90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Support Fewer Shots For For Crazy People And Criminals...

Be a good guy with a gun.

MOTUS’ Special Twilight Nocturne Lounge Event: Benefit Concert for Gerard

MOTUS’ Special Twilight Nocturne Lounge Event: Benefit Concert for Gerard

Welcome to  a special edition of my wildly popular, Twilight Nocturne Lounge. Tonight we are holding a Special Benefit Concert in honor of and to raise money for Gerard Van der Leun, publisher of American Digest,  Literary Genius, “Blog Royalty,” and very special friend of Team-MOTUS and Team-Dewey.
I was even able to  get Lady M to lend a hand!  She’s always pretty cooperative when we play hide and seek with the Cheetos.
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After the photo-op, she cleared out her entire East closet to give me room to hold this event (plus I think she’s planning on getting an entirely new winter wardrobe – due to laundry and dry cleaning “shrinkage”- IYKWIM.)

To Participate In The Special Event, Please check out THIS

Someone Is Having A Bad Day....

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE

I Think I Found The Male Privilege Feminists Are Complaining About...


On Male Privilege..

Churchill On Islam...

More Churchill HERE


Rewarding Illegal Behavior Never Ends Well.

FOUND: Investigators Say They Have Recovered Lois Lerner’s ‘Missing’ Emails

On Friday, the U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) reported to several Congressional committees that many of the allegedly “missing” emails to and from former IRS official Lois Lerner have been recovered.

Lois Lerner remains at the heart of the IRS scandal for her having overseen the IRS’ tax-exempt division that designated nonprofit statuses. Between the approximate years of 2010 to 2013, Lerner’s division harassed and suppressed the political activities of blossoming Tea Party and conservative nonprofit groups that sought to make a difference. The IRS spent years denying nonprofit statuses for conservative nonprofits while allowing left-leaning nonprofits no such scrutiny.

The IRS made continued requests in their investigations of Tea Party groups by asking for membership rosters, emails, copies of social media postings and making chilling requests such as demanding to know who were members, what was discussed at meetings, what kind of reading material was common amongst members and other intrusive measures to ascertain and obstruct the nature of nonprofit activity.

Lerner had been embroiled in controversy as Congressional investigators have sought emails sent within these years. However, Lerner maintained that she suffered a computer crash and that the “missing” emails were irretrievable.

While government officials have maintained that Lerner’s harddrive with the emails was irretrievable, they also soon revealed that they had “misplaced” the harddrive, thus prohibiting outside technicians to try and recover the emails.

Earlier this month, the IRS admitted that they...

Morning Mistress

Mr. Unconstitutional..