90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, May 11, 2018

'World of Warcraft' in-game currency worth nearly 7 times more than Venezuelan bolivar, report says

Venezuela’s national currency is becoming so irrelevant in the real world it's less valuable than money that only exists in the mythical world.

“World of Warcraft’s” in-game currency is now worth nearly seven times more than the Venezuelan bolivar, Fortunereported Monday. The value of the gold used to buy and sell items in Azeroth – the game’s fictional world – was worth only two times as much last August.

As Fortune breaks it down, the U.S. dollar is worth roughly 68,915 bolivar. “World of Warcraft” tokens – used to extend play time or a character’s life – can be bought with $20 or in-game gold. The in-game gold price of a token comes out to 203,035 pieces, according to WoWTokenPrices.com. That comes out to about 10,152 gold per U.S. dollar, according to Fortune.

With that figure, Fortune explains that “World of Warcraft” gold is worth nearly 6.8 times more than the bolivar. And on the black market, it could be worth more than 62 times than the bolivar.

The Venezuelan government has refused to allow international aid, claiming that would amount to foreign intervention. Caracas has also denied there’s an ongoing humanitarian crisis.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley called for Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro to step down Tuesday.

"For the safety and security of all the peoples of Latin America, it is time for Maduro to go," Haley said.

Haley said 1.5 million Venezuelans have fled the country since 2014. She called it "the largest displacement of people in the region's history."

Modern American Journalism 101

Why Trump Is Winning on Foreign Policy

Make America Great Again. These four words helped Donald Trump crush Crooked Hillary and take him all the way to the White House. Democrats were left shattered as Trump appealed to a certain audience who had been left behind by the Obama administration for too long. Now ahead of his visit to the U.K. in July, he is changing opinion again. People are beginning to like him overseas; they are acknowledging his difference, decisiveness, relatability, and clear messaging.

From a communications perspective, Trump unequivocally has had a positive whirlwind effect. He has done this by leveraging previously disregarded leadership tactics coupled with an understanding of his various target audiences. Trump managed to identify the audience that matters most, prioritize it, and enable it. This was not an accident. Trump's informed and considered leveraging of social media and information operations has been outstanding. He has expertly created a profile that generates engagement, accentuates his points of difference, and therefore generates discussion, which indubitably enhances his agenda.

The age of lazy opinion is over. We now have an incredibly well educated population who are not satisfied until the why and the so what are satisfactorily answered. Trump has been able to galvanize opinion with modern audiences. How did he do it?

  • Information environment and the advent of social media. Social media have been among the main reasons for Trump's ascendancy to the presidency. He has correctly identified that the way to drive engagement and build his brand was to talk to people on the same level and by the same means. Social media not only enabled Trump to convey his messages in a timely fashion, but enabled him to relate to the audience.
  • Data. The Trump campaign was able to increase the odds of resonance and cut-through considerably through targeted and precise advertising. The role of data in achieving campaign success was identified and effectively utilized from the beginning to the end of Trump's presidential campaign.
  • Millennial generation. They are arguably the most important cohort to be engaging with. The role and significance of the marginalized and disaffected should never be neglected. The younger generation today feels marginalized and feels that it has been dealt a bad hand. Trump was able to identify this unrest and concurrently identify that the majority of the youth would be siding with Clinton.
  • Fake news versus real news: taking advantage. ...

PAY DIRT! House Discovers FBI Had SPY Inside Trump Campaign — While Obama DOJ Wiretapped Campaign, Transition Calls

Now we know why the Deep State has been working so hard to take down President Trump and the republic.

Barack Obama, arguably the worst president in US history, was wiretapping and listening in on all of the Trump campaign and transition team calls.
And now we know his Deep State minions had a spy inside the Trump campaign!

This is all starting to make sense now.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

Thanks to the Washington Post’s unnamed law-enforcement leakers, we know Mr. Nunes’s request deals with a “top secret intelligence source” of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.

This would amount to spying, and it is hugely disconcerting. It would also be a major escalation from the electronic surveillance we already knew about, which was bad enough. Obama political appointees rampantly “unmasked” Trump campaign officials to monitor their conversations, while the FBI played dirty with its surveillance warrant against Carter Page, failing to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that its supporting information came from the Hillary Clinton campaign. Now we find it may have also been rolling out human intelligence, John Le Carré style, to infiltrate the Trump campaign.

Which would lead to another big question for the FBI: When? The bureau has been doggedly sticking with its story that a tip in July 2016 about the drunken ramblings of George Papadopoulos launched its counterintelligence probe. Still, the players in this affair—the FBI, former Director Jim Comey, the Steele dossier authors—have been suspiciously vague on...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #253

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Truth About Virtue Signalling

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Battle of Athens: Restoring the Rule of Law

Girls With Guns

This Book Would Definitely Be A New York Times Best Seller!

IT’S SPREADING: “Bill Clinton a Rapist” Signs on Today Show – Heckler at Tim Kaine Rally! (VIDEO)

Thanks To Robert Mueller, Attorney Client Privilege Is Dead...

I Don't Get Into Trouble, But If I Did, I Would Think Twice About Telling My Lawyer About It Now After What Mueller Is Doing...

DACA For Dummies...

DACA Is Not What the Democrats Say It Is. Here Are the Facts.

Winning Will Resume Tomorrow!

Five ‘most-wanted’ ISIS commanders have been captured, Trump says

Five senior ISIS leaders have been captured and detained following a cross-border sting operation that was conducted by Iraqi and American intelligence officials.

One of the men was a top aide to ISIS’ leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, according to two Iraqi officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the Straits Times reported.

President Donald Trump confirmed on Thursday that the five “most-wanted” ISIS leaders have been captured.

The group of senior ISIS leaders was in hiding in Syria and Turkey, and their arrest was part of a three-month sting operation.

The arrested included four Iraqis and one Syrian, all of whom were in charge of governing ISIS’ territory around Deir ez-Zor, Syria, and directing internal security and running the administrative body that oversees religious rulings.

Reuters said Iraqi state TV showed the five men in yellow prisoner outfits and called them “some of the most wanted” leaders of the group.

The arrests have been confirmed by a statement from Iraq’s external intelligence agency, but no details were given.

The two anonymous Iraqi officials said that an Iraqi intelligence unit tracking undercover operations tailed Ismail Alwaan al-Ithawi, an Iraqi known by...

The New York Times Criticises Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo For Not Attending Trump Iran Announcement...

He Was Freeing American Hostages In North Korea....


FORT BEND COUNTY, TX (Breitbart) – A jury in Fort Bend County, Texas, handed down a sentence of life in prison without parole to a Salvadoran national who is illegally present in the U.S. The jury convicted the illegal alien for continuous sexual abuse of a young child and sexual assault of a child under the age of 14.

The jury in the 458th Texas District Court deliberated for less than 20 minuted before handing down a conviction on April 27 against Gilberto Antonio Guillen-Hernandez, 38. The jury came back on April 30 with a sentence of life in prison without parole on the charge of continuous sexual abuse of a child. The jury tacked on an additional sentence of 20 years in prison for the sexual abuse of a child conviction, according to information provided to Breitbart Texas by the office of Fort Bend County District Attorney John Healey on Monday.

“The perpetrator, in this case, took advantage of his access to this child, and his actions warranted a life sentence,” Healy said in a written statement. “Since the month of April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, it is very fitting that this sentence was pronounced by the jury on April 30th, the final day of the month.”

Officials with the district attorney’s office told to Breitbart Texas that Guillen-Hernandez is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador. He reportedly lived illegally in the U.S. for about eight to ten years. The district attorney’s office said the victim is under the age of 14. They could not provide more specific information in order to help protect the victim’s identity.

The jury concluded that Guillen-Hernandez engaged in sexual contact with the child at various locations, including the family’s home, over a two-year period. He also took the young girl to a...

The Ayatollah Should Listen To The Voice Of Experience...

Why Did Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton Shut Down A State Department Pedophilia Investigation?

Please note this story first broke in 2013. Within a year this same story disappeared and the same media was fawning over Hillary Clinton becoming president in 2016. The clues in the video are significant regarding the scope of the crime and the “higher up” powers involved. An Obama administration ambassador was allegedly found participating in a far-reaching pedophilia ring – and that’s where the story ends. No further disclosures. No trial. No media frenzy. No charges filed. No punishment. No justice. Nothing. 

The Deep State covered it all up. The question is why. The potential answer is chilling.

(NOTE: Robert Mueller was FBI Director at the time. Yeah, let that sink in…)

Despite the Media, Trump Pulling Down Wins for We the People

I love the old gospel song "Peace in the Midst of the Storm." In the midst of the Deep State's raging, unprecedented hate-storm against Trump, he remarkably remains at peace, and so should we.

Trump and We the People are winning. The fake news media sell their lie 24-7 that voters regret voting for Trump and he is mere days from impeachment. In truth, Trump's approval has risen to 51%. Leftists are pulling their hair out in frustration, screaming, how can we stop this freaking outsider amateur politician? The tide is turning in our favor.

The Deep State's billions, traps, and lies continue to fail. Incredibly, Trump repeatedly lands on his feet, confidently pressing forward on making America great again. It's a God thing, folks.

At the 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner, Michelle Wolf wrongly assumed that her hate-filled attacks on Trump and the women in his administration, along with her callousness against unborn babies, would score a home run for liberalism. Even devout leftists were uncomfortable with Ms. Wolf vomiting the left's pure hatred for traditional Americans for all the world to see. Wolf's foul-mouthed, mean-spirited monologue hit a home run for conservatism. We are winning, folks.

Pop icon Kanye West's recent conservative comments and praise for Trump are huge. With Kanye's 27 million Twitter followers, millions of blacks heard conservatism for the first time. Since Kanye's conservative tweet, black male approval of Trump has doubled. In essence, Kanye's message mirrors mine: stop weakening yourselves with victim mindsets, make right choices, and simply go for your dreams. Liberate yourselves from slavery on the Democrats' government dependency plantation. In Trump and Kanye, God is using unexpected vessels to spread His truth. Conservatism truly is best for all people. Kanye represents a huge crack in the left's wall of ignorance enslaving low-info voters.

It was thrilling to hear Trump announce that the United States will withdraw from Obama's insane Iran nuke deal. Trump pulled no punches in explaining why Obama appeasing Iran was dangerous for America and our ally, Israel. For crying out loud, folks...what idiot president gives $150 billion to a regime that chants, "Death to America!"?

Israel is despised by most leftists. Trump having the courage to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and actually move our U.S. embassy to Jerusalem is amazing. Regarding Israel, God said, "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse" (Gen. 12:3).

Remember Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who was outrageously held in a Mexican jail for seven months? Obama refused to make a phone call for Tahmooressi's release. Presidential candidate Trump intervened, successfully freeing Tahmooressi.

Amazingly, Trump's secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, is headed home from North Korea with three previously held hostages – a gesture of good faith for Trump's meeting with Kim Jong-un. Can you say "Trump: The Art of the Deal," boys and girls?

In essence, Obama received an affirmative action Nobel Prize because he is black and for touring the world apologizing for...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #252

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Stormy Daniel's Strange Mark Looks Similar To Allison Mack's Brand

Girls With Guns

Question: Is Income Redistribution Moral?

Oh Hells No.

John Kerry Should Be Prosecuted For Failing To Register As A Foreign Agent..


Oracle Trump Predicts Demise Of Attorney General Eric Schneiderman...

Ex-CIA Officer: Obama Intel Chief’s Attacks on Trump Putting National Security at Risk

For supporters of President Donald Trump, it’s the Deep State at its most dangerous.

When former President Barack Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan took to MSNBC in March to insinuate that the White House is vulnerable to specific, personal blackmail by Russian President Vladimir Putin, liberals hailed it as the kind of “truth to power moment” they needed to tarnish the Trump presidency as fundamentally flawed.

But a veteran of the Cold War’s shadowy front lines is fighting back.

In an interview with The Washington Times published Monday, Daniel Hoffman, the CIA’s former station chief in Moscow, said Brennan’s deliberate smearing of the president — without a shred of evidence to back it up — was the kind of partisan tactic that could directly damage the work of intelligence agencies in the field.

related: Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

If Brennan really was alarmed at a potential security threat involving Trump being vulnerable to Russian pressure, Hoffman said, he could have brought it up to special counsel Robert Mueller, who has now spent almost a year investigating the possibility of “Russian collusion” by the Trump campaign.

“That way, he could avoid collateral damage to those with whom we are working, whether it’s a spy who’s risking his life to be the source of secrets for us, who’s now going to wonder whether he should be doing that because his boss Vladimir Putin has dirt on our president, or a partner liaison service, which might want to work with us against the Russia target,” Hoffman told the Times.

But that isn’t what Brennan chose to do at all. Instead, he sat on the set of the rabidly anti-Trump “Morning Joe” program and said something about the president of the United States that had to chill any American.

“I think he is afraid of the president of Russia,” Brennan said. “…I think one can speculate as to why. That the Russians may have something on him personally that they could always roll out and make his life more difficult. Clearly, I think it’s important for us to be able to improve relations with Russia, but the fact that he has had this fawning attitude toward Mr. Putin, has not said anything negative about him, I think continues to say to me that he does have something to fear and something very serious to fear.”

(Check out the video on RealClear Politics here. Brennan’s sneering attititude make the words even worse than they appear in print. And he doesn’t look like he’s guessing.)

Brennan later tried to walk back that damning statement, telling The New York Times in an interview after the appearance that his words had been entirely speculative.

“I do not know if the Russians have something on Donald Trump that they...

Pay No Attention To What's Behind The Curtain!

Comey’s tortured Trump collusion logic can’t be real. Here’s a little taste of the crazy cake.

President Donald Trump’s denials about collusion with Russia are evidence he may actually have colluded.

That’s at least according to the logic of numerous Trump opponents, including former FBI Director James Comey.

“It’s always struck me as strange whenever someone continually denies something; it makes me interested. So his continual denial of something that’s being investigated by some of the best people in the country is strange,” Comey said at a Washington Post Live event on Tuesday.

Comey has made similar comments about Trump during a tour to promote his new book, “A Higher Loyalty.”

Trump’s repeated pushback on the Steele dossier raises the possibility that the salacious document is accurate, the former FBI chief has said.

The Kremlin is blackmailing Trump with video footage of him engaged with prostitutes during a 2013 stay at a Moscow hotel, the dossier claims. Comey says in his book Trump denied the allegation during several meetings they had in 2017. Comey found it peculiar Trump seemed so fixated on the dossier, which Democrats funded and former British spy Christopher Steele wrote, he said.

But Trump had reason to be “obsessed” with the dossier’s allegations, Washington Examiner columnist Eddie Scarry wrote.

“Yes, Trump was ‘obsessed’ because he was preoccupied with thoughts about prostitutes in his conversations with Comey, a man who on their first encounter — immediately brought up prostitutes!“ Scarry wrote in an April 21 column.

The backstory is it was Comey who broached the topic of Russian prostitutes with Trump. During a Jan. 6, 2017, briefing at Trump Tower, Comey told the then-president-elect about the existence of the dossier and its salacious allegations.

It is “unlikely” the Kremlin has compromising material on Trump, Comey has said in interviews for his book tour. But at the same time, he has harped on Trump’s denials about the dossier and collusion, suggesting they could be indicators of deception.

Comey is not the only Trump critic to use the same line of reasoning.

News outlets like CNN and MSNBC have run numerous segments making hay out of what they say is Trump’s overly emphatic denials about...

These Kids Will Never Be Interviewed By CNN...

18 Questions CNN Needs To Answer After Getting Busted For Fake News

Why Pope Francis's Call to Ban Weapons Would Destroy the West

What would happen if the world took Pope Francis's advice (via a tweet)?

"Do we really want peace? Then let's ban all weapons so we don't have to live in fear of war," said the pontiff.

While on the surface, the disappearance of all weapons might suggest the inability to do violence, in reality, it would mean the certain annihilation of the West as a civilization.

For starters, the pope seems to forget that violence and the things that motivate it – hate, envy, rapacity, and plain old evil – do not need weapons. Had he turned to the book he claims to represent, the Bible, he would have seen that the first act of violence, of murder – that of Cain against his brother, Abel – did not require weapons, just a violent and envious will. The brothers "were in the field [when] Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him." Genesis 4 does not shed light on how this first fratricide occurred, but it was most assuredly done without a formal weapon – maybe a large rock, a branch, or simply Cain's bare hands.

And it is from here that one understands why the West would be swept away without weapons and walls – another defense mechanism Pope Francis wishes to see eliminated. The same hate, envy, and rapacity that some non-Western peoples have for the West – understood in the context of a "clash of civilizations" – would remain, but there would be little to stop it, deter it, or keep it at bay.

Contrary to first appearances, were all weapons around the world instantly to disappear, that would not lead to an even playing field, where, if it comes to it, men limited to fighting with their fists would more or less maintain the status quo. For starters, in a world still largely defined by civilizations, the people of the West are much fewer in number than those of the rest of the – mostly third and desperate – world.

Already small Western numbers shrink even more on the realization that a great many men are not up to the task. Decades of enforced cultural emasculation have done their job, leaving many men in the West helpless and paralyzed against any would-be aggressor.

This is especially on display in the West's interaction with Islam. One need only look to Western European nations, where the interplay of emasculated Western males and aggressive Muslim migrants is on constant display. Thanks to the latter, Sweden has become the rape capital of the world. That is not because Muslims use weapons, or are stronger, or are more numerous – they are still a tiny minority – but because many Swedish men have been so indoctrinated in passivity that they are not even able to protect their...

How Leftist Hatred Ruined This Woman's Career...

Hot U.S. jobs market spurs push to reach those left behind

CLEVELAND (Reuters) - In Cleveland, a new road meant to cut commute times between the suburbs and a downtown medical hub has been redesigned as an “Opportunity Corridor” to bring businesses and jobs to poor neighborhoods along its way.

In St. Louis, development officials are repurposing a century-old hat factory into a space for small manufacturers to bring jobs back downtown, while Baltimore has committed $500 million to a private-led overhaul of an old industrial zone.

The efforts reflect a growing consensus among economists and policymakers that keeping the overall economy on track will not be enough to help areas left behind by a decade-long recovery.

The current expansion is among the longest ever and brought national unemployment to an 18-year low. Yet over 6.3 million are still out of work, many of them clustered in cities with chronic, high unemployment. A Reuters review of federal data shows that out of those unemployed about a quarter live in 50 urban counties with above-average unemployment, and a third in just 100.

Often with large minority populations, those areas include cities like St. Louis, Cleveland and Baltimore - 20th century industrial powerhouses hit hard by globalization, demographic changes, and the shift to a service-based economy.

Amid the tightest labor markets in two decades and labor force growth the slowest in half a century, local and national officials are turning to targeted training schemes, new investment incentives, and other strategies to bring jobs closer to the unemployed.

“We definitely need to be thinking in terms of place as an important component...Increasing the number of people who are connected to the economy is fundamental to the maximum employment goal,” Atlanta Federal Reserve bank president Raphael Bostic told Reuters in an interview. “What counts as success? Is it two million people? Five million people?” Bostic said, referring to the number of jobless. “We can get to maximum employment and still have a lot of distress.”


While monetary policy works on the national level, the Fed under former chair Janet Yellen and now under chairman Jerome Powell has been only gently raising interest rates in part to see if it can help lagging areas join the recovery.

However, a consensus is building among economists and politicians that the persistence of unemployment and poverty in certain areas needs to be addressed with direct, “place-based” policies.

The tax code approved by the Republican congress in December included a bipartisan-backed measure to support such locally-directed efforts, granting a capital gains waiver for those who invest in locations included on a list of distressed census tracts being chosen by state governors.

Advocates, who include Donald Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers Chair Kevin Hassett and Jared Bernstein, a former Obama administration adviser, hope it shifts capital from buoyant stock markets and high-value real estate to blighted rural pockets, struggling suburbs, or ailing inner city neighborhoods.

“Investors are sitting on a large pile of (unrealized) capital gains,” said John Lettieri, president of the Economic Innovation Group, a think tank that sponsored a 2015 paper by Hassett and Bernstein outlining the idea.

“We think the scale is likely to be measured certainly in the tens of billions of dollars,” Lettieri said about how much of an estimated $1 trillion in unrealized capital gains could make its way to neglected areas. Such amounts...