90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

The fake unemployment numbers are designed to steal the election.

The convenient employment numbers released 1 month before the US election illicits no curiosity from America's main stream media.  The fact the 114,000 jobs is not enough jobs to cover population growth is not covered by the media.  To break even the US economy must create 125,000 jobs, so how does creating only 114,000 jobs lower the unemployment rate by three points generate ZERO INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY from the US media?  On Television, the nescasts celebrate the new numbers and drink the disinformation like Kool Aid.  The US does have a free press and they could challenge false government numbers, yet they sit there and report clearly false numbers to Americans knowing that most will believe the lies.  The US media is COMPLICIT in the coverup and is waiting out the lies until the US election is finalized. 

Treason is defined as:

trea·son  [tree-zuhn]  noun
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

The US media is acting in a treasonous manner as defined by #'s 1 and 3.  If we had a king, they could argue they were defending #2.  Fortunately, we have no king; yet. 

News reporting is dead in the US, it is clear they will lie to support the candidate of their choosing.  It is impossible to have good government if the population does not hold its feet to the fire.  The US media allows and perpetuates treasonous acts against the US population.  The media is complicit with the corrupt Obama administration and is disseminating its lies presenting them as facts or truth. This is worse than shameful and sad.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Women with Weapons

Wife of Univision owner appointed to UN post 1 day before Obama appeared at Univision forum.

(from the Miami Herald)
President Barack Obama appointed Cheryl Saban, wife of the owner of Univision, as U.S. representative to the United Nations, according to reports from various news blogs.

According to the Politico blog, Haim Saban, owner of the television network, backed Hillary Clinton in 2008, but during the summer donated $1 million to groups supporting the campaigns of Democrats. And according to another blog in Spanish of Yahoo, the appointment of Cheryl Saban to the diplomatic post was made last Wednesday, the day before Obama appeared at a forum at the University of Miami hosted by Univision.

Haim Saban, a billionaire businessman, took control of Univision in 2006 topping a bid made by media conglomerate Televisa of Mexico.

"Mrs. Saban has never worked in diplomatic posts but has been active in philanthropic and non-profit organizations such as CARE USA, Children's Network International, Mercy Corps, Plan USA," stated Yahoo, which said Haim Saban’s fortune is worth $3.6 billion and is listed by Forbes magazine as one of the 100 richest men in America.

Romney/Obama debate notes

A friend of mine asked me how would I rate the debate last night in xx/xx format and I said I thought it was 80/20 (for Romney of Course). But as I think of that, I believe I was too charitable to Obama. There was simply no memorable lines from Obama, there was at no time anything that Obama said that scored points or set Romney back on his heels. Romney slammed everything out of the park and Obama simply had no answers to Romney's facts.

Barack Obama looked tired and unengaged. The president said recently that you cannot change Washington from the inside, I think it is time we gave Obama an opportunity to try his magic from outside of Washington.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lenin Obama

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Women with Weapons

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obama's Plan To Seize Control Of Our Economy And Our Lives

Wow, this is really scary.  The main stream media (the propoganda arm of the democrat party) completely ignored this.  Imagine if George W Bush had signed THIS executive order, there would have been chaos in the streets as the Democrats would have (correctly) protested this naked grab of power.

Please read this article: com/sites/jimpowell/2012/04/29/obamas-plan-to-seize-control-of-our-economy-and-our-lives/2/    

Tyranny is at hand.  Government exists to serve the people, it must remain small and do everything it can to not interfere, interject or impose itself on individuals.  Government is FORCE, it must be kept in check, it must be humbled, it must be subservient to the individual. 

If we continue to remain silent as Goverment grows beyond its intended role, we will no longer have individual rights, no freedom of choice, no liberty, no pursuit of happiness, and if the Government so deems, no life.

Government is the Leviathan, the wriggling serpent. We must "break the heads of Leviathan in pieces".

Do whatever you can to vote the Leviathan out of the Whitehouse.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Women with Weapons