, Brookdale Community College professor Howard Finkelstein, in a heated exchange, was captured on video telling a conservative student, “F— your life!” At the City University of New York School of Law, students shouted down guest lecturer Josh Blackman for 10 minutes before he could continue his remarks. When Duke University President Vincent Price was trying to address alumni, students commandeered the stage, shouting demands and telling him to leave.

None of this professorial and student behavior is new at the nation’s colleges. It’s part of the leftist agenda that dominates our colleges. A new study by Brooklyn College professor Mitchell Langbert—”Homogeneous: The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty“—demonstrates that domination.

(By the way, Academic Questions is a publication of the National Association of Scholars, an organization fighting the leftist propaganda in academia.)

Langbert examines the political affiliation of Ph.D.-holding faculty members at 51 of the 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges according to U.S. News & World Report. He finds that 39 percent of the colleges in his sample are Republican-free—with zero registered Republicans on their faculties.

As for Republicans within academic departments, 78 percent of those departments have no Republican members or so few as to make no difference.

Langbert breaks down the faculty Democrat-to-Republican ratio by academic department, and there are not many surprises.

Engineering departments have 1.6 Democrats for every Republican. Chemistry and economics departments have about 5.5 Democrats for every Republican. The situation is especially bad in anthropology departments, where the Democrat-to-Republican faculty ratio is 133-to-1, and in communications departments, where the ratio is 108-to-zero.

Langbert says, “I could not find a single Republican with an exclusive appointment to fields like gender studies, Africana studies, and peace studies.”

Later on in the study, Langbert turns his attention to Democrat-to-Republican faculty ratios at some of our most elite colleges. At Williams College, the Democrat-to-Republican ratio is 132-to-1. At Amherst College, it’s 34-to-1. Wellesley’s is 136-to-1. At Swarthmore, 120-to-1. Claremont McKenna, 4-to-1. Davidson, 10-to-1.

Only two colleges of the top 66 on U.S. News & World Report’s 2017 list have a modicum of equality in numbers between Democratic and Republican faculty members. They are the U.S. Military Academy, aka West Point, with a...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #244

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Control the Words, Control the Culture

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

What They're NOT Telling You About London

Girls With Guns

God Shed His Grace On Thee!

I am the product of settlers and conquerors, explorers and risk takers.
I am an American.
I will ALWAYS be proud of my heritage.

Groucho Marx On Politics..

Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein

Turn Your Ass Around, You Do Not Belong Here.

Murdered Justice Scalia On The Constitution...

Justice Scalia Endorsed Trump Shortly Before His Murder

James Woods Destroys Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser, Ben Rhodes

James Woods On The Government Criminally Abusing The System...

Forget Facebook: China Now Mines Data Directly From Workers’ Brain

Orwell was a Neanderthal at surveillance compared to what Technocrats in China are currently implementing: brain-wave sensors that continuously monitor your emotions and state-of-mind. While offered as a ‘worker safety’ technique, there is no comfort to be taken from this draconian application to control human behavior. 

On the surface, the production lines at Hangzhou Zhongheng Electric look like any other.

Workers outfitted in uniforms staff lines producing sophisticated equipment for telecommunication and other industrial sectors.

But there’s one big difference – the workers wear caps to monitor their brainwaves, data that management then uses to adjust the pace of production and redesign workflows, according to the company.

The company said it could increase the overall efficiency of the workers by manipulating the frequency and length of break times to reduce mental stress.

Hangzhou Zhongheng Electric is just one example of the large-scale application of brain surveillance devices to monitor people’s emotions and other mental activities in the workplace, according to scientists and companies involved in the government-backed projects.

Concealed in regular safety helmets or uniform hats, these lightweight, wireless sensors constantly monitor the wearer’s brainwaves and stream the data to computers that use artificial intelligence algorithms to detect emotional spikes such as depression, anxiety or rage.

The technology is in widespread use around the world but China has applied it on an unprecedented scale in factories, public transport, state-owned companies and the military to increase the competitiveness of its manufacturing industry and to maintain social...

Mueller Can't Save The Deep State With Russian Collusion Delusions...

Unfortunately This Fishing Expedition Will Only Continue...


SOUTHLAKE, TX (New York Daily News) – The son of the first president of a West African country and his wife enslaved a woman for 16 years before she escaped, authorities say.

Mohamed Toure and Denise Cros-Toure arranged for the victim, believed to be 5 years old at the time, to travel alone from her village in Guinea to Texas in 2000, according to an affidavit filed with the federal complaint.

The couple forced the victim, who did not speak English, to work long hours in their Southlake home without pay, according to a Department of Justice press release. She was forced to cook, clean, do laundry, perform yardwork, paint and care for the couple’s first children, according to authorities.

Investigators say the victim was also denied access to schooling and other opportunities “afforded” to the other kids, even though she was close to them in age.

Additionally, the suspects allegedly took the girl’s documents and caused her to remain unlawfully in the U.S. after her visa expired.

The couple physically and emotionally abused her, according to authorities. She was beaten and was assaulted with a belt and electrical cord, according to the Washington Post.

At times she would be locked out of the house and would be forced to spend nights in the park, according to the newspaper. She was found sleeping on a bench once.

She was “wearing dirty unkempt clothing and was very visibly scared and nervous,” a police officer wrote, according to the Washington Post. He returned her to the home even though he did not understand why the couple did not call 911, according to the newspaper.

The victim did not know her own age because the suspects never gave her a birthday party, according to the Washington Post.

The victim was able to escape in...