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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sweden: est 77% of rapes committed by 2% Muslim male population – Crime statistics

The total Muslim population in Sweden is estimated at 4.4% (2013 figures). Out of that 4.4% and in deducting the women and children, we can roughly guesstimate that around 2% are male. The foreign rape figures at 77.6% Muslim has been anonymously confirmed by Swedish police in a phone conversation. The actual figure could be higher. These percentages do not include Muslims with Swedish citizenship contained within rapes in the figures categorized under “Swedish nationals”.

Sweden’s growing rape incidents

[Google translate from Affes.wordpress.com]

When I have “rape” in the title will increase visits to your blog dramatically. Rape upset, and rightly so, that’s a disgusting crime which affects both women and men in depth. If a connection is made to immigrants over the presentation of rape crimes, it becomes very explosive. What we know of course our rulers and authorities. Therefore, they do everything for us in the dark. It is rarely direct lies. It would be too risky. Effective propaganda is all about creating uncertainty. Insecure people are passive.

One way to create uncertainty is failing to investigate and find out the facts. Or, as in this case: facts and findings are available, but they are not released to the public.

The only major study that has been made regarding immigrants overrepresented in rape where the results became public, the investigation is in....

Muslim migrants drag and rape female Chinese teen students in Germany

Let’s hope the Chinese government doesn’t let Merkel cover up these rapes like she has done to heer own country-women and children.

Translation is a bit awkward but you get the picture.


Chinese Embassy in Germany 18 issued a bulletin, said the day before in Germany occurred Chinese female students who suffered sexual abuse cases. Informed that the evening of November 16th, the Consulate General in Dusseldorf China Chinese female students received a report, said the evening return to the hostel in the way encountered sexual assault.

The Consulate General immediately contacted the local police, asked the police to solve the case quickly, in time to inform the case of progress, and take effective measures to protect the personal safety of Chinese citizens. German police responded that the case is being investigated.

Prior to this, called “this is the German” micro-blog released a number of victims of sexual assault allegedly is my readme. Which she is a university undergraduate students, 16, about 4:45 in the afternoon, on the way home, away from the dormitory less than 200 meters, 5 minutes from the sidewalk was into the bushes, was raped and robbed. “After the first time I went to the police, the report of the embassy, to do the relevant forensic identification. These days are still busy (with) a statement and related procedures.” The victim wrote.
For the identity of the perpetrators, victims identified as “refugees”. “Why I’m stuck to the refugees? This person can not understand English and German, not the students, the middle east face, big beard.” The victim was mentioned in “readme, near her school for nearly a year to repair two large refugee camps and put into use last year,” there is another girls dormitory was raped and badly wounded, “the student dormitory from refugee camps near, probably only a few hundred meters”.

In addition, the German NRW Bochum police 18 days had issued a notice on the Internet, the topic is “young women have been raped, please contact the police witness”. This notice that although no female victim’s nationality, but the time and with “this is the girl in Germany” micro-blog published a screenshot of the description is very consistent, of crime suspects description is “30 to 35 years old, 1 70 meters tall, black hair and beard.”

Security increased as Trump travels to White House South, Mar-a-Lago - His Palm Beach Florida resort for Thanksgiving

PALM BEACH, Fla. (WFLA/AP) – President-elect Donald Trump plans to travel to his Mar-a-Lago resort for Thanksgiving.

Trump’s Thanksgiving stay will bring road closures and heightened security when the presidential caravan of Secret Service agents, political aides, journalists and medical personnel arrives.
The Coast Guard has set up tight
security zones around the area.
The Coast Guard has set up tight security zones around the area beginning Tuesday. The security zones will be in place for several days.

This is not the first time a president-elect has used Palm Beach, Florida as a vacation refuge.Boaters must receive permission from the captain of Port Miami to enter, stop, or anchor in the three zones during this time. The Coast Guard says the zones are necessary to protect Trump and anyone else in the region from any subversive acts.

John Kennedy’s family estate, known during his term as the Winter White House, is seven miles north at...

Obama Admin Covering Up Key Iran Deal Details in Final Days

 Senior Obama administration officials in their final days in office are seeking to cover up key details of the Iran nuclear deal from Congress, according to documents and sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon about continued efforts by the White House to block formal investigations into secret diplomacy with Tehran that resulted in a $1.7 billion cash payment by the United States.

As leading members of Congress petition the Obama administration for answers about what many describe as a $1.7 billion “ransom” payment to Iran, Obama administration officials are doubling down on their refusal to answer questions about the secret negotiations with Iran that led to this payment.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), a vocal opponent of last year’s nuclear deal with Iran, has been seeking answers from senior Obama administration officials since at least late September. However, officials continue to stonewall the senator’s inquiries, according to senior congressional sources and formal communications between Rubio and the State Department obtained by the Free Beacon.

Rubio and several other lawmakers have petitioned the Obama administration for documents and information about the secret negotiations that resulted in Tehran receiving $1.7 billion in cash and a promise from the United States to further roll back sanctions on an Iranian financial institution that helped finance the country’s illicit ballistic missile program.

A spokesman for Rubio told the Free Beacon that the administration’s continued obfuscation has motivated the senator to take steps to help President-elect Donald Trump kill the nuclear agreement once he enters office next year.

“Senator Rubio looks forward to working with President-elect Trump and his team to scrap...

Former Staffer Defends Jeff Sessions From Decades-Old Liberal Attack

In the media, Sen. Jeff Sessions has been under fire since it was announced he was Donald Trump’s choice for attorney general. “I say that the people making these allegations don’t know Jeff Sessions,” said William Smith, the first Republican African-American chief counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee, in an interview Monday on “Fox & Friends.” Smith was hired by Sessions. “When it comes down to the issues, if you look at Jeff Sessions’ history, he did prosecute the head of the KKK, made sure that he received the death penalty, [and] he desegregated the schools in Alabama,” Smith added. Sessions, a Republican senator from Alabama, has recently been the subject of criticism for...

Morning Mistress

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Monday, November 21, 2016

Girls With Guns